Table of Contents
Part I - About #tagcoding
- Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - #tagcoding: why everyone should do it, and how to do it
- The thematic, geographic and language division of the global discourse
- Overcoming the polarizing forces of social media
- Make the world of knowledge small for all
- Thematic dimensions in this e-book
- An atomic habit for the digital age: #tagcoding
- A second step of engagement: #xy2wiki
- A third step of engagement: #tag2wiki
- A fourth step of commitment: #lean2book
- A digital Public Sphere enabling Democracy
- Code of Conduct for #tagcoding
- Global adoption of hashtag coding
Part II - Economic Activity Hashtags - #ISIC
- Section A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Section B - Mining and quarrying
- Section C - Manufacturing
- Section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- Section E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- Section F - Construction
- Section G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- Section H - Transportation and storage
- Section I - Accommodation and food service activities
- Section J - Information and communication
- Section K - Financial and insurance activities
- Section L - Real estate activities
- Section M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
- Section N - Administrative and support service activities
- Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- Section P - Education
- Section Q - Human health and social work activities
- Section R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Section S - Other service activities
- Section T - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use
- Section U - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Part III - Function of Government Hashtags - #COFOG
- About COFOG
- \#cofog01 - General Public Services
- \#cofog02 - Defense
- \#cofog03 - Public safety and order
- \#cofog04 - Economic affairs
- \#cofog05 - Environmental Protection
- \#cofog06 - Housing and Community Services
- \#cofog07 - Health
- \#cofog08 - Recreation, culture and religion
\#cofog09 - Education
- \#cofog091 - Preschool and primary education
- \#cofog092 - Secondary education
- \#cofog093 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- \#cofog094 - Tertiary education
- \#cofog095 - Education not definable by level
- \#cofog096 - Subsidiary services to education
- \#cofog097 - R&D Education
- \#cofog098 - Education n.e.c.
- \#cofog10 - Social protection
Part IV - Sustainable Development Goals - #SDGs
- About the Sustainable Development Goals
- \#sdg1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- \#sdg2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
- \#sdg3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- \#sdg4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- \#sdg5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- \#sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
- \#sdg7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
- \#sdg8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- \#sdg9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
- \#sdg10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
- \#sdg11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
- \#sdg12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- \#sdg13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
- \#sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
- \#sdg15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
- \#sdg16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
- \#sdg17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Part V - Product and Service Hashtags - #CPC
- About the Central Product Classification #CPC
- \#cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
- \#cpc1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water
- \#cpc2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products
- \#cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
- \#cpc4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment
- \#cpc5 - Constructions and construction services
- \#cpc6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, gas and water distribution services
- \#cpc7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services
- \#cpc8 - Business and production services
- \#cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
Part VI - Hashtags for Local Government Units
- About #USlgu
- States of the US with #USlgu hashtag
Counties per State with #USlgu hashtag
- \#US01 - Alabama
- \#US02 - Alaska
- \#US04 - Arizona
- \#US05 - Arkansas
- \#US06 - California
- \#US08 - Colorado
- \#US09 - Connecticut
- \#US10 - Delaware
- \#US11 - District of Columbia
- \#US12 - Florida
- \#US13 - Georgia
- \#US15 - Hawaii
- \#US16 - Idaho
- \#US17 - Illinois
- \#US18 - Indiana
- \#US19 - Iowa
- \#US20 - Kansas
- \#US21 - Kentucky
- \#US22 - Louisiana
- \#US23 - Maine
- \#US24 - Maryland
- \#US25 - Massachusetts
- \#US26 - Michigan
- \#US27 - Minnesota
- \#US28 - Mississippi
- \#US29 - Missouri
- \#US30 - Montana
- \#US31 - Nebraska
- \#US32 - Nevada
- \#US33 - New Hampshire
- \#US34 - New Jersey
- \#US35 - New Mexico
- \#US36 - New York
- \#US37 - North Carolina
- \#US38 - North Dakota
- \#US39 - Ohio
- \#US40 - Oklahoma
- \#US41 - Oregon
- \#US42 - Pennsylvania
- \#US44 - Rhode Island
- \#US45 - South Carolina
- \#US46 - South Dakota
- \#US47 - Tennessee
- \#US48 - Texas
- \#US49 - Utah
- \#US50 - Vermont
- \#US51 - Virginia
- \#US53 - Washington
- \#US54 - West Virginia
- \#US55 - Wisconsin
- \#US56 - Wyoming
- Alphabetic list of counties, with #USlgu hashtag
- Part VII - Annexes
- Part VIII - References
- Notes

Acacialaan 6
2390 Westmalle
The ISIC and COFOG class numbers and names describing the labels are taken from the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4 (2008) and the Classification of Government Functions (2000) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division © 2008, 2000 United Nations. ISIC and COFOG class numbers and names are reproduced with the express written permission of the United Nations.
The hashtags defined in this e-book support #tagcoding. #tagcoding is an atomic habit for users of social media platforms. When used collaboratively it can support discerning information and misinformation, debate and why not, consensus finding.
The knowledge localization model presented in the #tagcoding handbook is based on a number of great resources. I am grateful to all those who have contributed to those resources. The Wikidot wikifarm has provided a low-cost, but powerful, platform for experimenting with ideas related to the wikis that have started the path leading to this e-book.
In “#tagcoding in the US” you will discover a wide range of hashtags for structuring the public discourse in any country, and on any platform. Without Twitter, now X it is fair to say that #tagcoding on the scale envisioned here would not be thinkable. Also newcomers Mastodon and Bluesky support the use and public search of hashtags.
My special thanks to go Teody and Jiji Trivilegio, who have created most of the non-English pages of the Actor Atlas, and most of the pages of the local government units, as well as many other pages of the network of wikis that Wikinetix is providing.
Finally, my gratitude to my wife and our daughter for the love and patience.
The author, Malle, 26 December 2024.
Part I - About #tagcoding
Chapter 2 - #tagcoding: why everyone should do it, and how to do it
To Part I - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
Chapter 1 - Introduction
The Internet and social media offer enormous new possibilities for curiosity, ingenuity, creativity and resilience. And over the last two decades they have transformed the way we find and share our ideas, information and knowledge.
Search engines, with Google as a pioneer, and recently also AI chatbots, offer fast ways to find answers to many questions.
Open online encyclopedias exist in many languages. Wikipedia was launched in 2001 and is available in over 300 languages.
Microblogs like Twitter, launched in 2006, now X, Bluesky and Mastodon or social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and many others, offer incredible sharing possibilities and great retrieval options when hashtags are used intelligently.
Despite all the opportunities offered by the Internet and social media, the localization of knowledge, as described by Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz at the launch of the Global Development Network (2000), proceeds at a slow pace. Information overload in major languages and the insufficient supply of content in most languages and on many topics contribute to slow learning for more sustainable and inclusive development.
What can we do to make better use of the Internet and social media?
Wikinetix’s mission is to promote and demonstrate the joint impact of four digital skills, the first of which can be considered an atomic habit:
- #tagcoding means that one uses standardized hashtags to relate online information to specific topics in order to structure and retrieve it easily;
- #xy2wiki is about creating a wiki that explains tagcoding hashtags in as many languages as possible;
- #tag2wiki is about creating, maintaining and coordinating wikis for development communications;
- #lean2book is about creating and publishing e-books that leverage the #tagcoding and #tag2wiki wikis.
This e-book has built-in links that make navigating the included reference materials as easy as navigating a wiki. At each level of the hierarchy of contents are tables of contents with links forward to lower-level sections and backward to higher levels. This way, it only takes three or four clicks to get to the specific content of a part, or to return to the part from the more specific content. Of course, the e-book readers also support term search.
The knowledge localization model #tagcoding - #xy2wiki - #tag2wiki - #lean2book offers several features to accelerate knowledge localization and public debate. While #tagcoding is a digital skill available to everyone, the #xy2wiki, #tag2wiki and #lean2book skills require an extra investment of time and means. One #xy2wiki mission is the creation of a multidimensional thematic wiki in any local language through topic-based translation of a reference wiki. Once such a wiki is in place, it can support the curation of content - tagged for a country or local government unit - in the languages of the country or locality, the discovery of forgotten topics, and the rapid provision through translation of new reference content.
Therefore, a #tagcoding - #xy2wiki - #tag2wiki - #lean2book movement is a general-purpose collaborative countermeasure to information overload, (epistemic) polarization into bubbles that no longer meet and other imperfections of mainstream Internet and social media. The proposed coding hashtags and corresponding provision of wikis will empower users in the discursive, instructive and productive use of both the Internet and social media, enable a willingness to listen, and help overcome the polarizing forces of social media algorithms.
How you exploit #tagcoding and the other digital skills that build on it is up to you to explore and learn. It depends on where you are in your personal development and the responsibilities you have taken on in business or society. This e-book is intended to be a companion for the first episode of your #tagcoding journey.
You can also get guidance and inspiration about your possible uses for tags and wikis by exploring one of these open access online resources:
- the Wikiworx platform;
- the Actor Atlas or its EU chapter which contains all the contents of this e-book;
- the Social Capital Wikis;
- the Wikinetix website has some videos that provide brief introductions to hashtags for specific thematic dimensions and online tools that support their use.
The hashtags cover topics that interest active and thoughtful people from all possible professions and fields of study, in all countries of the world and in all spoken languages.
By #tagcoding social media and online content, we can make it globally discoverable and retrievable as if it were in one’s personal library.
On the Internet, this library is globally accessible. Using the territorial hashtags #WWlgu we can create relevant local sections in the global online library. The hashtag #2030library and a dedicated part of the Wikinetix website explore this topic in more detail.
If the tagged content is open access, it becomes part of the public part of that #2030library.
As long as there are social media platforms and search engines that support hashtags, you, your favorite authors, your students, your teachers, and your peers can use systematically defined hashtags to share, discover, and retrieve content.
The second chapter outlines the reasons for using systematically defined hashtags and explains the digital competencies that are involved if the practice is to be scaled up. The desire for global scaling up should be understood as a continuation of the history of knowledge creation and accessibility.
Each of the following five parts presents hashtags and class descriptions for a specific thematic dimension.
- Part II presents hashtags for the sections, divisions, groups and classes of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC revision 4).
- Part III presents the hashtags for divisions, groups and classes of the Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG).
- Part IV presents the hashtags for the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets.
- Part V presents the hashtags for the sections and divisions of the Central Product Classification (CPC).
- Part VI presents the hashtags for states and counties. The numeric codes in these hashtags are based on the FIPS GeoID’s.
Part VII includes two Annexes:
- Annex 1 lists all the countries and territories in the world, each with its ISO 3166 country code and generic coding hashtags for some of the dimensions covered in this manual: #cofog, #isic and #lgu.
- Annex 2 describes some features of this e-book that support easy navigation through its 300 pages.
Part VIII lists a few references and a brief remark about the author.
#tagcoding: a new digital skill?
In its electronic version, “#tagcoding in the US” aims to be a companion in your exploration of new digital skills that have the potential to transform the way American and other citizens use the Internet and social media. What is at stake is a digital transformation that equips you with tools better suited to meet the great challenges of our time.
This e-book provides #tagcoding conventions for a globally shared multidimensional thematic map with over one hundred thousand topics important for development, personal, public and socio-economic. Codes for sustainable development goals, products and services, economic activities, government functions, can be combined with state, country and county codes to form hashtags for specific topics such as fighting poverty in a state or county. In fact, depending on the specific interest of users, or purpose of a campaign, a single hashtag can be created out of billions to support knowledge sharing on a very specific topic, for instance, on #FlintWaterCrisis: #cofog0630 for Water Supply in Flint, Genesee County (#US26049) (Michigan): #cofog0630US26049. But less specific hashtags may also be used as you may discover by looking up #US26049 in Google or X.
In a sense, we propose a coordination of the thematic space, which is similar to the Cartesian coordinate geometry for space and time. In the thematic space, the thematic dimensions are sustainable development goals, economic activities, governance functions, territorial locality and language. Coordination of the thematic space brings superior expressive adequacy and computational efficiency in digital social exchange, localization of knowledge and articulation of shared and differentiated responsibility.
Searching this e-book can be a first step in a broader engagement with systematized content that already includes tens of thousands of wiki pages, or when you feel like sharing a good read, a brilliant idea, or when you need high quality or recent content or speeches about a sustainable development goal or target, a city, a municipality, a sector of industry, or a government function in a country.
In addition to this e-book and the #tagcoding pivots, other online tools have been defined to support quick and easy discovery of the coding hashtag for a specific topic. See the #tagcoding handbook for more information on these tools and other #tagcoding proposals.
Chapter 2 - #tagcoding: why everyone should do it, and how to do it
There are many possible reasons to start using standardized hashtags. Two are selected to illustrate these reasons: it is a means to overcome the polarizing forces of social media, and it is a means to make the world of knowledge small for everyone.
As #tagcoding is not primarily a skill to practice individually, a series of engagement steps are presented. They address the individual skill and the public tools that make the skill “socially” productive in a digital Public Sphere.
This chapter concludes with a #tagcoding code of conduct and a brief note on the current “organic” global adoption of #tagcoding.
