Making Multiplayer Online Games (The Book (only))
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Making Multiplayer Online Games

A Game Development Workbook for any JavaScript Gaming Framework.

About the Book

This book includes game design and implementation chapters using either Code-less Gaming Frameworks AND other JS Gaming Frameworks for front- and back-end development. It is a Book of 5 Rings Game Design - "HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL". It further analyzes several freely available back-end servers and supporting middleware (such as PHP, Python, and several CMS). This game design workbook takes you step-by-step into the creation of a Massively Multiplayer Online Game as a profitable business adventure - none of this theoretical, local workstation proof of concept! It uses any popular JavaScript Gaming Framework -- not just limited to Phaser.JS!! -- on the client-side browser interfacing into a unique, server-side, application using WebSockets. It is the only book of its kind since January 2017 for Phaser MMO Gaming Framework!

  • Part I leads you through the world of networks, business consideration, MMoG analysis, and setting up your studio workshop. I have 40 years of networking career experience in highly sensitive (i.e., Government Embassies) data communications. I am a certified Cisco Academy Instructor and have taught networking, networking security, game design/development, and software engineering for the past 14 years at the college level.  
  • Part II Guides you into Multi-player Online Game architecture contrasted to normal single-player games. This lays the foundation for Multi-Player Game Prototypes and reviews a missing aspect in current MMoG development not seen in many online tutorials and example code. 
  • Part III contains 3 chapters focused on production and development for the client-side code, client-proxy, server-side code, and MMoG app. This content sets the foundation for what many Phaser tutorials and Phaser Starter-Kits on the market today overlook and never tell you! Upon completion of Part III, you will have your own bespoke MMoG with integrated micro-service, and if you choose, web workers and block-chain.
  • Part IV (Bonus Content) This section includes proprietary Game Rule Books and EULA source code as part of your book purchase. It features four (4) Game Recipes -- step-by-step instructions -- listed by complexity "1" = easiest (elementary skills) to "4" = most complex (requiring advanced skills across several IT technology disciplines). Each external “Walk-Through Tutorial” guides you in different aspects of MMoG development. 
  1. How to migrate single-player games into a 2-player online delivery mode (not using "hot-seat")! 
  2. How to use dynamic client-side proxy servers and migrate this game from its current single-player mode (with AI Bot) into an online 2-player mode (not using "hot-seat")!
  3. How to include "Asynchronous Availability" during gameplay and migrate this gameplay mode (with AI Bot) into an online "Asynchronous Availability" 3-player mode using postal mail or email game turns! The FREE game rule book will help "deconstruct" this game's mechanics.
  4. This final external "Step-by-Step" tutorial guides us in building a complete MMoG CMS, using MOM over WebSockets for 2 to 8 participants, a membership system, a game lobby, player matching services, and other various cloud-based "Back-end as a Service" (BaaS). The FREE game rule book will help "deconstruct" this game's mechanics.
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About the Author

Stephen Gose
Stephen Gose

Avatar is an adorable cartoon sketch of my wife. 46th anniversary this coming Sept 1, 2024!

Stephen Gose, Ph.D. Information Systems (honorary) (and second-generation German) is a retired Professor Emeritus with a 41-year career as a certified network engineer, and "Certified Cisco Academy Instructor" (CCAI) since 2002. He is listed in the Who's Who for Information Technology for his directly related work for the Internet backbones found in the Caribbean, Netherlands, Israel, and Russia. He was awarded "Letters of Appreciation" from AT&T, and the German, Israeli, Dutch, and Russian Governments. Steve has nearly three decades of international "teaching and conference lecturing" in both Local-Area and Wide-Area Networks, network security, Internet backbones, software engineering, and program/project management. He is a retired US Army Signal Corps Officer. He earned, in 2014, the ITT Technical Institute's "Instructor of the Year" out of 8,000 instructors across 144 campuses throughout the USA. 

He graduated from Grand Canyon University with his first B.A. in Religions and Music Education, then a B.S. in Business Admin. from the University of Maryland, and an M.B.A in International Management from Liberty University.

He is currently pursuing his Th.D. He has served as a licensed minister since 1972 and as a missionary to Okinawa, Japan. He earned the US Army Chaplain Outstanding Service Award in 1983. 

In his spare time(?), Steve enjoys creating online casual games, software engineering, and managing his online gaming businesses. 

