Javascript Challenges
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Javascript Challenges

Rewarding Challenges to Improve your Javascript Skills

About the Book

One of the best ways to learn Javascript is through a series of challenges which can be entertaining and fun, the challenges collected in this book are designed to help developers increase their JavaScript, logic and other coding skills.

Take your Javascript skills to the next level with 139 Challenges and their correct answers !!

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Javascript Snippets

Up to Speed with Javascript in 59 minutes

Appwrite Up and Running

Front End Developer Interview Questions

ReactJS Documentation

Backend Developer Interview Questions

VueJS Documentation

React Redux Documentation


Data Science Workflow for Beginners

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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

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Table of Contents

  • Other Books by Alejandro
    • Recommended Resources
  • Introduction
    • Who is this book for ?
    • What this book covers ?
  • Chapter 1: Javascript Challenges
    • 1. What’s the output?
    • 2. What’s the output?
    • 3. What’s the output?
    • 4. What’s the output?
    • 5. Which one is true?
    • 6. What’s the output?
    • 7. What’s the output?
    • 8. What’s the output?
    • 9. What’s the output?
    • 10. What happens when we do this?
    • 11. What’s the output?
    • 12. What’s the output?
    • 13. What are the three phases of event propagation?
    • 14. All object have prototypes.
    • 15. What’s the output?
    • 16. What’s the output?
    • 17. What’s the output?
    • 18. What’s the output?
    • 19. What’s the output?
    • 20. What’s the output?
    • 21. What’s value of sum?
    • 22. How long is cool_secret accessible?
    • 23. What’s the output?
    • 24. What’s the output?
    • 25. What’s the output?
    • 26. The JavaScript global execution context creates two things for you: the global object, and the “this” keyword.
    • 27. What’s the output?
    • 28. What’s the output?
    • 29. What’s the output?
    • 30. What’s the output?
    • 31. What is the when clicking the button?
    • 32. When you click the paragraph, what’s the logged output?
    • 33. What’s the output?
    • 34. What’s the output?
    • 35. Which of these values are falsy?
    • 36. What’s the output?
    • 37. What’s the output?
    • 38. What’s the output?
    • 39. Everything in JavaScript is either a…
    • 40. What’s the output?
    • 41. What’s the output?
    • 42. What does the setInterval method return in the browser?
    • 43. What does this return?
    • 44. What’s the output?
    • 45. What does this return?
    • 46. What’s the output?
    • 47. What’s the output?
    • 48. What’s the output?
    • 49. What’s the value of num?
    • 50. What’s the output`?
    • 51. What’s the output?
    • 52. What’s the output?
    • 53. What’s the output?
    • 54. What’s the output?
    • 55. What’s the output?
    • 56. What’s the output?
    • 57. What’s the output?
    • 58. What’s the output?
    • 59. What’s the output?
    • 60. What’s the output?
    • 61. What’s the output?
    • 62. What’s the output?
    • 63. What’s the output?
    • 64. What’s the output?
    • 65. What’s the output?
    • 66. With which constructor can we successfully extend the Dog class?
    • 67. What’s the output?
    • 68. What’s the output?
    • 69. What’s the output?
    • 70. What’s missing?
    • 71. What’s the output?
    • 72. What’s the output?
    • 73. What’s the output?
    • 74. What’s the output?
    • 75. What’s the output?
    • 76. What’s the output?
    • 77. Is this a pure function?
    • 78. What is the output?
    • 79. What’s the output?
    • 80. What is the output?
    • 81. What is the output?
    • 82. What should be the value of method be to log?
    • 83. What is the output?
    • 84. What is the output?
    • 85. What kind of information would get logged?
    • 86. Which option is a way to set hasName equal to true, provided you cannot pass true as an argument?
    • 87. What’s the output?
    • 88. What’s the output?
    • 89. What’s the output?
    • 90. What’s the output?
    • 91. What’s the output?
    • 92. What’s the output?
    • 93. What’s the output?
    • 94. What’s the output?
    • 95. What’s the output?
    • 96. What’s the output?
    • 97. What’s the output?
