Zsolt Nagy
There were times when I was not conscious about my career choices at all. During my university years, I was far too busy with my studies and with an EU funded research project. While writing my thesis, I earned more than the average starting salary of MsC graduates in my country. When things are going so well early in your career, believe me, you won't start thinking about the next step.
This proved to be a mistake. I started my job interviews just a couple of months before graduation. I only had a resume, and some references on a research project. I also happened to be a below average communicator.
Even though I could choose from many options, none of those options seemed to be too lucrative. Having realized my awkward position, I chose the path of maximum responsibility, and joined a tech startup. The trade-off for excellent working conditions was bad pay. I kept on telling myself that I deserved more. Truth is, I deserved exactly the amount that I was able to negotiate. Back then, I didn't accept these facts, and was waiting for others to give me a raise whenever they praised me. A simple strategy destined to fail.
Software developers are in high demand, as there is a shortage of good professionals all over the world. I asked myself, come excellent developers still waste their talent by working for companies that don't respect them financially or professionally?
Throughout the last ten years, I have been continuously improving my tech skills as well as my soft skills. These improvements have enabled me to assume Team Lead and Technical Lead positions. Above all, these skills have enabled me to work with the companies I want. I encourage you to do the same.
For more, visit my website, devcareermastery.com.
My technical blog is about developing maintainable web applications using JavaScript. Read it on zsoltnagy.eu

Episode 109
An Interview with Zsolt Nagy