Agile in 3 Minutes
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Agile in 3 Minutes

The simplest essays that could possibly work

About the Book

Agile in 3 Minutes (this book) contains essays originally written for Agile in 3 Minutes (the micropodcast). As new episodes come out, new essays will be added to this book. As with any Leanpub publication, once you own it, all updates are free!

Selected feedback from podcast listeners

“Just marvelous.” — Ron Jeffries
“Holy zot, this guy knows his shit about Agile.” — Alex Harms
“30 seconds in — I’m sold!” — Marcus Hammarberg
“Best three minutes I spent today.” — Ron Quartel (on Integrate)
“Poetic gems. Insightful, concise and elegant.” — Tobias Mayer
“You have a perfect voice for podcasts!” — Lisa Crispin
“Made me tear up.” — Diane Zajac (on Care)
“I cannot recommend this enough. Listen to every episode. Talk about them in your team. Share them with your managers. Managers, share them with your teams.” — Alan Dayley
“A labor of love that I’m grateful to enjoy.” — Ryan Ripley
“In theory this is about Agile. My goal as a parent is to get my kids to understand this, deeply.” — Nathan Arthur (on Free)
“If I had one Agile podcast to take on an island, this would be it.” — Marcel Körtgen
“Stunningly awesome — and it only takes 3 minutes.” — Ruth Malan (on Wrong)

About the Author

Amitai Schleier
Amitai Schleier

Amitai Schleier is an independent software development coach and speaker, legacy code wrestler, non-award-winning musician, and award-winning bad poet. He publishes fixed-length micropodcasts at Agile in 3 Minutes, writes variable-length articles at, and contributes code and direction to notable open-source projects such as NetBSDpkgsrc, and ikiwiki. Amitai’s ideas, prose, music, and puns have manifested at Agile RootsAgile for HumansCodeMash,Self.conferencepkgsrcConPittsburgh Perl WorkshopNYCBUG, the International Rachmaninoff Conference, and the Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest.

About the Contributors

Alex Harms
Alex Harms

Alex Harms wants to make the world a little gentler for developers and tech teams. By teaching and coaching from a place of mindfulness and empathy, Alex helps disempower fear, strengthen communication and build connection, so that tech teams learn together and thrive. Alex is the host of the Geek Joy Podcast, author of The Little Guide to Empathetic Technical Leadership, and coach at Maitria.

Andrea Goulet
Andrea Goulet

Andrea Goulet is the CEO of Corgibytes, a software development shop dedicated to maintaining and modernizing software applications and has been named by LinkedIn as one of the top 10 professionals in software under 35. She’s the founder of LegacyCode.Rocks and hosts a podcast dedicated to changing the way we think about legacy code. She speaks frequently about building a business based on balance, empathy, and trust; the perils of the technical/non-technical divide; and the technical philosophies around working with legacy code. Andrea is currently working on her first book, Becoming Technical: Build an Amazing Career in Tech Starting at Square Zero.

In her spare time, Andrea enjoys hosting Free Code Camp events at her local co-working space and blogging at Empathy Driven Development. She loves watching her kids explore the world and is a sucker for a good physics documentary. You can recognize her by the JavaScript tattoo on her wrist.

Jessica Kerr
Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr loves software because it is the most malleable building material humans have ever created. At Atomist, she develops software for automating software development. She works remotely from St Louis, where she raises two daughters and attends meetups. She also speaks at conferences in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia (so far). Her grandparents, James and Marti Hefley, were prolific authors; growing up, she promised herself she'd never write a book, because it is too much work. Instead, she blogs and tweets with such enthusiasm that she even has a tattoo of her twitter handle (@jessitron).

Johanna Rothman
Johanna Rothman

Johanna Rothman, known as the “Pragmatic Manager,” offers frank advice for your tough problems. She helps leaders and teams do reasonable things that work. Equipped with that knowledge, they can then decide how to adapt their product development.

With her trademark practicality and humor, Johanna is the author of 20 books and hundreds of articles. Find the Pragmatic Manager, a monthly email newsletter, and her blogs at and

She is the author of these books:

In addition, she is a contributor to:

For fiction:

Lanette Creamer
Lanette Creamer

Enthusiastically and intentionally dedicated to whole team quality since 2000. When not testing, I'm planning for it and trying to insert quality into every possible discussion. My strategy is to use proven and practical methodologies that help teams implement a balanced whole team approach. Testing is an activity, not a team.

More about Lanette on LinkedIn

Table of Contents

  • Season 1
    • 1: Effect
    • 2: Retrospect
    • 3: Trust
    • 4: Intuit
    • 5: Wrong
    • 6: Risk
    • 7: Fear
    • 8: Care
    • 9: Pair
    • 10: Try
    • 11: Safe
    • 12: Free
    • 13: Dig
    • 14: Pace
    • 15: Influence
    • 16: Connect
    • 17: Value
  • Season 2
    • 18: Estimate
    • 19: Scope
    • 20: Project
    • 21: Predict
    • 22: Control
    • 23: Vary
    • 24: Invalidate
    • 25: Release
    • 26: Surprise
    • 27: Suffice
    • 28: Commit
    • 29: Refactor
    • 30: Own
    • 31: Integrate
    • 32: Mob
    • 33: Confirm
  • Season 3
    • 34: Manage
    • 35: Define
    • 36: Do
    • 37: Listen
    • 38: Camerata

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