The Rails 5 Way
The Rails 5 Way
About the Book
The Rails™ 5 Way is the only comprehensive, authoritative guide to delivering production-quality code with Rails 5.1...
Pioneering Rails expert Obie Fernandez and a team of leading Rails experts illuminate the entire set of Rails APIs, along with the idioms, design approaches, and libraries that make developing applications with Rails so powerful. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience and track record, they address the real challenges development teams face, showing how to use Rails to maximize your productivity.
Using numerous detailed code examples, the author systematically cover Rails key capabilities and subsystems, making this book a reference that you depend on everyday. He presents advanced Rails programming techniques that have been proven effective in day-to-day usage on dozens of production Rails systems and offers important insights into behavior-driven development and production considerations such as scalability. Dive deep into the subtleties of the asset pipeline and other advanced Rails topics such as security and scalability. The Rails 5 Way is your best guide for making Rails do exactly what you want it to do.
Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Foreword (to The Rails 4 Way)
- Foreword (to The Rails 3 Way)
- Foreword (to The Rails Way)
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- About This Book
- David Heinemeier Hansson (aka DHH)
- Goals
- Prerequisites
- Required Technology
- Licenses, Attributions and Trademark Notice
1. Rails Configuration and Environments
- 1.1 Bundler
- 1.2 Startup Scripts
- 1.3 Default Initializers
- 1.4 Other Common Initializers
- 1.5 Spring Application Preloader
- 1.6 Development Mode
- 1.7 Test Mode
- 1.8 Production Mode
- 1.9 Configuring a Database
- 1.10 Configuring Application Secrets
- 1.11 Logging
2. Routing
- 2.1 The Two Purposes of Routing
2.2 The
File - 2.3 Route Globbing
- 2.4 Named Routes
- 2.5 Scoping Routing Rules
- 2.6 Listing Routes
- 2.7 Conclusion
3. REST, Resources, and Rails
- 3.1 REST in a Rather Small Nutshell
- 3.2 Resources and Representations
- 3.3 REST in Rails
- 3.4 Routing and CRUD
- 3.5 The Standard RESTful Controller Actions
- 3.6 Singular Resource Routes
- 3.7 Nested Resources
- 3.8 Routing Concerns
- 3.9 RESTful Route Customizations
- 3.10 Controller-Only Resources
- 3.11 Different Representations of Resources
- 3.12 The RESTful Rails Action Set
- 3.13 Conclusion
4. Working with Controllers
- 4.1 Rack
- 4.2 Action Dispatch: Where It All Begins
- 4.3 Render unto View…
- 4.4 Additional Layout Options
- 4.5 Redirecting
- 4.6 Controller/View Communication
- 4.7 Action Callbacks
- 4.8 Streaming
- 4.9 Variants
- 4.10 Conclusion
5. Working with Active Record
- 5.1 The Basics
- 5.2 Macro-Style Methods
- 5.3 Defining Attributes
- 5.4 CRUD: Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting
- 5.5 Database Locking
- 5.6 Querying
- 5.7 Ignoring Columns
- 5.8 Connections to Multiple Databases in Different Models
- 5.9 Using the Database Connection Directly
- 5.10 Custom SQL Queries
- 5.11 Other Configuration Options
- 5.12 Conclusion
6. Active Record Migrations
- 6.1 Creating Migrations
- 6.2 Defining Columns
- 6.3 Transactions
- 6.4 Data Migration
- 6.5 Database Schema
- 6.6 Database Seeding
- 6.7 Database-Related Tasks
- 6.8 Conclusion
7. Active Record Associations
- 7.1 The Association Hierarchy
- 7.2 One-to-Many Relationships
- 7.3 Belongs to Associations
- 7.4 Has Many Associations
- 7.5 Many-to-Many Relationships
- 7.6 One-to-One Relationships
- 7.7 Working with Unsaved Objects and Associations
- 7.8 Association Extensions
7.9 The
Class - 7.10 Conclusion
8. Validations
- 8.1 Finding Errors
- 8.2 The Simple Declarative Validations
- 8.3 Common Validation Options
- 8.4 Conditional Validation
- 8.5 Short-form Validation
- 8.6 Custom Validation Techniques
- 8.7 Skipping Validations
- 8.8 Working with the Errors Hash
- 8.9 Testing Validations with Shoulda
- 8.10 Conclusion
9. Advanced Active Record
- 9.1 Scopes
- 9.2 Callbacks
- 9.3 Attributes API
- 9.4 Serialized Attributes
- 9.5 Enums
- 9.6 Generating Secure Tokens
- 9.7 Calculation Methods
- 9.8 Batch Operations
- 9.9 Single-Table Inheritance (STI)
- 9.10 Abstract Base Model Classes
9.11 Polymorphic
Relationships - 9.12 Foreign-key Constraints
- 9.13 Modules for Reusing Common Behavior
- 9.14 Value Objects
- 9.15 Non-Persisted Models
- 9.16 Modifying Active Record Classes at Runtime
- 9.17 PostgreSQL
- 9.18 Conclusion
10. Action View
- 10.1 Layouts and Templates
- 10.2 Partials
- 10.3 Conclusion
11. All About Helpers
and the I18n API -
- 11.24 Writing Your Own View Helpers
- 11.25 Wrapping and Generalizing Partials
- 11.26 Conclusion
12. Haml
- 12.1 Getting Started
- 12.2 The Basics
- 12.3 Doctype
- 12.5 Evaluating Ruby Code
- 12.6 Helpers
- 12.7 Filters
- 12.8 Haml and Content
- 12.9 Configuration Options
- 12.10 Conclusion
13. Session Management
- 13.1 What to Store in the Session
- 13.2 Storage Mechanisms
- 13.3 Cookies
- 13.4 Conclusion
14. Authentication and Authorization
- 14.1 Warden
- 14.2 Devise
- 14.4 Pundit
- 14.5 Conclusion
15. Security
- 15.1 Password Management
- 15.2 Log Masking
- 15.3 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- 15.4 Model Mass-assignment Attributes Protection
- 15.5 SQL Injection
- 15.6 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- 15.7 XSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
- 15.8 Session Fixation Attacks
- 15.9 Keeping Secrets
- 15.10 Conclusion
16. Action Mailer
- 16.1 Mailer Models
- 16.2 Previews
- 16.3 Receiving Emails
- 16.4 Testing Email Content
- 16.5 Sending via API
- 16.6 Configuration
- 16.7 Conclusion
17. Caching and Performance
- 17.1 View Caching
- 17.2 Data Caching
- 17.3 Control of Web Caching
- 17.4 ETags
- 18. Conclusion
19. Background Processing
- 19.1 Active Job
- 19.2 Queueing Backends
- 19.3 Rails Runner
- 19.4 Conclusion
20. Asset Pipeline
- 20.1 Introduction to Asset Management
- 20.2 Organization. Where Does Everything Go?
