Spocklight Notebook
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Spocklight Notebook

Experience the Spock framework through code snippets

About the Book

The Spock framework is a testing and specification framework for JVM languages, like Java and Groovy. When I started to learn about Spock I wrote done little code snippets with features of Spock I found interesting. To access my notes from different locations I wrote the snippets with a short explanation in a blog: Messages from mrhaki. I labeled the post as Spocklight, because I thought this is good stuff that needs to be in the spotlight. 

The Spocklight notebook contains the blog posts bundled into one book. The book is intended to browse through the subjects. You should be able to just open the book at a random page and learn more about Spock. Maybe pick it up once in a while and learn a bit more about known and lesser known features of Spock.

I hope you will enjoy reading the book and it will help you with learning about the Spock framework, so you can apply all the goodness in your projects.

The latest update of the book is on April 12, 2023 with the following posts:

  • Assert Elements In Collections In Any Order
  • Testing Asynchronous Code With DataVariable(s)
  • Testing Asynchronous Code With PollingConditions
  • Creating Temporary Files And Directories With FileSystemFixture
  • Adjusting Time With MutableClock

About the Author

Hubert Klein Ikkink
Hubert A. Klein Ikkink (mrhaki)

Hello. I am a passionate Groovy, Grails and Java developer based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. My goal is to write software, like Pixar makes movies, BMW makes cars, Bang & Olufsen makes audio and TV systems and Apple makes computers and devices: clean, elegant, user-centered and high quality.

My name is Hubert A. Klein Ikkink. Not a very common name, right? To make things easier I just picked the first letters of my firstname and surname and came up with haki. So there you have it, now I am known as Mr. Haki or mrhaki for short.

In 2010 I started writing blog posts about the Spock framework with the name Spocklight. These posts contain small snippets of code explaining core and exotic features of the Spock framework.

Table of Contents

  • About Me
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
    • Introduction to Spock Testing
  • Assertions
    • Assert Magic
    • Grouping Assertions
    • Group Assertions With verifyAll
    • Check for Exceptions with Spock
    • Check No Exceptions Are Thrown At All
    • Assert Elements In Collections In Any Order
    • Support for Hamcrest Matchers
    • Using a Custom Hamcrest Matcher
  • Providing Data
    • Assign Multiple Data Variables from Provider
    • Write Our Own Data Provider
    • Extra Data Variables for Unroll Description
    • Reuse Variables In Data Providers
  • Using Mocks And stubs
    • Mocks And Stubs Returning Sequence of Values
    • Change Return Value of Mocked or Stubbed Service Based On Argument Value
    • Custom Default Responses for Stubs
    • Using Mock Method Arguments in Response
    • Writing Assertions for Arguments Mock Methods
    • Use Stub or Mock For Spring Component Using @SpringBean
  • Testing Asynchronous Code
    • Testing Asynchronous Code With DataVariable(s)
    • Testing Asynchronous Code With PollingConditions
  • Running Spock
    • Ignore Specifications Based On Conditions
    • Ignoring Other Feature Methods Using @IgnoreRest
    • Only Run Specs Based On Conditions
    • Including or Excluding Specifications Based On Annotations
    • Optimize Run Order Test Methods
  • Miscellaneous
    • Indicate Class Under Test with Subject Annotation
    • Indicate Specification As Pending Feature
    • Using the Old Method
    • Auto Cleanup Resources
    • Creating Temporary Files And Directories With FileSystemFixture
    • Adjusting Time With MutableClock
    • Set Timeout On Specification Methods
    • Undo MetaClass Changes
    • Undo Changes in Java System Properties

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