Arduino with Geike (Arduino with Geike (just the book))
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Arduino with Geike

Learn Arduino in 10 easy exercises...

About the Book

This is the best book for kids and adults to learn arduino.

It contains 10 small exercises that will give you immediate feedback.

It teaches you about possible mistakes you can make.

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    • Computers and Programming
    • Arduino
    • Computer Science
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This book is a translation into English of Arduino met Geike which was originally written in Dutch.

About the Authors


The Agile community knows Yves Hanoulle from his many contributions, such as the public Agile conferences Google calendar, his Agile Thursday Quiz, the coach retreats and conferences he’s paired to organize, daily coaching questions via @Retroflections, and the Agile Games Google group, just to name a few. He promoted PairCoaching, an idea which has been adopted by many agile trainers and coaches. He’s constantly learning, and passing on what he learns as a coach and trainer to organizations large and small.

A self-identified change artist and first follower, one of Yves’ unique qualities is that he gives free lifetime support on anything he does: every client, everything he writes and presents, every workshop he leads.

Yves believes in maintaining a sustainable pace both professionally and personally. Yves has parentpair programmed an android game with his 13 year old son You can learn more about Yves at, and find him on social media as YvesHanoulle.

Geike Hanoulle
Geike Hanoulle

Geike leerde programmeren in scratch als 7 jarige. In 2017 nam ze als 10-jarige deel aan CoderDojo4Diva’s. Ze vond dat de handleiding niet genoeg momenten van feedback bevatte. En dus maakte ze haar eigen handleiding voor CoderDojo4Divas 2018.

Geike houdt van dansen, scouts, programmeren en presentaties geven.

Haar eerste Nederlandse presentatie was op BarCamp Gent in 2011. Haar eerste Engelse presentatie was op AgileIndia in 2019


Arduino with Geike (just the book)


  • extras
    Drawings of the breadbords

    In this zip file, you have all the drawings of the breadboard, as used in the book, you can use this in your class.

  • PDF

  • EPUB

  • WEB

  • English

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Arduino with Geike + code

This packages includes the book and arduino files with the code


  • extras
    All exercises (code)

    All the code you need is in the book. Yet I regularly get the question if people can downlad the code somewhere. Now you can.

  • PDF

  • EPUB

  • WEB

  • English

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class license + code + drawing breadbords

By buying this packages, you buy the right to use this book, in a class till 30 people.


  • extras
    All exercises (code)

    All the code you need is in the book. Yet I regularly get the question if people can downlad the code somewhere. Now you can.

  • extras
    Drawings of the breadbords

    In this zip file, you have all the drawings of the breadboard, as used in the book, you can use this in your class.

  • PDF

  • EPUB

  • WEB

  • English

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Reader Testimonials

Nele van Beveren
Nele van Beveren

Very nice book actually, especially the texts in between are great (programming is searching for errors :)). I have laughed many times while reading, so great :) With the extensions, I also find it fun and educational. Especially that you refer to the internet to get something resolved. The learning experience is really ok!

Roos Dumont
Roos Dumont

I saw Geike at CoderDojo4Divas last year and was very impressed! The comprehensive manual provided the ideal guideline for all participants to get to know Arduino in a step-by-step manner. Together with Geike’s enthusiasm and helpfulness, this became a top workshop!

Table of Contents

  • Recommendations
  • Foreword
  • Setup
    • Arduino IDE preferences
    • the PC-Arduino connection
    • The speaker
  • Exercise one: let a LED on the Arduino light up
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Possible mistakes:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise two: let an external LED light up
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Possible mistakes:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise three: swap between Arduino light and LED
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise four: red light
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise five: red and green
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise six: a yellow LED light
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise seven: a traffic light
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise eight: button
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Possible mistakes:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise nine: sound
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Exercise ten: pedestrian light
    • Assignment:
    • Material:
    • Code:
    • Extension:
  • Glossary
  • Finding errors
    • Syntax errors
    • Logical errors
    • A list of possible syntax errors
    • Connection mistakes
  • Resistors
  • Multimeter
  • CoderDojo
    • Mission
    • Coolest projects
    • CoderDojo 4 Diva’s
    • CliniCoders
  • Maker faire
  • Material list
  • Library
  • Helpers
  • Versions
  • Extension one: let the light stay on twice as long.
    • Assignment:
    • Code:
  • Extension two: led light on pin 8
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension three: pause between the lights
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension four: remove the waiting time
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension five: random time red light
    • Assignment:
    • Tip:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension six: remove random time
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension seven: blinking yellow light
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension eight: There is no extension eight
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension nine: alternating sound
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Extension ten: the complete exercise
    • Assignment:
    • Connecting:
    • Code:
  • Who is Geike
  • Translation

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