![Tg 060322 300x300](https://d39qdlcrvnra4b.cloudfront.net/avatars/266595/original/tg_060322_300x300.jpg?1666817594)
Tom Graves
Tom Graves is probably best-known as a writer on subjects in the 'alternative' domains, such as dowsing (water-divining), earth-mysteries research and the relationship between science, technology and magic. Yet he has also done extensive research and writing on a wide range of other themes, including business-models, personal-development and gender-issues. The common theme in all of his work is explorations of how people learn new skills - the development of sensemaking, decision-making, judgement and awareness in discovering new capabilities for and of themselves.
For more information on Tom and his work, visit his personal website http://tomgraves.org or his more business-oriented weblog at http://weblog.tetradian.com .