Making Memory Matching Browser Games
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Making Memory Matching Browser Games

Creating "Concentration" Game Mechanics for Phaser.js Gaming Frameworks v3.x.x & v2.x.x

About the Book

5 General Game Licenses are included in this book - a savings of $300 if purchased separately!

Discover how to create online Memory Matching games using the methods in this single chapter from the Phaser Game Starter Kit Collection. When you finish these tutorials and bonus courses, you will have a production pipeline ready to create as many different "Memory Matching" games as your imagination can dream of!

This is a "mega-book" with 5 different types of Memory Matching and a MahJong game prototype. Two games were written in Phaser v3.16+ - an RPG Math Game for "pre-schoolers" and a New Age "Simple Shaman™". Two games were written in Phaser v2.x.x from the Mozart Music Match Suite - an audio "hidden pairs" memory game, and a "music motif" (sequence memory) game, and a "single-player" MahJong prototype game in both Phaser v2.x.x and v3.16+ APIs.

Included with your purchase, you'll also get EULAs, bonus content, download examples, and source code references on how to do every single thing in this game design workbook, so you can copy and paste any examples into your own productions and then modify those resources for your own purposes.

I would like to guide you in creating several styles of Memory Matching in Pairs - both hidden and open - and Sequence Memory game mechanics. We will use these game mechanics, mechanisms and the development methods discussed from the Phaser Game Prototypes. By the end of this workbook, you should have several fully functional Memory Matching game - not just a copy of my games, but your very own products using your own gaming assets. There is a supporting website where you can download the bonus content included with your workbook's purchase.  

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to: 

- Use the Phaser JS Gaming Framework as either v2.x.x or v3.16+.

- How to integrate "Memory Matching" game mechanics into other game genres such as educational, math, MahJong, and 2-Player or Artificial Intelligence bots!

- Deploy your game(s) as a "Progressive Web Application" or "Single Page Web Application" for any device.

- Analyze current business demand for this game's genre, how and where to deploy it and what others have done.

- Automatically generate various dynamic game boards.

If you have any feedback or suggestions please join our email listing or participate in the forum for this course!

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About the Author

Stephen Gose
Stephen Gose

Avatar is an adorable cartoon sketch of my wife. 46th anniversary this coming Sept 1, 2024!

Stephen Gose, Ph.D. Information Systems (honorary) (and second-generation German) is a retired Professor Emeritus with a 41-year career as a certified network engineer, and "Certified Cisco Academy Instructor" (CCAI) since 2002. He is listed in the Who's Who for Information Technology for his directly related work for the Internet backbones found in the Caribbean, Netherlands, Israel, and Russia. He was awarded "Letters of Appreciation" from AT&T, and the German, Israeli, Dutch, and Russian Governments. Steve has nearly three decades of international "teaching and conference lecturing" in both Local-Area and Wide-Area Networks, network security, Internet backbones, software engineering, and program/project management. He is a retired US Army Signal Corps Officer. He earned, in 2014, the ITT Technical Institute's "Instructor of the Year" out of 8,000 instructors across 144 campuses throughout the USA. 

He graduated from Grand Canyon University with his first B.A. in Religions and Music Education, then a B.S. in Business Admin. from the University of Maryland, and an M.B.A in International Management from Liberty University.

He is currently pursuing his Th.D. He has served as a licensed minister since 1972 and as a missionary to Okinawa, Japan. He earned the US Army Chaplain Outstanding Service Award in 1983. 

In his spare time(?), Steve enjoys creating online casual games, software engineering, and managing his online gaming businesses. 

