Agile Teambuilding: Seven great books on building agile teams!
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Agile Teambuilding: Seven great books on building agile teams!

About the Bundle

Seven great books on building agile teams: Games and self-assessments, reteaming, energy and attention, mindset shifts and agile principles, 101 ideas, tips from the trenches, and suggestions for forming teams. All in one buy for a largely reduced price!

Books included

The Agile Self-Assessment Game is used by teams and organizations to self-assess their agility. With plenty of ideas, suggestions, and practical cases on Agile Self-assessments, this book will help you to apply assessments and support teams and organizations to self-improve. Comes with complimentary agile coaching cards - contact Ben Linders (*).

Dynamic Reteaming shares real stories of how successful software companies have thrived through changing their teams as opposed to keeping them the same. Learn to apply the five team change patterns: Isolation, One by One, Grow and Split, Merging and Switching. This bundle includes the 2019 first edition. The second 2020 edition is on Amazon.

The book Forget Time Management is about energy and attention. It's a field guide for the modern manager on how to build great teams, live in the now and guard energy and attention.

Can virtual teams (distributed or dispersed) use agile approaches? Yes! Your virtual team can learn to collaborate and deliver value with agile and lean principles to create your team’s modified practices. Use the book From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams to learn how.

101+ Ideas to Improve Team Collaboration: Learn how to avoid the team collaboration nightmare scenario. Find out how to apply the professional skills that make working with others easier. Gain insights applicable to writing reports, staging an event, or developing software, plus many other aspects of life.

The book Tips from the agile trenches for scrummasters & agile coaches will collect wisdom of 89 people around the world that have worked with all kind of teams. First version was published at 10 tips and then republished for every new tip arriving. It does not matter when you buy it, you will always get all tips; leave your e-mail to get a warning with new publications.

The tools and techniques provided in the workbook Forming Agile teams offer an alternative-proven way to add more structure, transparency and visibility to the work that you do when Forming Agile Teams, by combining visual explanations with techniques and tips to support Scrum Masters crucial role within the organization.

Complimentary agile coaching cards (*)

To play the exercises described in The Agile Self-Assessment Game, you are entitled to a complimentary free deck of 195 agile coaching cards (in PDF format). Please contact Ben Linders to request a copy of these cards!

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About the Books

The Agile Self-assessment Game

An Agile Coaching Tool for Improving the Agility of Your Teams and Organization
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The Agile Self-Assessment Game is used by teams and organizations to self-assess their agility. Playing the game enables teams to reflect on their own team interworking, discover how agile they are and decide what they can do to increase their agility to deliver more value to their customers and stakeholders.

This is the first book specifically about Agile Self-assessments. In this book, Ben Linders explains what self-assessments are and why you would do them, and explore how to do them using the Agile Self-assessment Game. He's also sharing experience stories from people who played the game.

This book is based on his experience as a developer, tester, team leader, project manager, quality manager, process manager, consultant, coach, trainer, and adviser in Agile, Lean, Quality and Continuous Improvement. It takes a deep dive into self-assessments, viewing them from different perspectives and provides ideas, suggestions, practices, and experiences that will help you to do effective agile self-assessments with your teams.

The book is aimed at Scrum masters, agile coaches, consultants leading agile transformations, developers and testers, project managers, line managers, and CxOs; basically for anyone who is looking for an effective way to help their agile teams improve and to increase the agility of their organization.

To play the game described in the book, please buy a package that includes the cards. Currently available are:

  • Agile Self-assessment Game - English edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards and expansions packs for Scrum (39 cards), Kanban (52 cards), DevOps (26 cards) and Business Agility (26 cards). Total of 195 English cards!
  • Juego Autoevaluación Ágil - Spanish edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards in Spanish and expansions packs in Spanish for Scrum (39 cards), Kanban (52 cards), DevOps (26 cards) and Business Agility (26 cards). Total of 195 Spanish cards!
  • Agilní sebehodnotící hra - Czech edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards in Czech and expansions packs in Czech for Scrum (39 cards), Kanban (52 cards), DevOps (26 cards) and Business Agility (26 cards). Total of 195 Czech cards!
  • Gra Agile Self-Assessment - Polish edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards in Polish and expansions packs in Polish for Scrum (39 cards), Kanban (52 cards), DevOps (26 cards) and Business Agility (26 cards). Total of 195 Polish cards!
  • Agile Zelfevaluatie Kaarten - Dutch edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards in Dutch and expansions packs in Dutch for Scrum (39 cards), Kanban (52 cards), DevOps (26 cards), and Business Agility (26 cards). Total of 195 Dutch cards!
  • Jeu de cartes d’autoévaluation Agile - French edition: The book (in English) with 52 basic Agile cards in French. Total of 52 French cards!

Additional cards can be bought in the Agile Games webshop.

More information can be found on the Agile Self-assessment Game website.

Amir Peled
Dimitris Dimitrelos
Sandy Mamoli
Lisa Sieverts
Brandi Olson
Craig Eddy
Christine Schubert
Berry Kersten
Andreas Schliep
Peter Rubarth
Michael Whitworth

11 reader testimonials

Dynamic Reteaming

The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams, First Edition
  • 978


  • 286


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  • English

Team change will happen whether we like it or not. People will come and go from our teams. Our companies might double in size or even get acquired. We can catalyze team change to reduce the risk of attrition, learning and career stagnation and the development of knowledge silos.  Dynamic Reteaming describes practices for effective reteaming as well as antipatterns.

In this book you'll learn how to integrate new people into an existing team, how to deal with the loss of team members, when to split a team, how to isolate teams for focused innovation, how to rotate team members for knowledge sharing, how to break through organizational stagnation and much more.


Please note - this LeanPub version is the First Edition of Dynamic Reteaming. There is also an Audible of the first edition and paper and kindle versions on Amazon. There is a newer, second edition of this book published by O'Reilly that you can buy on AMAZON.

The first edition of this book has some additional stories that aren't in the second edition. The second edition has more complete treatment of the merging pattern, some new interviews not in the first version, a more extensive one-by-one pattern description with onboarding activities, as well as a more comprehensive "part 3" of the book which contains practical activities for dealing with the before, during and after reteaming.


Amy C. Edmondson
Richard Sheridan
Lyssa Adkins
Andrea Goulet
Joshua Kerievsky
Sandi Mamoli
John Cutler

7 reader testimonials

Forget time management. Energy and attention is where it's at.

A field guide for the modern manager on how to build great teams, live in the now and guard energy and attention.
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This is a book about energy and attention, not time management.

We all get the same amount of time. No more, nor less, than anyone else.

But we don't all have the same amount of energy and attention.

Some people use their energy and attention wisely, some don't.

In this book I explain why living in the now is really all we can do, how to paint a picture of who you're striving to be, setting goals but using them to form routines, and where I believe effective managers could focus their energy and attention at work.

I cover one to ones, succession planning, training, systemic improvements and more.

If you're a manager trying to manage time, this book may be helpful for you. If you're not sure where to focus your energy and attention, then I have some ideas to help.

From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams

Collaborate to Deliver
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Distributed agile teams have a terrible reputation. They don’t deliver “on time,” and too often, they don’t deliver what the customer needs. However, most agile teams, have at least one remote team member. And, agile approaches are here to stay.  

Don’t blindly apply agile practices designed for collocated teams. Instead, learn to use three mindset shifts and the agile and lean principles to create your successful distributed agile team. Use the tips and traps to help your team succeed.

Leave the chaos of virtual teams behind. See how to help your distributed team succeed.

101+ Ideas to Improve Team Collaboration

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Students often hate team collaboration, even though this is what they will need to do after graduation. Many students tell me they hate team assignments. This book tells you how to succeed in team collaboration situations.

Students worry about the team where no one cooperates, and only a few people do the real work. There are solutions to these challenges. You can do the work together instead of individually.