- The thematic, geographic and language division of the global discourse
- Overcoming the polarizing forces of social media
- Make the world of knowledge small for all
- Thematic dimensions in this e-book
- An atomic habit for the digital age: #tagcoding
- A second step of engagement: #xy2wiki
- A third step of engagement: #tag2wiki
- A fourth step of commitment: #lean2book
- Achieving a digital Public Sphere for your country or language
- Code of Conduct for #tagcoding
- Global adoption of hashtag coding
The thematic, geographic and language division of the global discourse
At the moment of writing, Elon Musk the owner of X has 206.416.510 followers who all get his posts in their timeline - probably upto more than hundred a day. And also non-followers get his posts as “suggested reading”. Do his posts interest us? No one is asking, but on X, except when blocking him, the assumption is yes. No matter the topic he is writing about. By reposting and quoting the opinions and digital cries he likes, and given the algorithms that enforce popular opinions, a single person’s viewpoints have taken over a platform. The digital tsunami, a mixture of information, Disinformation (_D), Misinformation (_M), Propaganda (_P), Satire (_S), Fake news (_F) and Conceptual deception (_C) is hitting all platform users. Hashtags are of no use to him, nor his followers.
These practices have caused a growth at alternative platforms, first Mastodon, and more recently Bluesky. And some users are retreating from X. One of these is the European Federation of Journalists.
Retreating is certainly an option in the X-case, but the use of distinctive hashtags to stratify the global discourse into thematic lines is the proposition of this e-book.
Elon Musk will know a lot about SpaceX, the economic sector of which is “#isic3030 - Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery”, and Tesla (#isic2910 - Manufacture of motor vehicles). And those e-vehicles need batteries, the product of “#isic2720 - Manufacture of batteries and accumulators”. As the manufacturing activities take place in the US and China, the localized hashtags are #isic3030US, #isic2910US and #isic2720CN. That’s about what most would be interested in when reading posts from citizen Elon Musk.
Figure 2.1 shows how thematic dimensions, geographic location, and language are mapped to codes that are then combined to divide into thematic lines the global discourse that may be taking place on a social media platform.

Overcoming the polarizing forces of social media
Recently it has been observed that social media algorithms promote the assertion of one’s own opinions and polarize empowered citizens into bubbles that are no longer found. A Belgian Interior Minister stated: “We have invested in empowerment, but we have forgotten the willingness to listen”.
The resulting question is, then, how to make the will to listen possible through the bubbles.
The good news is that #tagcoding was invented for that purpose: searching for a tagcoding hashtag, before sharing a piece of content or opinion, indicates a willingness to listen, across languages, but also across all sorts of bubbles that social media would otherwise reinforce.
By practicing #tagcoding we can overcome the polarizing forces of social media.
Make the world of knowledge small for all
The “small world “ argument in social network theory emphasizes that people are, on average, only a few connections away from the information they seek.
Singh et al. (2000) in their article “The World Is Not Small for Everyone: Inequality in Knowledge Seeking in Organizations “ contrast the “small world” argument with empirical support for the argument that the network structure does not benefit everyone.
For people who have longer search paths to locate knowledge in an organization and on the Internet, the world is big.
Drivers of inequality in access to knowledge include peripheral status mechanisms and homophily, “love of sameness,” the tendency of individuals to associate and bond with similar others.
Search tools for coding hashtags and systematized hashtags covering all topics in a thematic dimension (see Chapter 4 of the #tagcoding handbook foster heterophilic awareness in search. By taking advantage of Internet and wiki services, it takes only a few seconds to find the coding hashtag for a specific topic in a thematic dimension.
Together, coding hashtags, wikis, and public content serve this purpose: to leverage the Internet and social media to make the world of knowledge smaller for all members of society.
Therefore, the systematized contents referred to in this e-book are offered without a paywall. Your contribution to this e-book allows its author(s) and other volunteers to expand and offer for free a growing collection of systematized content. Together we can demonstrate that #tagcoding of content and the creation of linked wikis are pillars for learning and development, and that they reduce barriers to accessing knowledge that is important for people’s livelihoods.
Thematic dimensions in this e-book
The #tagcoding capability uses thematic dimensions to facilitate knowledge sharing and retrieval:
- Define topic hashtags in a systematic end-user (single-dimensional) topic dimension, e.g. #isic9101 for library and archive activities, and PH, the ISO 3166 country code for the Philippines;
- Create hashtags for multidimensional topics by combining monodimensional topic codes, e.g., combining #isic9101 with PH to get #isic9101PH for library and archive activities in the Philippines;
- Ensuring local language wiki and e-book coverage for all topics in key end-user thematic dimensions (focusing on topics important to a community);
- Provide a way to search for a specific hashtag in a thematic dimension.
Of the end-user thematic dimensions covered in #tagcoding, this e-book has a focus on support for the localization of content as facilitated by the use of #EUlgu (local government unit) hashtags and the “campaign” hashtags for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.
The hashtags for economic activities, functions of government, and products and services are also included, but the descriptions of the sections, divisions, groups, classes and sub-classes are illustrated but not included in this e-book. Because of their extensiveness, these descriptions are included in separate e-books: one with the hashtags of the economic activities and functions of government (567 pages) and one with the hashtags for products and services (1023 pages).
- Part II - ISIC: “all economic activity” classified in ISIC. ISIC is the abbreviation for International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities. The class labels and definitions are those of revision 4. The full structure and definition of each of the 400+ classes can be found in Goossenaerts (2024a) or on the United Nations Statistics Division website also.
- Part III - COFOG: “all government functions” classified in COFOG. COFOG is short for Classification of the Functions of Government. The full structure and definition of each of the more than 100 classes can be found in a United Nations Statistics Division publication: Classifications of Expenditure by Purpose: Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) or in Goossenaerts (2024a).
- Part IV - SDGs: “all sustainable development goals and targets”. Sustainable Development Goals and targets adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 and often abbreviated as SDGs, with the hashtag #SDGs.
- Part V - CPC: “all products and services” classified by CPC. CPC stands for Central Product Classification. The Central Product Classification (CPC) is a comprehensive product classification covering products and services.
- Part VI - US Lgu: “Local government units in the US”. #USlgu hashtags combine the ISO 3166 country code with numeric statistical codes for states and counties as defined in FIPS.
- Annex 1 - ISO 3166 Codes for all Countries
The ISIC, COFOG and CPC classifications may also be consulted online: in English, in French and in Spanish. For languages and local government unit hashtags, only English versions are provided online.
An atomic habit for the digital age: #tagcoding
Common search engines and many social platforms support hashtag coding, but for most social media platforms the use of hashtags is an “intra-platform” feature.
In the case of X, following the discontinuation of hashtag-based timelines several years ago, also hashtag search is no longer open to non-subscribers.
In Mastodon, hashtag search is open to non-subscribers via Mastodon Search.
On social platforms anyone can tag content with a hashtag for the issue in the country to make it part of a national discourse that is visible globally (if hashtag search would be open to non-subscribers of the platform).
This makes the discourse on the topic inclusive. Everyone (on the platform) can contribute, without needing to join a specific group or community, or without needing to be “rich or famous” for the contribution to be noticed.
While social media gives you a means to communicate with your social network, coding hashtags allows you to instantly follow a discourse and address it with your own ideas. This is in contrast to being restricted to bubbles (your own network) or content for the general public. If a discourse is moving at a slow pace, older posts can be easily retrieved and the hashtag helps retrieve posts over a longer period of time.
By having hashtags for specific topics, the expected posting intensity per hashtag decreases, and a much better match between content supply and demand is possible. Think of authors or researchers in a community that has adopted the hashtag code. A topic with many posts would indicate an oversupply of content - many authors writing similar things, or researchers doing similar research - while a topic with no posts would indicate neglect of the topic. By #tagcoding their output and searching for previous work, authors and researchers can better allocate their time so that all topics within a thematic dimension receive adequate attention.
Language-neutral hashtags cover every sustainable development goal or target, every government function, every economic activity, every product or service, and every locality. There is a coding hashtag for each person’s livelihood or public service needs. On the Internet and social media, content coded with hashtags is like a word in a dictionary: when you look it up through a search engine, you will find it.
A second step of engagement: #xy2wiki
Bringing tag-based #coding capabilities to institutions in any country and to millions of citizens using many languages is a major challenge.
Since search engines and Internet browsers allow setting language preferences, a first goal of wiki content for any language is the provision of pages explaining the meaning, system and structure of all tag encoding hashtags in the language. This is the goal of the #xy2wiki program, which can be instantiated for any language through its 2- or 3-character ISO 639 code: for example, #bn2wiki for Bangla, #pa2wiki for Punjabi, #tgl2wiki for Tagalog (, #es2wiki ( for Spanish, etc.
Each #xy2wiki wiki must provide in the “xy” language all the content that this e-book contains in English (#en2wiki with url or
To enable a digital Public Sphere and forge the necessary trust between institutions, citizens and businesses, all tagged content, whether limited to one language or not, is merged into a focused discourse stream, including one for each local government unit. Everyone can have a voice in these streams, and everyone can see what others have shared. Because of their combinatorial nature, tags can be highly specialized or rather general. They can be configured according to the scope level at which the public-private discourse occurs.
A third step of engagement: #tag2wiki
Once the #xy2wiki preparations have been completed, native speaking users of the #tagcoding hashtags can be assured that meaning is shared in a wide variety of inclusive lifeworld related content streams - a digital public sphere, truly public and inclusive becomes enabled.
Once hashtags have been adopted at scale in a country or for a language, the search for hashtags is likely to have a limited horizon in the past. Therefore, it is recommended to curate on #xy2wiki pages the contents of tagged posts that provide quality original content on the relevant topics. The use of similar page and wiki naming conventions facilitates the alignment of pages in different languages and/or countries.
A fourth step of commitment: #lean2book
This e-book uses hyperlinks and hashtags to expand the book’s storyline with content that is on the Internet, on wikis and on social platforms. Keep in mind that the e-book reading device is likely to have access to the Internet. As explained in Annex 3 pdf and epub readers booth support search, bookmarks and inline hyperlinks.
The content referred to can have different access regimes. Content in the public domain is referred to as public content and is available to all under the same access regime, i.e. free of charge and without restrictions on re-use. Content that is protected by copyright or other rights regimes, much of which is found in printed books (#cpc322) or online text-based information (#cpc8431), cannot be reused without the approval of the copyright holder.
The use of hyperlinks in online books or e-books (#cpc84311) such as those published through Leanpub has several advantages:
- The author can avoid rewording and repackaging existing content, and can build on the work of others in a straightforward and transparent way; the author can focus on original contributions;
- Content that is on the Internet can evolve and improve between the time the e-book was first produced and the time one reads it, making use of the hyperlink;
- When hyperlinked content is on wikis or blogs that support discussion or commentary, readers can comment to improve the state of knowledge on a topic or area of interest;
- Authors can harvest discourse encoded with hashtags to periodically update their book or topical article.
Systematized public content, for example on wikis that are maintained through a #tag2wiki curation approach, draws the attention of authors and readers to the possibility of reusing or referencing such content in their work. By using and expanding systematized public content, its quality and usefulness will gradually improve, especially also in languages where there is still little content online.
The expectation of improving the quality of content gives rise to a subsequent return to specific “content” through hashtag searches, both to discourse and to wiki pages and e-books.
While #tagcoding, #xy2wiki and #tag2wiki are collaborative journeys, e-Book creation is often an individual journey.
A digital Public Sphere enabling Democracy
The “public sphere” is generally conceived as the social space in which different opinions are expressed, problems of general interest are discussed and collective solutions are developed in a communicative way. Thus, the public sphere is the central arena of social communication. In large-scale societies, mass media and, more recently, networked media support and sustain communication in the public sphere.
The Federal President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in his opening speech at the eleventh Bellevue Forum “Democracy and the Digital Public Sphere - A Transatlantic Challenge” (1 March 2021) summarizes the expectations regarding the digital public sphere: “Much is expected of the public sphere in a democracy. It must reflect the plurality of society and be accessible to all, encourage reasoned debate, open up spaces for new ideas and policy goals, provide reliable information, and empower people to participate responsibly in democratic processes. These ideals have guided us since the Enlightenment.
Using #tagcoding as a means of promoting and monitoring a discussion topic has a number of advantages, including:
- everyone (with a profile on the platform that allows tagged posts) is empowered to contribute to a discussion or debate, meaning they are truly inclusive;
- when consistently defined hashtags are used, content on very specific topics can be easily retrieved; for example, marine aquaculture in Indonesia has the coding hashtag #isic0312ID;
- the use of #tagcoding by authors and readers encourages collaborative outreach and avoids information overload, as well as the bewilderment it causes;
- each encoding hashtag supports a “search” for the “single version of the truth” for the discourse on the searched platform, at any time and in all languages.
Discourse coded with hashtags helps authors and readers update their knowledge on a wide range of related topics and ideas. In addition, systematized public content, reliable information, can be easily updated and expanded. And translation efforts can be focussed such that a wide body of content gets translated in more languages.
If there is a “public content #xy2wiki” for each language (used in a country), maintained by curators who augment it with relevant new content from posts coded with hashtags, this is an important asset for the country’s digital Public Sphere in each of its languages.