    • 98. What’s the output?
    • 99. What’s the output?
    • 100. What do we need to add to the person object to get ["Lydia Hallie", 21] as the output of [...person]?
    • 101. What’s the value of output?
    • 102. What’s the value of output?
    • 103. What’s the value of output?
    • 104. What’s its value?
    • 105. What’s its value?
    • 106. What’s its value?
    • 107. What’s the output?
    • 108. What’s the output?
    • 109. What’s the output?
    • 110. What does this method do?
    • 111. What’s the output?
    • 112. What’s the output?
    • 113. What’s the output?
    • 114. What will happen?
    • 115. Which method(s) will return the value 'Hello world!'?
    • 116. What’s the output?
    • 117. Which of the following options will return 6?
    • 118. What’s the output?
    • 119. What’s the output?
    • 120. What’s the output?
    • 121. What’s the output?
    • 122. What’s the output?
    • 123. What’s the output?
    • 124. What’s the output?
    • 125. What’s the output?
    • 126. What’s the output?
    • 127. What’s the output?
    • 128. What’s the output?
    • 129. What’s the output?
    • 130. What’s the output?
    • 131. What’s the output?
    • 132. What’s the output?
    • 133. What’s the output?
    • 134. How can we invoke sum in index.js from sum.js?
    • 135. What’s the output?
    • 136. Which of the following will modify the person object?
    • 137. Which of the following will modify the person object?
    • 138. What’s the output?
    • 139. What’s the output?
  • Chapter 2: Answers to the Challenges
    • Challenge 1.
    • Challenge 2.
    • Challenge 3.
    • Challenge 4.
    • Challenge 5.
    • Challenge 6.
    • Challenge 7.
    • Challenge 8.
    • Challenge 9.
    • Challenge 10.
    • Challenge 11.
    • Challenge 12.
    • Challenge 13.
    • Challenge 14.
    • Challenge 15.
    • Challenge 16.
    • Challenge 17.
    • Challenge 18.
    • Challenge 19.
    • Challenge 20.
    • Challenge 21.
    • Challenge 22.
    • Challenge 23.
    • Challenge 24.
    • Challenge 25.
    • Challenge 26.
    • Challenge 27.
    • Challenge 28.
    • Challenge 29.
    • Challenge 30.
    • Challenge 31.
    • Challenge 32.
    • Challenge 33.
    • Challenge 34.
    • Challenge 35.
    • Challenge 36.
    • Challenge 37.
    • Challenge 38.
    • Challenge 39.
    • Challenge 40.
    • Challenge 41.
    • Challenge 42.
    • Challenge 43.
    • Challenge 44.
    • Challenge 45.
    • Challenge 46.
    • Challenge 47.
    • Challenge 48.
    • Challenge 49.
    • Challenge 50.
    • Challenge 51.
    • Challenge 52.
    • Challenge 53.
    • Challenge 54.
    • Challenge 55.
    • Challenge 56.
    • Challenge 57.
    • Challenge 58.
    • Challenge 59.
    • Challenge 60.
    • Challenge 61.
    • Challenge 62.
    • Challenge 63.
    • Challenge 64.
    • Challenge 65.
    • Challenge 66.
    • Challenge 67.
    • Challenge 68.
    • Challenge 69.
    • Challenge 70.
    • Challenge 71.
    • Challenge 72.
    • Challenge 73.
    • Challenge 74.
    • Challenge 75.
    • Challenge 76.
    • Challenge 77.
    • Challenge 78.
    • Challenge 79.
    • Challenge 80.
    • Challenge 81.
    • Challenge 82.
    • Challenge 83.
    • Challenge 84.
    • Challenge 85.
    • Challenge 86.
    • Challenge 87.
    • Challenge 88.
    • Challenge 89.
    • Challenge 90.
    • Challenge 91.
    • Challenge 92.
    • Challenge 93.
    • Challenge 94.
    • Challenge 95.
    • Challenge 96.
    • Challenge 97.
    • Challenge 98.
    • Challenge 99.
    • Challenge 100.
    • Challenge 101.
    • Challenge 102.
    • Challenge 103.
    • Challenge 104.
    • Challenge 105.
    • Challenge 106.
    • Challenge 107.
    • Challenge 108.
    • Challenge 109.
    • Challenge 110.
    • Challenge 111.
    • Challenge 112.
    • Challenge 113.
    • Challenge 114.
    • Challenge 115.
    • Challenge 116.
    • Challenge 117.
    • Challenge 118.
    • Challenge 119.
    • Challenge 120.
    • Challenge 121.
    • Challenge 122.
    • Challenge 123.
    • Challenge 124.
    • Challenge 125.
    • Challenge 126.
    • Challenge 127.
    • Challenge 128.
    • Challenge 129.
    • Challenge 130.
    • Challenge 131.
    • Challenge 132.
    • Challenge 133.
    • Challenge 134.
    • Challenge 135.
    • Challenge 136.
    • Challenge 137.
    • Challenge 138.
    • Challenge 139.
  • Keep developing your Javascript skills
  • About the Author

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