Problem? What Problem? (Full Package: Book & Impediment Coaching Cards & Impediment Board Game)
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Problem? What Problem?

Dealing Effectively with Impediments using Agile Thinking with Problem-solving Practices

About the Book

Agile emphasizes to establish teams and give them whatever they need to do their work. This book on impediments explores how teams can effectively deal with the problems that will happen in their daily work. In agile these problems are called impediments: anything that slows down a team and needs to be dealt with. Agile teams need to be able to handle impediments.

This is the first book specifically about dealing with impediments using agile thinking with problem-solving practices. In this book, I explain why dealing with impediments matters. The book also provides approaches for you to effectively handle impediments in teams and beyond the teams. I'm also sharing experience stories from my practice.

I based this book on my experience as a developer, tester, team leader, project manager, quality manager, process manager, consultant, coach, trainer, and adviser in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement. This book dives into problem solving and impediments, viewing them from different perspectives and provides ideas, suggestions, practices, and experiences that will help you to become more effective in dealing with impediments.

This book is for agile teams, Scrum masters, tech leads, agile coaches, consultants, developers and testers, project managers, line managers, and CxOs; basically, anyone who is looking for an effective way to handle impediments or support people in doing that.

With plenty of ideas, suggestions, examples, and practical cases on impediments, this book will help you to become more effective in dealing with impediments.

The full package includes two successful Agile Coaching Tools:

This book is also available on Amazon in paperback format: Problem? What Problem? (paperback).

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About the Author

Ben Linders
Ben Linders

Ben Linders is an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement. Author of Getting Value out of Agile RetrospectivesWaardevolle Agile RetrospectivesWhat Drives QualityProblem? What Problem?, and Continuous Improvement. Creator of many Agile Coaching Tools, for example, the Agile Self-assessment Game.

As an adviser, coach, and trainer he helps organizations with deploying effective software development and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.

Ben is a well-known speaker and author; he’s much respected for sharing his experiences and helping others share theirs. His books and games have been translated into more than 12 languages and are used by professionals in teams and organizations all around the world.

Ben is an active member of networks on Agile, Lean, and Quality, and a well-known speaker and author. He shares his experiences in a bilingual blog (Dutch and English), as an editor for Culture and Methods at InfoQ, and as an expert in communities like ComputableQuoraDZone, and TechTarget. Follow him on twitter: @BenLinders.

In need of advice, consultancy, training? Have a question? Contact me!


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A book loaded with suggestions and tips for improving how you deal with impediments.

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Full Package: Book & Impediment Coaching Cards & Impediment Board Game

The book together with the Impediment Coaching Cards and Impediment Board Game

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Reader Testimonials

Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan

Lead Coach & Trainer at Agile Software Qualities

Impediments. Problems. Nobody wants them. You probably can't avoid them. They're often no fun to deal with. They may push you into difficult conversations/discussions. This book is a very useful resource for figuring out how to navigate them. Ben has collected a wide range of experience-based advice that you will find helpful.

Thomas Cagley
Thomas Cagley

Transformation Coach

Teams find problems that impact their ability to deliver value. The question is, what then? Ben Linders steps into the gap between finding a problem and living happily ever after with his new book, Problem? What Problem? This book directly addresses problem-solving at a level that agile teams can use, right now!

David Spinks
David Spinks

Agile Adventurer, PST, AKT

When working in an agile way, problems and impediments are quickly revealed. But what then? What are we actually supposed to do about it? With years of experience in the software development industry, Ben Linders provides a go-to resource in Problem? What Problem? that is full of practical advice for individuals, teams and organisations seeking strategies to deal with their problems.

Srinath Ramakrishnan
Srinath Ramakrishnan

Agile Coach and Consultant

Problems and impediments are common to those working in Agile. It is important to quickly identify them and find ways to means to either resolve the impediment or work around it. Ben Linders, with all his experience, comes up with a great book on how to address these issues and gives practical solutions to problems and impediments. This book is a great reference with the tools and techniques to navigate impediments both at a team level and at an organizational level.

Paddy Corry
Paddy Corry

Scrum Master at eShopWorld, Writer/Editor for Serious Scrum, Founder of Dublin North Agile

I really enjoyed the book: I found it to be right-sized and practical in the tone of advice offered. There are many techniques described in the book that will be useful to people in any role in an agile team, regardless of experience level or the framework preferred in your current context. For anyone dealing with impediments, finding a way forward can feel challenging. This book will refresh your mindset and systematically offer tactical approaches.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Introduction
    • My Experience with Solving Problems
    • What’s in This Book
    • Using the Book
  • Problem Solving and Impediments
    • Impediments and Signals
    • Dealing with Impediments
    • There Will Be Problems
    • Agile Mindset and Thinking
    • Agile Teams Deal with Problems Themselves
    • We Can’t Solve All Impediments
  • Dealing with Impediments in Teams
    • Recognizing Impediments
    • Understanding How Impediments Hinder Teams
    • Exploring Effective Solutions
    • Deciding on the Actions
  • Intermezzo: Agile Frameworks and Methods
    • Scrum
    • Scaled Agile Framework
    • Large Scale-Scrum
    • Scrum@Scale
    • Nexus
    • Other Methods and Frameworks
  • Handling Impediments Beyond the Team Level
    • Systemic Impediments
    • Handling Systemic Impediments
    • Recognizing Systemic Impediments
    • Understanding the Impact Impediments Have
    • Exploring Effective Solutions to Systemic Impediments
    • Deciding on Organizational-wide Actions
    • Dealing with Organizational-wide Impediments
  • Increasing your Problem-solving Effectiveness
    • Understand What You Are Trying to Solve
    • Decide as a Team
    • Don’t Try to Change Everything at Once
    • Listen to Each Other
    • Manage Your Impediments
    • Managers, Support Your Teams
    • Organize for Continuous Improvement
    • Handling Impediments Effectively
  • Agile Coaching Tools for Impediments
  • Training and Support
  • About the Author
  • Bibliography

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