My Dirty Little Secrets
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My Dirty Little Secrets

About the Book

Meet Rahela and Ruhi, twin sisters. Once class toppers, classical dancers, having a happy-go-lucky life till their mother dies and father marries again.

The step-mom, a whore herself, sells the teenagers to a pimp and they have to adopt a new lifestyle and become society girls with high price tags.

Meet Jackie Sen, a pervert industrialist. He hires twin sisters for a night without knowing that everything is being recorded to blackmail him and the master planner is a hacker who sits thousand miles apart conducting the whole operation through Jackie’s right hand man Grass.

But the secret of the sex video unfolds more twists than one can expect. 

Once the job is done, Grass sends his men to kill twin sisters and their agent-friend Peter to wipe out all living evidence. However, he does not know that he will also be killed once he has done with them.

According to the original plan, all evidence will be wiped out. Only the video tape will remain to blackmail Jacky.

As a result, the killer-hacker chases and finds the location of Rahela to kill her.

However an old man stands between them.

Who is this mysterious old man? Is he a computer wizard, otherwise how does he counter this hacker in every step? Moreover, is he really an old man or is it his disguise? Why does he remain anonymous?

Will this old man be able to counter this remorseless hacker turned killer? As the clock ticks it becomes harder and harder than before until a story of a ruthless world of dark web and its hidden rules are unearthed.

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  • Categories

    • Thriller
    • Teen and Young Adult
    • Mystery
    • Computer Security
    • Cryptography
    • Fiction
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About the Author

Sanjib Sinha
Sanjib Sinha

A Freak, in an absurd journey that starts from nowhere, and ends up nowhere.

Table of Contents

  • Prologue
  • Chapter Two
    • 1. Sunday, 5:42 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 3
    • 2. Sunday, 6:09 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 4
    • 3. Sunday, 6:25 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 5
    • 4. Sunday, 6:39 AM, Yelagiri
  • Chapter 6
    • 5. Sunday, 7:09 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 7
    • 6. Sunday, 7:32 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 8
    • 7. Sunday, 11:19 AM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 9
    • 8. Sunday, 11:32 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 10
    • 9. Sunday, 12:12 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 11
    • 10. Sunday, 12:14 AM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 12
    • 11. Sunday, 12:14 AM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 13
    • 12. Sunday, 12:44 AM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 14
    • 13. Sunday, 1:05 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 15
    • 14. Sunday, 1:15 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 16
    • 15. Sunday, 1:15 PM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 17
    • 16. Sunday, 1:35 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 18
    • 17. Sunday, 1:42 PM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 19
    • 18. Sunday, 1:46 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 20
    • 19. Sunday, 2:12 PM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 21
    • 20. Sunday, 3 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 22
    • 21. Sunday, 3.25 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 23
    • 22. Sunday, 3.45 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 24
    • 23. Sunday, 3.50 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 25
    • 24. Sunday, 3.55 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 26
    • 25. Sunday, 8.35 PM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 27
    • 26. Sunday, 10.35 PM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 28
    • 27. Monday, 7.35 AM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 29
    • 28. Monday, 9.55 AM, Mumbai
  • Chapter 30
    • 29. Monday, 3.25 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 31
    • 30. Monday, 4.15PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 32
    • 31. Monday, 4.25 PM, Yelagiri
  • Chapter 33
    • 32. Monday, 5.15 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 34
    • 33. Monday, 5.40 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 35
    • 34. Monday, 2.11 PM, Ekerö, Stockholm
  • Chapter 36
    • 35. Monday, 5.55 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 37
    • 36. Monday, 6.15 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 38
    • 37. Monday, 6.25 PM, Yelagiri
  • Chapter 39
    • 38. Monday, 2.41 PM, Ekerö, Stockholm
  • Chapter 40
    • 39. Monday, 7.41 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 41
    • 40. Monday, 7.55 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 42
    • 41. Monday, 11.57 PM, Calcutta
  • Chapter 43
    • 42. Tuesday, 2.15 PM, Chennai
  • Chapter 44
    • 43. Tuesday, 4.05 PM, Chennai
  • Chapter 45
    • 44. Tuesday, 4.22 PM, Calcutta, Chennai
  • Chapter 46
    • 45. Tuesday, 12.41PM, Ekerö, Stockholm
  • Chapter 47
    • Epilogue
  • Chapter 48
    • Glossary

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Amazon Watch

Supporting Indigenous Peoples. Protecting the Amazon.

Amazon Watch is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.

We envision a world that honors and values cultural and biological diversity and the critical contribution of tropical rainforests to our planet's life support system. We believe that indigenous self-determination is paramount, and see that indigenous knowledge, cultures and traditional practices contribute greatly to sustainable and equitable stewardship of the Earth. We strive for a world in which governments, corporations and civil society respect the collective rights of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent over any activity affecting their territories and resources. We commit, in the spirit of partnership and mutual respect, to support our indigenous allies in their efforts to protect life, land, and culture in accordance with their aspirations and needs.

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