Object Oriented Design Patterns in PHP 8
Object Oriented Design Patterns in PHP 8
About the Book
PHP 8 - is kind of a revolution in the way that delivers enormous power to everything from websites and mobile to enterprises and the cloud. This is the most important change for PHP since the release of PHP 5 in 2004. It has brought explosive performance improvements, drastically reduced memory consumption, and a host of brand-new language features to make your apps soar. This book makes you ready to take that revolution under your wing.
PHP 7 will be definitely faster, and speedier than before but that is not the thing we're going to discuss about in this book.
What makes PHP 8 so special?
The very first thing is of course speed. It’s been found by the developers, around the world, php 8 is twice as fast as 5.6 and in some cases it’s faster! Since it’s tested on widely used php CMS like WordPress and Drupal, you can bet on it.
The founder developers have been working hard on this issue since long time. Speed really matters and the developers always want one thing. The language code-base should reduce memory consumption and increase performance.
Php 8 has touched that dream-point.
- How we can use that speed?
- How we can use our object oriented programming concepts to exploit these cool features?
- How we can use beautiful design patterns to make our php 8 application simply ‘awesome’?
Who should read this book?
This book is intended for everyone. From an absolute beginner to the seasoned php developers who have frequently used procedural methods but have never tried OOP seriously.
Besides, for absolute beginners I have written a quick recapitulation that will guide you to the core concepts of OOP and Esign patterns.
Are you a beginner or an intermediate learner who has been struggling through the maze of OOP and Design Patterns concepts?
Then this book is for you
We are interested about learning new Features of PHP 7. They are Scalar type declarations, Return type declarations, Null coalescing operator, Spaceship operator, Constant arrays using define(), Anonymous classes, Closure::call(), Group use declarations and many, many more…
Table of Contents
- Note from Author
- Acknowledgements
- What makes PHP 7 so special?
- Who should read this book?
- How to upgrade to PHP 7
- Day 1
- OOP and PHP 7
A Quick Recapitulation
- 2.1 - Type Summary
- 2.2 - To Remember
- 2.3 - PHP Function
- 2.4 - More about Functions …
- 2.5 – Summary of Simple Classes
Namespace, TRAIT, and JSON
- 3.1 - What is Namespace?
- 3.2 – How to Autoload Namespace?
- 3.3 - What is Trait?
- 3.4 - What is JSON?
- Composer Revolution
SOLID Design Principle
- 5.1 – Single Responsibility Principle
- 5.2 – Open Closed Principle
- 5.3 - Liskov Substitution Principle
- 5.4 - Interface Segregation Principle
- 5.5 - Dependency Inversion Principle
- 5.6 - Interfaces and Method Injection
- Day 2
Overview of Classes and Objects
- What you can do?
- Get, Set and Go…
- Hiding Information
Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstract Class and Interface
- 9.1 - Introducing Abstraction and Encapsulation
- 9.2 - Defining Abstraction
- 9.3 - Defining encapsulation
- 9.4 - Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation
- 9.5 - Basic Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
- Day 3
- What is Design Pattern
- What is Your Strategy?
More about Architecture
- 12.1 – Compose the Architecture
- Factory Patterns and Singleton Patterns
- Day 4
- Decorating Applications
- Responsibility Unchained
- Adapt SMS into MAIL
- Day 5
- The Template Pattern
- Relationships between Classes
- Static Variables, Static Functions and Singleton Pattern
- Day 6
- PHP 7 is Twice Faster!
- Classes Without Names
Know Your Type
- Can we make it more Strict?
- Return Type Declarations
- Day 7
- Group ‘Use’ Declarations
- On the Spaceship
Other new features
- Closure::call()
- Integer division with intdiv()
- Null coalescing operator
- Epilogue: What Next
Causes Supported

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