My driving theme: "Always stay humble and kind"

His personal website is:

His game showcase is:

His theology website:

Game Support Site:

Review my profile on

Table of Contents

    • Distribution Permission
      • Supporting website
    • Disclosures
    • Disclaimer
    • About this Workbook
      • Links and References
      • Workbook Content
      • How to Read & Use this workbook:
        • Viewing this eBook:
        • Who should use this workbook?
    • Your newly obtained skills…
    • Game Design System™
      • Game Studio - Book Series
      • Game Studio - Online Courses
      • “Making Browser Games” - Books Series
      • “Making Browser Games” Series - online Courses
      • Programming Courses
      • “Walk-Thru Tutorial” Series - Online Courses
  • Making HTML5 Games
    • 1 Introduction to Game Design
      • 1.1 Game Genre Defined
      • 1.2 Game Tools & Generators
      • 1.3 References From
    • 2 Standard Project Setup
      • 2.1 Standardized File Structure
      • 2.2 Barebones Set-up
      • 2.3 Web Server Required - Batteries not included!
    • 3 Starting a Game Project
      • 3.1 Step 0: Review your competition and their games
        • Game Examples
      • 3.2 Step 1: Create your “front-door”
      • 3.3 Step 2. Create your “Game Shell” & Phases
        • Network Impact
        • Gamer’s Local Activity
      • 3.4 Select a JS Format
        • ES5 Format
        • ES6+ Format as “FAT Arrow” Function
        • ES6+ Format as “Phaser.Class”
        • ES6+ Format as “Phaser.Scene”
  • Part II: Making “Memory” Browser Games
    • 4 General Design Considerations
      • 4.1 Game Mechanics (GM) - Data Structure
      • 4.2 Game Mechanics (GM) - Logic, & Rules
        • General Game Procedures
      • 4.3 MahJong - “Matching Open Pairs”
        • MahJong Rule Variations
        • “52 Card Pick-up”
      • 4.4 Memory Matching “Hidden Pairs”
        • “Hidden Pairs” Rule Variations
      • 4.5 Memory Matching “in Sequence”
        • Clones & Competitors
        • Sequence Logic
    • 5 Memory Matching — Core Game Construction
      • 5.1 Game Project Overview
      • 5.2 Our Goal
      • 5.3 “Mega-Chapter” - 5 Available Games
      • 5.4 Memory Matching Genre Description
        • Deeper Dive: “Due Diligence in Gaming Research”
        • Deeper Dive: Audio Games
      • 5.5 Game Recipe™ Featured Ingredients
      • 5.6 Step 3a: Create “Play.js”
      • 5.7 Step 3b: Create Supporting functions.
      • 5.8 Conclusion
  • Part III: Code Review
    • 6 MahJong — “Matching Open Pairs”
      • 6.1 Simple MahJong Prototypes — Phaser v2 & III!
        • Play Phaser III Demonstrations
        • Play Phaser v2.x.x Demonstrations
        • Download v2.x.x Project files
        • Download Phaser III Project files
      • 6.2 Booting & Loading (Phaser III stage 1)
      • 6.3 Main.js (Phaser III stage 1)
        • Defining Tile Metadata
      • 6.4 Play.js (Phaser III stage 1)
        • Shuffling & Randomized Deployment
        • Creating Tiles
        • Selecting Tiles (Phaser III stage 1)
        • Tile Selection & Validation (Phaser III stage 1)
      • 6.5 3D Layout Prototype (Phaser v2.x.x stage 1)
  • Phaser v3.16+ Code Review
    • 7 Game #1 - “Hidden Pairs”
      • 7.1 Game Description
      • 7.2 Main.js Overview
      • 7.3 Play.js — Overview
      • 7.4 Phaser Essential Functions
        • “Play Phase” Variables — Lines 46 to 61
        • Play.js — preload — Lines 72 to 95
        • Play.js — create — Lines 95 to 315
        • Play.js — update — Lines 318 to 345
      • 7.5 Game Mechanisms & Supporting Functions
        • Deeper Dive: Phaser vs JavaScript Timers
        • Play.js — checkTiles Lines 356 to 465
        • Play.js — decreaseTimer Lines 469 to 490
        • Play.js — getRandom Lines 491 to 501
        • Play.js — resetGT Lines 502 to 535
        • Play.js — showTiles Lines 536 to 605
        • Play.js — stopWatchTimer (optional) Lines 606 to 628
