Extreme Agility (Get the book (electronic version))
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Extreme Agility

About the Book

Don't learn from others.

Stop improving processes.

Make customers unhappy.

There is no change without change: "Extreme Agility" contains over eighty concepts that contradict everything you have learned, experienced and believed. You will explore concepts so extreme that opening your thoughts will spark change!

Read a collection of seemingly crazy proposals and anecdotes from a seasoned CTO, coach and consultant - and explore a parallel working world where nothing is the way you know it - then make that world your own!

About the Author

Michael Küsters
Michael Küsters

Michael helps companies and people become more agile by providing coaching, training and consulting in agile frameworks, principles and mindset.

As author, he is sharing his insights and experiences with people seeking for new ways to achieve even more than before.

Michael has consulted for a wide range of companies from small start-up to international corporation, transforming teams, divisions and entire organizations. He is a seasoned veteran with Scrum, Kanban, XP, LeSS and SAFe, Lean and Six Sigma and harnesses this vast experience for his clients' success.

Before experiencing agility, Michael has worked in all traditional IT roles - analyst, developer, tester, operations, support, project manager, division head - even CTO. He also draws on a vast experience as agile team member, Scrum Master and Product Owner.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • It’s all about change
    • The intention of this book
  • Philosophy
    • Success is optional
    • There is no failure
    • Abandon your goals
    • Nobody has any rights
    • Don’t learn from others
    • Reveal your secrets
    • Be without past
    • Problems are good
  • Attitude
    • Don’t go to work
    • Lazy is good
    • Stop using adjectives
    • Nothing is urgent
    • Nothing is important
    • Not now!
    • Work Done doesn’t matter
    • ToDo doesn’t matter, either
  • Collaboration
    • Get rid of the boss
    • Adults don’t need permission
    • Trust nobody
    • Get your Pants down!
    • Smart is dumb, dumb is smart
  • Meetings
    • Triple the meeting time
    • Forget appointments
    • Stop having meetings
    • Take time to chit-chat
    • More and longer coffee breaks
  • Management
    • Management is for stupid people
    • General Management doesn’t work
    • Managing people is waste
    • Don’t be a manager
  • Structure
    • Experience is unhelpful
    • Eliminate the business side
    • Stop people from doing their job
    • Have fewer people
    • Avoid organizational frameworks
    • You have no idea who your architect is
    • Governance is a corporate dysfunction
    • Scatter the team
    • Consider anarchy
    • Shred your backlog
  • Metrics
    • Numbers always lie
    • To measure is ignorance
    • Performance is a myth
    • Metrics are worthless
  • Process
    • Abolish your processes
    • Shut down your ALM tool
    • Abolish best practices
    • Stop Multitasking
    • Be idle
    • Stop reviewing others’ work
    • “Plan B” is a waste of time
    • Burn your documentation
    • Destabilize your processes
    • Stop improving processes
    • Optimize locally
    • Do everything twice
  • Finances
    • Stop managing costs
    • Lose money
    • ROI is stupid
    • Don’t plan for profit
    • Spend as much as possible
    • Give your product for free
    • Shut down your services
    • Invest into removing features
  • Customers
    • Ignore your customers
    • Upset your customers
    • Disgruntled customers are the best
    • Let contracts end
    • Send them to the competition!
  • Leadership advice
    • Stop motivating your team
    • Create Problems
    • Bring me problems, not solutions!
    • Hard Sales are bad deals
    • Actively do nothing
    • Refrain from making decisions
    • Discourage quick fixes
    • Cross deadlines
    • Increase idle time
    • Allow security incidents
    • Safety is an illusion
    • Focus on harm
  • For Developers
    • Get crappy equipment
    • Limit code size
    • Limit development time
    • Stop branching
    • Push to Production
    • Close your test environment
    • Turn off your automation
  • Closing Remarks
  • Notes

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