Barry Grundy
Barry Grundy has been working in the field of digital forensics since the mid 1990s. Starting at the Ohio Attorney General's office as a criminal investigator, and eventually joining U.S. Federal Law Enforcement as a digital forensics analyst and computer crimes investigator in 2001. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science from Ohio University, and A Master's Degree in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigations from University College Dublin.
Barry is the author and maintainer of the Law Enforcement and Forensic Examiner's Introduction to Linux ([LinuxLEO (https://linuxleo.com)). This practical beginner's guide to Linux as a digital forensics platform has been available for over 20 years and has been used by a number of academic institutions and law enforcement agencies around the world to introduce students of DFIR to Linux. Teaching, particularly Linux forensics and open source DFIR tools, is his passion.