Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives - Turkish Edition

Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives - Turkish Edition

A Toolbox of Retrospective Exercises

Kitap Hakkında

We present you: A new agile book with many exercises for facilitating retrospectives, supported with the “what” and “why” of retrospectives, the business value and benefits that they bring, and advice for introducing and improving retrospectives.

This is a book for agile coaches, scrum masters, project managers, product managers and facilitators who already have some experience with retrospectives. 

With this book we are offering a half year of our work to the community to help teams all over the world to get better in doing retrospectives. The suggested price is $9,99 (excl. VAT); this is what we think is the real value of this book. We leave it up to our readers to decide what they would like to pay for the book. You can download it for free if you want, pay the suggested price, or pay us more if you like; based on the value you expect to get from reading and using this book.

Want to stay informed about retrospectives and future versions of our book?

Join us at or join Luis Goncalves Monthly Webinar right here.

This book is being translated into many languages, they are all available on Leanpub.

Ben Linders & Luis Gonçalves

  • Bu kitabı paylaş

  • Kategoriler

    • Agile
    • Management
    • Consulting
    • Project Management
    • Teamwork
    • Non-Fiction
    • Textbooks
    • Startups
    • Software
    • Software Engineering
  • Geri Bildirim

    Yazar(lar)a E-posta Gönder

Bu kitap, orijinali İngilizce dilinde yazılmış olan Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives adlı eserin Türkçe diline çevirisidir.

Yazarlar Hakkında

Ben Linders
Ben Linders

Ben Linders is an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement. Author of Getting Value out of Agile RetrospectivesWaardevolle Agile RetrospectivesWhat Drives QualityProblem? What Problem?, and Continuous Improvement. Creator of many Agile Coaching Tools, for example, the Agile Self-assessment Game.

As an adviser, coach, and trainer he helps organizations with deploying effective software development and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.

Ben is a well-known speaker and author; he’s much respected for sharing his experiences and helping others share theirs. His books and games have been translated into more than 12 languages and are used by professionals in teams and organizations all around the world.

Ben is an active member of networks on Agile, Lean, and Quality, and a well-known speaker and author. He shares his experiences in a bilingual blog (Dutch and English), as an editor for Culture and Methods at InfoQ, and as an expert in communities like ComputableQuoraDZone, and TechTarget. Follow him on twitter: @BenLinders.

In need of advice, consultancy, training? Have a question? Contact me!

Luis Gonçalves
Luis Gonçalves

Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author, International Keynote Speaker and he is also the Managing Director of

As a Management Consultant he works with Senior Executives to implement his ADAPT Methodology so they can greatly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their organisations; enabling them to become recognised and highly rewarded Leaders.

Previously much of his career has been spent assisting various organisations to become more Agile and better at what they do. For more information on this topic, you can find different ideas on the list Agile Retrospectives Ideas or, for distributed teams, by clicking on Tools for Distributed Agile Retrospectives. General topics under: Agile RetrospectiveScrum, and Scrum Master.

At this moment Luis and his consultancy have now moved beyond Agile and spend all his time implementing his ‘Organisational Mastery’ product in organisations where OKRs are a fundamental piece of his approach.

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