Who is agile in Israel

Who is agile in Israel

About the Book

Throughout 2012 Yves together with Andrea, Marcin, Peter and Guy edited the first volume of Who Is Agile (https://leanpub.com/WhoIsAgile/).

That book told the personal stories of 89 agilists around the world - giving us insight into their private worlds, their background, what makes them individuals who affected the agile community.

The second volume of the Who is Agile book was to be scaled to local, country-specific volumes. This is the Israeli edition.

In this book you will learn to know the remarkable individuals comprisng the Israeli Agile community - some are well known around the world, some have lead the Israeli industry into agility, and some have been hidden behind the scenes, being agile, doing agile work within their workplaces and teams without seeking recognition.

We have sent these people the original questions from the global book - but also some questions to place them in context of the Israeli community.

We also asked them to invite other people - both in Israel for this book, and outside Israel - for the other country books, by this both dicovering the local community and building relations with other global communities.

The questions were not about agile work but about the topic which they probably know really best - theirselves. Their answers have been compiled together with photos and other interesting links about them.

In addition to the answers, we've asked the people to contribute to each other - to reach out and make new connections through the book. Some people have written introductions for other people, some people have added associative links inside other people's texts, expressing theirselves and their interpretations of other people's stories.

These are the questions we asked them:

Tell us a little about yourself - Where do you live? What do you work at? What do you like doing? What else would you like us to know about you?

What is something people usually don’t know about you but has influenced you in who you are?

If you would not be doing what you are doing now, what would have become of you?

What is your biggest challenge and why is it a good thing for you?

What drives you?

What is your biggest achievement?

Is there a piece of music that has a special meaning for you?

What is the last book you have read?

What question do you think I should also ask and what is the answer?

Whom else do you think we should ask these questions in Israel?

Whom else do you think we should ask these questions outside Israel?

How would you define your relation to the Israel Agile community?

Have fun reading their answers.

About the Editors


The Agile community knows Yves Hanoulle from his many contributions, such as the public Agile conferences Google calendar, his Agile Thursday Quiz, the coach retreats and conferences he’s paired to organize, daily coaching questions via @Retroflections, and the Agile Games Google group, just to name a few. He promoted PairCoaching, an idea which has been adopted by many agile trainers and coaches. He’s constantly learning, and passing on what he learns as a coach and trainer to organizations large and small.

A self-identified change artist and first follower, one of Yves’ unique qualities is that he gives free lifetime support on anything he does: every client, everything he writes and presents, every workshop he leads.

Yves believes in maintaining a sustainable pace both professionally and personally. Yves has parentpair programmed an android game with his 13 year old son www.anguis.be You can learn more about Yves at http://www.hanoulle.be/yves-hanoulle/, and find him on social media as YvesHanoulle.

Shirly ronen Harel
Shirly ronen Harel

So who am I?

I am a wife, and a mother of four Boys. I am an Agile coach and lean consultant- Coaching and consulting of agile and lean methods for better productivity. For the past 16 years I have worked in the Israeli Hi-Tech industry. A Social-Work degree from the  University of Tel Aviv combined with a love of psychology drew me to organizational processes.

In my day work My Mission is to help people and organizations realize complex day to day tasks effectively. I provide coaching, training and help to get started with Scrum, agile and lean .

I particularly enjoy working with people, helping them make the most of themselves in their company. I enjoy elevating productivity , innovation, learning and creative thinking .

I am the author of the book ‘Agile Kids’, which is aimed at both parents and children. The book shows parents practical ways of how to get daily chores done, and how to improve family communication in general.

Currently I am a Director of R&D operation at Sisense, responsible for overall operation including quality , DevOps and  Agile implementations. And I enjoy doing that. 

About the Publisher

This book is published on Leanpub by Zaza Books

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