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A Quantum of Planning

About the Book

ConnectingTheDots series, vol. 02

Planning has been traditionally considered a boring, non creative activity.

Its usefulness has been repeatedly challenged (e.g. in its declination as "corporate planning" and the more humble project-based planning), generating a series of innovations that are often as much an example of zealotry as the planning methodologies that they try to unseat.

Instead, planning can be both a quantitative and qualitative creative effort that will help to both achieve results and improve your own organization ability to cope with change.

This "publication stream" will actually support other books, as #QuPlan covers basic skills (planning, prioritization, programme/project management, and the associated communication guidelines) that are shared across all my past, present, future activities.

A series of episodes has been published between 2015 and 2018, each one composed of three sections:

_Section 1: Method

_Section 2: Business Case

_Section 3: Thinking

The episodes published so far, covering in over 200 pages a fictional compliance program (currently offline in preparation of QuPlan Volume2, will be soon again available online for free):

_ 2015/0 - Business Case and Product Comparison - 54 pages release v0.2 2015-04-22

_ 2015/1 - Background- Support process - 38 pages draft released 2015-05-27

_ 2015/2 - Background- Monitor process" - 32 pages draft released 2015-06-11

_ 2015/3 - Ongoing- Removing free-riders" - 28 pages draft released 2015-07-07

_ 2015/4 - Ongoing- E-service incentive" - 28 pages draft released 2015-07-09

_ 2015/5 - Ongoing- Certification" - 28 pages draft released 2015-07-13

_ 2015/6 - Close, Transition, Thesaurize - 40 pages draft released 2018-06-15

About the Author

Roberto Lofaro
Roberto Lofaro

change, with and without technology

Table of Contents

  • "Connecting the Dots" series ... I
  • Re-use it! ... II
  • A Caveat ... III
  • Why #QuPlan ... 1
  • What is a project? ... 2
  • The impacts of tools and methodologies ... 4
  • 1. Today ... 5
    • 1.1. Why planning is still relevant ... 5
    • 1.2. Qualitative vs. quantitative planning ... 8
    • 1.3. Planning and stakeholders ... 11
    • 1.4. Planning and team building ... 12
    • 1.5. Project-level stakeholder management ... 13
    • 1.6. A systemic perspective ... 14
    • 1.7. Continuous process improvement ... 19
  • 2. Tomorrow ... 23
    • 2.1. Coping with the future ... 23
    • 2.2. The social enabling effect of technologies ... 24
    • 2.3 A XXI century definition for "project" ... 26
    • 2.4. Projectify your organization- the app paradigm ... 28
    • 2.5. Corporate planning and swarming ... 32
  • Appendix A. Software Classes Comparison ... 37
  • Appendix B. The Online Component ... 41

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