Ratpacked Notebook
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Ratpacked Notebook

Experience Ratpack with code snippets

About the Book

The Ratpacked Notebook contains the blog posts about Ratpack previously mentioned on my blog. The posts have been edited slightly so they can be used for the book. The book gives a broad overview of all the great features we can find in the awesome Ratpack framework.

About the Author

Hubert Klein Ikkink
Hubert Klein Ikkink

Hello. I am a passionate Groovy and Java developer based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. My goal is to write software, like Pixar makes movies, BMW makes cars, Bang & Olufsen makes audio and TV systems and Apple makes computers and devices: clean, elegant, user-centered and high quality.

My name is Hubert A. Klein Ikkink. Not a very common name, right? To make things easier I just picked the first letters of my firstname and surname and came up with haki. So there you have it, now I am known as Mr. Haki or mrhaki for short.

In 2009 I started writing blog posts about Groovy with the name Groovy Goodness. These posts contain small snippets of code explaining core and exotic features of the Groovy language.

Later I also started to blog about other subjects like Grails, Gradle, Asciidoctor and Ratpack.

Table of Contents

  • About Me
  • Introduction
  • Configuration
    • Default Port Is 5050
    • Change Server Port With Environment Variable
    • Start Ratpack With a Random Port Number
    • Externalized Application Configuration
    • Use Command Line Arguments For Configuration
    • Using Database As Custom Configuration Source
    • Using Groovy Configuration Scripts As Configuration Source
    • Handling Exceptions When Reading Configuration Sources
    • Apply Configuration To Configurable Module
  • Logging
    • Use Asynchronous Logging
    • Request Logging
    • Log Request Duration
    • Using Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) Logging
  • Handlers
    • Type Conversion For Path Tokens
    • Using Optional Path Tokens
    • Using Regular Expressions For Path Tokens
    • Using Names With Regular Expression Tokens
    • Validating Forms
    • Create a Partial Response
    • Add Response Time To Response Header
    • Implicit Registry Retrieval With InjectionHandler
    • Respond To Custom MIME Types
    • Execute Handlers Based On Accept Header
    • Add Common Handlers Via The Registry
    • Add Chains Via Registry
    • Extending GroovyChain DSL
    • Include Files In The Ratpack Groovy DSL
  • Rendering
    • Register Renderer For A List Of Objects
    • Customising Renderers With Decorators
  • Registry
    • Getting Multiple Objects With Same Type From Registry
    • Searching Objects In The Registry
    • Using Spring As Component Registry
  • Asynchronous programming
    • Special Routing Of Promise Values Using Predicates
    • Tapping In On A Promise
  • IDE
    • Groovy DSL Code Completion In IntelliJ IDEA
    • Debugging Application Defined Using Groovy DSL In IntelliJ IDEA
  • Miscellaneous
    • Running Ratpack In Groovy Console
    • Execute Code On Start and Stop Application Lifecycle Events
    • Different Base Directory With Marker File
    • Using PostgreSQL Database
    • Using Multiple DataSources
    • Revisited Using Multiple DataSources
    • Add Health Checks
    • Stub External HTTP Service
    • Use TestHttpClient For External HTTP Services
    • Running With LiveReload Using Gradle
    • Deploy Application As Docker Container

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