WebAssembly Documentation
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WebAssembly Documentation

Offline Ebook PDF Version of the WebAssembly v1.0 Documentation

About the Book

Web Assembly is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications. This PDF ebook is a portable offline reference guide for the community, can be printed or synced with your kindle for a better reading experience. It's based on WebAssembly version v.1.0

This is an excellent reference format for Web Assembly beginners, is not a tutorial just the official documentation for your reference.

This book is not officially endorsed by WebAssembly.

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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

Table of Contents

  • This Book
    • Recommended Resources
    • Recommended Books
  • Introduction
    • In a nutshell
  • Quick Start
    • Prerequisites
    • Setting up a new project
    • Next steps
  • Basics
    • Strictness
    • Static typing
    • Sandbox
    • Quirks
  • Status
    • Philosophy
    • WebAssembly features
    • Language features
    • Tooling features
  • Frequently asked questions
    • Is WebAssembly going to supersede JavaScript?
    • Is WebAssembly faster than JavaScript?
    • Is AssemblyScript faster than JavaScript?
    • How does AssemblyScript compare/relate to C++/Rust?
    • Will AssemblyScript support all of TypeScript eventually?
    • Will interop between AssemblyScript and JavaScript become better?
    • How can I help?
  • Compiler
    • Command line options
    • API
  • Types
    • Type rules
    • Macro types
  • Environment
    • Standard library
    • Static type checks
    • Sizes and alignments
    • Utility
    • Low-level WebAssembly operations
  • Exports and imports
    • Exports
    • Imports
    • On values crossing the boundary
    • Anatomy of a module
  • Loader
    • Installation
    • Usage
    • API
    • Convenience vs. efficiency
    • Advanced usage
  • Memory
    • Importing memory
    • Exporting memory
    • Accessing memory during instantiation
    • Memory regions
    • Internals
  • Garbage Collection
    • Runtime interface
    • Runtime variants
    • The future: WebAssembly GC
  • Peculiarities
    • Annotations
    • Operator overloads
    • Range limits
    • Tree-shaking
  • Portability
    • Portable Stdlib
    • Differences
    • Limitations
  • Debugging
    • Source maps
    • Stack traces
    • Disabling assertions
    • Overriding abort
    • Manual tracing
    • Breakpoints
    • Additional resources
  • Interoperability
    • Strings
    • Class layout
    • Calling convention
    • Optional arguments
    • Garbage collection
  • Development
    • Setting up a development environment
    • Building distribution files
    • Creating tests
  • Transforms
    • Properties
    • Hooks
  • Globals
    • Constants
    • Functions
  • Array
    • Constructor
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • ArrayBuffer
    • Constructor
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • DataView
    • Constructor
    • Instance members
  • Date
    • Constructor
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • Error
    • Variants
    • Constructor
    • Instance members
  • Map
    • Constructor
    • Instance members
  • Math
    • Variants
    • Static members
    • Considerations
  • Number
    • Integers
    • Floats
  • Set
    • Constructor
    • Instance members
  • String
    • Static members
    • Instance members
    • Encoding API
    • Considerations
  • Symbol
    • Construction
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • TypedArray
    • Variants
    • Constructor
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • StaticArray
    • Constructor
    • Static members
    • Instance members
  • process
    • Static members
  • console
    • Static members
  • crypto
    • Static members

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