In conclusion: the current use of the Internet and social media contributes less to the digital Public Sphere than is possible with the intensive use of #tagcoding, #xy2wiki and #tag2wiki.
Code of Conduct for #tagcoding
By #tagcoding we can combat information overload and disinformation, avoid over-researched topics and make the world of knowledge small for everyone. Success on this global journey also depends on adhering to certain principles when dealing with content that others have created, and when contributing your own content.
- Respect for everyone’s opinion
- Respect for copyright
- Avoid spamming or aggressive pushing of content
- Contributing to an inclusive and non-polarizing discourse
Respect for everyone’s opinion
Respecting an opinion doesn’t mean endorsing it, especially if it’s harmful or unfounded. It simply means acknowledging the right of others to hold their views and engaging with them constructively.
In online information sharing respecting everyone’s opinion is important for these reasons (list provided by ChatGPT):
- It fosters Open Dialogue: Respect encourages people to share their thoughts without fear of judgment or ridicule. Open dialogue is essential for learning, growth, and the exchange of ideas.
- It promotes Understanding and Empathy: Respecting opinions, even when we disagree, helps us understand different viewpoints and the experiences that shape them. This builds empathy and reduces prejudice.
- It encourages Critical Thinking: Exposure to diverse perspectives challenges our own beliefs, helping us think critically and refine our views. Disagreement can be a tool for intellectual growth if handled respectfully.
- It strengthens Democratic Principles: A healthy democracy thrives on diverse opinions. Respect ensures that all voices, especially minority ones, are heard, fostering a more inclusive society.
- It prevents Polarization: Disrespect often leads to hostility and division. Respecting others’ opinions helps maintain civility, even in disagreement, reducing the risk of extreme polarization.
- It leads to Better Solutions: Collaborative problem-solving benefits from multiple perspectives. Respecting different viewpoints allows for a comprehensive analysis, leading to well-rounded solutions.
By using tagcoding hashtags the author indicates that he or she will respect other opinions on the topic, that the content tagged and shared is not harmful or unfounded to the author’s knowledge, and that the author will engage constructively with responses to the shared content.
Respect for copyright
It doesn’t make much sense to discover a piece of content through a coding hashtag, and then copy or repeat it, and post it with the same hashtag or a neighboring hashtag (e.g. a different country code). Your content is likely to appear in the same search result as the copied content.
Rather, if you want to reinforce the original author’s message, retweet or repost, like, favorite or +1.
By #tagcoding a new work, the author expresses confidence that its content does not infringe on the copyrights of others, or does not merely repeat what is already available (online).
Avoid spamming or aggressive pushing of content
A common practice in (social) media to reach a wider audience is to repeat the same post regularly or in many places.
For example, on X, some post the same content weekly, daily or more frequently. On LinkedIn or Facebook we can post the same content to multiple groups, etc. Tagging with #tags on a public platform makes this multiple posting unnecessary to reach your target audience (as long as you have adopted the #tagcoding conventions, and your target audience is familiar with the hashtags).
By using hashtags coding, the author or publisher chooses not to spam, because of the excess of content pushing attitudes directed at readers. Post once, and then let readers discover the content, through the hashtags in the content, when they need to. This is called “on-demand”.
Contributing to an inclusive and non-polarizing discourse
A speech has questions and answers. Authors tend to use print and social media to share their answers and opinions, even without questions being asked.
Where can people express their burning questions? Or opinions that they feel are relevant to the public?
People working in a “neglected” economic activity can add appropriate coding hashtags to their question. A question can gain prominence when it is liked by others, or recognized by an expert. And when a capable answerer comes across a featured question, they can be sure that the answer coded with #tags will be appreciated.
The barriers to joining the discourse are much lower on an “open social platform” than on a closed group of application users, or on a closed platform.
By #tagcoding questions they become part of an inclusive discourse, in addition to the answers and arguments.
If the opinion is intended for a social media bubble away from public debate, tagging is not recommended: the use of #tagcoding hashtags indicates that the content is not intended to polarize, but is meant to serve in public debate.
Global adoption of hashtag coding
Adopting #tagcoding at scale is a societal challenge, especially since there is no (direct) commercial or political interest in such adoption.
Some coding hashtags have been “organically” adopted on a global scale. This is the case for the hashtags of the Sustainable Development Goals: #sdg1, #sdg2 to #sdg17. For these hashtags, on X, it is not uncommon that more than a hundred posts per day, or even per hour, are shared. If you are interested in a specific topic, for example the fight against poverty in the EU, the hashtag #sdg1 won’t help you much. On the other hand, if all posts tagged with #sdg1 about fighting poverty in the EU also carried #sdg01EU or #sdg1EU, a simple search for these tags would retrieve the content you are interested in.
Also, some people have intuitively used #sdgKE to share content about sustainable development in Kenya.
Since the beginning of 2018, some knowledge institutions are using hashtags for the Sustainable Development Goals, for example:
- “#sdt1714 - improve policy coherence for sustainable development;”
- “#sdt123 - by 2030 halve per capita food waste at retail and consumer levels, and reduce food losses throughout production;”
- “#sdt61 or #sdt061 - by 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all;”
- “#sdt055 or #sdt55 - ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.”
The abundance of #covid19 content, along with the desire of many to ensure that content reaches a specific audience, has inspired many people, including government agencies, to combine #covid19, and more recently also #omicron, with ISO country codes or US state codes. Due to the pandemic and the widespread communication about it through social media, the use of certain forms of #coding tags has increased.
This increased usage has also highlighted the need for “internationally agreed” #tagcoding conventions to avoid homonyms on global platforms such as X and LinkedIn.
Consider the following: around the world, two-character ISO country codes are widely used, usually in combination with #covid19, e.g. #covid19CA for Canada, #covid19CO for Colombia or #covid19IL for Israel. In the United States, on the other hand, it is common to use state abbreviations, such as CA for California, IL for Illinois, CO for Colorado, resulting in the same variants of the #covid19 tag with a very different meaning.
What happens? When users on the “periphery” of a hashtag discover that their distinctive tag codes are already being used in the “core”, they are likely to abandon their good practices. Which is unfortunate because they were doing the right thing. The impact is that users on the periphery are deprived of a platform utility.
For a fair use of a global platform, homonyms in hashtags should be avoided… as a matter of etiquette on the network. It is especially a responsibility of users in the “core”.
The alternative for a US state is a code starting with #covid19US. You could then add the state abbreviation, for example to form #covid19USCA. Or use the state census code, which is 06 for California, to form #covid19US06.
Despite their usefulness for organising content on the Internet and social media, structured hashtags do not easily spread organically. I therefore urge all readers of this e-book to actively promote them in the areas and for the states and counties of their interest, especially also for domestic and local use.
Note that the alphabetical part of the hashtag is not case-sensitive. It also cannot include non-alphanumeric characters, except for the underscore “_”. In longer hashtags of several words it is common to capitalize the first character of each word, as in #MeToo or #AddisAbabaActionAgenda.
Part II - Economic Activity Hashtags - #ISIC
About ISIC
Section A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Section B - Mining and quarrying
Section C - Manufacturing
Section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Section E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Section F - Construction
Section G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
Section H - Transportation and storage
Section I - Accommodation and food service activities
Section J - Information and communication
Section K - Financial and insurance activities
Section L - Real estate activities
Section M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
Section N - Administrative and support service activities
Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
Section P - Education
Section Q - Human health and social work activities
Section R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
Section S - Other service activities
Section T - Activities of households
Section U - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
To I-#Tag - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
About ISIC
The International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC) is the international reference classification of productive activities. Its main purpose is to provide a set of categories of activities that can be used for the collection and dissemination of statistical data according to those activities. Since the original version of the ISIC was adopted in 1948, most of the countries around the world have been using ISIC as their national business classification, or have developed national classifications derived from it. For The ISIC has become an important tool for international comparisons of statistical data on economic activities. The ISIC has been widely used, both nationally and internationally, to classify data according to the type of economic activity in the various statistics economic and social issues, such as those related to national accounts, demographics of the enterprises, employment and other aspects. In addition, ISIC is also increasingly being used for non-statistical purposes.
ISIC was originally provided as a pdf document (in English, Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian and Arabic) and as web pages.
With the support of Wikinetix, a #pdf2wiki conversion was carried out over the last few years, for the six languages in which UN DESA has provided official translations (English, Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish and Russian), and also for Japanese, German, Kiswahili, Tagalog and Illongo. Some usability improvements have been added for these versions of the wiki:
- In order to support multilingual discussion through social media and easy retrieval of various contributions relating to a product or service, #tagcoding hashtags were added for all sections, divisions, groups and classes.
- references to the classes of the Central Product Classification v. 2.1 were added.
- ISIC class pages (and some other pages) were tagged with #cpc codes and terms from the CPC classification, so that alphabetical #tagcoding tags for goods, services and commodities (a cloud of Hashtags) support the discovery of the #cpc codes and the ISIC class producing the service or product.
In this volume
The descriptions of classes, groups and divisions and the Central Product Classification hashtags of the products and services of the economic activities are included for Section A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing, but for the other sections we refer to their online description or to Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government.
Add US to an isic hashtag to indicate content that is about the economic activity in the US, for instance #isic4930US for “Transport via pipeline in the US. The state FIPS codes can be added to the ISO 3166 code of the US to create even more specific hashtags. For instance #isic4930US28 for transport via pipeline in Mississippi. The #USlgu hashtags of the states are listed in VI-USlgu. The ISO 3166 codes of other countries are in Annex 2.
Section A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
This section includes the exploitation of vegetal and animal natural resources, comprising the activities of growing of crops, raising and breeding of animals, harvesting of timber and other plants, animals or animal products from a farm or their natural habitats.
- #isic01 - Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
- #isic02 - Forestry and logging
- #isic03 - Fishing and aquaculture
#isic01 - Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
This division includes two basic activities, namely the production of crop products and production of animal products, covering also the forms of organic agriculture, the growing of genetically modified crops and the raising of genetically modified animals.
This division also includes service activities incidental to agriculture, as well as hunting, trapping and related activities.
Group 015 (Mixed farming) breaks with the usual principles for identifying main activity. It accepts that many agricultural holdings have reasonably balanced crop and animal production and that it would be arbitrary to classify them in one category or the other.
- #isic011 - Growing of non-perennial crops
- #isic012 - Growing of perennial crops
- #isic013 - Plant propagation
- #isic014 - Animal production
- #isic015 - Mixed farming
- #isic016 - Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
- #isic017 - Hunting, trapping and related service activities
Agricultural activities exclude any subsequent processing of the agricultural products (classified under divisions 10 and 11 (Manufacture of food products and beverages) and division 12 (Manufacture of tobacco products)), beyond that needed to prepare them for the primary markets. However, the preparation of products for the primary markets is included here.
The division excludes field construction (e.g. agricultural land terracing, drainage, preparing rice paddies etc.) classified in section F (Construction) and buyers and cooperative associations engaged in the marketing of farm products classified in section G.
#isic011 - Growing of non-perennial crops
This group includes the growing of non-perennial crops, i.e. plants that do not last for more than two growing seasons. Included is the growing of these plants for the purpose of seed production.
- #isic0111 - Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
- #isic0112 - Growing of rice
- #isic0113 - Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
- #isic0114 - Growing of sugar cane
- #isic0115 - Growing of tobacco
- #isic0116 - Growing of fibre crops
- #isic0119 - Growing of other non-perennial crops
Tags: support-and-operation-services-to-crop-production-#cpc8611 support-and-operation-services-to-agriculture-hunting-forestry-and-fishing-#cpc861 support-and-operation-services-to-agriculture-hunting-forestry-and-fishing-mining-and-utilities-#cpc86 business-and-production-services#cpc8
#isic0111 - Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds
This class includes all forms of growing of cereals, leguminous crops and oil seeds in open fields, including those considered organic farming and the growing of genetically modified crops. The growing of these crops is often combined within agricultural units.
This class includes:
- growing of cereals such as:
- wheat
- grain maize
- sorghum
- barley
- rye
- oats
- millets
- other cereals n.e.c.