My driving theme: "Always stay humble and kind"

His personal website is:

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Game Support Site:

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The Book (only)

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    Free Affiliate Guides

    Learn how to use this document and leverage revenues in our Gaming Community.

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Book, Game Dev. Certification Course, and Bonus Content

List of bonus content: (Available after 95% completed) WebSocket template; OGRE game engine analyzed; IBM Microservices & Rogue Cloud; Books, charts, frameworks and tools.


  • extras
    Web Sockets template

    Web Socket template and test boilerplate.

  • extras
    OGRE game engine analyzed

    A formal study on the OGRE open-source game engine (64 pages)

  • extras
    IBM Microservices

    Building interactive MMoG using IBM Cloud Services (6.4MB) and "What is serverless" 56-page pamphlet from O'Reilly books.

  • extras
    Books charts, frameworks, and tools

    worksheets and templates used found in this book. (14.3MB)

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    Free Affiliate Guides

    Learn how to use this document and leverage revenues in our Gaming Community.

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  • English

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Reader Testimonials

Carl Smotricz
Carl Smotricz

B.S. Computer Science & Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Maryland (Verified Purchase & read)

The author knows his stuff about networking technologies. So this book presents a wealth of info on how to connect game clients and servers over networks. It's a bit too deep for some readers! But for the more practically minded, it advocates recent technologies and provides a lot of links to toolkits, libraries, and other tutorials. Many gaming how-to books give the impression that the author wants to make a quick buck, but this book feels like the author genuinely wants to make us smarter.

