Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim
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Boost Your Coding Fu With VSCode and Vim

About the Book

Visual Studio Code is superb. It offers an unparalleled user experience with great support for many languages and development ecosystems. It comes with great defaults and is super easy to use and to get started with.

Vim is awesome. It's modal nature and text editing features make it unique amongst other editors. Vim offers a complete different level of text editing proficiency, speed and accuracy from anything else out there.

The combination of both couldn't be anything less that amazingly superbsome (yep, I just did that).

In the upcoming days, and as you read these pages and practice, you will boost your Visual Studio editing skills incredibly. You'll become better by bringing in lots of useful tools from the Vim editor right inside the comfort of your favorite editor: Visual Studio Code.

You can read this book free online! If you enjoy it and find it useful, share it and consider buying a copy to help me sustain my authoring efforts.

Here is what we're going to cover in this book:

- What is Vim? And Why Use Vim in VSCode?

- How to Install Vim in VSCode?

- Basic Surviving Skills in Vim

- Moving Blazingly Fast with Core Vim Motions

- Editing at The Speed of Thought With Vim Operators and Motions

- Vim's Secret Language

- Inserting Text a la Vim

- Selecting Text in Visual Mode

- Copy and Pasting Taking Advantage of Registers

- Surrounding Things with Vim Surround

- Moving Even Faster with the Sneak and EasyMotion Plugins

- Creating Custom Shortcuts to Make You More Effective

- Supercharging Multiple Cursors With Vim

- Creating Reusable Editing Units With Macros

- Integrating VSCode with Neovim For Maximum Awesomeness

This book doesn't assume any prior Vim knowledge so don't worry if you aren't familiar with Vim. I'll guide you through all the concepts and techniques you need to know to be effective with VSCode and Vim.

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About the Author

Jaime González García
Jaime González García

Software Developer and UX guy, speaker, author & defender of all things nerd

Jaime is a software developer and UX designer who loves building stuff. Sometimes to solve a problem, sometimes for the challenge, but more often because he just loves creating things for the sake of it. And the quirkier and weirder, the better. He specially enjoys mixing carefully crafted software with visually appealing aesthetics.

Obnoxiously joyful dude, fake extrovert, undercover nerd, Jaime works as a Front-end Software Engineer at Google. He spends part of his time as a Developer Relations in the Nordics developer community. He speaks at conferences, writes articles, runs workshops and talks to developers and companies about how they can do cool things with JavaScript. He also arranges developer community events in Stockholm as a way to support and encourage the thriving local dev ecosystem.

In his spare time, he builds his own products, writes the JavaScript-mancy series of books and blogs at He loves spending time with his beloved wife Malin and son Teo, drawing, writing, reading fantasy and sci-fi, and lifting heavy weights.

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Table of Contents

  • About The Author
  • Foreword
  • 1. Introduction: Vim in VSCode
    • What is Vim?
    • Why Vim? Isn’t Visual Studio Code Enough?
    • A Brief Note About the Conventions Used in This Book
    • Give Feedback Freely!
  • 2. Installing Vim Inside Visual Studio Code
  • 3. Your First Baby Steps in Vim
    • Modes in Vim
    • Normal Mode
    • Summary
  • 4. Moving Blazingly Fast With The Core Vim Motions
    • Move Horizontally Word By Word
    • Move To A Specific Character
    • Move Horizontally Extremely
    • Moving Vertically
    • High Precision Vertical Motions With Search Pattern
    • Moving Faster With Counts
    • Moving Semantically
    • And Some More Nifty Core Motions
    • Summary
  • 5. Editing Like Magic With Vim Operators
    • Useful Operators
    • Operator Shorthand Syntax
    • Taking Editing Up a Notch With Text Objects
    • Repeating The Last Change with The Dot Operator
    • More Shorthand Text Editing Commands
    • Undoing and Redoing
    • Summary
  • 6. Vim’s Secret Language
  • 7. Inserting Text a la Vim
  • 8. Selecting Text in Visual Mode
  • 9. Switfly Operating On Search Matches
  • 10. Pushing the Boundaries of Copying and Pasting
    • Cutting Stuff In Vim
    • Multi-Copying and Cutting with Registers
    • Pasting in Insert Mode
  • 11. Control VSCode With Command-line Mode
    • Typing an Ex Command
    • Saving and Closing Files
    • Deleting Multiple Lines At Once
    • Repeating Ex Commands
    • Substituting Text
  • 12. Splits, Tabs and Switching Between Them
    • Splits
    • Tabs
  • 13. Surrounding Things With Vim Surround
  • 14. Elevating Your Workflow With Custom Mappings
    • Why Custom Mappings?
    • Creating Custom Mappings
    • Guidelines For Creating Custom Mappings
    • Customizing The Leader Key
    • Some Good Custom Mappings
    • Creating Custom Mappings To VSCode Actions
  • 15. Moving Even Faster
    • Vim-sneak
    • Vim-EasyMotion
  • 16. Multiple Cursors
    • Add Multiple Cursors Based of Word Search
    • Add Multiple Cursors On Consecutive Lines
  • 17. Reusable Editing With Macros
    • Creating a New Vim Macro
    • Macros in Action
  • 18. Enhanced File Explorer, Panes and Palettes
  • 19. Integrating VSCode With Neovim
    • Installing Neovim
    • Enabling Neovim Inside VSCode
    • Using Neovim From VSCode
    • Copying and Moving Lines Around
    • The Normal Command
    • The Global Command
    • A Delete Caveat To Take Into Account
  • 20. Some handy Visual Studio Code only key mappings:
  • 21. Afterword: Where Should I Go From Here?
  • 22. Thank you!!
  • 23. References
  • Notes

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