C++17 in Detail
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C++17 in Detail

Learn the Exciting Features of The New C++ Standard!

About the Book

If you’ve ever asked “what’s in C++17 and what does it mean for me and my code?” — and I hope you have — then this book is for you.

Herb Sutter, herbsutter.com

Available also as the paperback version @Amazon and the interactive online course @Educative

C++11 was a major update for the language. With all the modern features like lambdas, constexpr, variadic templates, threading, range-based for loops, smart pointers and many more powerful elements, it was enormous progress for the language. Even now, in 2018, lots of teams struggle to modernise their projects to leverage all the modern features. Later there was a minor update - C++14, which improved some things from the previous standard and added a few smaller elements. With C++17 we got a lot of mixed emotions.

Although C++17 is not as big as C++11, it's larger than C++14. Everyone expected modules, co-routines, concepts and other powerful features, but it wasn't possible to prepare everything on time.

Is C++17 weak?

Far from it! And this book will show you why!

I spent hundreds of hours investigating how the new things work in order to make a nice and practical book for you. The book will not only save your time but also will guide you through all the nuances of the language.

The book brings you exclusive content about C++17 and draws from the experience of many articles that have appeared on bfilipek.com (and cppstories.com). The chapters were rewritten from the ground-up and updated with the latest information. All of that equipped with lots of new examples and practical tips. Additionally, the book provides insight into the current implementation status, compiler support, performance issues and other relevant knowledge to boost your current projects.

If you have experience with C++11/14 and you want to move forward into the latest C++ standard, then this book is for you.

Here are the features you'll learn:

Part One: C++17 Language features

  • Fixes and deprecation
  • Language clarification
  • General language features
  • Templates
  • Attributes

Part Two: C++17 The Standard Library

  • std::optional
  • std::variant
  • std::any
  • std::string_view
  • String Conversions
  • String Matching & Searchers
  • Filesystem
  • Parallel STL
  • Other Changes

Part Three: More Examples and Use Cases

  • Refactoring with std::optional
  • Using if constexpr
  • Using [[nodiscard]] attribute
  • How to parallelise applications

Book Mentions:

"C++17 In Detail" appeared in the Visual C++ Team Blog as suggested books for learning C++17!

Have a look: Books on C++17

Review @CppDepend Blog https://cppdepend.com/blog/?p=1180

Review @A Sawicki Blog: http://asawicki.info/news_1715_book_review_c17_in_detail.html

There's also a book page at Goodreads: C++17 In Detail @Goodreads

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About the Author

Bartłomiej Filipek
Bartłomiej Filipek

Bartłomiej (Bartek) Filipek is a C++ software developer from the beautiful city of Cracow in Poland He started his professional coding career in 2007. In 2010 he graduated from Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland, with a Master's Degree in Computer Science.

Bartek currently works at Xara, where he develops features for advanced document editors. He also has experience with desktop graphics applications, game development, large-scale systems for aviation, writing graphics drivers and even biofeedback. In the past, Bartek has also taught programming (mostly game and graphics programming courses) at local universities in Cracow.

Since 2011 Bartek has been regularly blogging at bfilipek.com and cppstories.com. Initially, the topics revolved around graphics programming, but now the blog focuses on core C++. He's also a co-organiser of the C++ User Group in Cracow. You can hear Bartek in one @CppCast episode where he talks about C++17, blogging and text processing.

Since October 2018, Bartek has been a C++ Expert for the Polish National Body, which works directly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 (C++ Standardisation Committee).

In the same month, Bartek was awarded his first MVP title for the years 2019/2020 by Microsoft.

In his spare time, he loves assembling Lego models with his little son.

See his blog at cppstories.com.


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About the Contributors

Jacek Galowicz
Jacek Galowicz

Primary Technical Reviewer

Jacek Galowicz is a Software Engineer with roughly a decade of professional experience in C++. He got his master of science degree in electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University in Germany.