Some students worry about what happens if the team messes up the work. They fear that they might do it 'wrong', at poor quality, or are too slow to finish. The person here has many options to ensure that it is 'done correctly', at the right level of quality, and is done on time. You can do some parts together to set standards, and start integrating your work early too so that you fill in gaps, and revise it sooner rather than later.

Other students worry that the team lacks the skills required to do the work. They fear that learning new skills will take too long, and cause issues. The team can do a number of things to resolve this. Pair share and work together to learn the skills and apply them as a team.

The suggestions you find in this book will help you avoid the nightmare scenarios of team collaboration, so that you can move towards a dream experience.

Simply begin with these ideas and then add more where you see opportunities. The book offers over 101 more ideas to help you work better with others.

The book is broken into ten chapters that will guide you towards better team collaborations. Find out how you might use a team charter to agree on how you'll do the work as a team before you start. Explore how you know that you're colleagues are doing their work, and that it will be ready on time. Get tips on how you can remove risk from your work from the start, so that you sleep better at night.

Ten Categories of Team Collaboration

1. Why bother to collaborate?

2. Who's on the team?

3. How do we work together?

4. How do we talk to each other?

5. How do we stay in touch?

6. How do we know how much work there is to do?

7. How do we decide what order to do the work?

8. How do remove risk from our work?

9. How do we pull the work together?

10. How do we review what we did?

A key part of the book is a focus on the many aspects of team collaboration, which should be put in place before you start your work together. These also help you work more smoothly together. With them in place, all of your work should go smoother.

Use the book to suit your context, and apply more ideas where they seem suitable. You can start to apply the ideas with your current collaborations, and also use them when you start new ones.

The book is now complete.

89 Tips From The agile Trenches

for scrummasters & agile coaches
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In 2002 the agile manifesto was published. Since then thousands of people have been trained in scrum & other agile ways of working.

The first sentence of the agile manifesto says: We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. This book is about helping others, and contains tips Yves collected from people in the trenches, eg people who are doing it.

agile working improves with more diversity, this book collects wisdom from 89 agile experts, living in 28 countries and with 27 nationalities.

Today the book contains these tips :

Foreword by Jerry Weinberg.

