Disciplines of Dowsing
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Disciplines of Dowsing

About the Book

Dowsing is a core skill throughout the 'alternative' fields, especially in healing and in earth-mysteries studies - sensing patterns in the landscape to extend our understanding of the past and provide practical value in the present.

Yet whilst there are many introductory texts for beginners, there has been almost nothing that tackles the deeper disciplines of dowsing - the systematic practices and processes to take your skills beyond the beginner level. This book addresses that essential need.

In a lighthearted, engaging and refreshingly open style, two of the most experienced dowsers in present-day earth-mysteries research - writer Tom Graves and archaeographer Liz Poraj-Wilczynska - explain what can and does go wrong in dowsing practice, and what to do to get it right. They guide you past the pitfalls that cause so many dowsing problems, and show you how to improve the reliability of your results. You'll explore how to:

  • use the Four Disciplines of Dowsing - artist, scientist, mystic and magician
  • switch between the disciplines in seamless practice
  • use psychology and physiology of perception to enhance your awareness
  • avoid the Seven Sins of Dubious Discipline - hype, newage the like
  • know how, where, when and why to use, or not use, your dowsing skills

The book also introduces a new technique of deviceless dowsing, using GPS technology to map intuitive sensings and their locations at any dowsing sites.

Illustrated through with useful anecdotes and exercises, this is one book you'll want to keep close to hand whenever you use dowsing in your work.

About the Author

Tom Graves
Tom Graves

Tom Graves is probably best-known as a writer on subjects in the 'alternative' domains, such as dowsing (water-divining), earth-mysteries research and the relationship between science, technology and magic. Yet he has also done extensive research and writing on a wide range of other themes, including business-models, personal-development and gender-issues. The common theme in all of his work is explorations of how people learn new skills - the development of sensemaking, decision-making, judgement and awareness in discovering new capabilities for and of themselves.

For more information on Tom and his work, visit his personal website http://tomgraves.org or his more business-oriented weblog at http://weblog.tetradian.com . 

Table of Contents

    • The Disciplines of Dowsing
  • Introduction
    • A bit of background
    • An emphasis on quality
    • Dowsing and beyond
    • A question of discipline
    • Killing quality
  • Dowsing in ten minutes
    • What is dowsing?
    • Know your instrument
    • It’s all coincidence
    • What’s the need?
    • Round the bend
  • A question of quality
    • What is quality
    • Predictable quality
    • Subjective quality
    • Quality in practice
  • The disciplined dowser
  • The dowser as artist
    • Principles…
    • …and practice
  • The dowser as mystic
    • Principles…
    • …and practice
  • The dowser as scientist
    • Principles…
    • …and practice
  • The dowser as magician
    • Principles…
    • …and practice
  • The integrated dowser
    • Principles…
    • …and practice
  • Seven sins of dubious discipline
    • The hype hubris
    • The Golden-Age game
    • The newage nuisance
    • The meaning mistake
    • The possession problem
    • The reality risk
    • Lost in the learning labyrinth
    • Cleansing the sins
  • Practice – enhancing the senses
  • Practice – setup and fieldwork
    • Preparation
    • Arriving on site
    • Fieldwork and records
    • Closing the session
  • Practice – worked examples
    • Techniques summary
    • Belas Knap, Winchcombe, near Cheltenham
    • Wiggold, near Cirencester
  • Appendix: Resources
    • Books and text resources
    • Societies

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