Yoga For Your Shoulders
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Yoga For Your Shoulders

Simple Exercises For Stabilizing, Stretching and Strengthening Your Shoulders

About the Book

When stretching and improving awareness, one of the most important considerations is Tensegrity which is a contraction of the terms Tension and Integrity. Tension is what allows us to feel our body in general. While it is pretty easy to learn to feel muscular activity and the tension generated within the belly of a muscle when it is active, connective tissue tension is something we can learn to feel when muscles are relaxed.

If we learn to feel this tension, then we can not only improve body awareness, but also our ability to control our body and respond quickly, even instantaneously. One of the keys to learning to feel this tension is to move slowly and smoothly. But another key is to focus on isolated elements.

After awareness (and control) is developed in isolation it can then be used in integrated "whole body" movements or postures.

The exercises start with unweighted exercises since in those it is easier to develop both awareness and control. It then progresses to weighted scapular awareness exercises.

It includes shoulder stretches and different stretching techniques for improving shoulder flexibility as well as improving awareness and control of the shoulder girdle.

About the Author

Neil Keleher
Neil Keleher

Neil Keleher has spent the last 15 years teaching yoga. Prior to that he studied Systems Design Engineering and worked as an engineer.

Prior to that he spent five years in the British Army as an armourer (somebody who fixes guns.)

Both as an armourer and as an engineer the thing that interested him most was understanding what he was working with. 

He now applies that same understanding to yoga poses and the human body. He constantly tries to understand, and experience the human body so that he can share that understanding. 

Another of his interests is in being able to communicate effectively. (This is probably a life long project.) To that end he tries to make exercises clear and easy to understand so that his students can get on with doing the exercises. (This is as opposed to trying to figure out what the instructor is saying.)

Another of his interests is Flow. One of the reasons he is so big on "understanding" is that when we understand what we are trying to do, then it is that much easier to enter into the flow. 

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Table of Contents

  • Shoulder Basics
    • Neck Stretch and Strengthen
    • Bending the Ribcage Forwards and Backwards
    • Ribcage Slides or “Displacements”
  • Basic Scapular Control
    • Elevation 1
    • Protraction
    • Retraction for Rhomboids
    • Avoiding Shoulder Impingement
    • Arms Forwards Protractiona and Retraction
    • Arms Lifted Protaction and Retraction
  • More Shoulder Mobility
    • Retraction for Lower Trapezius
    • Elevation 2
    • Infraversion
  • Shoulder Rotations
    • Basic Arm Rotations
    • Using Rotation to “stabilize” the shoulder blade
    • Arm Rotation Meditation
    • Dance of Shiva Arm Rotations
  • Making the Arms Feel Long
    • Warrior 1
    • Standing Side Bend
    • Side Angle Pose
    • Prasarritta Padotanasana C With Hands Unclasped
    • Arms Clasped
    • Straightening the Arms
    • Adding Internal Rotation
    • Triangle Front Fold with Hands Clasped
    • Overhead Shoulder Stretch Variations
    • Arms Back Stretching Options
    • Bound Side Angle
    • Arm Pull Binding Preparation
  • Bent Elbow Arm Stretches
    • Triceps (Back of the Arm) Stretch
    • Cow Face Variations
    • Reverse Prayer
    • Eagle Arms
    • Eagle Arm variations
    • Full Eagle
    • Bound Twisting Side Angle
  • Weighted Shoulder Exercises
    • Standing Forward Bend Weight Shift
    • Dangle Pose
    • Table Top
    • Reverse Plank
    • Cat Pose
    • Dog Pose
    • Plank Pose
    • Elbow Plank
    • Side Plank
    • Weighted Scapular Control in Down Dog
    • Arms Long, Spine Long
    • Chaturanga Dandasana
    • Bow Pose
    • Upward Dog
  • Inversions
    • Handstand Using a Wall
    • Headstand and Pincha Mayurasana Unweighted Preps
    • Weighted Preparations for Pincha Mayurasana and Bound Headstand
  • Using a Wall to Stretch
    • Standing Chest Stretch
    • Standing Stretch for Front of the Shoulder
    • Spiderman Wall Stretch
    • Rack Pose Using a Wall
  • Gravity Assisted Stretches
    • Puppy Dog (Inch Worm) and Sneak Attack
    • Down Dog Shoulder Stretch
    • Rack Pose
    • Penguin Pose
    • One Armed Penguin
    • Back Stretch
    • Stretching Notes
    • Side/Rear Deltoid Stretch
    • Assisted Lateral Stretch
    • Half Dragonfly
    • Clasped Half Dragonfly
    • Full Dragonfly
    • Moving into Dragonfly Gradually (and With Control and Sensitivity)
    • Bennittasana
    • Lapasana with Palm Facing Up
    • Lapasana with Palm Facing Down
    • Twisting in Lapasana
    • Seated Twist and Prone Twist
    • Biceps Stretch
  • Resting and Recovering
  • Questions, Comments

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