Jacek co-founded the Cyberus Technology GmbH in early 2017 and works on products around low-level cybersecurity, virtualization, microkernels, and advanced testing infrastructure. At former jobs, he implemented performance- and security-sensitive microkernel operating systems for Intel x86 virtualization at Intel and FireEye in Germany. In general, he gained experience with kernel driver development, 3D graphics programming, databases, network communication, physics simulation, mostly in C or C++.

In his free time, Jacek maintains a little C++ blog, which has seen some lack of love while he wrote the C++17 STL Cookbook. He is a regular visitor of the C++ Usergroups in Hannover and Braunschweig. In order to do meta programming and generic programming better, he also learned and uses Haskell, which in turn sparked his interest to generally bring the advantages of purely functional programming to C++.

Reader Testimonials

Jonathan Boccara (fluentcpp.com)
Jonathan Boccara (fluentcpp.com)

C++17 in Detail is the ideal guide for C++ programmers who want to leverage on C++17 to write better code. The book shows the new features of the language under a practical angle, with copious details and code examples while still being accessible and easy to read. Bartlomiej Filipek's work is my go-to reference for C++17 features, and C++17 in Detail captures it all in one book.

Arne Mertz (arne-mertz.de)
Arne Mertz (arne-mertz.de)

With a new C++ standard delivering more features to an already complex language every 3 years, it is hard to keep track and easy to get lost. With his articles and this book, Bartek provides the much needed comprehensive view on not only what has changed, but also why it has changed and how we can use it to make our code more expressive. There's nothing left to wish for except that he can keep up with the committee and deliver a C++20 version in three years ;-)

Victor Ciura ( @ciura_victor )
Victor Ciura ( @ciura_victor )

C++17 in Detail is a whirlwind tour of the new and exciting features of the new C++17 ISO standard. Incubated from Bartek's excellent series of articles, his book properly organizes the topics and really goes into details when needed. Whether you're coming to modern C++ just now or you are a seasoned C++ developer and want to learn all the nitty-gritty of the new standard features, you'll find in this book amazing examples (minimalistic, yet practical) and explanations to help you along the way.

Karol Gasiński (@karolgasinski)
Karol Gasiński (@karolgasinski)

It's a very comprehensive guide into the C++17 standard. Detailed but allows easy navigation between described features. Definitely, a good place to start for anybody who wants to catch up with latest C++.

Marco Arena (marcoarena.com)
Marco Arena (marcoarena.com)

Bartlomiej Filipek has shaped C++17 in Detail by turning his strong blogging experience into a fundamental book for C++ developers who want to quickly get up and running with C++17 features with a practical approach. The book has a lively style, it clearly integrates feedback and pearls that Bartlomiej has gathered in the last years and it consists in an effective balance among theoretical concepts, references to the standard and official papers, and real examples.