- growing of leguminous crops such as:
- beans
- broad beans
- chick peas
- cow peas
- lentils
- lupins
- peas
- pigeon peas
- other leguminous crops
- growing of oil seeds such as:
- soya beans
- groundnuts
- castor bean
- linseed
- mustard seed
- niger seed
- rapeseed
- safflower seed
- sesame seed
- sunflower seed
- other oil seeds
This class excludes: growing of maize for fodder, see 0119
Tags: wheat-#cpc0111 maize-(corn)-#cpc0112 sorghum-#cpc0114 barley-#cpc0115 rye-#cpc0116 oats-#cpc0117 millet-#cpc0118 other-cereals#cpc0119 green-leguminous-vegetables-#cpc0124 soya-beans-#cpc0141 groundnuts-excluding-shelled-#cpc0142 cottonseed-#cpc0143 other-oilseeds-#cpc0144 oilseeds-and-oleaginous-fruits-#cpc014 pulses-(dried-leguminous-vegetables)-#cpc0170 forage-products#cpc0191
#isic0112 - Growing of rice
This class includes: growing of rice (including organic farming and the growing of genetically modified rice)
Tags: rice-seed-#cpc01131 rice-paddy-other-(not husked)-#cpc01132 rice-#cpc0113
#isic0113 - Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
This class includes:
- growing of leafy or stem vegetables such as:
- artichokes
- asparagus
- cabbages
- cauliflower and broccoli
- lettuce and chicory
- spinach
- other leafy or stem vegetables
- growing of fruit bearing vegetables such as:
- cucumbers and gherkins
- eggplants (aubergines)
- tomatoes
- watermelons
- cantaloupes
- other melons and fruit-bearing vegetables
- growing of root, bulb or tuberous vegetables such as:
- carrots
- turnips
- garlic
- onions (incl. shallots)
- leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
- other root, bulb or tuberous vegetables
- growing of mushrooms and truffles
- growing of vegetable seeds, except beet seeds
- growing of sugar beet
- growing of other vegetables
- growing of roots and tubers such as:
- potatoes
- sweet potatoes
- cassava
- yams
- other roots and tubers
This class excludes:
- growing of mushroom spawn, see 0130
- growing of chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.) and other spices and aromatic crops, see 0128
Tags: leafy-or-stem-vegetables-#cpc0121 watermelons-#cpc01221 cantaloupes-and-other-melons-#cpc01229 melons-#cpc0122 fruit-bearing-vegetables-#cpc0123 root-bulb-or-tuberous-vegetables-#cpc0125 vegetable-seeds-except-beet-seeds-#cpc0126 mushrooms-and-truffles-#cpc0127 vegetables-fresh-n.e.c.-#cpc0129 potatoes-#cpc0151 cassava-#cpc0152 sweet-potatoes-#cpc0153 yams-#cpc0154 taro-#cpc0155 yautia-#cpc01591 other-edible-roots-and-tubers-with-high-starch-or-inulin-content-n.e.c.-#cpc01599 other-edible-roots-and-tubers-with-high-starch-or inulin-content-#cpc0159 sugar-crops-#cpc0180
#isic0114 - Growing of sugar cane
This class includes: growing of sugar cane
This class excludes: growing of sugar beet, see 0113
Tags: sugar-beet-#cpc01801 sugar-cane-#cpc01802 sugar-beet-seeds-#cpc01803 other-sugar-crops-n.e.c.-#cpc01809
#isic0115 - Growing of tobacco
This class includes: growing of unmanufactured tobacco
Tags: unmanufactured tobacco-#cpc0197
#isic0116 - Growing of fibre crops
This class includes:
- growing of cotton
- growing of jute, kenaf and other textile bast fibres
- growing of flax and true hemp
- growing of sisal and other textile fibre of the genus agave
- growing of abaca, ramie and other vegetable textile fibres
- growing of other fibre crops
Tags: cotton-whether-or-not-ginned-#cpc01921 jute-kenaf-and-other-textile-bast-fibres-raw-or-retted-except-flax-true-hemp-and-ramie-#cpc01922 other-fibre-crops-raw-n.e.c.-#cpc01929 fibre-crops-#cpc0192
#isic0119 - Growing of other non-perennial crops
This class includes the growing of non-perennial crops not elsewhere classified. This class includes:
- growing of swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, maize and other grasses, forage kale and similar forage products
- growing of beet seeds (excluding sugar beet seeds) and seeds of forage plants
- growing of flowers, including production of cut flowers and flower buds
- growing of flower seeds
This class excludes:
- growing of sunflower seeds, see 0111
- growing of non-perennial spice, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops, see 0128
Tags: maize-for-forage-and-silage-#cpc01911 alfalfa-for-forage-and-silage-#cpc01912 cereal-straw-husks-unprepared-ground-pressed-or-in-the-form-of-pellets-#cpc01913 forage-products-n.e.c.-#cpc01919 forage-products-#cpc0191 beet-seeds-(excluding-sugar-beet-seeds)-and-seeds-of-forage-plants-#cpc0194 flower-seeds-#cpc01963 living-plants-cut-flowers-and-flower-buds-flower-seeds-#cpc0196 other-raw-vegetable-materials-n.e.c.-#cpc0199
#isic012 - Growing of perennial crops
This group includes the growing of perennial crops, i.e. plants that lasts for more than two growing seasons, either dying back after each season or growing continuously. Included is the growing of these plants for the purpose of seed production.
- #isic0121 - Growing of grapes
- #isic0122 - Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
- #isic0123 - Growing of citrus fruits
- #isic0124 - Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
- #isic0125 - Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
- #isic0126 - Growing of oleaginous fruits
- #isic0127 - Growing of beverage crops
- #isic0128 - Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
- #isic0129 - Growing of other perennial crops
#isic0121 - Growing of grapes
This class includes: growing of wine grapes and table grapes in vineyards
This class excludes: manufacture of wine, see 1102
Tags: grapes-#cpc0133
#isic0122 - Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
This class includes:
- growing of tropical and subtropical fruits:
- avocados
- bananas and plantains
- dates
- figs
- mangoes
- papayas
- pineapples
- other tropical and subtropical fruits
Tags: avocados-#cpc01311 bananas-#cpc01312 plantains-and-cooking-bananas-#cpc01313 dates-#cpc01314 figs-#cpc01315 mangoes-guavas-and-mangosteens-#cpc01316 papayas-#cpc01317 pineapples-#cpc01318 other-tropical-and-subtropical-fruits-n.e.c.-#cpc01319 tropical-and-subtropical-fruits-#cpc0131
#isic0123 - Growing of citrus fruits
This class includes:
- growing of citrus fruits:
- grapefruit and pomelo
- lemons and limes
- oranges
- tangerines, mandarins and clementines
- other citrus fruits
Tags: pomelos-and-grapefruits-#cpc01321 lemons-and-limes-#cpc01322 oranges-#cpc01323 tangerines-mandarins-clementines-#cpc01324 other-citrus-fruit-n.e.c.-#cpc01329 citrus-fruits-#cpc0132
#isic0124 - Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
This class includes:
- growing of pome fruits and stone fruits:
- apples
- apricots
- cherries and sour cherries
- peaches and nectarines
- pears and quinces
- plums and sloes
- other pome fruits and stone fruits
Tags: apples-#cpc01341 pears-and-quinces-#cpc01342 apricots-#cpc01343 cherries-#cpc01344 peaches-and-nectarines-#cpc01345 plums-and-sloes-#cpc01346 other-pome-fruits-and-stone-fruits-#cpc01349 pome-fruits-and-stone-fruits#cpc0134
#isic0125 - Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
This class includes:
- growing of berries:
- blueberries
- currants
- gooseberries
- kiwi fruit
- raspberries
- strawberries
- other berries
- growing of fruit seeds
- growing of edible nuts:
- almonds
- cashew nuts
- chestnuts
- hazelnuts
- pistachios
- walnuts
- other nuts
- growing of other tree and bush fruits:
- locust beans
This class excludes: growing of coconuts, see 0126
Tags: berries-and-other-fruits-#cpc0135 fruit-seeds-#cpc0136 almonds-in-shell-#cpc01371 cashew-nuts-in-shell-#cpc01372 chestnuts-in-shell-#cpc01373 hazelnuts-in-shell-#cpc01374 pistachios-in-shell#cpc01375 walnuts-in-shell-#cpc01376 brazil-nuts-in-shell-#cpc01377 other-nuts-(excluding-wild-edible-nuts-and-groundnuts)-in-shell-#cpc01379 nuts-(excluding-wild-edible-nuts-and-groundnuts)-in-shell-#cpc0137 sugar-crops-#cpc0180
#isic0126 - Growing of oleaginous fruits
This class includes:
- growing of oleaginous fruits:
- coconuts
- olives
- oil palms
- other oleaginous fruits
This class excludes: growing of soya beans, groundnuts and other oil seeds, see 0111
Tags: olives-#cpc0145 coconuts-in-shell-#cpc0146 palm-nuts-and-kernels-#cpc01491 copra-#cpc01492 other-oleaginous-fruits-n.e.c-#cpc01499 other-oleaginous-fruits-cpc0149
#isic0127 - Growing of beverage crops
This class includes:
- growing of beverage crops:
- coffee
- tea
- maté
- cocoa
- other beverage crops
Tags: coffee-green-#cpc0161 tea-leaves-#cpc0162 maté-leaves-#cpc0163 cocoa-beans-#cpc0164
#isic0128 - Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
This class includes:
- growing of perennial and non-perennial spices and aromatic crops:
- pepper (piper spp.)
- chilies and peppers (capsicum spp.)
- nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
- anise, badian and fennel
- cinnamon (canella)
- cloves
- ginger
- vanilla
- hops
- other spices and aromatic crops
- growing of drug and narcotic crops
- growing of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Tags: fruit-bearing-vegetables-#cpc0123 spice-and-aromatic-crops-raw-#cpc0165 stimulant-spice-and-aromatic-crops-n.e.c.-#cpc0169 plants-and-parts-of-plants-used-primarily-in-perfumery-in-pharmacy-or-for-insecticidal-fungicidal-or-similar-#cpc0193 chicory-roots-#cpc01691 other-stimulant-spice-and-aromatic-crops-n.e.c.-#cpc01699
#isic0129 - Growing of other perennial crops
This class includes:
- growing of rubber trees
- growing of Christmas trees
- growing of trees for extraction of sap
- growing of vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting
This class excludes: gathering of tree sap or rubber-like gums in the wild, see 0230
Tags: christmas-trees-#cpc03241 other-parts-of-plants-without-flowers-#cpc03249 flower-buds-#cpc0324 grasses-mosses-and-lichens-#cpc0324 vegetable-materials-of-a-kind-#cpc0325 plaiting-or-stuffing-#cpc0325or padding-raw-vegetable-materials-#cpc0325
#isic013 - Plant propagation
See class 0130.
Tags: support-and-operation-services-to-crop-production-#cpc8611
#isic0130 - Plant propagation
This class includes the production of all vegetative planting materials including cuttings, suckers and seedlings for direct plant propagation or to create plant grafting stock into which selected scion is grafted for eventual planting to produce crops.
This class includes:
- growing of plants for planting
- growing of plants for ornamental purposes, including turf for transplanting
- growing of live plants for bulbs, tubers and roots; cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn
- operation of tree nurseries, except forest tree nurseries
This class excludes:
- growing of plants for the purpose of seed production, see groups 011 and 012
- operation of forest tree nurseries, see 0210
Tags: live-plants-bulbs-#cpc01961 tubers-and-roots-cuttings-#cpc01961 slips-mushroom-spawn-#cpc01961 cut-flowers-and-flower-buds-#cpc01962 bouquets-wreaths-#cpc01962 floral-baskets-#cpc0196 flower-seeds-#cpc01963 living-plants-cut-flowers-#cpc0196 flower-buds-flower-seeds-#cpc0196
#isic014 - Animal production
This group includes raising (farming) and breeding of all animals, except aquatic animals.
- #isic0141 - Raising of cattle and buffaloes
- #isic0142 - Raising of horses and other equines
- #isic0143 - Raising of camels and camelids
- #isic0144 - Raising of sheep and goats
- #isic0145 - Raising of swine/pigs
- #isic0146 - Raising of poultry
- #isic0149 - Raising of other animals
This group excludes:
- breeding support services, such as stud services, see 0162
- farm animal boarding and care, see 0162
- production of hides and skins from slaughterhouses, see 1010
Tags: farm-animal-husbandry-services-#cpc86121 animal-husbandry-services-#cpc8612 support-and-operation-services-to-agriculture-hunting-forestry-and-fishing-#cpc861
#isic0141 - Raising of cattle and buffaloes
This class includes:
- raising and breeding of cattle and buffaloes
- production of raw cow milk from cows or buffaloes
- production of bovine semen
This class excludes: processing of milk, see 1050
Tags: cattle-#cpc02111 buffalo-#cpc02112 other-bovine-animals-#cpc02119 bovine-animals-live-#cpc0211 raw-milk-of-cattle-#cpc02211 raw-milk-of-buffalo-#cpc02212 raw-milk-from-bovine-animals-#cpc0221 bovine-semen-#cpc02411 semen-n.e.c.-#cpc02419 semen-#cpc0241 embryos-#cpc0242 raw-animal-materials-used-in-textiles-#cpc0294 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0142 - Raising of horses and other equines
This class includes: raising and breeding of horses (including racing horses), asses, mules or hinnies
This class excludes: operation of racing and riding stables, see 9319
Tags: horses-#cpc02131 asses-#cpc02132 mules-and-hinnies-#cpc02133 horses-and-other-equines-#cpc0213 other-raw-milk-#cpc0229 embryos-#cpc0242 excreta-of-animals-useful-for-manure/fertilizer-and-fuel-preparation-#cpc34654 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0143 - Raising of camels and camelids
This class includes: raising and breeding of camels (dromedary) and camelids
Tags: camels-and-camelids-#cpc02121 other-ruminants-#cpc0212 raw-milk-of-camel-#cpc02293 other-raw-milk-#cpc0229 fine-animal-hair-not-carded-or-combed-#cpc02943 silk-worm-cocoons-suitable-for-reeling-#cpc02944 raw-animal-materials-used-in-textiles-#cpc0294 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0144 - Raising of sheep and goats
This class includes:
- raising and breeding of sheep and goats
- production of raw sheep or goat milk
- production of raw wool
This class excludes:
- sheep shearing on a fee or contract basis, see 0162
- production of pulled wool, see 1010
- processing of milk, see 1050
Tags: sheep-#cpc02122 goats-#cpc02123 other-ruminants-#cpc0212 live-animals-#cpc021 raw-milk-of-sheep-#cpc02291 raw-milk-of-goats-#cpc02292 other-raw-milk-#cpc022 bovine-semen-#cpc02411 semen-n.e.c.-#cpc02419 semen-#cpc0241 raw-animal-materials-used-in-textiles-#cpc0294 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0145 - Raising of swine/pigs
This class includes: raising and breeding of swine (pigs)
Tags: horses-and-other-equines-#cpc0213 swine-/-pigs-#cpc0214 bovine-semen-#cpc02411 semen-n.e.c.-#cpc02419 semen-#cpc0241 excreta-of-animals-useful-for-manure/fertilizer-and-fuel-preparation-#cpc34654 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0146 - Raising of poultry
This class includes:
- raising and breeding of poultry:
- fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (chickens and capons), ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls
- production of eggs
- operation of poultry hatcheries
This class excludes: production of feathers or down, see 1010
Tags: chickens-#cpc02151 turkeys-#cpc02152 geese-#cpc02153 ducks-#cpc02154 guinea-fowls-#cpc02155 poultry-#cpc0215 hen-eggs-in-shell-fresh-for-hatching-#cpc02311 other-hen-eggs-in-shell-fresh-#cpc02312 hen-eggs-in-shell-fresh-#cpc0231 eggs-from-other-birds-in-shell-fresh-n.e.c.-#cpc0232 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic0149 - Raising of other animals
This class includes:
- raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals:
- ostriches and emus
- other birds (except poultry)
- insects
- rabbits and other fur animals
- production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operation
- operation of worm farms, land mollusc farms, snail farms etc.
- raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons
- bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
- raising and breeding of pet animals (except fish):
- cats and dogs
- birds, such as parakeets etc.
- hamsters etc.
- raising of diverse animals
This class excludes:
- production of hides and skins originating from hunting and trapping, see 0170
- operation of frog farms, crocodile farms, marine worm farms, see 0321, 0322
- operation of fish farms, see 0321, 0322
- training of pet animals, see 9609
Tags: other-ruminants-#cpc0212 other-live-animals-#cpc0219 other-raw-milk-#cpc0229 eggs-from-other-birds-in-shell-fresh-n.e.c.-#cpc0232 bovine-semen-#cpc02411 semen-n.e.c.-#cpc02419 semen-#cpc0241 natural-honey-#cpc0291 snails-fresh-chilled-frozen-dried-salted-or-in-brine-except-sea-snails-#cpc0292 edible-products-of-animal-origin-n.e.c.-#cpc0293 raw-animal-materials-used-in-textiles-#cpc0294 other-fertilizers-#cpc3465
#isic015 - Mixed farming
See class 0150.
#isic0150 - Mixed farming
This class includes the combined production of crops and animals without a specialized production of crops or animals. The size of the overall farming operation is not a determining factor. If either production of crops or animals in a given unit exceeds 66 per cent or more of standard gross margins, the combined activity should not be included here, but allocated to crop or animal farming.
This class excludes:
- mixed crop farming, see groups 011 and 012
- mixed animal farming, see group 014
Tags: crop-or-animal-farming crops-and-animals-production mixed-farming-#cpc0
#isic016 - Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities
This group includes activities incidental to agricultural production and activities similar to agriculture not undertaken for production purposes (in the sense of harvesting agricultural products), done on a fee or contract basis. Also included are post-harvest crop activities, aimed at preparing agricultural products for the primary market.
- #isic0161 - Support activities for crop production
- #isic0162 - Support activities for animal production
- #isic0163 - Post-harvest crop activities
- #isic0164 - Seed processing for propagation
#isic0161 - Support activities for crop production
This class includes:
- agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis:
- preparation of fields
- establishing a crop
- treatment of crops
- crop spraying, including by air
- trimming of fruit trees and vines
- transplanting of rice, thinning of beets
- harvesting
- pest control (including rabbits) in connection with agriculture
- operation of agricultural irrigation equipment
This class also includes:
- provision of agricultural machinery with operators and crew
- maintenance of land to keep it in good condition for agricultural use
This class excludes:
- post-harvest crop activities, see 0163
- activities of agronomists and agricultural economists, see 7490
- landscape architecture, see 7110
- landscape gardening, planting, see 8130
- maintenance of land to keep it in good ecological condition, see 8130
- organization of agricultural shows and fairs, see 8230
Tags: crop-production-services-on-inputs-owned-by-others-#cpc86113 other-support-services-to-crop-production-#cpc86119 support-and-operation-services-to-crop-production-#cpc8611
#isic0162 - Support activities for animal production
This class includes:
- agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis:
- activities to promote propagation, growth and output of animals
- herd testing services, droving services, agistment services, poultry caponizing, coop cleaning etc.
- activities related to artificial insemination
- stud services
- sheep shearing
- farm animal boarding and care This class also includes:
- activities of farriers
This class excludes:
- provision of space for animal boarding only, see 6810
- veterinary activities, see 7500
- vaccination of animals, see 7500
- renting of animals (e.g. herds), see 7730
- service activities to promote commercial hunting and trapping, see 9499
- pet boarding, see 9609
Tags: support-services-to-farm-animal-husbandry-#cpc86122 animal-husbandry-services-#cpc8612
#isic0163 - Post-harvest crop activities
This class includes:
- preparation of crops for primary markets, i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading, disinfecting
- cotton ginning
- preparation of tobacco leaves
- preparation of cocoa beans
- waxing of fruit
- sun-drying of fruit and vegetables
This class excludes:
- preparation of agricultural products by the producer, see groups 011 and 012
- preserving of fruit and vegetables, including dehydration by artificial means, see 1030
- stemming and redrying of tobacco, see 1200
- marketing activities of commission merchants and cooperative associations, see division 46
- wholesale of agricultural raw materials, see 4620
Tags: post-harvest-crop-services-#cpc86111 support-and-operation-services-to-crop-production-#cpc8611
#isic0164 - Seed processing for propagation
This class includes all post-harvest activities aimed at improving the propagation quality of seed through the removal of non-seed materials, undersized, mechanically or insectdamaged and immature seeds as well as removing the seed moisture to a safe level for seed storage. This activity includes the drying, cleaning, grading and treating of seeds until they are marketed. The treatment of genetically modified seeds is included here.
This class excludes:
- growing of seeds, see groups 011 and 012
- processing of seeds to obtain oil, see 1040
- research to develop or modify new forms of seeds, see 7210
Tags: seed-processing-services-#cpc86112 support-and-operation-services-to-crop-production-#cpc8611
#isic017 - Hunting, trapping and related service activities
See class 0170.
Tags: hunting-services-on-resources-owned-by-others-#cpc86131 support-and-operation-services-to-hunting-#cpc8613
#isic0170 - Hunting, trapping and related service activities
This class includes:
- hunting and trapping on a commercial basis
- taking of animals (dead or alive) for food, fur, skin, or for use in research, in zoos or as pets
- production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from hunting or trapping activities This class also includes:
- land-based catching of sea mammals such as walrus and seal
This class excludes:
- production of fur skins, reptile or bird skins from ranching operations, see group 014
- raising of game animals on ranching operations, see 0149
- catching of whales, see 0311
- production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses, see 1010
- hunting for sport or recreation and related service activities, see 9319
- service activities to promote hunting and trapping, see 9499
Tags: other-ruminants-#cpc0212 turkeys-#cpc02152 geese-#cpc02153 ducks-#cpc02154 guinea-fowls-#cpc02155 poultry-#cpc0215 other-live-animals-#cpc0219 raw-animal-materials-used-in-extiles-#cpc0294 support-and-operation-services-to-hunting#cpc8613
#isic02 - Forestry and logging
This division includes the production of roundwood for the forest-based manufacturing industries (ISIC divisions 16 and 17) as well as the extraction and gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products. Besides the production of timber, forestry activities result in products that undergo little processing, such as fire wood, charcoal, wood chips and roundwood used in an unprocessed form (e.g. pit-props, pulpwood etc.). These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.
- #isic021 - Silviculture and other forestry activities
- #isic022 - Logging
- #isic023 - Gathering of non-wood forest products
- #isic024 - Support services to forestry
#isic021 - Silviculture and other forestry activities
See class 0210.
#isic0210 - Silviculture and other forestry activities
This class includes:
- growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts
- growing of coppice, pulpwood and fire wood
- operation of forest tree nurseries
These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests.
This class excludes:
- growing of Christmas trees, see 0129
- operation of tree nurseries, see 0130
- gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 0230
- production of wood chips and particles, see 1610
Tags: logs-of-coniferous-wood-#cpc0311 logs-of-non-coniferous-wood-#cpc0312 forestry-and-logging-services-on-inputs-owned-by-others-#cpc86141 support-and-operation-services-to-forestry-and-logging#cpc8614
#isic022 - Logging
See class 0220.
#isic0220 - Logging
This class includes:
- production of roundwood for forest-based manufacturing industries
- production of roundwood used in an unprocessed form such as pit-props, fence posts and utility poles
- gathering and production of fire wood
- production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods)
The output of this activity can take the form of logs, chips or fire wood.
This class excludes:
- growing of Christmas trees, see 0129
- growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts, see 0210
- gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 0230
- production of wood chips and particles, not associated with logging, see 1610
- production of charcoal through distillation of wood, see 2011
Tags: logs-of-coniferous-wood-#cpc0311 logs-of-non-coniferous-wood-#cpc0312 fuel-wood-of-coniferous-wood-#cpc03131 fuel-wood-of-non-coniferous-wood-#cpc03132 fuel-wood-in logs-in billets-in twigs-in-faggots-or-in-similar-forms-#cpc0313 wood-charcoal-#cpc3451 support-and-operation-services-to-forestry-and-logging-#cpc8614
#isic023 - Gathering of non-wood forest products
See class 0230.
#isic0230 - Gathering of non-wood forest products
This class includes the gathering of non-wood forest products and other plants growing in the wild.
This class includes:
- gathering of wild growing materials:
- mushrooms, truffles
- berries
- nuts
- balata and other rubber-like gums
- cork
- lac and resins
- balsams
- vegetable hair
- eelgrass
- acorns, horse chestnuts
- mosses and lichens
This class excludes:
- managed production of any of these products (except growing of cork trees), see division 01
- growing of mushrooms or truffles, see 0113
- growing of berries or nuts, see 0125
- gathering of fire wood, see 0220
Tags: mushrooms-and-truffles-#cpc0127 berries-and-other-fruits-#cpc0135 natural-rubber-in-primary-forms-or-in-plates-sheets-or-strip-#cpc0195 natural-gums-and-resins-gums-resins-and-oleoresins-#cpc0321 natural-cork-raw-or-simply-prepared-#cpc0322 other-wild-edible-products-#cpc0323 parts-of-plants-without-flowers-or-flower-buds-and-grasses-mosses-and-lichens-suitable-for-ornamental-purposes-#cpc0324
#isic024 - Support services to forestry
See class 0240.
#isic0240 - Support services to forestry
This class includes carrying out part of the forestry operation on a fee or contract basis. This class includes:
- forestry service activities:
- forestry inventories
- forest management consulting services
- timber evaluation
- forest fire fighting and protection
- forest pest control
- logging service activities:
- transport of logs within the forest
This class excludes: operation of forest tree nurseries, see 0210
Tags: support-services-to-forestry-and-logging-#cpc86142 support-and-operation-services-to-forestry-and-logging-#cpc8614
#isic03 - Fishing and aquaculture
This division includes capture fishery and aquaculture, covering the use of fishery resources from marine, brackish or freshwater environments, with the goal of capturing or gathering fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other marine organisms and products (e.g. aquatic plants, pearls, sponges etc).
Also included are activities that are normally integrated in the process of production for own account (e.g. seeding oysters for pearl production).
This division does not include building and repairing of ships and boats (3011, 3315) and sport or recreational fishing activities (9319). Processing of fish, crustaceans or molluscs is excluded, whether at land-based plants or on factory ships (1020).
#isic031 - Fishing
This group includes capture fishery, i.e. the hunting, collecting and gathering activities directed at removing or collecting live wild aquatic organisms (predominantly fish, molluscs and crustaceans) including plants from the oceanic, coastal or inland waters for human consumption and other purposes by hand or more usually by various types of fishing gear such as nets, lines and stationary traps. Such activities can be conducted on the intertidal shoreline (e.g. collection of molluscs such as mussels and oysters) or shore based netting, or from home-made dugouts or more commonly using commercially made boats in inshore, coastal waters or offshore waters. Unlike in aquaculture (group 032), the aquatic resource being captured is usually common property resource irrespective of whether the harvest from this resource is undertaken with or without exploitation rights. Such activities also include fishing restocked water bodies.
