'Starting out in Enterprise Architecture' bundle
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'Starting out in Enterprise Architecture' bundle

About the Bundle

The 'Starting out in Enterprise Architecture' bundle: Practical notes for Enterprise Architecture

This bundle of anthologies from the Tetradian weblog covers fundamentals and essential concepts and practices that you will need when first starting out in enterprise-architecture.

It includes the following eleven anthologies:

  • Creating a career in Enterprise Architecture (27 posts)
  • More basics for Enterprise Architecture (41 posts)
  • More key concepts for Enterprise Architecture (34 posts)
  • On enterprise-architecture practice (39 posts)
  • More on practice for Enterprise Architecture (37 posts)
  • Worked-Examples for EA Practice (35 posts)
  • How not to fail in Enterprise Architecture (34 posts)
  • Methods and challenges in EA (43 posts)
  • Making Sense of Services in EA (39 posts)
  • On people and Enterprise Architecture (40 posts)
  • Story and Enterprise Architecture (39 posts)

Allowing for some duplication between anthologies, the overall bundle includes about 390 articles, adding up to 3083 PDF pages.

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    • Enterprise Architecture
    • Business Architecture
    • Career
    • Leadership

About the Books

Creating a career in enterprise-architecture

Theory, roles and practice
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Creating a career in enterprise-architecture

This anthology from the Tetradian weblog provides overviews and commentary on how to develop a career in enterprise-architecture, business-architecture and related fields, and on the various roles that apply in those fields. It is intended to be a useful introduction for newcomers to enterprise-architecture.

This book includes about 30 posts and 30 images from the weblog. These posts are split into two main groups:

  • Architecture as Career - offers practical guidance for anyone interested in developing a career in enterprise-architecture or any of the related disciplines.
  • Architecture Roles - describes the different roles across the overall architecture domains, what they each do, and how they link together across the whole to support effective change.

More basics for enterprise architecture

Principles, methods, checklists and more
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    This anthology from the Tetradian weblog provides essential information on enterprise-architecture and related disciplines. It covers a wide range of themes across the entire scope of the domain, and is likely to be particularly useful for newcomers to the field.

    The book includes about 40 posts and 85 images from the weblog. These posts are split into six groups:

    • Basics: Enterprise and Organisation - clarifies the distinctions between ‘enterprise’ and ‘organisation’, and hence what ‘enterprise-architecture’ should mean in practice.
    • Basics: Architecture and Design - shows how and why to differentiate between architecture and design, and the different roles they play in the overall process of change.
    • Basics: Method - presents methods for various specific tasks in architectures, their purpose, and how and why they add value to the overall process of change.
    • Basics: Architecture In Miniature - illustrates how enterprise-architecture principles and methods can be useful right down at the small-project level.
    • Basics: Checklists - shows how to use checklists to support architecture and design.
    • Basics: Terms and Definitions - provides clarity on terms and definitions used in enterprise-architecture.

    More key concepts for enterprise architecture

    Practical support for architecture discipline
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      This anthology from the Tetradian weblog provides a curated collection of posts that cover a range of concepts to guide sensemaking and decision-making in enterprise-architecture and the like. Most of these posts are unique to this anthology, and have not been included elsewhere in the series.

      This book includes about 35 posts and 70 images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

      • Concepts: Basics - outlines essential concepts for the earlier stages in skills-development for architectures.
      • Concepts: General - illustrates core concepts that apply across the overall architecture-space, from IT-architectures to whole-enterprise architecture and beyond.
      • Concepts: Complexity - assesses concepts that apply specifically to complex issues.

      On enterprise-architecture practice

      Concepts and guidance to underpin practice
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        This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores core principles and guidance for real-world practice for enterprise-architecture and its related disciplines.

        This book includes about 40 posts and 50 images from the weblog. These posts are split into two groups:

        • Practice: Essential Principles - outlines some essential guiding-principles for working on enterprise-architectures and more.
        • Practice: Guidance - presents practical guidelines and guidance for use in change-projects of all kinds.

        More on practice for Enterprise Architecture

        Roles, skills, engagement and problem-issues
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          This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores more about real-world practice for enterprise-architecture and its related disciplines.

