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Ultimate Beginners Guide to become a Successful Devops Engineer

About the Book

This book brings to you an introduction to DevOps and then presents some of the tools you will need to use on a day to day basis.

It's the perfect book for a beginner who wants to understand the DevOps mindset and at the same time start to get familiar with tools for virtualization, monitoring, continuous integration, deployment etc.

Along the book you will be pointed to additional resources which will guide your way towards getting a deeper DevOps knowledge of the particular area, framework or tool.

The ebook covers:

  • DevOps Overview.
  • OS Linux knowledge.
  • Networking Basics.
  • Tools used by DevOps Engineers.

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SysAdmin Interview Questions

Javascript Snippets

Appwrite Up and Running

Front End Developer Interview Questions

ReactJS Documentation

Backend Developer Interview Questions

VueJS Documentation

React Redux Documentation

Data Science Workflow for Beginners

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    • DevOps
    • Docker
    • Testing
    • Computers and Programming
    • Cloud Computing
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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

Table of Contents

  • Other Books by Alejandro
  • Your Free Gift
  • Introduction
    • What are the benefits of DevOps ?
    • What are the DevOps best practices ?
    • What are the tools used in DevOps ?
    • DevOps Engineer role
    • What is expected from a DevOps engineer ?
    • Who is this book for ?
    • What this book covers ?
  • Chapter 1: OS/Linux Basics
    • Operating System
    • Boot Process
    • Process and Process Management
    • Linux Signals
    • Threads and Concurrency
    • Scheduling
    • Memory Management
    • Inter-Process Communication
    • I/O Management
    • Virtualization
    • Distributed File Systems
    • Cloud Computing
    • References:
    • Linux Performance Monitoring
  • Chapter 2: Networking
    • Four DoD layers
    • TCP/IP Model
    • IP Addresses:
    • DNS:
    • Proxy server
    • Networking Commands
    • Configuration
  • Chapter 3: Docker
    • Why DOCKER?
    • What is an Image?
    • What is a container?
    • Containers Vs VM
    • Working of Containers Deep-Dive
    • 1. Basic concepts of docker - Containers and Images
    • 2. Setting up Docker
    • 3. Node Web App
    • 4. Writing Dockerfile
    • 5. Running Up the docker image
    • 6 Pushing Image To Dockerhub
    • Docker Useful Commands
  • Chapter 4: Kubernetes
    • What is Kubernetes?
    • Kubernetes Objects
    • Kubernetes Architecture
    • How Kubernetes Works?
    • What are Master components?
    • kube-apiserver
    • etcd
    • kube-controller-manager
    • kube-scheduler
    • Node Components
    • Kubernetes Commands
    • Kubernetes Deplyoment Tutorials:
  • Chapter 5: Tools - Prometheus
    • What is Prometheus?
    • Architecture
    • Components
    • What Prometheus Is Not
    • Install Prometheus
    • Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
    • Deploying Prometheus and Grafana
    • Checking Prometheus
    • Checking Alertmanager
    • Checking Grafana
    • Changing the admin
    • Check out your dashboards
    • Next Steps
  • Chapter 6: Tools - Loki
    • Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs.
    • Loki in Grafana
    • Querying Loki with LogCLI
    • Labels
    • Installing Loki Locally
    • Installing Loki with Docker or Docker Compose
    • Promtail
    • Installing Promtail
  • Chapter 7: Tools - Travis CI
    • What is Travis CI ?
    • What Is Continuous Integration (CI)?
    • What does Travis do?
    • Travis CI Features:
    • Why using Travis CI?
    • Continuous Integration
    • Realistic Example
    • Using Environment Variables with Travis!
    • Continuous Delivery
    • Install Travis-CLI on Ubuntu
  • Chapter 8: Tools - Github Actions
    • What is GitHub Actions?
    • Workflows
    • Example
    • GitHub Action Features
    • GitHub Actions Tutorials
    • Tutorial:
    • Resources:
  • Chapter 9: Tools - Git Commands
  • Chapter 10: Tools - Ansible
    • What is Ansible?
  • Chapter 11 : Tools - Puppet
    • What is Puppet?
    • Puppet Commands
  • Bonus Books
  • Keep developing your DevOps skills
  • About the Author

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