#isic0311 - Marine fishing
This class includes:
- fishing on a commercial basis in ocean and coastal waters
- taking of marine crustaceans and molluscs
- whale catching
- taking of marine aquatic animals: turtles, sea squirts, tunicates, sea urchins etc.
This class also includes:
- activities of vessels engaged both in fishing and in processing and preserving of fish
- gathering of other marine organisms and materials: natural pearls, sponges, coral and algae
This class excludes:
- capturing of marine mammals, except whales, e.g. walruses, seals, see 0170
- processing of fish, crustaceans and molluscs on factory ships or in factories ashore, see 1020
- renting of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport (e.g. for fishing cruises), see 5011
- fishing inspection, protection and patrol services, see 8423
- fishing practiced for sport or recreation and related services, see 9319
- operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
Tags: ornamental-fish-#cpc0411 live-fish-not-or-human-consumption…-#cpc0419 salmonidae-ive-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0422 pearls-natural-or-cultured-and-unworked-#cpc3821 support-and-operation-services-to-fishing-#cpc8615 natural-sponges-of-aquatic-animal-origin-#cpc0492 sea-cucumbers-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0451 oysters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0442 flatfish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0423 mussels-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0443 other-molluscs-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0449
#isic0312 - Freshwater fishing
This class includes:
- fishing on a commercial basis in inland waters
- taking of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs
- taking of freshwater aquatic animals This class also includes:
- gathering of freshwater materials
This class excludes:
- processing of fish, crustaceans and molluscs, see 1020
- fishing inspection, protection and patrol services, see 8423
- fishing practiced for sport or recreation and related services, see 9319
- operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
Tags: ornamental-fish-#cpc0411 freshwater-fish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0421 salmonidae-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0422 other-fish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0429 crabs-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0431 oysters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0442 mussels-live-fresh-or-chilled-cpc0443 scallops-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0444 clams-cockles-and-ark-shells-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0445 cuttle-fish-and-squid-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0446 octopus-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0447 other-molluscs-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0449 sea-cucumbers-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0451 sea-urchins-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0452 support-and-operation-services-to-fishing-#cpc8615
#isic032 - Aquaculture
This group includes aquaculture (or aquafarming), i.e. the production process involving the culturing or farming (including harvesting) of aquatic organisms (fish, molluscs, crustaceans, plants, crocodiles, alligators and amphibians) using techniques designed to increase the production of the organisms in question beyond the natural capacity of the environment (for example regular stocking, feeding and protection from predators).
Culturing/farming refers to the rearing up to their juvenile and/or adult phase under captive conditions of the above organisms. In addition, aquaculture also encompasses individual, corporate or state ownership of the individual organisms throughout the rearing or culture stage, up to and including harvesting.
#isic0321 - Marine aquaculture
This class includes:
- fish farming in sea water including farming of marine ornamental fish
- production of bivalve spat (oyster mussel etc.), lobsterlings, shrimp post-larvae, fish fry and fingerlings
- growing of laver and other edible seaweeds
- culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals in sea water This class also includes:
- aquaculture activities in brackish waters
- aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs
- operation of fish hatcheries (marine)
- operation of marine worm farms
This class excludes:
- frog farming, see 0322
- operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
Tags: ornamental-fish-#cpc0411 salmonidae-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0422 flatfish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0423 fish-of-Gadiformes-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0424 crabs-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0431 lobsters-(Homarus-spp.)-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0433 norway-lobsters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0434 other-shrimps-and-prawns-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0436 abalone-live-fresh-chilled-#cpc0441 oysters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0442 mussels-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0443 sea-cucumbers-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0451 pearls-natural-or-cultured-and-unworked-#cpc3821 support-and-operation-services-to-fishing-#cpc8615
#isic0322 - Freshwater aquaculture
This class includes:
- fish farming in freshwater including farming of freshwater ornamental fish
- culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other molluscs and other aquatic animals
- operation of fish hatcheries (freshwater)
- farming of frogs
This class excludes:
- aquaculture activities in salt water filled tanks and reservoirs, see 0321
- operation of sport fishing preserves, see 9319
Tags: other-live-animals-#cpc0219 ornamental-fish-#cpc0411 freshwater-fish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0421 salmonidae-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0422 other-fish-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0429 crabs-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0431 lobsters-(Homarus-spp.)-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0433 norway-lobsters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0434 abalone-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0441 oysters-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0442 octopus-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0447 sea-cucumbers-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0451 sea-urchins-live-fresh-or-chilled-#cpc0452 support-and-operation-services-to-fishing-#cpc8615
Section B - Mining and quarrying
This section includes the extraction of minerals occurring naturally as solids (coal and ores), liquids (petroleum) or gases (natural gas). Extraction can be achieved by different methods such as underground or surface mining, well operation, seabed mining etc.
This section also includes supplementary activities aimed at preparing the crude materials for marketing, for example, crushing, grinding, cleaning, drying, sorting, concentrating ores, liquefaction of natural gas and agglomeration of solid fuels. These operations are often carried out by the units that extracted the resource and/or others located nearby.
Mining activities are classified into divisions, groups and classes on the basis of the principal mineral produced. Divisions 05, 06 are concerned with mining and quarrying of fossil fuels (coal, lignite, petroleum, gas); divisions 07, 08 concern metal ores, various minerals and quarry products.
Some of the technical operations of this section, particularly related to the extraction of hydrocarbons, may also be carried out for third parties by specialized units as an industrial service, which is reflected in division 09.
This section excludes the processing of the extracted materials (see section C—Manufacturing), which also covers the bottling of natural spring and mineral waters at springs and wells (see class 1104) or the crushing, grinding or otherwise treating certain earths, rocks and minerals not carried out in conjunction with mining and quarrying (see class 2399). This section also excludes the usage of the extracted materials without a further transformation for construction purposes (see section F—Construction), the collection, purification and distribution of water (see class 3600), separate site preparation activities for mining (see class 4312) and geophysical, geologic and seismic surveying activities (see class 7110).
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via B - Mining and quarrying:
- #isic05 - Mining of coal and lignite
- #isic051 - Mining of hard coal
- #isic0510 - Mining of hard coal
- #isic052 - Mining of lignite
- #isic0520 - Mining of lignite
- #isic051 - Mining of hard coal
- #isic06 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
- #isic061 - Extraction of crude petroleum
- #isic0610 - Extraction of crude petroleum
- #isic062 - Extraction of natural gas
- #isic0620 - Extraction of natural gas
- #isic061 - Extraction of crude petroleum
- #isic07 - Mining of metal ores
- #isic071 - Mining of iron ores
- #isic0710 - Mining of iron ores
- #isic072 - Mining of non-ferrous metal ores
- #isic0721 - Mining of uranium and thorium ores
- #isic0729 - Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores
- #isic08 - Other mining and quarrying
- #isic081 - Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
- #isic0810 - Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
- #isic089 - Mining and quarrying n.e.c.
- #isic0891 - Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals
- #isic0892 - Extraction of peat
- #isic0893 - Extraction of salt
- #isic0899 - Other mining and quarrying n.e.c.
- #isic081 - Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
- #isic09 - Mining support service activities
- #isic091 - Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
- #isic0910 - Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
- #isic099 - Support activities for other mining and quarrying
- #isic0990 - Support activities for other mining and quarrying
- #isic091 - Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
Section C - Manufacturing
This section includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products, although this cannot be used as the single universal criterion for defining manufacturing (see remark on processing of waste below). The materials, substances, or components transformed are raw materials that are products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining or quarrying as well as products of other manufacturing activities. Substantial alteration, renovation or reconstruction of goods is generally considered to be manufacturing.
Units engaged in manufacturing are often described as plants, factories or mills and characteristically use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment. However, units that transform materials or substances into new products by hand or in the worker’s home and those engaged in selling to the general public of products made on the same premises from which they are sold, such as bakeries and custom tailors, are also included in this section. Manufacturing units may process materials or may contract with other units to process their materials for them. Both types of units are included in manufacturing.
The output of a manufacturing process may be finished in the sense that it is ready for utilization or consumption, or it may be semi-finished in the sense that it is to become an input for further manufacturing. For example, the output of alumina refining is the input used in the primary production of aluminium; primary aluminium is the input to aluminium wire drawing; and aluminium wire is the input for the manufacture of fabricated wire products.
Manufacture of specialized components and parts of, and accessories and attachments to, machinery and equipment is, as a general rule, classified in the same class as the manufacture of the machinery and equipment for which the parts and accessories are intended. Manufacture of unspecialized components and parts of machinery and equipment, e.g. engines, pistons, electric motors, electrical assemblies, valves, gears, roller bearings, is classified in the appropriate class of manufacturing, without regard to the machinery and equipment in which these items may be included. However, making specialized components and accessories by moulding or extruding plastics materials is included in class 2220.
Assembly of the component parts of manufactured products is considered manufacturing. This includes the assembly of manufactured products from either self-produced or purchased components.
The recovery of waste, i.e. the processing of waste into secondary raw materials is classified in class 3830 (Materials recovery). While this may involve physical or chemical transformations, this is not considered to be a part of manufacturing. The primary purpose of these activities is considered to be the treatment or processing of waste and they are therefore classified in Section E (Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities). However, the manufacture of new final products (as opposed to secondary raw materials) is classified in manufacturing, even if these processes use waste as an input. For example, the production of silver from film waste is considered to be a manufacturing process.
Specialized maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machinery and equipment is, in general, classified in division 33 (Repair, maintenance and installation of machinery and equipment). However, the repair of computers and personal and household goods is classified in division 95 (Repair of computers and personal and household goods), while the repair of motor vehicles is classified in division 45 (Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles).
The installation of machinery and equipment, when carried out as a specialized activity, is classified in 3320.
Remark: The boundaries of manufacturing and the other sectors of the classification system can be somewhat blurry. As a general rule, the activities in the manufacturing section involve the transformation of materials into new products. Their output is a new product. However, the definition of what constitutes a new product can be somewhat subjective. As clarification, the following activities are considered manufacturing in ISIC:
- milk pasteurizing and bottling (see 1050)
- fresh fish processing (oyster shucking, fish filleting), not done on a fishing boat (see 1020)
- printing and related activities (see 1811, 1812)
- ready-mixed concrete production (see 2395)
- leather converting (see 1511)
- wood preserving (see 1610)
- electroplating, plating, metal heat treating, and polishing (see 2592)
- rebuilding or remanufacturing of machinery (e.g. automobile engines, see 2910)
- tyre retreading (see 2211)
Conversely, there are activities that, although sometimes involving transformation processes, are classified in other sections of ISIC; in other words, they are not classified as manufacturing. They include:
- logging, classified in section A (Agriculture, forestry and fishing);
- beneficiating of agricultural products, classified in section A (Agriculture, forestry and fishing);
- beneficiating of ores and other minerals, classified in section B (Mining and quarrying);
- construction of structures and fabricating operations performed at the site of construction, classified in section F (Construction);
- activities of breaking bulk and redistribution in smaller lots, including packaging, repackaging or bottling of products, such as liquors or chemicals; sorting of scrap; mixing of paints to customers’ order; and cutting of metals to customers’ order, producing a modified version of the same product, are classified to section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles).
