VueJS Documentation
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VueJS Documentation

Offline Ebook PDF Version of the VueJS v2.6.11 Documentation

About the Book

VueJS is a Progressive Javascript Framework. This PDF ebook is a portable offline reference guide for the community, can be printed or synced with your kindle for a better reading experience. It's based on VueJS version v.2.6.11

This is an excellent reference format for VueJS beginners, is not a tutorial just the official documentation for your reference.

"An incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework."

"Already know HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Read the guide and start building things in no time!"

"20KB min+gzip Runtime Blazing Fast Virtual DOM Minimal Optimization Efforts"

Discover, What is VueJS ? and then go through the Getting Started with VueJS to learn how to quickly install VueJS and start building projects !!

Note: The interactive examples which appear in the online documentation couldn't be included in this format.

This book is not officially endorsed by VueJS

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Javascript Snippets

Appwrite Up and Running

Front End Developer Interview Questions

ReactJS Documentation

Backend Developer Interview Questions

VueJS Documentation

React Redux Documentation


Data Science Workflow for Beginners

About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

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Table of Contents

  • This Book
    • Recommended Resources
    • Recommended Books
  • Installation
    • Vue Devtools
    • Direct <script> Include
    • NPM
    • CLI
    • Explanation of Different Builds
    • Dev Build
    • Bower
    • AMD Module Loaders
  • Introduction
    • What is Vue.js?
    • Getting Started
    • Declarative Rendering
    • Conditionals and Loops
    • Handling User Input
    • Composing with Components
    • Ready for More?
  • The Vue Instance
    • Creating a Vue Instance
    • Data and Methods
    • Instance Lifecycle Hooks
    • Lifecycle Diagram
  • Template Syntax
    • Interpolations
    • Directives
    • Shorthands
  • Computed Properties and Watchers
    • Computed Properties
    • Watchers
  • Class and Style Bindings
    • Binding HTML Classes
    • Binding Inline Styles
  • Conditional Rendering
    • v-if
    • v-show
    • v-if vs v-show
    • v-if with v-for
  • List Rendering
    • Mapping an Array to Elements with v-for
    • v-for with an Object
    • Maintaining State
    • Array Change Detection
    • Displaying Filtered/Sorted Results
    • v-for with a Range
    • v-for on a <template>
    • v-for with v-if
    • v-for with a Component
  • Event Handling
    • Listening to Events
    • Method Event Handlers
    • Methods in Inline Handlers
    • Event Modifiers
    • Key Modifiers
    • System Modifier Keys
    • Why Listeners in HTML?
  • Form Input Bindings
    • Basic Usage
    • Value Bindings
    • Modifiers
    • v-model with Components
  • Components Basics
    • Base Example
    • Reusing Components
    • Organizing Components
    • Passing Data to Child Components with Props
    • A Single Root Element
    • Listening to Child Components Events
    • Content Distribution with Slots
    • Dynamic Components
    • DOM Template Parsing Caveats
  • Component Registration
    • Component Names
    • Global Registration
    • Local Registration
    • Module Systems
  • Props
    • Prop Casing (camelCase vs kebab-case)
    • Prop Types
    • Passing Static or Dynamic Props
    • One-Way Data Flow
    • Prop Validation
    • Non-Prop Attributes
  • Custom Events
    • Event Names
    • Customizing Component v-model
    • Binding Native Events to Components
    • .sync Modifier
  • Slots
    • Slot Content
    • Compilation Scope
    • Fallback Content
    • Named Slots
    • Scoped Slots
    • Dynamic Slot Names
    • Named Slots Shorthand
    • Other Examples
    • Deprecated Syntax
  • Dynamic & Async Components
    • keep-alive with Dynamic Components
    • Async Components
  • Handling Edge Cases
    • Element & Component Access
    • Programmatic Event Listeners
    • Circular References
    • Alternate Template Definitions
    • Controlling Updates
  • Enter/Leave & List Transitions
    • Overview
    • Transitioning Single Elements/Components
    • Transitions on Initial Render
    • Transitioning Between Elements
    • Transitioning Between Components
    • List Transitions
    • Reusable Transitions
    • Dynamic Transitions
  • State Transitions
    • Animating State with Watchers
    • Dynamic State Transitions
    • Organizing Transitions into Components
    • Bringing Designs to Life
  • Mixins
    • Basics
    • Option Merging
    • Global Mixin
    • Custom Option Merge Strategies
  • Custom Directives
    • Intro
    • Hook Functions
    • Directive Hook Arguments
    • Function Shorthand
    • Object Literals
  • Render Functions & JSX
    • Basics
    • Nodes, Trees, and the Virtual DOM
    • createElement Arguments
    • Replacing Template Features with Plain JavaScript
    • JSX
    • Functional Components
    • Template Compilation
  • Plugins
    • Using a Plugin
    • Writing a Plugin
  • Filters
  • Single File Components
    • Introduction
    • Getting Started
  • Testing
    • Introduction
    • Unit Testing
    • Component Testing
    • End-to-End (E2E) Testing
  • TypeScript Support
    • Official Declaration in NPM Packages
    • Recommended Configuration
    • Development Tooling
    • Basic Usage
    • Class-Style Vue Components
    • Augmenting Types for Use with Plugins
    • Annotating Return Types
    • Annotating Props
  • Production Deployment
    • Turn on Production Mode
    • Pre-Compiling Templates
    • Extracting Component CSS
    • Tracking Runtime Errors
  • Routing
    • Official Router
    • Simple Routing From Scratch
    • Integrating 3rd-Party Routers
  • State Management
    • Official Flux-Like Implementation
    • Simple State Management from Scratch
  • Server-Side Rendering
    • The Complete SSR Guide
    • Nuxt.js
    • Quasar Framework SSR + PWA
  • Security
    • Reporting Vulnerabilities
    • Rule No.1: Never Use Non-trusted Templates
    • What Vue Does to Protect You
    • Potential Dangers
    • Best Practices
    • Backend Coordination
    • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Reactivity in Depth
    • How Changes Are Tracked
    • Change Detection Caveats
    • Declaring Reactive Properties
    • Async Update Queue
  • Migration from Vue 1.x
    • FAQ
    • Templates
    • Lifecycle Hooks
    • v-for
    • Props
    • Computed properties
    • Built-In Directives
    • Custom Directives <sup>simplified</sup>
    • Transitions
    • Events
    • Filters
    • Slots
    • Special Attributes
    • Interpolation
    • Reactivity
    • DOM-Focused Instance Methods
    • Meta Instance Methods
    • Instance DOM Options
    • Global Config
    • Global API
  • Migration from Vue Router 0.7.x
    • Router Initialization
    • Route Definitions
    • Route Matching
    • Links
    • Programmatic Navigation
    • Router Options: Modes
    • Route Options: Misc
    • Route Hooks
  • Migration from Vuex 0.6.x to 1.0
    • with String Property Path <sup>replaced</sup>
    • Store’s Event Emitter <sup>removed</sup>
    • Middlewares <sup>replaced</sup>

Causes Supported

Code Club

A nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11.

We create projects for our volunteers to teach at after school coding clubs or at non-school venues such as libraries. The projects we make teach children how to program by showing them how to make computer games, animations and websites. Our volunteers go to their local club for an hour a week and teach one project a week. Each term the students will progress and learn more whilst at the same time using their imaginations and making creative projects. Terms 1 & 2 use Scratch to teach the basics of programming. Term 3 teaches the basics of web development using HTML and CSS. Term 4 teaches Python and so on. We’d like to put a Code Club in every single primary school in the country. There are over 21,000 primary schools in the UK, it’s a big task but we think we can do it!

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