United Front: Recruits
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United Front: Recruits

Building Internal Community

About the Book

How to work together, accept each other, work on agreements, hold meetings, become better role-models, and work through the basic rough spots of going from internal anarchy to internal community, by and for multiples & plurals.

Current State of this Book:

Recruits is our most fleshed-out book in the trilogy and is going under an author re-read/re-write/edit of the complete first draft. More info will be added, exercises firmed up, straggling "house-metaphor" blog excerpts or poorly written out-of-place content will either be removed, revamped, or rewritten entirely. Gaps in the contents will be bridged. Comments greatly appreciated at this point. Expect this read to be very rough, and the exercises may be missing or sketchy. We will update this page as edits are published, right now the edits are hand-written in a PDF. However, much info in this version is actually usable.

We've enabled the LeanPub forums to get feedback from readers. Please contribute and ask questions, you may help this book go off in new directions or help more people!!

About the Author

Rev. Criss Ittermann
Rev. Criss Ittermann

If there were a who's who of online multiple-personalities, the Crisses would be one of the notable names. Founder of Kinhost.org, the premier online manual by multiples, for multiples, the Crisses (aka Rev. Criss Ittermann) are well-known amongst persons with multiple personalities. They are also a life coach, Interfaith minister, Shaman, herbalist, Reiki Master, and more.

Crisses grew up in Brooklyn and at the age of 16 following an avalanche of tragic events, Crisses spent 9 months in a mental hospital. The adolescent ward of the hospital was far from what you may have seen in movies; it was much more like a Breakfast Club vacation from a troublesome life than a traumatic experience from a psychothriller movie. Quiet, observant, and wise beyond their years, Crisses became a "mother hen" for other people who were outcast from society, for whatever reason.

While in the hospital, Crisses confessed about the "other people" in their head to their doctor. While he didn't put their diagnosis on paper until 2001, Crisses were diagnosed with multiple personalities in 1986 and flat-out refused to integrate.

After discharge from all treatment, the Crisses continued their journey to their own particular brand of wholeness — a life of collaboration, understanding, kindness and community within themselves. They now share the tools that have helped them with others so that other multiples can improve internal relations and communication.

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Table of Contents

    • Preface: Guilt-Free Learning
      • This Doesn’t Fit!
    • Introduction: Welcome Aboard
  • Are You Really Ready?
    • Everyone’s Run Amok
      • Does this Feel New?
      • What does “Internal Anarchy” look like?
      • The Voice of Reason
    • Who Would Follow You?
      • The Benefits of Role-Modeling
      • Don’t Get Dragged In
      • Have a Heart
      • Staying Humble: Gratitude
      • Being Trustworthy
    • What Do You Want Out of This?
      • Making Things Fun
      • Rhythms not Routines
      • Trains of Employments
      • Finding Your “Why”
      • Staying Focused
      • Staying Motivated
      • Stay On-Mission
  • System Quick-Start Guide
    • Safety and Security
      • No More Abusers
      • Nothing New Under the Sun
      • Cool & Collected
      • How to Create a System Safety Plan
      • Introduction
      • Crew Equipment Review
      • Safe Water Mark
      • Foul Waters
      • Navigating Dangers
      • Batten the Hatches
      • Heavy Weather
    • Sharing Information
      • How Do We Create a Communication Device?
      • Can We Talk this Over?
      • Communication Techniques
    • Exercise: Meeting Parley
      • Meeting: Safety
      • Interim Guidance
    • Prevent Triggering Your Headmates
      • That’s MY Shampoo!
      • Knives Point Down in the Dishwasher
  • Taking Inventory
    • Equality Questionnaire
    • Ship’s Counselor
      • Developing Group Support Systems
      • Patience and Peacemaking
    • Everyone Goes Down with the Ship
      • Being Good Shipmates
      • Dividing Up the Chores
      • Agreeing to Disagree
      • Making Mistakes
      • Group Responsibility List
    • Maps & Rosters
      • Internal Landscapes
      • Ship’s Roster
  • Recruiting Crew
    • The Glue is Crew
    • Onboarding Passengers
      • Shaping Up to Ship Out
    • Caring for Your Crew
    • Open-Door Meetings
      • Meetings, Redux
  • Articles of Agreement
    • Personal and Ship Force Fields
      • Private Quarters
      • Diplomacy
    • All-Hands Meeting
      • Ice Cream Is NOT a Right; It’s a Privilege
      • Exercise: Articles of Agreement
      • Participatory Governance
  • Leadership
    • Defining Leadership
      • Not a Popularity Contest
    • Training Officers
    • Brainstorming
      • Brainstorming Questions Exercise
    • Problem-Solving Techniques
    • Introduction to 5 Laws of Plural Systems

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