  • We are continuously uncovering (Sander Hoogendoorn)
  • RI Mode Sprint Planning (Ivan Darmawan)
  • You will never arrive at THE destination (Naresh Jain)
  • Become a continuous learner and model that (Diana Larsen)
  • Ask for permission (Michael Sahota)
  • The scrum police are coming for you (or are they?) (Mike Cohn)
  • Manage the shape of your backlog (Shane Hastie)
  • Helping team members to solve impediments over solving impediments themselves (Ben Linders)
  • Different Ideas for Defect Management (Katrina Clokie)
  • Observe (Henrik Kniberg)
  • Why and How to Claim Wins For Personal and Team Power(Christopher Avery)
  • Know The Work (Johanna Rothman)
  • Question your teams intimacy (Karthik Kamal B)
  • Love your customer (Ardita Karaj)
  • Are You Really Doing It? (Jutta Eckstein)
  • Coaching By Listening (Yassal Sundman)
  • Learning is fun but can be painful (Aino Corry)
  • Facilitate learning (Clare Sudbery)
  • Enable growth (Rashina Hoda)
  • Create a high-bandwith work environment (Lisette Sutherland)
  • Arrive with your whole heart (Samantha Laing &Karen Graeves)
  • How to reduce groupthink in remote meetings (Judy Rees)
  • Becoming Better through the Community (Allison Pollard)
  • The evolutionary path from authority to agility (Linda Rising)
  • You are an informal leader - which leadership skills do you need? (Mina Boström Nakicenovic)
  • Becoming Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable (Michele Sliger)
  • Stop protecting your team (Jenni & Ole Jepsen)
  • Care about feedback (Emilie Franchomme)
  • Bypassing Binary Thinking for Better Understanding (George Dinwiddie)
  • Build Your Netwerk (Siddharta Govindaraj)
  • Turn Up the Good (Woody Zuill)
  • Be like a good parent (Nicole Belilos)
  • Two simple heuristics that will solve (most of) the problems you face as a Scrum Master (Vasco Duarte)
  • Processes should enhance people's ability to work, not prevent it. (Angela Riggs)
  • Happy Storming (Chris Matts)
  • Silent dotvoting (Bart Vermijlen)
  • Study the agile manifesto (Yves Hanoulle)
  • Retrospectives are the most valuable agile practice (Lisa Crispin)
  • Collaboration (Zuzi Sochova)
  • Build Systems, not Software (Corey Ladas)
  • Never forget that Scrum is just as simple as chess! (Rini Van Solingen)
  • Every team needs a Working Agreement (Dana Pylayeva)
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach (Stacey Ackerman)
  • Curiosity Over Judgment (Tim Ottinger)
  • Improve quality of meetings (Ivo Peksens)
  • Going Viral (Tom Perry)
  • Zoom Out (Tobias Fors)
  • Eliminate comparison and encourage progress (Hina Popal)
  • Stop, Collaborate and listen (Terry Harmer)
  • Effective Teams are NOT Efficient (Olaf Lewitz)
  • Crafting Quality Interactions (Joanne Perold)
  • Letting Go (Stacia Viscardi)
  • Support the interactions between individuals (Emily Webber)
  • Introverts on Agile teams, and how small changes can make a big difference (Tobias Anderberg)
  • Empower team change (Heidi Helfand)
  • Coaching teams: A journey of contradictions and context as a crucial driver (Ravi Kumar)
  • Study how the work works (Cesario Ramos)
  • Things happen in their own time(Corinna Baldauf)
  • 9 Rules of thumb to improve your backlog refinement workshops (Jeff Patton)
  • Working software over ... almost anything (Ron Jeffries)
  • How Act Is More Important Than What You Say You Believe (Tom Cagley)
  • Ownership in Agile: Purpose and collaboration (Oana Juncu)
  • Since all those companies work Agile, we don’t longer receive any commitment. (Nele Van Beveren)
  • Visualize more! (Jimmy Janlén)
  • Holding Space for growth (Irene Kuhn)
  • Craft Experiences Not Arguments (Michael (Mike) Hill )
  • The value of reverie (Ilan Kirschenbaum)
  • The gut feeling ordering practice( Jürgen De Smet)
  • Building Client Trust (Lanette Creamer)
  • Don't forget to mine for conflict (Daria Bagina)
  • Where did governance go (Phil Gadzinski)
  • Creating Collaborative Connective tissues (Tony Ponton)
  • Technical Debt And Product Success (Roman Pichler)
  • Self-Organized teams (Madhavi Ledalla)
  • Forget about all the practices and focus on what you deliver (Brenda Bao)
  • It’s not just the question you ask, but how you ask it! (Tze Chin Tang)
  • Slow Down, Then Speed Up. (Selena Delesie)
  • Asynchronous management: Simplicity in a digital workplace. (Molood Ceccarelli)
  • Agile Coaching Agreement as Creative Partnership (Nadezhda Belousova)
  • Love is key (Anke Maerz)
  • Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation (Daniel Terhorst-North)
  • Fool didn’t know it was impossible, so she did it! (Deepti Jain)
  • Let's talk about the p-word (Karen Catlin)
  • Mind the short and the long (Tsutomu Yasui)
  • Montague Street Bridge (Kanatcha Sakdiset)
  • agile =/= Speed (Kevlin Henney)
George Dinwiddie
Diana Larsen
Ardita Karaj
Lisa Crispin
Ivo Peksens

5 reader testimonials

Forming Agile teams

Techniques for structuring and get sustainable Agile teams high-performance ready
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This workbook contains a set of tools and techniques to help Scrum Masters, Facilitators, Agile Coaches and Agile Practitioners when Forming teams. It has been created mainly to share the artifacts and techniques that I’ve developed from what I’ve learned, the challenges that I’ve faced and how I’ve got through it when forming teams; I hope you get inspired to create your own version of these tools and I wish the techniques that I’m sharing here would bring new perspectives to your journey.

Wishing you all the best


Joanna Stone
Ashis Dutt
Karin Dames
Franco Martinig

4 reader testimonials

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