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via C - Manufacturing:
- #isic10 - Manufacture of food products
- #isic101 - Processing and preserving of meat
- #isic1010 - Processing and preserving of meat
- #isic102 - Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
- #isic1020 - Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
- #isic103 - Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
- #isic1030 - Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
- #isic104 - Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
- #isic1040 - Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
- #isic105 - Manufacture of dairy products
- #isic1050 - Manufacture of dairy products
- #isic106 - Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products
- #isic1061 - Manufacture of grain mill products
- #isic1062 - Manufacture of starches and starch products
- #isic107 - Manufacture of other food products
- #isic1071 - Manufacture of bakery products
- #isic1072 - Manufacture of sugar
- #isic1073 - Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery
- #isic1074 - Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products
- #isic1075 - Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes
- #isic1079 - Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
- #isic108 - Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
- #isic1080 - Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
- #isic101 - Processing and preserving of meat
- #isic11 - Manufacture of beverages
- #isic110 - Manufacture of beverages
- #isic1101 - Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits
- #isic1102 - Manufacture of wines
- #isic1103 - Manufacture of malt liquors and malt
- #isic1104 - Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters
- #isic110 - Manufacture of beverages
- #isic12 - Manufacture of tobacco products
- #isic120 - Manufacture of tobacco products
- #isic1200 - Manufacture of tobacco products
- #isic120 - Manufacture of tobacco products
- #isic13 - Manufacture of textiles
- #isic131 - Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
- #isic1311 - Preparation and spinning of textile fibres
- #isic1312 - Weaving of textiles
- #isic1313 - Finishing of textiles
- #isic139 - Manufacture of other textiles
- #isic1391 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics
- #isic1392 - Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel
- #isic1393 - Manufacture of carpets and rugs
- #isic1394 - Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
- #isic1399 - Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
- #isic131 - Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles
- #isic14 - Manufacture of wearing apparel
- #isic141 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
- #isic1410 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
- #isic142 - Manufacture of articles of fur
- #isic1420 - Manufacture of articles of fur
- #isic143 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
- #isic1430 - Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel
- #isic141 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
- #isic15 - Manufacture of leather and related products
- #isic151 - Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
- #isic1511 - Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur
- #isic1512 - Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
- #isic152 - Manufacture of footwear
- #isic1520 - Manufacture of footwear
- #isic151 - Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness; dressing and dyeing of fur
- #isic16 - Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting
- #isic161 - Sawmilling and planing of wood
- #isic1610 - Sawmilling and planing of wood
- #isic162 - Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials
- #isic1621 - Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels
- #isic1622 - Manufacture of builders’ carpentry and joinery
- #isic1623 - Manufacture of wooden containers
- #isic1629 - Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials
- #isic161 - Sawmilling and planing of wood
- #isic17 - Manufacture of paper and paper products
- #isic170 - Manufacture of paper and paper products
- #isic1701 - Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard
- #isic1702 - Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
- #isic1709 - Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard
- #isic170 - Manufacture of paper and paper products
- #isic18 - Printing and reproduction of recorded media
- #isic181 - Printing and service activities related to printing
- #isic1811 - Printing
- #isic1812 - Service activities related to printing
- #isic182 - Reproduction of recorded media
- #isic1820 - Reproduction of recorded media
- #isic181 - Printing and service activities related to printing
- #isic19 - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
- #isic191 - Manufacture of coke oven products
- #isic1910 - Manufacture of coke oven products
- #isic192 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products
- #isic1920 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products
- #isic191 - Manufacture of coke oven products
- #isic20 - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
- #isic201 - Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
- #isic2011 - Manufacture of basic chemicals
- #isic2012 - Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
- #isic2013 - Manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
- #isic202 - Manufacture of other chemical products
- #isic2021 - Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products
- #isic2022 - Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics
- #isic2023 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
- #isic2029 - Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
- #isic203 - Manufacture of man-made fibres
- #isic2030 - Manufacture of man-made fibres
- #isic201 - Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms
- #isic21 - Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
- #isic210 - Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
- #isic2100 - Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
- #isic210 - Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
- #isic22 - Manufacture of rubber and plastics products
- #isic221 - Manufacture of rubber products
- #isic2211 - Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres
- #isic2219 - Manufacture of other rubber products
- #isic222 - Manufacture of plastics products
- #isic2220 - Manufacture of plastics products
- #isic221 - Manufacture of rubber products
- #isic23 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
- #isic231 - Manufacture of glass and glass products
- #isic2310 - Manufacture of glass and glass products
- #isic239 - Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
- #isic2391 - Manufacture of refractory products
- #isic2392 - Manufacture of clay building materials
- #isic2393 - Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products
- #isic2394 - Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
- #isic2395 - Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster
- #isic2396 - Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone
- #isic2399 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
- #isic231 - Manufacture of glass and glass products
- #isic24 - Manufacture of basic metals
- #isic241 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel
- #isic2410 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel
- #isic242 - Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
- #isic2420 - Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals
- #isic243 - Casting of metals
- #isic2431 - Casting of iron and steel
- #isic2432 - Casting of non-ferrous metals
- #isic241 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel
- #isic25 - Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- #isic251 - Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam generators
- #isic2511 - Manufacture of structural metal products
- #isic2512 - Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal
- #isic2513 - Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilers
- #isic252 - Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
- #isic2520 - Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
- #isic259 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products; metalworking service activities
- #isic2591 - Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
- #isic2592 - Treatment and coating of metals; machining
- #isic2593 - Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware
- #isic2599 - Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
- #isic251 - Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and steam generators
- #isic26 - Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
- #isic261 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards
- #isic2610 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards
- #isic262 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
- #isic2620 - Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
- #isic263 - Manufacture of communication equipment
- #isic2630 - Manufacture of communication equipment
- #isic264 - Manufacture of consumer electronics
- #isic2640 - Manufacture of consumer electronics
- #isic265 - Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment; watches and clocks
- #isic2651 - Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
- #isic2652 - Manufacture of watches and clocks
- #isic266 - Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
- #isic2660 - Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment
- #isic267 - Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
- #isic2670 - Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment
- #isic268 - Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
- #isic2680 - Manufacture of magnetic and optical media
- #isic261 - Manufacture of electronic components and boards
- #isic27 - Manufacture of electrical equipment
- #isic271 - Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus
- #isic2710 - Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus
- #isic272 - Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
- #isic2720 - Manufacture of batteries and accumulators
- #isic273 - Manufacture of wiring and wiring devices
- #isic2731 - Manufacture of fibre optic cables
- #isic2732 - Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
- #isic2733 - Manufacture of wiring devices
- #isic274 - Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
- #isic2740 - Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
- #isic275 - Manufacture of domestic appliances
- #isic2750 - Manufacture of domestic appliances
- #isic279 - Manufacture of other electrical equipment
- #isic2790 - Manufacture of other electrical equipment
- #isic271 - Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity distribution and control apparatus
- #isic28 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- #isic281 - Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
- #isic2811 - Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines
- #isic2812 - Manufacture of fluid power equipment
- #isic2813 - Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves
- #isic2814 - Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements
- #isic2815 - Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners
- #isic2816 - Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- #isic2817 - Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment)
- #isic2818 - Manufacture of power-driven hand tools
- #isic2819 - Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
- #isic282 - Manufacture of special-purpose machinery
- #isic2821 - Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery
- #isic2822 - Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools
- #isic2823 - Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy
- #isic2824 - Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
- #isic2825 - Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
- #isic2826 - Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
- #isic2829 - Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery
- #isic281 - Manufacture of general-purpose machinery
- #isic29 - Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
- #isic291 - Manufacture of motor vehicles
- #isic2910 - Manufacture of motor vehicles
- #isic292 - Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers
- #isic2920 - Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers
- #isic293 - Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
- #isic2930 - Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
- #isic291 - Manufacture of motor vehicles
- #isic30 - Manufacture of other transport equipment
- #isic301 - Building of ships and boats
- #isic3011 - Building of ships and floating structures
- #isic3012 - Building of pleasure and sporting boats
- #isic302 - Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
- #isic3020 - Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock
- #isic303 - Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
- #isic3030 - Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
- #isic304 - Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
- #isic3040 - Manufacture of military fighting vehicles
- #isic309 - Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c.
- #isic3091 - Manufacture of motorcycles
- #isic3092 - Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
- #isic3099 - Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.
- #isic301 - Building of ships and boats
- #isic31 - Manufacture of furniture
- #isic310 - Manufacture of furniture
- #isic3100 - Manufacture of furniture
- #isic310 - Manufacture of furniture
- #isic32 - Other manufacturing
- #isic321 - Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles
- #isic3211 - Manufacture of jewellery and related articles
- #isic3212 - Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles
- #isic322 - Manufacture of musical instruments
- #isic3220 - Manufacture of musical instruments
- #isic323 - Manufacture of sports goods
- #isic3230 - Manufacture of sports goods
- #isic324 - Manufacture of games and toys
- #isic3240 - Manufacture of games and toys
- #isic325 - Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
- #isic3250 - Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
- #isic329 - Other manufacturing n.e.c.
- #isic3290 - Other manufacturing n.e.c.
- #isic321 - Manufacture of jewellery, bijouterie and related articles
- #isic33 - Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- #isic331 - Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
- #isic3311 - Repair of fabricated metal products
- #isic3312 - Repair of machinery
- #isic3313 - Repair of electronic and optical equipment
- #isic3314 - Repair of electrical equipment
- #isic3315 - Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles
- #isic3319 - Repair of other equipment
- #isic332 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- #isic3320 - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
- #isic331 - Repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
This section includes the activity of providing electric power, natural gas, steam, hot water and the like through a permanent infrastructure (network) of lines, mains and pipes. The dimension of the network is not decisive; also included are the distribution of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and the like in industrial parks or residential buildings.
This section therefore includes the operation of electric and gas utilities, which generate, control and distribute electric power or gas. Also included is the provision of steam and air-conditioning supply.
This section excludes the operation of water and sewerage utilities, see 36, 37. This section also excludes the (typically long-distance) transport of gas through pipelines.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply:
- #isic35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- #isic351 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
- #isic3510 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
- #isic352 - Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
- #isic3520 - Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
- #isic353 - Steam and air conditioning supply
- #isic3530 - Steam and air conditioning supply
- #isic351 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
Section E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
This section includes activities related to the management (including collection, treatment and disposal) of various forms of waste, such as solid or non-solid industrial or household waste, as well as contaminated sites. The output of the waste or sewage treatment process can either be disposed of or become an input into other production processes. Activities of water supply are also grouped in this section, since they are often carried out in connection with, or by units also engaged in, the treatment of sewage.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities:
- #isic36 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic360 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic3600 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic360 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic37 - Sewerage
- #isic370 - Sewerage
- #isic3700 - Sewerage
- #isic370 - Sewerage
- #isic38 - Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
- #isic381 - Waste collection
- #isic3811 - Collection of non-hazardous waste
- #isic3812 - Collection of hazardous waste
- #isic382 - Waste treatment and disposal
- #isic3821 - Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
- #isic3822 - Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
- #isic383 - Materials recovery
- #isic3830 - Materials recovery
- #isic381 - Waste collection
- #isic39 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
- #isic390 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
- #isic3900 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
- #isic390 - Remediation activities and other waste management services
Section F - Construction
This section includes general construction and specialized construction activities for buildings and civil engineering works. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of prefabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of a temporary nature.
General construction is the construction of entire dwellings, office buildings, stores and other public and utility buildings, farm buildings etc., or the construction of civil engineering works such as motorways, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects, irrigation systems, sewerage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, sports facilities etc.
This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the work and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out. A unit that carries the overall responsibility for a construction project is classified here.
Also included is the repair of buildings and engineering works.
This section includes the complete construction of buildings (division 41), the complete construction of civil engineering works (division 42), as well as specialized construction activities, if carried out only as a part of the construction process (division 43).
The renting of construction equipment with operator is classified with the specific construction activity carried out with this equipment.
This section also includes the development of building projects for buildings or civil engineering works by bringing together financial, technical and physical means to realize the construction projects for later sale. If these activities are carried out not for later sale of the construction projects, but for their operation (e.g. renting of space in these buildings, manufacturing activities in these plants), the unit would not be classified here, but according to its operational activity, i.e. real estate, manufacturing etc.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via F - Construction:
- #isic41 - Construction of buildings
- #isic410 - Construction of buildings
- #isic4100 - Construction of buildings
- #isic410 - Construction of buildings
- #isic42 - Civil engineering
- #isic421 - Construction of roads and railways
- #isic4210 - Construction of roads and railways
- #isic422 - Construction of utility projects
- #isic4220 - Construction of utility projects
- #isic429 - Construction of other civil engineering projects
- #isic4290 - Construction of other civil engineering projects
- #isic421 - Construction of roads and railways
- #isic43 - Specialized construction activities
- #isic431 - Demolition and site preparation
- #isic4311 - Demolition
- #isic4312 - Site preparation
- #isic432 - Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
- #isic4321 - Electrical installation
- #isic4322 - Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
- #isic4329 - Other construction installation
- #isic433 - Building completion and finishing
- #isic4330 - Building completion and finishing
- #isic439 - Other specialized construction activities
- #isic4390 - Other specialized construction activities
- #isic431 - Demolition and site preparation
Section G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
This section includes wholesale and retail sale (i.e. sale without transformation) of any type of goods and the rendering of services incidental to the sale of these goods. Wholesaling and retailing are the final steps in the distribution of goods. Goods bought and sold are also referred to as merchandise.
Also included in this section are the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Sale without transformation is considered to include the usual operations (or manipulations) associated with trade, for example sorting, grading and assembling of goods, mixing (blending) of goods (for example sand), bottling (with or without preceding bottle cleaning), packing, breaking bulk and repacking for distribution in smaller lots, storage (whether or not frozen or chilled), cleaning and drying of agricultural products, cutting out of wood fibreboards or metal sheets as secondary activities.
Division 45 includes all activities related to the sale and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, while divisions 46 and 47 include all other sale activities. The distinction between division 46 (wholesale) and division 47 (retail sale) is based on the predominant type of customer.
Wholesale is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional or professional users, or to other wholesalers, or involves acting as an agent or broker in buying goods for, or selling goods to, such persons or companies. The principal types of businesses included are merchant wholesalers, i.e. wholesalers who take title to the goods they sell, such as wholesale merchants or jobbers, industrial distributors, exporters, importers, and cooperative buying associations, sales branches and sales offices (but not retail stores) that are maintained by manufacturing or mining units apart from their plants or mines for the purpose of marketing their products and that do not merely take orders to be filled by direct shipments from the plants or mines. Also included are merchandise brokers, commission merchants and agents and assemblers, buyers and cooperative associations engaged in the marketing of farm products. Wholesalers frequently physically assemble, sort and grade goods in large lots, break bulk, repack and redistribute in smaller lots, for example pharmaceuticals; store, refrigerate, deliver and install goods, engage in sales promotion for their customers and label design.
