Guerric de Ternay
Hello! ?
Hi there! I’m Guerric de Ternay.
Here's a little more about me:
- I am the founder of GoudronBlanc, a brand that makes high-quality, elegant T-shirts that gentlemen love to wear
- As I love solving big challenges, I also run innovation projects at ?What If! part of Accenture, where we help Fortune 500 companies create new propositions and identify new business opportunities.
I also use Leanpub to write books that help people to become innovators:
- In 2018, I first published The Value Mix with the ambition to help entrepreneurs and executives create great products
- In 2021, I wrote The Opportunity Lenses, which aims to help identify new opportunities in a complex and ambiguous business environment
- In 2024, I published The Inspiring Team Lead, a a step-by-step guide that helps you, as a team lead, and your team to drive exceptional performance, from kick-off to deliverables
- I'm now writing The Idea Maker to help people have good ideas so they can do more remarkable work
Where to find me:
- Find my latest reflections about strategy and innovation at Guerric.co.uk
- Subscribe to my newsletter, Progress.

Episode 112
An Interview with Guerric de Ternay
The Innovation Bundle
2 Books