Table of Contents

    • Distribution Permission
      • Supporting website
    • Disclosures
    • Disclaimer
    • Forwards
    • About this Workbook
      • Links and References
    • Workbook Content
      • How to Read & Use this workbook:
        • Viewing the eBook’s Source Code:
        • Who should use this workbook?
    • Your newly obtained skills…
    • Game Design System™
      • Game Studio - Book Series
      • Game Studio - Online Courses
      • “Making Browser Games” - Books Series
      • “Making Browser Games” Series - online Courses
      • Programming Courses
      • “Walk-Thru Tutorial” Series - Online Courses
  • Part I: Network Concepts and Design
    • 1 Business Considerations
      • 1.1 Formal Business Launch Required?
      • 1.2 Common Marketing Sense
        • Building Desk-Tops or Web-apps? (Business Philosophy)
        • Find Similar Games (Competitors)
        • Key Features (Matching the Competition)
        • Key Differentiation & Unique Features (Setting Us Apart)
        • Understanding the Block-chain Business Model in Gaming
      • 1.3 New Dog, Old Tricks?
      • 1.4 Generating Game Ideas & Mechanics
      • 1.5 Copyrights & EULA
      • 1.6 Chapter Summary
      • 1.7 Chapter Foot Notes
    • 2 Building a Game Studio Workshop
      • 2.1 Workstation Set-up Environment
      • 2.2 Development Tools
        • Text Editor
        • IntelXDK (deprecated)
      • 2.3 Project File Structure
        • My Project Recommendations
      • 2.4 Summary
    • 3 Networking Basics
      • 3.1 Network Foundation Inventory
      • 3.2 Deeper Dive: Testing MMoGs Locally??
        • Hot-seat MMoG Demos
      • 3.3 Network Relationships
      • 3.4 Network Concerns
      • 3.5 Network Transport Protocols Overview
        • Protocols Defined
        • Layer 4 UDP vs. TCP
        • The Way We Were . . .
        • New Kid on the Block
        • Deeper Dive: WebSocket Frame
      • 3.6 Chapter Summary
      • 3.7 Chapter Foot Notes
  • Part II: MMoG Architecture
    • 4 MMoG Engine Analysis
      • 4.1 What is a Game Engine?
      • 4.2 To “B”uild or not to “B”uild, that’s the question!
      • 4.3 Purpose of XML and JSON
      • 4.4 MMoG engine Criteria:
        • Here’s my list and chart: (not in order of preference)
      • 4.5 Server-side Research
      • 4.6 Vetting our candidates
      • 4.7 Node.js vs. WebSockets vs.
        • Socket.IO bloated overhead!
      • 4.8 Final Analysis
      • 4.9 Server-less Alternatives
        • Online Development — Single Provider Option
        • Deploy Using Various Cloud Microservices
        • Build a Vertical
      • 4.10 Chapter Summary
      • 4.11 Chapter Foot Notes:
    • 5 MMoG Application Architecture
      • 5.1 Comparing Single- to Multi-Player Games
        • Deeper Dive: Using Web Workers
        • Deeper Dive: Await and Promises
      • 5.2 Differences in MMoG Games?
        • Player Interactions
        • Technology Architecture
        • Deeper Dive: Ethereum Distributed App (DApp) Games
        • Live testing of MMoGs!
      • 5.3 Technical Aspects
        • Writing Source Code Differently: “How vs What!”
        • Construction Sequence and Regimen
      • 5.4 Encoding Formats for Game Turns
        • MMoG App API - RPC or MOM?
      • 5.5 Deployment Concerns
      • 5.6 Persistent Data structures
        • Deeper Dive: 3rd Option for Real-time MMoG
        • Distributed Database (sharding)
        • MMoG Database Examples
        • Deeper Dive: Learn from the Best — UnReal Engine
        • Deeper Dive: Learn from the Best — Unity Multiplayer Networking
        • Deeper Dive: Learn from the Best — IBM Microservices
        • Additional Information
        • Deeper Dive: Learn from the Best — Google GRITS
        • Deeper Dive: Learn from the Best — Rob Hawkes
      • 5.7 New Tricks
      • 5.8 Managing Network Transports
        • Skipping Rope! (Fixed Time Intervals)
        • Adobe RTMP and RTMFP
      • 5.9 Availability
      • 5.10 PBM³ Technology
        • Managing Time-line Models
      • 5.11 Too Hot, Too Cold, Just right! … where & what
        • Deployment Options
      • 5.12 Chapter Summary
      • 5.13 Chapter Foot Notes
  • Part III: Production & Development
    • 6 Client-side Foundation
      • 6.1 Testing Your Browser
      • 6.2 WebSocket Protocol Handshake
        • Deeper Dive: WebSocket API
      • 6.3 Sample Source Code: Client-side WebSocket
        • Step #1: Game index page
        • Step #2: Generate Event handlers
      • 6.4 Security Concerns
        • MMoG Protection
        • Deeper Dive: WebSocket Security
        • Deeper Dive: “Sticky Load Balancing”
        • Use of <iframe>
      • 6.5 One Last thing
        • Smart (thick) vs. Dumb (thin)
      • 6.6 Chapter Summary
      • 6.7 Chapter Foot Notes
    • 7 Server-side Foundation
      • 7.1 Building a Socket Server
        • Server Requirement Considerations
        • Deeper Dive: Measure Network Latency
      • 7.2 Server Pages
        • Code Review index.php
        • Review demo/server.php Content
      • 7.3 Where’s Phaser!?
      • 7.4 Extending Our Operations
        • Deeper Dive: The CMS Game Shell
        • Deeper Dive: When to use the game shell model
      • 7.5 CMS — Server-side Frameworks
        • Index Page (Non-Traditional Method)
      • 7.6 CodeIgniter / Phaser Integrated CMS
        • High Score Services
        • Membership Login
      • 7.7 Back-end Administration
      • 7.8 Chapter Summary
      • 7.9 Chapter References
    • 8 MMoG App API Engine
      • 8.1 Building a MMoG App APIs
      • 8.2 Game Turn Orders
        • Creating MMoG API Prototypes — 4-Step method
        • C2S GTOs Samples
        • Deeper Dive: JSON Microdata Format
        • Client-side Proxy Server
      • 8.3 Game Turn Responses
        • Deeper Dive: Real-time MMoG Design
        • S2C GTRs Samples
      • 8.4 Using Horizontal Micro-services
      • 8.5 Modeling from Others MMoG Contributors
        • Lessons Learned the “Hard-way”
      • 8.6 Chapter Summary
      • 8.7 Chapter References
  • Part IV: Step-by-Step Tutorials
  • Appendix
    • More Resources
      • JavaScript Garden
      • Additional Appendices
      • Other resources:
      • Selling your Game Assets
    • Appendix: Online Game Development
    • Appendix: Making WebXR Games!
    • Appendix: Phaser III Plugins
    • Appendix: “How to Start a WebSocket”
      • Testing Your Browser
      • WebSocket Protocol Handshake
        • Deeper Dive: WebSocket API
      • Sample Source Code: Client-side WebSocket
        • Step #1: Game index page
        • Step #2: Generate Event handlers

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