Table of Contents

    • About the Author
    • Technical Reviewer
      • Additional Reviewers & Supporters
    • Revision History
    • Foreword
    • Preface
    • About the Book
      • Who This Book is For
      • Overall Structure of the Book
      • Reader Feedback
      • Example Code
  • Part 1 - Language Features
    • 1. Quick Start
    • 2. Removed or Fixed Language Features
      • Removed Elements
      • Fixes
      • Compiler Support
    • 3. Language Clarification
      • Stricter Expression Evaluation Order
      • Guaranteed Copy Elision
      • Dynamic Memory Allocation for Over-Aligned Data
      • Exception Specifications in the Type System
      • Compiler Support
    • 4. General Language Features
      • Structured Binding Declarations
      • Init Statement for if and switch
      • Inline Variables
      • constexpr Lambda Expressions
      • Capturing [*this] in Lambda Expressions
      • Nested Namespaces
      • __has_include Preprocessor Expression
      • Compiler support
    • 5. Templates
      • Template Argument Deduction for Class Templates
      • Fold Expressions
      • if constexpr
      • Declaring Non-Type Template Parameters With auto
      • Other Changes
      • Compiler Support
    • 6. Standard Attributes
      • Why Do We Need Attributes?
      • Before C++11
      • Attributes in C++11 and C++14
      • C++17 Additions
      • Section Summary
      • Compiler support
  • Part 2 - The Standard Library Changes
    • 7. std::optional
      • Introduction
      • std::optional Creation
      • Returning std::optional
      • Accessing The Stored Value
      • std::optional Operations
      • Performance & Memory Consideration
      • Migration from boost::optional
      • Special case: optional<bool> and optional<T*>
      • Examples of std::optional
      • Summary
      • Compiler Support
    • 8. std::variant
      • The Basics
      • std::variant Creation
      • Changing the Values
      • Accessing the Stored Value
      • Visitors for std::variant
      • Other std::variant Operations
      • Exception Safety Guarantees
      • Performance & Memory Considerations
      • Migration From boost::variant
      • Examples of std::variant
      • Wrap Up
      • Compiler Support
    • 9. std::any
      • The Basics
      • std::any Creation
      • Changing the Value
      • Accessing The Stored Value
      • Performance & Memory Considerations
      • Migration from boost::any
      • Examples of std::any
      • Wrap Up
      • Compiler Support
    • 10. std::string_view
      • The Basics
      • The std::basic_string_view Type
      • std::string_view Creation
      • Other Operations
      • Risks Using string_view
      • Initializing string Members from string_view
      • Handling Non-Null Terminated Strings
      • Performance & Memory Considerations
      • Migration from boost::string_ref and boost::string_view
      • Examples
      • Wrap Up
    • 11. String Conversions
      • Elementary String Conversions
      • Converting From Characters to Numbers: from_chars
      • Converting Numbers into Characters: to_chars
      • The Benchmark
      • Summary
      • Compiler support
    • 12. Searchers & String Matching
      • Overview of String Matching Algorithms
      • New Algorithms Available in C++17
      • Examples
      • Summary
      • Compiler support
    • 13. Filesystem
      • Filesystem Overview
      • Demo
      • The Path Object
      • The Directory Entry & Directory Iteration
      • Supporting Functions
      • Error Handling & File Races
      • Examples
      • Chapter Summary
      • Compiler Support
    • 14. Parallel STL Algorithms
      • Introduction
      • Overview
      • Execution Policies
      • Algorithm Update
      • New Algorithms
      • Performance of Parallel Algorithms
      • Examples
      • Chapter Summary
      • Compiler Support
    • 15. Other Changes In The Library
      • std::byte
      • Improvements for Maps and Sets
      • Return Type of Emplace Methods
      • Sampling Algorithms
      • New Mathematical Functions
      • Shared Pointers and Arrays
      • Non-member size(), data() and empty()
      • constexpr Additions to the Standard Library
      • std::scoped_lock
      • Polymorphic Allocator, pmr
      • Compiler support
    • 16. Removed And Deprecated Library Features
      • Removing auto_ptr
      • Removed std::random_shuffle
      • “Removing Old functional Stuff”
      • std::iterator Is Deprecated
      • Other Smaller Removed or Deprecated Items
      • Compiler support
  • Part 3 - More Examples and Use Cases
    • 17. Refactoring with std::optional and std::variant
      • The Use Case
      • The Tuple Version
      • A Separate Structure
      • With std::optional
      • With std::variant
      • Wrap up
    • 18. Enforcing Code Contracts With [[nodiscard]]
      • Introduction
      • Where Can It Be Used?
      • How to Ignore [[nodiscard]]
      • Before C++17
      • Summary
    • 19. Replacing enable_if with if constexpr - Factory with Variable Arguments
      • The Problem
      • Before C++17
      • With if constexpr
      • Summary
    • 20. How to Parallelise CSV Reader
      • Introduction and Requirements
      • The Serial Version
      • Using Parallel Algorithms
      • Tests
      • Wrap up & Discussion
    • Appendix A - Compiler Support
      • GCC
      • Clang
      • VisualStudio - MSVC
      • Compiler Support of C++17 Features
    • Appendix B - Resources and References
    • Index
  • Notes

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