          This book includes about 35 posts and 40 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

          • Practice: Roles and Skills - assesses the various types and needs for skills in architecture practice and more.
          • Practice: Engagement - summarises the challenges of engaging stakeholders and others in the processes of change, and practical tools and tactics to help that happen.
          • Practice: Influences - suggests examples of elements and concerns that can influence architecture practice in various ways.
          • Practice: Mispractice - describes examples of flawed discipline and poor practice that can or do cause damage to change-projects and to architecture itself.

          Worked-Examples for EA Practice

          Decision-making in whole-enterprise architecture
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            This anthology from the Tetradian weblog provides practical, real-world examples of the thinking required to tackle architecture-issues, before diving down into the specific details of implementation.

            This book includes roughly thirty-five posts and seventy images from the weblog. These posts are split into two groups:

            - Everyday Challenges - outlines typical processes and checks - often in step-by-step form - that are likely to be useful in tackling routine architecture-challenges.

            - Problem-Cases - provides worked-examples of architecture-errors that could, will or already have caused disruption or damage, and describes what needs to be done to rectify those mistakes.

            How not to fail in enterprise architecture

            Common antipatterns and how to avoid them
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              This anthology from the Tetradian weblog demonstrates the importance of discipline and formal rigour in architectures - and what happens if the discipline fails, or the rigour is absent.

              This book includes about 35 posts and 70 images from the weblog. These posts are split into two groups:

              • How Not To Fail: Concept-Critique - raises key questions about quality of formal-rigour, theory and discipline in current enterprise-architecture and beyond.
              • How Not To Fail: Method-Critique - also raises key questions and concerns about quality and reliability of method in current enterprise-architecture and suchlike.

              Methods and Challenges in Enterprise Architecture

              Practical perspectives on enterprise-architecture
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                This anthology from the Tetradian weblog shows how different methods and challenges provide usefully-alternative perspectives on enterprise-architecture and the like. It also demonstrates the importance of discipline and formal rigour in architectures.

                This book includes about 40 posts and 105 images from the weblog. These posts are split into four groups:

                • Perspectives and Disciplines: Method - describes a range of practical checks and methods that can be applied within enterprise-architectures and suchlike.
                • Perspectives and Disciplines: Theory to Practice - explores theory-oriented challenges on formal-rigour in the practice of enterprise-architecture and the like.
                • Perspectives and Disciplines: Discipline - provides practical examples and tests on ways to improve discipline and rigour in architecture-practice.
                • Perspectives and Disciplines: Challenges - outlines real-world challenges where discipline and rigour are called for in enterprise-architecture and suchlike.

                Making Sense of Services in EA

                Structure, design, governance and value-flow
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                  This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores the role and function of services as a foundational structure for use in enterprise-architectures.

                  This book includes about 40 posts and 115 images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

                  • Services and Enterprise Canvas - reviews the role and structure of the service-oriented Enterprise Canvas model-type.
                  • Service and Product - explores the relationships between services and product, and how those relationships work in practice.
                  • Services: Other Themes - presents further aspects of services in enterprise-architecture.

                  On People and Enterprise Architecture

                  Tackling people-concerns in architecture-development
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                    This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores how to make sense of how people interact and interrelate with enterprise-architecture, and where people fit within the overall enterprise-story.

                    This book includes about 40 posts and 50 images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

                    • People-Themes: Theory - outlines some of the core theory about how to include people-themes within enterprise-architectures.
                    • People-Themes: Practice - provides worked-examples on how to tackle people-themes in enterprise-architectures.
                    • People-Themes: Big-Picture - shows how to adapt these principles and practices to people-themes that extend beyond the organisation and outward to the broader social-enterprise.

                    Story and Enterprise Architecture

                    Using story to support architecture-development
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                      This anthology from the Tetradian weblog explores how concepts of story can be applied in enterprise-architecture and the like - not just as a support-tool, but as architecture-frameworks in their own right.

                      This book includes almost forty posts and eighty images from the weblog. These posts are split into three groups:

                      • Story: Role - outlines the role of story in enterprise-architecture and the like.
                      • Story: Lead-in - provides worked-examples of how to use a real-world story to introduce and illustrate a complex, challenging or technical topic.
                      • Story: Frameworks - describes story-oriented frameworks that can be used to guide architecture- and process-development.

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