        • Play.js — Tiles (alternate) Lines 629 to 686
    • 8 Game #2 - “Matching Sequence”
      • 8.1 Game Description
      • 8.2 Design Consideration: “Separation of Concerns”
        • Managing Player Input & Validation
        • Managing Panel Displays
        • Project Development Tools
        • Deeper Dive: Experiments with Polygons
        • Deeper Dive: Callbacks & Events
        • Deeper Dive: Making Phaser v3.16+ Graphics “clickable”
        • Deeper Dive: WebGL Foundations
        • Summary: Design Option #1 graphics
      • 8.3 Menu.js Overview - animated “.GIF
      • 8.4 Main.js Overview
        • Game Security
        • Revealing too much, too soon!
      • 8.5 Play.js Overview
      • 8.6 Phaser Essential Functions
        • Play.js — preload — Lines 105 to 137
        • Play.js — create — 138 to 368
        • Innovation Experiment — Panel Animations
        • Play.js — update — Lines 371 to 414
      • 8.7 Game Mechanisms & Supporting Functions
        • Play.js — getRandom Lines 423 to 431
        • Play.js — gIntro Lines 432 to 453
        • Play.js — moveOff Lines 454 to 460
        • Play.js — Optional playerSequence Lines 461 to 503
        • Play.js — released Lines 504 to 546
        • Play.js — restart Lines 547 to 561
        • Play.js — selected Lines 562 to 572
        • Play.js — setUp Lines 573 to 592
        • Play.js — simonSequence Lines 593 to 618
      • 8.8 Game #2 Conclusion
  • Phaser v2.x.x Code Review
    • 9 Game #3 - “Hidden Pairs”
      • 9.1 Play.js
    • 10 Game #4 - Matching Sequence
      • 10.1 Play.js — Overview
        • Deeper Dive: Making Phaser v2.x.x Graphics “clickable”
      • 10.2 Play.js – Lines 36 to 203 Create Function:
      • 10.3 Play.js – Lines 205 to 224 Update function
      • 10.4 Play.js – Lines 230 to 400
      • 10.5 Play.js – Lines 384 to 396 box function
      • 10.6 Play.js – Lines 240 to 243 deselectBox function
      • 10.7 Play.js – Lines 244 to 306 playBoxes function
      • 10.8 Play.js – Lines 307 to 324 restart function
      • 10.9 Play.js – Lines 325 to 360 selectBoxes function
      • 10.10 Play.js – Lines 361 to 382 startCountDown function
  • Auxiliary Business Functions
    • 11 Game Shell - The CMS!
      • 11.1 Generic Main.js
      • 11.2 Generic Boot.js
      • 11.3 Generic Preload.js
      • 11.4 Generic Splash.js or Language.js
      • 11.5 Generic Menu.js
        • Sample CMS page — Credits.js
        • Deeper Dive: Using JAMStack as an SSG …
        • Deeper Dive: Static Site Generators (SSG)
      • 11.6 Inside each Game Phase
    • 12 Plug-in Enhancements
    • 13 Conclusion
    • 14 Bonus Development Content
  • What’s next?
      • 14.1 Game Distribution & Marketing
        • Introduction: 8-Step Deployment Method.
      • 14.2 Book Review Protocol
      • 14.3 Tell the world about your game!
  • Appendix
    • More Resources
      • JavaScript Garden
      • Additional Content Appendices
      • Other resources:
      • Selling your Game Assets
    • Appendix: Making WebXR games!
    • Appendix: Online Game Development
    • Appendix: Phaser III Plugins
    • Appendix: “How to Start a WebSocket”
      • Testing Your Browser
      • WebSocket Protocol Handshake
        • Deeper Dive: WebSocket API
      • Sample Source Code: Client-side WebSocket
        • Step #1: Game index page
        • Step #2: Generate Event handlers
    • Appendix: OLOO - Safe JavaScript
      • Deeper Dive: JS Delegation (aka “Inheritance”?)
      • The old way
      • Objects Linking to Other Objects (OLOO)
      • Compare your code
      • Object.create
      • Exercise Lesson 9:
      • Game Singletons
      • Deeper Dive: Object Manipulation objects in ES5/6
      • Lesson Summary
      • Resource References:
  • Notes
  • Answers to Exercises
      • Appendix
        • Appendix: OLOO - Safe JavaScript

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