Introduction to OAuth with Node.js (Book and Express.js v4.x Cheatsheet)


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Introduction to OAuth with Node.js

Twitter API OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, OAuth Echo, Everyauth and OAuth2.0 Server Examples

About the Book

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A typical modern web application has to communicate with other services, even if it’s your own service or application. This is usually done via an open standard for authorization, or OAuth. Therefore, your ability to easily and skillfully use OAuth in your work is paramount!

There are standards, specifications, and fancy diagrams, and it is certainly useful to read them as a first step. However, developers often need hands-on experience to acquire the full understanding and confidence necessary to execute this critical task (i.e., use OAuth) efficiently and correctly.

Introduction to OAuth in Node.js is a concise practical book designed to help you to get started with OAuth 1.0, 2.0, and Echo, and to implement a Sign in with Node.js using Twitter API (and ideally any other) authentication. Who has time to read thick and complex books anyway? So this is your mini-book!

In this mini-book, we’ll explore the three main authentication methods utilizing minimalistic oauth module to explain the basics, and then use extensive everyauth with an Express.js app. The last but not least, is OAuth 2.0 server implementation with oauth2-server. So the chapters of the book are organized in the following order:

  • OAuth 1.0 one-legged
  • OAuth 2.0 one-legged
  • OAuth Echo
  • OAuth 1.0 Sign in with Everyauth and Express.js (three-legged OAuth 1.0)
  • OAuth 2.0 Server and Client

Buy Introduction to OAuth with Node.js on Leanpub for $4.87 or read this and four other JavaScript and Node.js books for $4.87/mo on

About the Author

Azat Mardan
Azat Mardan

Azat Mardan is a best-selling author of books on JavaScript, React, and Node.js, a visiting professor, startup mentor, software engineer, and tech leader with 20+ years' experience. He's taught thousands and spoken at 30+ conferences, and was a Microsoft MVP and a top 250 GitHub contributor.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • How to Use the Book
    • Source Code
    • Notation
    • Terms
  • 1. OAuth 1.0
  • 2. OAuth 2.0
  • 3. OAuth Echo
  • 4. OAuth 1.0 Sign in with Everyauth
  • 5. OAuth 2.0 Server
  • Summary
    • About the Author
    • Contact Information
  • Source Code Link
  • Appendix A: Node.js oauth Module API Briefly
      • OAuth
      • OAuthEcho
      • Methods
      • OAuth2
  • Appendix B: Useful Twitter API v1.1 Resources
  • Appendix C: Tools

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