Grails Goodness Notebook
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Grails Goodness Notebook

Experience the Grails platform through code snippets

About the Book

In 2009 I started to write about features in Grails I didn't want to forget at my blog Messages from mrhaki. The posts are relatively short and filled with code samples.

The Grails Goodness Notebook contains the blog posts about Grails. The posts are bundled and categorized into sections. Each section starts with the simpler features and ends with more advanced Grails features. The book is intended to browse through the subjects. You should be able to just open the book at a random page and learn more about Grails. Maybe pick it up once in a while and learn a bit more about known and lesser known features of Grails.

The book is updated on February 1st 2016 with the following new posts:

  • Run Grails Application As Docker Container
  • Enable Hot Reloading For Non-Development Environments
  • Change Locale With Request Parameter
  • Go To Related Classes In IntelliJ IDEA
  • Quickly Create GSP From Controller In IntelliJ IDEA
  • Using Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Changing Gradle Version
  • Getting More Information About A Profile
  • Using Features When Creating An Application

The book categorizes the posts in the following sections:

  • Configuration
  • The Command LIne
  • Grails Object Relational Mapping (GORM)
  • Validation
  • Controllers
  • Groovy Server Pages (GSP)
  • REST
  • The Service Layer
  • Grails and Spring
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • IDE
  • Miscellaneous

About the Author

Hubert Klein Ikkink
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (mrhaki)

Hello. I am a passionate Groovy, Grails and Java developer based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. My goal is to write software, like Pixar makes movies, BMW makes cars, Bang & Olufsen makes audio and TV systems and Apple makes computers and devices: clean, elegant, user-centered and high quality.

My name is Hubert A. Klein Ikkink. Not a very common name, right? To make things easier I just picked the first letters of my firstname and surname and came up with haki. So there you have it, now I am known as Mr. Haki or mrhaki for short.

In 2009 I started writing blog posts about Grails with the name Grails Goodness. These posts contain small snippets of code explaining core and exotic features of the Grails platform.

