'Whole-Enterprise Architecture' bundle
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'Whole-Enterprise Architecture' bundle

About the Bundle

The ‘Whole-Enterprise Architecture’ bundle: Extending EA to the whole enterprise.

This bundle of anthologies from the Tetradian weblog covers key concepts, themes, topics, methods and tools that you will need as you expand the scope of your enterprise-architecture from the classic IT-centric view outward to work on the enterprise as a whole.

It includes the following eleven anthologies:

  • Reframing Enterprise Architecture (39 posts)
  • Why whole-enterprise architecture? (40 posts)
  • On Whole-Enterprise Architecture (36 posts)
  • Value, values and effectiveness (34 posts)
  • Story and Enterprise Architecture (39 posts)
  • On people and Enterprise Architecture (40 posts)
  • On economics and Enterprise Architecture (40 posts)
  • On futures and Enterprise Architecture (40 posts)
  • On power and enterprise architecture (42 posts)
  • Sensemaking in Enterprise Architecture (33 posts)
  • On complexity and Enterprise Architecture (40 posts)

Allowing for some duplication between anthologies, the overall bundle includes about 400 articles, adding up to 3085 PDF pages.

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    • Business Architecture
    • Enterprise Architecture
    • Leadership
    • Social Equity

About the Books

Reframing enterprise architecture

How and why to expand EA scope beyond IT
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    This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores why we need to expand enterprise-architecture from its IT-centric roots into a true whole-of-enterprise scope and scale, and how to do this in architecture-practice.

    This book includes about 40 posts and 95 images from the weblog. These posts are split into six groups:

    • Selling EA - describes how to present to potential clients the full role and value of enterprise-architecture.
    • Saving EA - provides a structured review of challenges and failure-points that limit the use of mainstream enterprise-architectures beyond IT.
    • Reframing EA - explores practices and themes that would need to be addressed in a whole-of-enterprise architecture.
    • The No-Plan Plan - presents a summary of content required for whole-enterprise architecture.
    • Whole-EA Standard - outlines the structure and content for a proposed standard for whole-enterprise architecture.
    • The Big-Picture - assesses what would be needed to extend whole-enterprise architecture to a fully global scope and scale.

    Why whole-enterprise architecture?

    Exploring the need for a broader scope
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      This anthology from the Tetradian weblog highlights the ‘why’ behind the work that we did to break enterprise-architecture out of the IT-centric box, and restructure it to support the whole enterprise. Whole-enterprise architecture, or Whole-EA, provides a literal ‘the architecture of the enterprise’, connecting everything together as ‘equal citizens’, across every type of content or context, for every scope and scale.

      This book includes about 40 posts and 50 images from the weblog, and is split into two sections:

      • Why Whole-EA: A Broader Scope - summarises the need and scope for a whole-enterprise architecture.
      • Why Whole-EA: Viewpoints - assesses the changing perspectives on the role of whole-enterprise architectures.

      On whole-enterprise architecture

      Principles and practice for open contexts
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        This anthology from the Tetradian weblog highlights part of the work that we did to break enterprise-architecture out of the IT-centric box, and restructure it to support the whole enterprise. Whole-enterprise architecture, or Whole-EA, provides a literal ‘the architecture of the enterprise’, connecting everything together as ‘equal citizens’, across every type of content or context, for every scope and scale.

        This book includes about 35 posts and 95 images from the weblog, and is split into three sections:

        • Whole-EA: Principles, Tools and Methods - maps out some of the definitions, principles, tools, techniques and methods that are needed whilst working on architectures at a whole-of-enterprise level.
        • Whole-EA: Examples - presents examples of how real-world questions and concerns can interweave across the many layers of a whole-of-enterprise architecture.
        • Whole-EA: Challenges - highlights the impact of pushback from those who objected to any change in the role or scope of enterprise-architecture.

        Value, values and effectiveness

        The underlying core for architectures
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          This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores the nature of value and its relationship with the role of enterprise architecture.

          This book includes about 35 posts and 65 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

          • Value and Values - outlines the practical meaning of ‘value’ and the distinctions between ‘value’ and ‘values’.
          • Values and Quality - provides an overview of quality as an expression of values, and how to use this in enterprise architecture.
          • Economics and Value - describes how money is only one subset of value, and the implications of this fact for enterprise architecture and business architecture.
          • Effectiveness and Value - shows how values determine the practical meaning of ‘effectiveness’, and how effectiveness supports value in the enterprise.

          Story and Enterprise Architecture

          Using story to support architecture-development
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            This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores how concepts of story can be applied in enterprise-architecture and the like - not just as a support-tool, but as architecture-frameworks in their own right.

