Retrospectives for Organizational Change
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Retrospectives for Organizational Change

An Agile Approach

About the Book

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In this book, Jutta Eckstein examines how retrospectives –originally a kind of a facilitated workshop for gaining feedback– can be applied conceptually to initiate and implement organizational change. Technically, retrospectives were an instrument for a group to examine a past joint period of time and learn from that. The participants of a Retrospective for Organizational Change do not share a joint past, yet they learn from their different individual experiences and use this as a basis to form a shared future. The main strength is to leverage the experiences of a diverse group. Especially if the change is dynamic, which means the approach toward the goal is unclear or if it is complex, where the goal itself is in-determinate, Retrospectives for Organizational Change can provide a way to support the change. This book covers the conceptual idea of using Retrospectives for Organizational Change and additionally reports on the feedback and experiences of its practical application.

About the Author

Jutta Eckstein
Jutta Eckstein

Twenty years of experience in coaching, consulting, training, and development. Main focus on agile processes, patterns, project management, adaptive organizations, and advanced object-oriented design.

Jutta Eckstein works as an independent coach, consultant, and trainer. She holds a M.A. Business Coaching & Change Management, a Dipl.Eng. Product-Engineering, and a B.A. in Education. Her know-how in agile processes is based on over fifteen years’ experience in project and product development. She has helped many teams and organizations all over the world to make the transition to an agile approach. She has a unique experience in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large distributed mission-critical projects. This is also the topic of her books 'Agile Software Development in the Large', 'Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams', and 'Retrospectives for Organizational Change'. She is a member of the Agile Alliance and a member of the program committee of many different European and American conferences in the area of agile development, object-orientation and patterns. At the last election, Jutta has been designated for the Top 100 most important persons of the German IT.

Stay in touch with Jutta:

  • @juttaeckstein

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Reader Testimonials

Linda Rising, co-author of Fearless Change
Linda Rising, co-author of Fearless Change

Lead Change in an Organization

Of course, there are other books on the protocols and exercises for retrospectives, but these don't share the "whys" of this important ritual. What Jutta has done for us is provide real experience reports that show how useful retrospectives can be and share her research around using retrospectives to lead change in an organization. Get this book and read it!

Table of Contents

  • Abbreviations
  • List of Figures
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1. Preface
  • 2. Introduction
  • 3. Objective
  • 4. Design and Function of Retrospectives
    • 4.1 Duration, Participation, Attitude
    • 4.2 Purpose
    • 4.3 Phases
  • 5. Challenges in Organizational Change
    • 5.1 Different Kinds of Change
    • 5.2 Unclear Goals
    • 5.3 Increase in Demand for Participation
  • 6. Enabling Organizational Change
    • 6.1 Diversity in Participation
    • 6.2 Existing Experiences
    • 6.3 Deciding What to Do
    • 6.4 Relation and Demarcation to other Methods
  • 7. Heuristic Evidence
    • 7.1 Usefulness for Change Management
    • 7.2 Adaptive Action and Retrospectives
  • 8. Experiences with Exemplary Applications
    • 8.1 Feedback on the Meta-Level
    • 8.2 Enabling Complex Change
    • 8.3 Enabling Dynamic Change
  • 9. Reflection on the Suggested Method
  • 10. Closing Remarks
  • Reference List
  • Appendix
    • Results from Open Space at RfG 2012/13
    • Protocol of Workshop at XP 2013
    • Protocol of Enabling a Dynamic Change
    • Protocol of Enabling a Complex Change
  • About the Author
  • Other Books by the Authors
  • Notes

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