Rapid Prototyping with JS


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Rapid Prototyping with JS

Agile JavaScript Development

About the Book

UPDATE: This books is available at https://gumroad.com/l/rpjs.

Rapid Prototyping with JS: Agile JavaScript Development is a hands-on book which introduces you to agile JavaScript web and mobile software development using the latest cutting-edge front-end and back-end technologies including:

Practical examples include building multiple versions of the Chat app:

  • jQuery + Parse.com JS REST API
  • Backbone and Parse.com JS SDK
  • Backbone and Node.js
  • Backbone and Node.js + MongoDB

The Chat application has all the foundation of a typical web/mobile application: fetching data, displaying it, submitting new data. Other examples include:

  • jQuery + Twitter RESP API “Tweet Analyzer”
  • Parse.com “Save John”
  • Node.js “Hello World”
  • MongoDB “Print Collections”
  • Derby + Express “Hello World”
  • Backbone.js “Hello World”
  • Backbone.js “Apple Database”
  • Monk + Expres.js “REST API Server”

This book will save you many hours by providing the hand-picked and tested colletion of quick start guides. RPJS has practical examples that allow to spend less time learning and more time building your own applications. Prototype fast and ship code that matters!

Buy Rapid Prototyping with JS on Leanpub for $14.87 or read this and four other JavaScript and Node.js books for $4.87/mo on AnyWhereLib.com.

More info: rpjs.co

This book is also available in print as paperback copy.

Download the free Intro to Backbone.js chapter

Jump to the full Table of Contents

Code examples: github.com/azat-co/rpjs

About the Author

Azat Mardan
Azat Mardan

Azat Mardan is a best-selling author of books on JavaScript, React, and Node.js, a visiting professor, startup mentor, software engineer, and tech leader with 20+ years' experience. He's taught thousands and spoken at 30+ conferences, and was a Microsoft MVP and a top 250 GitHub contributor.

