Express.js Guide


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Express.js Guide

The Comprehensive Book on Express.js

About the Book

The Comprehensive Book on Express.js

The in-depth, detailed, hand-on manual on Express.js, the most popular Node.js framework. Will get you up and running fast and save you time. Understand the concepts, learn the best practices. Become an Express.js expert today.

Express.js API reference, quick start guides, 20+ meticulously explained examples and tutorials — over 270 pages with more than 60 illustrations.

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About the Author

Azat Mardan
Azat Mardan

Azat Mardan is a best-selling author of books on JavaScript, React, and Node.js, a visiting professor, startup mentor, software engineer, and tech leader with 20+ years' experience. He's taught thousands and spoken at 30+ conferences, and was a Microsoft MVP and a top 250 GitHub contributor.

Table of Contents

    • Foreword
    • Acknowledgment
    • Introduction
      • Why
      • What This Book Is
      • What This Book is Not
      • Who This Book is For
      • Notation
      • Navigation
      • How to Use the Book
      • Examples
      • About the Author
      • Errata
      • Contact Us
  • I Quick Start
    • 1. What is Express.js?
    • 2. How Express.js Works
    • 3. Installation
    • 4. Hello World Example
    • 5. CLI
    • 6. Watching for File Changes
    • 7. MVC Structure and Modules
  • II The Interface
    • 8. Configuration
      • 8.1 app.set() and app.get()
      • 8.2 app.enable() and app.disable()
      • 8.3 app.enabled() and app.disabled()
    • 9. Settings
      • 9.1 env
      • 9.2 view cache
      • 9.3 view engine
      • 9.5 trust proxy
      • 9.6 jsonp callback name
      • 9.7 json replacer and json spaces
      • 9.8 case sensitive routing
      • 9.9 strict routing
      • 9.10 x-powered-by
      • 9.11 etag
      • 9.12 subdomain offset
    • 10. Environments
      • 10.1 app.configure()
    • 11. Applying Middleware
      • 11.1 app.use()
    • 12. Types of Middleware
      • 12.1 express.compress()
      • 12.2 express.logger()
      • 12.3 express.json()
      • 12.4 express.urlencoded()
      • 12.5 express.multipart()
      • 12.6 express.bodyParser()
      • 12.7 express.cookieParser()
      • 12.8 express.session()
      • 12.9 express.csrf()
      • 12.10 express.static()
      • 12.11 express.basicAuth()
      • 12.12 Other Express.js/Connect Middlewares
    • 13. Different Template Engines
      • 13.1 app.engine()
    • 14. Extracting Parameters
      • 14.1 app.param()
    • 15. Routing
      • 15.1 app.VERB()
      • 15.2 app.all()
      • 15.3 Trailing Slashes
    • 16. Request Handlers
    • 17. Request
      • 17.1 query
      • 17.2 req.params
      • 17.3 req.body
      • 17.4 req.files
      • 17.5 req.route
      • 17.6 req.cookies
      • 17.7 req.signedCookies
      • 17.8 req.header() and req.get()
      • 17.9 Other Attributes and Methods
    • 18. Response
      • 18.1 res.render()
      • 18.2 res.locals()
      • 18.3 res.set()
      • 18.4 res.status()
      • 18.5 res.send()
      • 18.6 res.json()
      • 18.7 res.jsonp()
      • 18.8 res.redirect()
      • 18.9 Other Response Methods and Properties
    • 19. Error Handling
    • 20. Running an App
      • 20.1 app.locals
      • 20.2 app.render()
      • 20.3 app.routes
      • 20.4 app.listen()
  • III Tips and Tricks
    • 21. Abstraction
    • 22. Using Databases in Modules
    • 23. Keys and Passwords
    • 24. Streams
    • 25. Redis
    • 26. Authentication
    • 27. Multi-Threading with Clusters
    • 28. Consolidate.js
    • 29. Stylus, LESS and SASS
      • 29.1 Stylus
      • 29.2 LESS
      • 29.3 SASS
    • 30. Security
      • 30.1 CSRF
      • 30.2 Permissions
      • 30.3 Headers
    • 31. Socket.IO
    • 32. Domains
  • IV Tutorials and Examples
    • 33. Instagram Gallery
      • 33.1 A File Structure
      • 33.2 Dependencies
      • 33.3 Node.js Server
      • 33.4 Handlebars Template
      • 33.5 Conclusion
    • 34. Todo App
      • 34.1 Scaffolding
      • 34.2 MongoDB
      • 34.3 Structure
      • 34.4 app.js
      • 34.5 Routes
      • 34.6 Jades
      • 34.7 LESS
      • 34.8 Conclusion
    • 35. REST API
      • 35.1 Test Coverage
      • 35.2 Dependencies
      • 35.3 Implementation
      • 35.4 Conclusion
    • 36. HackHall
      • 36.1 What is HackHall
      • 36.2 Running HackHall
      • 36.3 Structure
      • 36.4 Express.js App
      • 36.5 Routes
        • 36.5.1 index.js
        • 36.5.2 auth.js
        • 36.5.3 main.js
        • 36.5.4 users.js
        • 36.5.5 applications.js
        • 36.5.6 posts.js
      • 36.6 Mogoose Models
      • 36.7 Mocha Tests
      • 36.8 Conclusion
    • ExpressWorks
      • What is ExpressWorks Based On?
      • Installation (recommended)
      • Local Installation (advanced)
      • Usage
      • Reset
      • Steps
        • Hello World
        • Jade
        • Good Old Form
        • Static
        • Stylish CSS
        • Param Pam Pam
        • What’s in a Query
        • JSON Me
    • Related Reading and Resources
      • Other Node.js Frameworks
      • Node.js Books
      • JavaScript Classics
      • Contact Us
    • Appendix A: Migrating Express.js 3.x to 4.x: Middleware, Route and Other Changes
      • Replacing Unbundled Middleware in Express.js 4
      • Removing Deprecated Methods from Express.js 4 Apps
        • app.configure()
        • app.router
        • res.on(‘header’)
        • res.charset
        • res.headerSent
        • req.accepted()
      • Other Express.js 4 Changes
        • app.use()
        • res.location()
        • app.route
        • json spaces
        • req.params
        • res.locals
        • Express.js Command-Line Generator
      • Express.js 4 Route Instance and Chaining It
      • Further Express.js 4 Migration Reading Links
    • Appendix B: Express.js 4, Node.js and MongoDB REST API Tutorial
      • Node.js and MongoDB REST API Overview
      • REST API Tests with Mocha and Superagent
      • NPM-ing Node.js Server Dependencies
      • Express.js 4 and MongoDB (Mongoskin) Implementation
      • Running The Express.js 4 App and Testing MongoDB Data with Mocha
      • Conclusion and Further Express.js and Node.js Reading
    • Appendix C: Express.js 4 Cheatsheet
      • Installation
      • Generator
      • Basics
      • HTTP Verbs and Routes
      • Request
      • Request Header Shortcuts
      • Response
      • Handlers Signatures
      • Stylus and Jade
      • Body
      • Static
      • Connect Middleware
      • Other Popular Middleware

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