Jaime González García
Software Developer and UX guy, speaker, author & defender of all things nerd
Jaime is a software developer and UX designer who loves building stuff. Sometimes to solve a problem, sometimes for the challenge, but more often because he just loves creating things for the sake of it. And the quirkier and weirder, the better. He specially enjoys mixing carefully crafted software with visually appealing aesthetics.
Obnoxiously joyful dude, fake extrovert, undercover nerd, Jaime works as a Front-end Software Engineer at Google. He spends part of his time as a Developer Relations in the Nordics developer community. He speaks at conferences, writes articles, runs workshops and talks to developers and companies about how they can do cool things with JavaScript. He also arranges developer community events in Stockholm as a way to support and encourage the thriving local dev ecosystem.
In his spare time, he builds his own products, writes the JavaScript-mancy series of books and blogs at barbarianmeetscoding.com. He loves spending time with his beloved wife Malin and son Teo, drawing, writing, reading fantasy and sci-fi, and lifting heavy weights.

Episode 127
An Interview with Jaime González García