- 20.3 Manifest Files
- 20.4 Custom Format Handlers
- 20.5 Post-Processing
- 20.6 Helpers
- 20.7 Fingerprinting
- 20.8 Serving the Files
- 20.9 Rake Tasks
- 20.10 Webpack
- 20.11 Conclusion
21. Ajax on Rails
- 21.1 Unobtrusive JavaScript
- 21.2 Ajax and JSON
- 21.3 Ajax and HTML
- 21.4 JSONP Requests
- 21.5 Conclusion
22. Turbolinks
- 22.1 Turbolinks Usage
- 22.2 Building Your Turbolinks Application
- 22.3 Understanding Turbolinks Caching
- 22.4 Making Transformations Idempotent
- 22.5 Responding to Page Updates
- 22.6 Persisting Elements Across Page Loads
- 22.7 Advanced Turbolinks
- 22.8 Turbolinks API Reference
- 22.9 Turbolinks Events
- 22.10 Conclusion
23. Action Cable
- 23.1 Web Sockets
- 23.2 Publish-Subscribe Pattern
- 23.3 Connections
- 23.4 Channels
- 23.5 Subscriptions
- 23.6 Streams
- 23.7 Subscriptions Revisited (Browser-Side)
- 23.8 Rebroadcasting
- 23.9 Channel Actions
- 23.10 Configuration
- 23.11 Running Standalone Cable Servers
- 23.12 Generator
- 23.13 Conclusion
24. RSpec
- 24.1 Introduction
- 24.2 Behavior-Driven Development
- 24.3 Basic Syntax and API
- 24.4 Custom Expectation Matchers
- 24.5 Helper Methods
- 24.6 Shared Behaviors
- 24.7 Shared Context
- 24.8 Mocks and Stubs
- 24.9 Running Specs
- 24.10 Factory Girl
- 24.11 RSpec and Rails
- 24.12 Feature Specs with Capybara
- 24.13 Working with Files in Your Specs
- 24.14 RSpec Tools
- 24.15 Conclusion
Active Model API Reference
- AttributeAssignment
- AttributeMethods
- Callbacks
- Conversion
- Dirty
- Errors
- ForbiddenAttributesError
- Lint::Tests
- MissingAttributeError
- Model
- Name
- Naming
- SecurePassword
- Serialization
- Serializers::JSON
- Translation
- Type
- ValidationError
- Validations
- Validator
Active Support API Reference
- Array
- Autoload
- BacktraceCleaner
- Benchmark
- Benchmarkable
- BigDecimal
- Cache::FileStore
- Cache::MemCacheStore
- Cache::MemoryStore
- Cache::NullStore
- Cache::Store
- CachingKeyGenerator
- Callbacks
- Class
- Concern
- Configurable
- Date
- DateAndTime
- DateTime
- Dependencies
- DescendantsTracker
- Digest::UUID
- Duration
- Enumerable
- ERB::Util
- EventedFileUpdateChecker
- FalseClass
- File
- FileUpdateChecker
- Gzip
- Hash
- HashWithIndifferentAccess
- Inflector
- Inflector::Inflections
- Integer
- Kernel
- KeyGenerator
- LazyLoadHooks
- Locale
- LogSubscriber
- Logger
- MessageEncryptor
- MessageVerifier
- Module
- Module::Concerning
- Multibyte::Chars
- Multibyte::Unicode
- NameError
- NilClass
- Notifications
- NumberHelper
- Numeric
- Object
- OrderedOptions
- ProxyObject
- Railtie
- Range
- Regexp
- Rescuable
- SecureRandom
- SecurityUtils
- String
- StringInquirer
- Subscriber
- TaggedLogging
- TestCase
- Testing::Assertions
- Thread
- Time
- TimeWithZone
- TimeZone
- TrueClass
- XmlMini
Rails API
- Rails API Mode
- Notes
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