Kevin Pagano
Kevin Pagano is a digital forensics analyst, researcher, blogger and contributor to the open-source community. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Forensics from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania and a Graduate Certificate in Digital Forensics from Champlain College. Kevin is a member of the GIAC Advisory Board and holds several industry certifications, including the GIAC Advanced Smartphone Forensics (GASF), GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE), and GIAC Battlefield Forensics and Acquisition (GBFA), and the Certified Cellebrite Mobile Examiner (CCME) among others.
Kevin is the creator of the Forensics StartMe page and regularly shares his research on his blog stark4n6.com. He is a published author with multiple peer-reviewed papers accepted through DFIR Review. Kevin also contributes to multiple open-source projects, including but not limited to ALEAPP, iLEAPP, RLEAPP, CLEAPP and KAPE.
Kevin is a regular competitor in the digital forensics CTF circuit. He has won First Place in the Magnet User Summit DFIR CTF 2019, the Magnet Virtual Summit DFIR CTF 2021, the Magnet User Summit DFIR CTF 2022, the Magnet Weekly CTF 2020, the Wi-Fighter Challenge v3 CTF, the Belkasoft Europe 2021 CTF, and the BloomCON CTF in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2022. He additionally is a SANS DFIR NetWars Champion and NetWars Tournament of Champions winner and has earned multiple Lethal Forensicator coins. Kevin is a 4-time Hacking Exposed Computer Forensic (HECF) Blog Sunday Funday Winner.
In his spare time, Kevin likes to drink beers and design DFIR-themed designs for stickers, clothing, and other swag. You can find him lurking on Twitter (https://twitter.com/kevinpagano3) and on the DFIR Discord.