Modern Java
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Modern Java

Java 7 and Polyglot Programming on the JVM

About the Book

Second Edition is now out!

It's an exciting time to be a programmer, especially in the JVM space. Java 7 is production ready, Java 8 is getting closer to completion, while other JVM languages, like Groovy and Scala, have been increasing in popularity. With the accelerating pace of change in technology, it's important to always be learning and looking forward to the latest and greatest technology.

This book will help you:

  • Learn all the new features of Java 7
  • Understand how JUnit theories and Hamcrest can help you write better tests.
  • Work with in-depth examples of Groovy and Scala code.
  • Learn the design patterns and principles of Groovy and Scala and how they can improve your Java skills.
  • Understand the latest frameworks for concurrent programming on the JVM.
  • Get tips on Maven, Gradle, Grails, Play and more.

This book is meant for the following people:

  • People who want to learn about the latest Java and JVM technology.
  • Java developers who are curious about Groovy, Scala, etc.
  • Developers who believe that learning about other tools and languages make them better developers.

"bought both of your books (Modern Java & Modern Programming) and let me tell you, what a great value and extremely good content" - Rozzot


Java is a registered trademark of Oracle. You can find Java here on Oracle's website.

About the Author

Adam L. Davis
Adam L. Davis

Adam Davis makes software. He's spent many years developing in Java (since Java 1.2) and has enjoyed using Spring, Hibernate, Grails, and many others. He has used Java, Groovy, JavaScript, AWS, and much more to build applications for over a decade and has worked at both large and small corporations. Adam is a Certified Spring Professional and has a Masters and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

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Table of Contents

    • Introduction
      • Always be learning
      • Who is this book for?
      • What is this book about?
      • What this book is not about
    • Tech Predictions
      • Multi-core Processors are Commonplace
      • Multi-touch Becomes Standard
      • Linux has Arrived
      • Smart Phones will be Old Hat
  • Part I: Java
    • Java
      • History
      • Open-ness
      • The Java Ecosystem
    • Java 5 & 6
      • Java 1.5
      • Java 1.6
    • Java 7
      • Language Updates
      • Fork/Join
      • New IO (nio)
      • JVM Benefits
      • Performance Benefits
      • Backwards Compatibility
    • Java’s Future
      • Overview
      • New Date and Time API
      • Lambda Expressions
      • Method References
      • Default Methods
      • Map/Reduce
      • Parallel Array
      • Introducing Dollar
    • Guava
      • Collections
      • Objects
      • Concurrency
      • Functional Programming
      • Optional
      • Other Useful Classes
    • Maven
      • What is Maven?
      • Using Maven
      • Starting a New Project
      • Lifecycle
      • Executing Code
      • Deploying to Maven Central
    • Continuous Development and Testing
      • Definitions
      • Types of Testing
      • Test Frameworks
      • Arquillian
      • Automated Build Systems
    • JUnit
      • What is JUnit?
      • Hamcrest
      • Assumptions
      • The Beauty of JUnit Theories
    • Concurrency in Java
      • State of Concurrent Programming in Java
      • Prominent Models for Concurrency
      • Synchronize in Java
      • Java Futures
      • STM in Clojure
      • Actors
      • Groovy GPars
  • Part II: JVM Languages
    • Other JVM Languages
      • Why use non-Java Languages?
      • Polyglot Programming
      • Dynamic Languages, Refactoring IDE, pick one…
      • Edge-Craft
      • Groovy vs. Scala
    • Groovy
      • What is Groovy?
      • Compact Syntax
      • List and Map Definitions
      • Easy Properties
      • GString
      • Closures
      • A Better Switch
      • Gotcha’s
      • Groovy 1.8
      • Groovy 2.0
      • Static Type Checking
    • Design Patterns in Groovy
      • Strategy Pattern
      • Iterators
      • DSL’s
      • Meta-programming
      • Command pattern
      • Delegation
    • The Groovy Ecosystem
      • Web and UI Frameworks
      • Cloud Computing Frameworks
      • Build Frameworks
      • Testing Frameworks/Code Analysis
      • Concurrency
      • Honorable Mentions
    • Gradle
      • Projects and Tasks
      • Plugins
      • Maven Dependencies
    • Spock
      • Introduction
      • A Simple Test
      • Mocking
      • Lists or Tables of Data
      • Expecting Exceptions
      • Conclusion
    • Scala
      • What is Scala?
      • Hello World
      • Everything’s an object
      • Everything’s an expression
      • Match is Switch on Steroids
      • Traits as Mixins
      • List and Apply
      • Tuples
      • Maps
      • For Expressions
      • Scala 2.9
      • Scala 2.10
    • Design Patterns in Scala
      • Strategy Pattern
      • Iterators
      • DSL’s
      • Metaprogramming in Scala
    • The Scala Ecosystem
      • Web Frameworks
      • ORM Frameworks
      • Build frameworks
      • Testing frameworks/Code Analysis
      • Concurrency
      • Honorable Mentions
  • Part III: The Web
    • JVM Clouds
      • Cloudbees
      • CloudFoundry
      • Heroku
      • Jelastic
      • Commonalities
    • Grails
      • What is Grails?
      • Quick Overview of Grails
      • Plugins
      • What’s New in Grails 2.0?
      • Cloud
      • Groovy Mailgun in Heroku
    • Play Framework 2
      • What is Play?
      • Quick Overview of Play
      • Controllers, Views, Forms
      • ORM
      • Play 1.x
      • Play 2.0
      • Typesafe Activator
    • RESTful web-services
      • REST in Groovy
      • REST in Scala
      • JAX-RS 1.0
      • JAX-RS 2.0
    • Final Thoughts
      • The State of the JVM
      • The Future
      • Contact the Author
    • Appendix: Groovy for Java Devs
    • Appendix: Scala for Java Devs

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Electronic Frontier Foundation

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