Oh My JS


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Oh My JS

The Best JavaScript Articles

About the Book

Oh My JavaScript

JavaScript is great! It's in the browser and on the server. We love it! But sometime we, JavaScript developers, find topics such as scoping, object instantiating, "this" context, etc. confusing and poorly documents. Oh My JavaScript is a collection of best articles on JavaScript/Node.js which will save your many hours of frustrations and internet searches!

Oh My JavaScript: The Best Article is a compilation of publicly available resources conveniently edited and packaged in an ebook format (PDF, ePub, mobi). Attributions are carefully preserved.


JavaScript syntax and patterns.

Style and Organization

Best practices and conventions.


Best tools for front and back-end development.


Test-Driven Development.


Performance tests and server-side memory testing.


Peculiarities of server-side JavaScript development.

About the Editor

Azat Mardan
Azat Mardan

Azat Mardan is a best-selling author of books on JavaScript, React, and Node.js, a visiting professor, startup mentor, software engineer, and tech leader with 20+ years' experience. He's taught thousands and spoken at 30+ conferences, and was a Microsoft MVP and a top 250 GitHub contributor.

Table of Contents

  • JavaScript Fundamentals
    • The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language
    • Understanding JavaScript Function Invocation and “this”
    • Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language
    • Semicolons in JavaScript are optional
  • Patterns and Code Organization
    • Common JavaScript “Gotchas”
    • Asynchronous JS: Callbacks, Listeners, Control Flow Libs and Promises
    • The Design of Code: Organizing JavaScript
    • Why AMD?
    • JavaScript Dependency Injection
  • Tools
    • 10 Must Have JavaScript Tools For Developers
    • Useful Node.js Tools, Tutorials And Resources
    • Control the Complexity of Your JavaScript Functions with JSHint
  • Testing
    • Leaner, Meaner, Faster Animations with requestAnimationFrame
  • Node.js
    • Understanding event loops and writing great code for Node.js
    • Callback Hell
    • Understanding Express.js
  • About the Author

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