Laravel: Code Smart
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Laravel: Code Smart

The Laravel Framework Version 5 for Beginners

About the Book

Laravel: Code Smart is the third installment in my 'Code' series of books for the Laravel framework. The 'Code' books have thousands of readers and are considered by many to be the most effective method of learning the Laravel framework. As always, my books serve as both an introduction for beginners, and reference material for more experienced developers. I promise that you're going to love it! You'll be writing Laravel applications in no time.


Code Smart is the true evolution of the 'Code' series. Here are some of the new features.

  • Full support for Laravel 5.
  • Revamped code examples, with improved highlighting.
  • Existing content from Code Bright is refreshed for the new generation of Laravel.
  • Code samples now adhere to the PSR-2 coding standard, and use modern PHP features.
  • Spelling and grammar have improved tenfold!
  • Entirely new introductory and installation chapters. It's now much easier to get started.
  • Get started using 'Homestead' to be up and running with Laravel in no time at all.
  • A bunch of extra hints and tips scattered throughout the chapters.
  • Free beer.

Launch Content

Code Smart will launch with existing Code Bright content revamped, new Laravel 5 chapters, and almost 400 pages. Then it will grow on a weekly basis to become the biggest and greatest resource for learning the Laravel framework. I'm committed to writing at least one new chapter a week. You can vote for the new chapters, by tweeting with the hashtag #codesmart.

Direct Contact

If you find any topic confusing, would like something explained in a different way, or would like something added to the book, simply email me! We'll work together to make Code Smart the number one book for the Laravel framework.

Oh. By the way. Did I mention that there are pandas? There are loads of pandas! Buy it now!

Seriously, though. If you decide to buy Code Smart, then you'll be supporting my future career as a technical author. Thanks to each and every one of you.

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    • PHP
    • Laravel
    • Computers and Programming


About the Author

Dayle Rees
Dayle Rees

Dayle is a thirty-one-year-old software developer from Wales, UK. He was one of the first users of the Laravel framework. Deciding to share the joy of Laravel with the rest of the world, he wrote a series of technical books about the Laravel framework that are read by tens of thousands of developers worldwide.

Dayle has contributed to the Laravel framework, spoken at a number of conferences and meetups, and acted as an ambassador for Laravel since its inception.

Dayle writes books in a friendly, approachable language that is easily understood by newcomers to technology, foreign language speakers, and anyone who enjoys a little humour!

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Reader Testimonials

Taylor Otwell
Taylor Otwell

Creator, Laravel PHP Framework.

Dayle Rees has been a central figure in the Laravel community for a long time. He's well known not only for his knowledge of the framework, but also his friendly attitude and keen ability to explain Laravel concepts to beginners. There are few people as qualified as Dayle to write a thorough introduction to the Laravel framework.

Eric Barnes
Eric Barnes

Editor, Laravel News

Dayle Rees is one of the first Laravel developers I met when I started with the framework. His last book, Code Bright, was instrumental in bringing Laravel to a larger audience and his new one does not disappoint. Dayle’s writing has a ton of personality and guaranteed to keep you interested from the first sentence to the last.

James Tyner
James Tyner

Recently educated Laravel expert.

Dayle Rees takes the sometimes dry subject of learning and makes it fun. But its not all fun and games you will learn a ton. along the way Of the many available books on Laravel his are at the top of the list, I own them all.

Sami Fiaz
Sami Fiaz

Laravel Enthusiast

The approach Dayle uses in his writing, for the least, won't let you scare from all those technical terms and concepts. That's _really_ important, especially for someone who is learning something for the first time. Really, there is a lot of laravel stuff out there, but one of the main reason people waiting for his book is probably the way he keeps things simple to understand and keep your interest throughout. Such a pleasure to read!

Peter Steenbergen
Peter Steenbergen

Laravel Enthusiast

All the released books of Dayle have a high detail on code explanation. I read every letter of all the Laravel books and still use it as a reference.

Dan Hanly
Dan Hanly

From the Valleys

Dayle has a writing style that makes complicated subjects seem really quite simple. His books are among the most accessible tech books I’ve ever read. Can I have my £20 now, Dayle?

Orlando Valverde
Orlando Valverde

Laravel Enthusiast

Why read books written by Dayle Rees? His playful and experienced writing; it's a refreshing turnaround from other programming books. Reading his publications are a true joy for beginners who want to experience learning something new at steady pace, in a welcoming voice.

Phillipp Ohlandt
Phillipp Ohlandt

Laravel Enthusiast

Dayle's books are the best I know for learning new things. His humor combined with his talent to explain things very easy is also an awesome experience for people with less English skills. It's a joy to read his books.

David Ives
David Ives

CTO, Crowdcube.

Reading one of Dayle's books is like having Laravel explained to you by your mate while enjoying a beer. It feels like a conversation that leaves you fired up and ready to get creative. The books are so well paced that you never feel out of your depth or patronised. The subject is explained thoroughly in an entertaining way that makes returning for reference akin to rewatching your favourite movie!

Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgements
  • Errata
  • Feedback
  • Translations
  • How to read this book
    • Beginners
    • Experienced
    • Updates
  • Changes
  • I Introduction
  • II Installation
    • 1. Install Software Dependencies
    • 2. Create a Laravel Project
    • 3. Install Homestead
    • 4. Mastering Vagrant
  • III Valet
    • 5. Installation
    • 6. Adding Sites
    • 7. Valet Commands
    • 8. Sharing
  • IV Lifecycle
    • 9. Request
    • 10. Services
    • 11. Routing
    • 12. Logic
    • 13. Response
  • V Namespaces
    • 14. Global Namespace
    • 15. Simple Name-spacing
    • 16. The Theory of Relativity
    • 17. Structure
    • 18. Limitations
    • 19. What is JSON?
    • 20. JSON Syntax
    • 21. JSON and PHP
  • VII Composer
    • 22. Configuration
    • 23. Dependency Management
    • 24. Auto Loading
    • 25. Installation
    • 26. Usage
  • VIII Configuration
    • 27. Configuration Files
    • 28. Environmental Variables
    • 29. Configuration Caching
  • IX Basic Routing
    • 30. Defining Routes
    • 31. Route Parameters
  • X Responses
    • 33. View Data
    • 34. Redirects
    • 35. Custom Responses
  • XI Blade Templates
    • 36. Building Templates
    • 37. Processing PHP
    • 38. Control Structures
    • 39. Template Inclusion
    • 40. Template Inheritance
    • 42. Javascript Support
  • XII Request Data
    • 43. Retrieval
    • 44. Old Input
    • 45. Uploaded Files
    • 46. Cookies
  • XIII Facades
    • 47. What is a Facade?
    • 48. How do they work?
  • XIV Advanced Routing
    • 49. Named Routes
    • 50. Parameter Constraints
    • 51. Route Groups
    • 52. Route Prefixing
    • 53. Domain Routing
  • XV Controllers
    • 54. Creating Controllers
    • 55. Controller Routing
    • 56. Resource Controllers
    • 57. Dependency Injection
    • 58. Route Caching
  • XVI URL Generation
    • 59. The current URL
    • 60. Generating Route URLs
    • 61. Asset URLs
  • XVII Databases
    • 62. Abstraction
    • 63. Configuration
    • 64. Preparing
  • XVIII Schema Builder
    • 65. Creating Tables
    • 66. Column Types
    • 67. Special Column Types
    • 68. Column Modifiers
    • 69. Updating Tables
    • 70. Dropping Tables
    • 71. Schema Tricks
  • XIX Migrations
    • 72. Basic Concept
    • 73. Creating Migrations
    • 74. Running Migrations
    • 75. Rolling Back
    • 76. Migration Tricks
  • XX Eloquent ORM
    • 77. Creating new models.
    • 78. Reading Existing Models
    • 79. Updating Existing Models
    • 80. Deleting Existing Models
  • XXI Eloquent Queries
    • 81. Preparation
    • 82. Eloquent To String
    • 83. Query Structure
    • 84. Fetch Methods
    • 85. Query Constraints
    • 86. Magic Where Queries
    • 87. Query Scopes
  • XXII Eloquent Collections
    • 88. The Collection Class
    • 89. Collection Methods
    • 90. Best Practice
  • XXIII Eloquent Relationships
    • 91. Implementing Relationships
    • 92. Relating and Querying
  • XXIV Validation
    • 93. Simple Validation
    • 94. Validation Rules
    • 95. Error Messages
    • 96. Custom Validation Rules
    • 97. Custom Validation Messages
  • XXV Events
    • 98. Concept
    • 99. Firing Events
    • 100. Listening for Events
    • 101. Event Subscribers
    • 102. Global Events
    • 103. Use Cases
  • XXVI Dependency Injection
    • 104. Concept
    • 105. Dependency Injection with the Container
    • 106. Injection within Controllers
    • 107. Injecting Services
    • 108. Contracts
  • XXVII Middleware
    • 109. Middleware Classes
    • 110. Global Middleware
    • 111. Route Middleware
    • 112. Middleware Parameters
    • 113. Middleware Groups
  • XXVIII Service Providers
    • 114. Registering Providers
    • 115. Writing Providers
    • 116. Deferred Providers
  • XXIX The Container
    • 117. Useful Terms
    • 118. Basic Usage
    • 119. Singletons
    • 120. Bound Instances
    • 121. Class Resolution
    • 122. Implementation Binding
    • 123. Contextual Binding
    • 124. Tagging Bindings
    • 125. Resolution Methods
  • XXX Session
    • 126. Storing Values
    • 127. Retrieving Values
    • 128. Removing Values
    • 129. Flash Data
    • 130. Tips & Tricks
    • 131. Configuration
  • XXXI Cache
    • 132. Storing Values
    • 133. Retrieving Values
    • 134. Removing Items
    • 135. Tagging Items
    • 136. Tips & Shortcuts
    • 137. Using Stores
  • XXXII Coming Soon

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