            This book includes almost forty posts and eighty images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

            • Story: Role - outlines the role of story in enterprise-architecture and the like.
            • Story: Lead-in - provides worked-examples of how to use a real-world story to introduce and illustrate a complex, challenging or technical topic.
            • Story: Frameworks - describes story-oriented frameworks that can be used to guide architecture- and process-development.

            On People and Enterprise Architecture

            Tackling people-concerns in architecture-development
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              This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores how to make sense of how people interact and interrelate with enterprise-architecture, and where people fit within the overall enterprise-story.

              This book includes about 40 posts and 50 images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

              • People-Themes: Theory - outlines some of the core theory about how to include people-themes within enterprise-architectures.
              • People-Themes: Practice - provides worked-examples on how to tackle people-themes in enterprise-architectures.
              • People-Themes: Big-Picture - shows how to adapt these principles and practices to people-themes that extend beyond the organisation and outward to the broader social-enterprise.

              On Economics and Enterprise Architecture

              How economics and architectures interact
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                This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores how economics and enterprise architectures interrelate with each other, in business, in society, and with the wider world.

                This book includes about 40 posts and 40 images from the weblog. These posts are split into six groups:

                - Economics and Architecture: On Architectures - shows how architecture outlines key flaws in economics, and what it can do to help address them.

                - Economics and Architecture: Business - illustrates how economics-level issues can impact everyday business.

                - Economics and Architecture: Money - assesses how perspectives on money, price and value can both introduce useful ideas or constrain new possibilities.

                - Economics and Architecture: Society - uses architectures-methods to explore effects of current economics at whole-of-society levels.

                - Economics and Architecture: Futures - reviews economics implications highlighted by futures-analysis.

                - Economics and Architecture: Beyond Money - explores an architecture-based thought-experiment on a form of economics that does not need money to function.

                On futures and Enterprise Architecture

                How to use futures methods in architectures
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                  This anthology from the Tetradian weblog focusses on futures, and particularly the techniques and methods needed to guide change for an individual organisation, for a broader shared enterprise, or at a more global big-picture scale, and also across any timescale that may be required.

                  This book includes about 40 posts and 70 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

                  - Futures: Methods - outlines some of the methods and concerns in futures-work for architectures.

                  - Futures: Architectures - explore a range of issues where futures concerns intersect with architectures in a business context.

                  - Futures: Politics - uses futures-methods to identify a swathe of fundamental flaws in many current concepts of politics and society, and suggest what can be done to resolve those flaws.

                  - Futures: Assessments - applies futures-methods to assess potential challenges and options in broader social change, and also in architecture itself.

                  On power and enterprise architecture

                  Exploring how power-issues affect architectures
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                    This anthology from the Tetradian weblog tackles the issues around power and responsibility - or lack of them - and how these affect not just our architectures and organisations but society as a whole.

                    This book includes about 40 posts and 50 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

                    • Power and Society: Responsibilities and Rights - assesses the relationships between rights and responsibilities, and how concepts of power underpin both.
                    • Power and Society: Architecture and Responsibility - reviews how issues around power and responsibility can impact on the requirements and concerns for our architectures.
                    • Power and Society: Irresponsibility - outlines the challenges that arise when individuals, organisations, industries or entire societies align around a systematic and often intentional irresponsibility.
                    • Power and Society: Power and the Person - explores how power-issues affect the individual, particularly in the context of work

                    Sensemaking in enterprise architecture

                    Methods and disciplines for sensemaking
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                      This anthology from the Tetradian weblog provides checklists, models and schemas to guide sensemaking practice for enterprise architecture and a wide range of other related disciplines.

                      The book includes about 35 posts and 90 images from the weblog, and is split into three sections:

                      • Sensemaking: Making Sense - maps out a range of methods and options for sensemaking in enterprise architecture and beyond.
                      • Sensemaking: Metaframeworks - presents guidelines and worked-examples on metaframeworks (frameworks used to create sensemaking-frameworks) for enterprise architecture and more.
                      • Sensemaking: Seven Sins - introduces a set of seven common patterns of sensemaking-failure, and their implications in real-world practice.

                      On Complexity and Enterprise Architecture

                      Making sense of architecture complexities
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                        This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores the various forms of complexity that arise in enterprise architecture, and how to work with them.

                        This book includes about 40 posts and 95 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

                        • Complexity: Complexity and Chaos - explores core concepts around complexity in business and beyond.
                        • Complexity: Complexity and Sensemaking - shows how make sense of complexity in architectures.
                        • Complexity: Complexity and Method - introduces methods and practices to tackle complexity.
                        • Complexity: Complexity and SCAN - illustrates how to use the SCAN frame to map out, make sense of and take action on complexity.

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