Table of Contents

    • What Readers Say
    • Rapid Prototyping with JS on the Internet
    • Acknowledgment
    • Introduction
      • Why RPJS?
      • What to Expect
      • Who This Book is For
      • What This Book is Not
      • Prerequisites
      • How to Use the Book
      • Examples
      • Notation
      • Terms
    • About the Author
  • I Quick Start
    • 1. Basics
      • 1.1 Front-End Definitions
        • 1.1.1 Bigger Picture
        • 1.1.2 HyperText Markup Language
        • 1.1.3 Cascading Style Sheets
        • 1.1.4 JavaScript
      • 1.2 Agile Methodologies
        • 1.2.1 Scrum
        • 1.2.2 Test-Driven Development
        • 1.2.3 Continuous Deployment and Integration
        • 1.2.4 Pair Programming
      • 1.3 Back-End Definitions
        • 1.3.1 Node.js
        • 1.3.2 NoSQL and MongoDB
        • 1.3.3 Cloud Computing
        • 1.3.4 HTTP Requests and Responses
        • 1.3.5 RESTful API
    • 2. Setup
      • 2.1 Local Setup
        • 2.1.1 Development Folder
        • 2.1.2 Browsers
        • 2.1.3 IDEs and Text Editors
        • 2.1.4 Version Control Systems
        • 2.1.5 Local HTTP Servers
        • 2.1.6 Database: MongoDB
        • 2.1.7 Other Components
          • Node.js Installation
          • JS Libraries
          • LESS App
      • 2.2 Cloud Setup
        • 2.2.1 SSH Keys
        • 2.2.2 GitHub
        • 2.2.3 Windows Azure
        • 2.2.4 Heroku
        • 2.2.5 Cloud9
  • II Front-End Prototyping
    • 3. jQuery and Parse.com
      • 3.1 Definitions
        • 3.1.1 JavaScript Object Notation
        • 3.1.2 AJAX
        • 3.1.3 Cross-Domain Calls
      • 3.2 jQuery
      • 3.3 Twitter Bootstrap
      • 3.4 LESS
        • 3.4.1 Variables
        • 3.4.2 Mixins
        • 3.4.3 Operations
      • 3.5 Example of using third-party API (Twitter) and jQuery
      • 3.6 Parse.com
      • 3.7 Chat with Parse.com Overview
      • 3.8 Chat with Parse.com: REST API and jQuery version
      • 3.9 Pushing to GitHub
      • 3.10 Deployment to Windows Azure
      • 3.11 Deployment to Heroku
      • 3.12 Updating and Deleting of Messages
    • 4. Intro to Backbone.js
      • 4.1 Setting up Backbone.js App from Scratch
        • 4.1.1 Dependencies
      • 4.2 Working with Collections
      • 4.3 Event Binding
      • 4.4 Views and Subviews with Underscore.js
      • 4.5 Refactoring
      • 4.6 AMD and Require.js for Development
      • 4.7 Require.js for Production
      • 4.8 Super Simple Backbone Starter Kit
    • 5. Backbone.js and Parse.com
      • 5.1 Chat with Parse.com: JavaScript SDK and Backbone.js version
      • 5.2 Deploying Chat to PaaS
      • 5.3 Enhancing Chat
  • III Back-End Prototyping
    • 6. Node.js and MongoDB
      • 6.1 Node.js
        • 6.1.1 Building “Hello World” in Node.js
        • 6.1.2 Node.js Core Modules
        • 6.1.3 Node Package Manager
        • 6.1.4 Deploying “Hello World” to PaaS
        • 6.1.5 Deploying to Windows Azure
        • 6.1.6 Deploying to Heroku
      • 6.2 Chat: Run-Time Memory Version
      • 6.3 Test Case for Chat
      • 6.4 MongoDB
        • 6.4.1 MongoDB Shell
        • 6.4.2 MongoDB Native Driver
        • 6.4.3 MongoDB on Heroku: MongoHQ
        • 6.4.4 BSON
      • 6.5 Chat: MongoDB Version
    • 7. Putting It All Together
      • 7.1 Different Domain Deployment
      • 7.2 Changing Endpoints
      • 7.3 Chat Application
      • 7.4 Deployment
      • 7.5 Same Domain Deployment
    • 8. BONUS: Webapplog Articles
      • 8.1 Asynchronicity in Node
        • 8.1.1 Non-Blocking I/O
        • 8.1.2 Asynchronous Way of Coding
      • 8.2 MongoDB Migration with Monk
      • 8.3 TDD in Node.js with Mocha
        • 8.3.1 Who Needs Test-Driven Development?
        • 8.3.2 Quick Start Guide
      • 8.4 Wintersmith — Static Site Generator
        • 8.4.1 Getting Started with Wintersmith
        • 8.4.2 Other Static Site Generators
      • 8.5 Intro to Express.js: Simple REST API app with Monk and MongoDB
        • 8.5.1 REST API app with Express.js and Monk
      • 8.6 Intro to Express.js: Parameters, Error Handling and Other Middleware
        • 8.6.1 Request Handlers
        • 8.6.2 Parameters Middleware
        • 8.6.3 Error Handling
        • 8.6.4 Other Middleware
        • 8.6.5 Abstraction
      • 8.7 JSON REST API server with Node.js and MongoDB using Mongoskin and Express.js
        • 8.7.1 Test Coverage
        • 8.7.2 Dependencies
        • 8.7.3 Implementation
        • 8.7.4 Conclusion
      • 8.8 Node.js MVC: Express.js + Derby Hello World Tutorial
        • 8.8.1 Node MVC Framework
        • 8.8.2 Derby Installation
        • 8.8.3 File Structure
        • 8.8.4 Dependencies
        • 8.8.6 Main Server
        • 8.8.7 Derby Application
        • 8.8.8 Launching Hello World App
        • 8.8.9 Passing Values to Back-End
    • Conclusion and Further Reading
      • Conclusion
      • Further Reading
        • JavaScript resources and free ebooks
        • JavaScript books
        • Node.js resources and free ebooks
        • Node.js books
        • Interactive online classes and courses
        • Startup books and blogs

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