Table of Contents

  • About Me
  • Introduction
  • Configuration
    • Using Bintray JCenter as Repository
    • Add Banner to Grails Application
    • Add Banner To Grails 3.1 Application
    • Set Log Level for Grails Artifacts
    • Add Some Color to Our Logging
    • Save Application PID in File
    • Saving Server Port In A File
    • Log Startup Info
    • Changing Gradle Version
    • Adding Health Check Indicators
    • Add Git Commit Information To Info Endpoint
    • Adding Custom Info To Info Endpoint
    • Passing System Properties With Gradle
    • Update Application With Newer Grails Version
    • Access Grails Application in BootStrap
    • Using Spring Cloud Config Server
    • Multiple BootStraps
    • Cleaning Up Before WAR Creation
    • Logging Service Method Calls with Dynamic Groovy
    • Multiple Environments
    • Execute Code for Current Environment
    • Use Different External Configuration Files
    • Using External Configuration Files Per Environment
    • Change Base Name For External Configuration Files
    • Using Random Values For Configuration Properties
    • Pass Configuration Values Via Environment Variables
    • Pass JSON Configuration Via Command Line
    • One WAR to Rule Them All
    • Customize the URL Format
    • Add Additional Web Application to Tomcat
    • Use a Different jQuery UI Theme with Resources Plugin
    • Use A Different Logging Configuration File
    • Add a DailyRollingFileAppender to Grails Logging
    • Use Log4j Extras Companion RollingFileAppender
    • Use TimeAndSizeRollingAppender for Logging
    • Change Context Path of a Grails Application for Jetty
    • Change Version For Dependency Defined By BOM
  • The Command Line
    • Script Name Abbreviation
    • Shortcut to Open Test Reports in Interactive Console
    • Run Gradle Tasks In Grails Interactive Mode
    • See Information About Plugins
    • Get List Of Application Profiles
    • Getting More Information About A Profile
    • Using Features When Creating An Application
    • Create Report of URL Mappings
    • Compiling GSP from the Command-Line
    • Profile Script Tasks
    • No More Questions
    • Create New Application without Wrapper
    • Enable Hot Reloading For Non-Development Environments
    • Generate ANT Build Script
    • Generate Default .gitignore Or .hgignore File
    • Extending IntegrateWith Command
    • Using Wrapper for Running Grails Commands Without Grails Installation
    • Cleaning Up
    • Using Aliases as Command Shortcuts
    • Run Groovy Scripts in Grails Context
    • Add More Paths to the Stats Report
    • Access Configuration in Grails Scripts
    • Simple Script to Create WAR Files for Each Environment
  • Grails Object Relational Mapping (GORM)
    • Getting First or Last Instance of Domain Classes
    • Using Hibernate Native SQL Queries
    • Using Groovy SQL
    • Refactoring Criteria Contents
  • Validation and Data Binding
    • Add Extra Valid Domains and Authorities for URL Validation
    • Combining Constraints with Shared Constraints
    • Custom Data Binding with @DataBinding Annotation
  • Controllers
    • Type Conversion on Parameters
    • Get Values from Parameters with Same Name
    • Get Request Parameters with Default Values
    • Date Request Parameter Value Conversions
    • Binding Method Arguments in Controller Methods
    • Controller Properties as Model
    • Using the header Method to Set Response Headers
    • Render Binary Output with the File Attribute
    • Exception Methods in Controllers
    • Namespace Support for Controllers
    • Grouping URL Mappings
  • Groovy Server Pages (GSP)
    • Change Scaffolding Templates in Grails
    • Use the GSP Template Engine in a Controller
    • The Template Namespace
    • Templates Can Have a Body
    • The Link Namespace
    • Format Boolean Values with the formatBoolean Tag
    • Encode Content with the encodeAs Tag
    • Set Application Wide Default Layout
    • Applying Layouts in Layouts
    • Applying Layouts in Layouts Revisited
    • Access Action and Controller Name in GSP
    • Get GrailsApplication and ApplicationContext in GSP
    • Use Services in GSP with g:set Tag
    • Generating Raw Output with Raw Codec
    • Using Closures for Select Value Rendering
  • REST
    • Customize Resource Mappings
    • Pretty Print XML and JSON Output
    • Include Domain Version Property in JSON and XML Output
    • Enable Accept Header for User Agent Requests
    • Custom Controller Class with Resource Annotation
    • Change Response Formats in RestfulController
    • Register Custom Marshaller Using ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
    • Using Converter Named Configurations with Default Renderers
    • Rendering Partial RESTful Responses
    • Customize Root Element Name Collections for XML Marshalling
  • The Service Layer
    • Generate Links Outside Controllers or Tag Libraries
    • Render GSP Views And Templates Outside Controllers
    • Accessing Resources with Resource and ResourceLocator
  • Grails and Spring
    • Injecting Grails Services into Spring Beans
    • Conditionally Load Bean Definitions from resources.groovy
    • Using Spring Bean Aliases
    • Use Constructor Argument Based Dependency Injection
    • Set Property Values of Spring Beans in resources.groovy
    • Setting Property Values through Configuration
    • Defining Spring Beans With doWithSpring Method
    • Use Spring Java Configuration
    • Conditionally Load Beans in Java Configuration Based on Grails Environment
    • Don’t Invalidate Session After Logout with Spring Security Plugin
  • Testing
    • See Test Output on the Command Line
    • Invoking a Single Test Method
    • Cleaning Before Running Tests
    • Rerun the Latest Failed Test
    • Running Tests Continuously
    • Testing for Chain Result in Controller
    • Checking Results from Forward Action in Controller Unit Tests
    • Using Codecs in Test Classes
    • Unit Testing Render Templates from Controller
    • Testing Views and Templates
    • Passing Objects to Attributes of Tags in Unit Tests
    • Set Request Locale in Unit Tests
    • Using MetaClass with Testing
    • Mocking the Configuration in Unit Tests
    • Use Random Server Port In Integration Tests
  • Internationalization (i18n)
    • Define Date Format in i18n ResourceBundle
    • Splitting i18n Message Bundles
    • Change Locale With Request Parameter
    • Internationalize Javascript Messages with JAWR Plugin
  • IDE
    • Quickly Create GSP From Controller In IntelliJ IDEA
    • Go To Related Classes In IntelliJ IDEA
    • Debugging App in Forked Mode
    • Run Forked Tests in IntelliJ IDEA
  • Miscellaneous
    • Creating A Runnable Distribution
    • Creating A Fully Executable Jar
    • Run Grails Application As Docker Container
  • Converted Files
    • 20161019-grails-goodness-skip-bootstrap-code
    • 20161118-grails-goodness-notebook-is-updated
    • 20161123-gails-goodness-enabling-grails-view-in
    • 20161209-grails-goodness-writing-log-messages
    • 20170221-grails-goodness-using-domain-classes
    • 20170227-grails-goodness-custom-json-and-markup

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