Data Science Workflow for Beginners
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Data Science Workflow for Beginners

Start your Data Science Journey into a Successful High Paying Career

About the Book

This book brings to you a simple yet effective 40 to 60 mins introduction that will clear all your doubts about Data Sience and will answer some important questions like: What is data Science ? 

The book explores all the initial concepts a person might want to know about the data science workflow. There’s not coding, math or statistics required to successfully understand the goals and end results of this process. 

This book takes you on an exclusive tour of datasets and sites to download your first datasets. Then jumps into a comprehensive and  easy-to-follow data science process letting you go through 3 data visualization projects. (Python Code Understanding is Recommended for the Data Visualization projects)

  • 40 to 60 mins reading time.
  • 3 Data Visualization projects.
  • 10 Datasets sources.
  • 26 Quality datasets for your first visualizations.
  • Get the code and reuse in your own projects.

The ebook covers:

  • Intro to Data Science.
  • The Workflow of Data Science.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning.
  • Datasets to start right away.
  • Data Visualization Projects. (Python Code Understanding Recommended)

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Appwrite Up and Running

Front End Developer Interview Questions

ReactJS Documentation

Backend Developer Interview Questions

VueJS Documentation

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Data Science Workflow for Beginners

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    • Business Analysis
    • Machine Learning
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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Who is this book for ?
    • What this book covers ?
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Science
    • What is Data Science ?
    • Who is a data scientist ?
    • Structured Vs Unstructured data
  • Chapter 2: The Workflow of Data Science
  • Chapter 3: Data Science and Machine Learning
    • What is Machine Learning ?
    • Relation between Data Science and Machine Learning
    • Machine learning model
    • Supervised learning, unsupervised learning and deep learning
    • Algorithms used in Machine Learning
  • Chapter 4: 26 Datasets to Build Successful Data Science Projects
    • World Development Indicators
    • Education Statistics
    • World Bank Projects & Operations
    • Airline Safety
    • Weather in the US
    • Adderall Drug Study
    • Government Surveillance Planes Analysis
    • Zika Virus Dataset
    • FBI Firearm Background Check Data
    • Political Ads on Facebook
    • Hate News Story Dataset
    • Voting Machines in 2016 Election
    • n-grams from Google Books
    • Common Crawl Corpus
    • Landsat 8 Images
    • Annual Survey of School System Finances
    • World Bank Open Data
    • International Monetary Fund Data
    • Financial Times Market Data
    • Google’s Open Images Dataset
    • Stanford Dogs Dataset
    • Indoor Scene Recognition Dataset
    • Large Movie Review Dataset
    • Berkeley DeepDrive Dataset
    • Peking University/Baidu - Autonomous Driving
    • Learning Analytics Data Set
  • Chapter 5: 10 Amazing sites with Free Datasets
  • Chapter 6: Data Visualization Projects
  • Keep exploring and learning about Data Science
  • Source Code Download

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