Retailing is the resale (sale without transformation) of new and used goods mainly to the general public for personal or household consumption or utilization, by shops, department stores, stalls, mail-order houses, door-to-door sales persons, hawkers and peddlers, consumer cooperatives, auction houses etc. Most retailers take title to the goods they sell, but some act as agents for a principal and sell either on consignment or on a commission basis.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles:
- #isic45 - Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- #isic451 - Sale of motor vehicles
- #isic4510 - Sale of motor vehicles
- #isic452 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- #isic4520 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
- #isic453 - Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
- #isic4530 - Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
- #isic454 - Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
- #isic4540 - Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
- #isic451 - Sale of motor vehicles
- #isic46 - Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- #isic461 - Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- #isic4610 - Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- #isic462 - Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
- #isic4620 - Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
- #isic463 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
- #isic4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
- #isic464 - Wholesale of household goods
- #isic4641 - Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear
- #isic4649 - Wholesale of other household goods
- #isic465 - Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
- #isic4651 - Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software
- #isic4652 - Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
- #isic4653 - Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies
- #isic4659 - Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
- #isic466 - Other specialized wholesale
- #isic4661 - Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
- #isic4662 - Wholesale of metals and metal ores
- #isic4663 - Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies
- #isic4669 - Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.
- #isic469 - Non-specialized wholesale trade
- #isic4690 - Non-specialized wholesale trade
- #isic461 - Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
- #isic47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- #isic471 - Retail sale in non-specialized stores
- #isic4711 - Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
- #isic4719 - Other retail sale in non-specialized stores
- #isic472 - Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores
- #isic4721 - Retail sale of food in specialized stores
- #isic4722 - Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
- #isic4723 - Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores
- #isic473 - Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
- #isic4730 - Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores
- #isic474 - Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores
- #isic4741 - Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and telecommunications equipment in specialized stores
- #isic4742 - Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores
- #isic475 - Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores
- #isic4751 - Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores
- #isic4752 - Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores
- #isic4753 - Retail sale of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialized stores
- #isic4759 - Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles …
- #isic476 - Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialized stores
- #isic4761 - Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized stores
- #isic4762 - Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores
- #isic4763 - Retail sale of sporting equipment in specialized stores
- #isic4764 - Retail sale of games and toys in specialized stores
- #isic477 - Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores
- #isic4771 - Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores
- #isic4772 - Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in specialized stores
- #isic4773 - Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores
- #isic4774 - Retail sale of second-hand goods
- #isic478 - Retail sale via stalls and markets
- #isic4781 - Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
- #isic4782 - Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
- #isic4789 - Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods
- #isic479 - Retail trade not in stores, stalls or markets
- #isic4791 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
- #isic4799 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets
- #isic471 - Retail sale in non-specialized stores
Section H - Transportation and storage
This section includes the provision of passenger or freight transport, whether scheduled or not, by rail, pipeline, road, water or air and associated activities such as terminal and parking facilities, cargo handling, storage etc. Included in this section is the renting of transport equipment with driver or operator. Also included are postal and courier activities.
This section excludes maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and other transportation equipment (see classes 4520 and 3315, respectively), the construction, maintenance and repair of roads, railroads, harbours, airfields (see classes 4210 and 4290), as well as the renting of transport equipment without driver or operator (see classes 7710 and 7730).
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via H - Transportation and storage:
- #isic49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines
- #isic491 - Transport via railways
- #isic4911 - Passenger rail transport, interurban
- #isic4912 - Freight rail transport
- #isic492 - Other land transport
- #isic4921 - Urban and suburban passenger land transport
- #isic4922 - Other passenger land transport
- #isic4923 - Freight transport by road
- #isic493 - Transport via pipeline
- #isic4930 - Transport via pipeline
- #isic491 - Transport via railways
- #isic50 - Water transport
- #isic501 - Sea and coastal water transport
- #isic5011 - Sea and coastal passenger water transport
- #isic5012 - Sea and coastal freight water transport
- #isic502 - Inland water transport
- #isic5021 - Inland passenger water transport
- #isic5022 - Inland freight water transport
- #isic501 - Sea and coastal water transport
- #isic51 - Air transport
- #isic511 - Passenger air transport
- #isic5110 - Passenger air transport
- #isic512 - Freight air transport
- #isic5120 - Freight air transport
- #isic511 - Passenger air transport
- #isic52 - Warehousing and support activities for transportation
- #isic521 - Warehousing and storage
- #isic5210 - Warehousing and storage
- #isic522 - Support activities for transportation
- #isic5221 - Service activities incidental to land transportation
- #isic5222 - Service activities incidental to water transportation
- #isic5223 - Service activities incidental to air transportation
- #isic5224 - Cargo handling
- #isic5229 - Other transportation support activities
- #isic521 - Warehousing and storage
- #isic53 - Postal and courier activities
- #isic531 - Postal activities
- #isic5310 - Postal activities
- #isic532 - Courier activities
- #isic5320 - Courier activities
- #isic531 - Postal activities
Section I - Accommodation and food service activities
This section includes the provision of short-stay accommodation for visitors and other travellers and the provision of complete meals and drinks fit for immediate consumption. The amount and type of supplementary services provided within this section can vary widely.
This section excludes the provision of long-term accommodation as primary residences, which is classified in Real estate activities (section L). Also excluded is the preparation of food or drinks that are either not fit for immediate consumption or that are sold through independent distribution channels, i.e. through wholesale or retail trade activities. The preparation of these foods is classified in Manufacturing (section C).
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via I - Accommodation and food service activities:
- #isic55 - Accommodation
- #isic551 - Short term accommodation activities
- #isic5510 - Short term accommodation activities
- #isic552 - Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
- #isic5520 - Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks
- #isic559 - Other accommodation
- #isic5590 - Other accommodation
- #isic551 - Short term accommodation activities
- #isic56 - Food and beverage service activities
- #isic561 - Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- #isic5610 - Restaurants and mobile food service activities
- #isic562 - Event catering and other food service activities
- #isic5621 - Event catering
- #isic5629 - Other food service activities
- #isic563 - Beverage serving activities
- #isic5630 - Beverage serving activities
- #isic561 - Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Section J - Information and communication
This section includes the production and distribution of information and cultural products, the provision of the means to transmit or distribute these products, as well as data or communications, information technology activities and the processing of data and other information service activities.
The main components of this section are publishing activities (division 58), including software publishing, motion picture and sound recording activities (division 59), radio and TV broadcasting and programming activities (division 60), telecommunications activities (division 61) and information technology activities (division 62) and other information service activities (division 63).
Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and making this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of publishing (in print, electronic or audio form, on the internet, as multimedia products such as CD-ROM reference books etc.) are included in this section.
Activities related to production and distribution of TV programming span divisions 59, 60 and 61, reflecting different stages in this process. Individual components, such as movies, television series etc. are produced by activities in division 59, while the creation of a complete television channel programme, from components produced in division 59 or other components (such as live news programming) is included in division 60. Division 60 also includes the broadcasting of this programme by the producer. The distribution of the complete television programme by third parties, i.e. without any alteration of the content, is included in division 61. This distribution in division 61 can be done through broadcasting, satellite or cable systems.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via J - Information and communication:
- #isic58 - Publishing activities
- #isic581 - Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
- #isic5811 - Book publishing
- #isic5812 - Publishing of directories and mailing lists
- #isic5813 - Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals
- #isic5819 - Other publishing activities
- #isic582 - Software publishing
- #isic5820 - Software publishing
- #isic581 - Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
- #isic59 - Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
- #isic591 - Motion picture, video and television programme activities
- #isic5911 - Motion picture, video and television programme production activities
- #isic5912 - Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities
- #isic5913 - Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities
- #isic5914 - Motion picture projection activities
- #isic592 - Sound recording and music publishing activities
- #isic5920 - Sound recording and music publishing activities
- #isic591 - Motion picture, video and television programme activities
- #isic60 - Programming and broadcasting activities
- #isic601 - Radio broadcasting
- #isic6010 - Radio broadcasting
- #isic602 - Television programming and broadcasting activities
- #isic6020 - Television programming and broadcasting activities
- #isic601 - Radio broadcasting
- #isic61 - Telecommunications
- #isic611 - Wired telecommunications activities
- #isic6110 - Wired telecommunications activities
- #isic612 - Wireless telecommunications activities
- #isic6120 - Wireless telecommunications activities
- #isic613 - Satellite telecommunications activities
- #isic6130 - Satellite telecommunications activities
- #isic619 - Other telecommunications activities
- #isic6190 - Other telecommunications activities
- #isic611 - Wired telecommunications activities
- #isic62 - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- #isic620 - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- #isic6201 - Computer programming activities
- #isic6202 - Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities
- #isic6209 - Other information technology and computer service activities
- #isic620 - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
- #isic63 - Information service activities
- #isic631 - Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
- #isic6311 - Data processing, hosting and related activities
- #isic6312 - Web portals
- #isic639 - Other information service activities
- #isic6391 - News agency activities
- #isic6399 - Other information service activities n.e.c.
- #isic631 - Data processing, hosting and related activities; web portals
Section K - Financial and insurance activities
This section includes financial service activities, including insurance, reinsurance and pension funding activities and activities to support financial services.
This section also includes the activities of holding assets, such as activities of holding companies and the activities of trusts, funds and similar financial entities.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via K - Financial and insurance activities:
- #isic64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
- #isic641 - Monetary intermediation
- #isic6411 - Central banking
- #isic6419 - Other monetary intermediation
- #isic642 - Activities of holding companies
- #isic6420 - Activities of holding companies
- #isic643 - Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
- #isic6430 - Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
- #isic649 - Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities
- #isic6491 - Financial leasing
- #isic6492 - Other credit granting
- #isic6499 - Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities, n.e.c.
- #isic641 - Monetary intermediation
- #isic65 - Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
- #isic651 - Insurance
- #isic6511 - Life insurance
- #isic6512 - Non-life insurance
- #isic652 - Reinsurance
- #isic6520 - Reinsurance
- #isic653 - Pension funding
- #isic6530 - Pension funding
- #isic651 - Insurance
- #isic66 - Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities
- #isic661 - Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
- #isic6611 - Administration of financial markets
- #isic6612 - Security and commodity contracts brokerage
- #isic6619 - Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities
- #isic662 - Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
- #isic6621 - Risk and damage evaluation
- #isic6622 - Activities of insurance agents and brokers
- #isic6629 - Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
- #isic663 - Fund management activities
- #isic6630 - Fund management activities
- #isic661 - Activities auxiliary to financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
Section L - Real estate activities
This section includes acting as lessors, agents and/or brokers in one or more of the following: selling or buying real estate, renting real estate, providing other real estate services such as appraising real estate or acting as real estate escrow agents. Activities in this section may be carried out on own or leased property and may be done on a fee or contract basis. Also included is the building of structures, combined with maintaining ownership or leasing of such structures.
This section includes real estate property managers.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via L - Real estate activities:
- #isic68 - Real estate activities
- #isic681 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
- #isic6810 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
- #isic682 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
- #isic6820 - Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
- #isic681 - Real estate activities with own or leased property
Section M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
This section includes specialized professional, scientific and technical activities. These activities require a high degree of training, and make specialized knowledge and skills available to users.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via M - Professional, scientific and technical activities:
- #isic69 - Legal and accounting activities
- #isic691 - Legal activities
- #isic6910 - Legal activities
- #isic692 - Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
- #isic6920 - Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy
- #isic691 - Legal activities
- #isic70 - Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
- #isic701 - Activities of head offices
- #isic7010 - Activities of head offices
- #isic702 - Management consultancy activities
- #isic7020 - Management consultancy activities
- #isic701 - Activities of head offices
- #isic71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
- #isic711 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- #isic7110 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- #isic712 - Technical testing and analysis
- #isic7120 - Technical testing and analysis
- #isic711 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- #isic72 - Scientific research and development
- #isic721 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- #isic7210 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- #isic722 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
- #isic7220 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
- #isic721 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- #isic73 - Advertising and market research
- #isic731 - Advertising
- #isic7310 - Advertising
- #isic732 - Market research and public opinion polling
- #isic7320 - Market research and public opinion polling
- #isic731 - Advertising
- #isic74 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities
- #isic741 - Specialized design activities
- #isic7410 - Specialized design activities
- #isic742 - Photographic activities
- #isic7420 - Photographic activities
- #isic749 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
- #isic7490 - Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
- #isic741 - Specialized design activities
- #isic75 - Veterinary activities
- #isic750 - Veterinary activities
- #isic7500 - Veterinary activities
- #isic750 - Veterinary activities
Section N - Administrative and support service activities
This section includes a variety of activities that support general business operations. These activities differ from those in section M, since their primary purpose is not the transfer of specialized knowledge.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via N - Administrative and support service activities:
- #isic77 - Rental and leasing activities
- #isic771 - Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
- #isic7710 - Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
- #isic772 - Renting and leasing of personal and household goods
- #isic7721 - Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods
- #isic7722 - Renting of video tapes and disks
- #isic7729 - Renting and leasing of other personal and household goods
- #isic773 - Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
- #isic7730 - Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods
- #isic774 - Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
- #isic7740 - Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
- #isic771 - Renting and leasing of motor vehicles
- #isic78 - Employment activities
- #isic781 - Activities of employment placement agencies
- #isic7810 - Activities of employment placement agencies
- #isic782 - Temporary employment agency activities
- #isic7820 - Temporary employment agency activities
- #isic783 - Other human resources provision
- #isic7830 - Other human resources provision
- #isic781 - Activities of employment placement agencies
- #isic79 - Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities
- #isic791 - Travel agency and tour operator activities
- #isic7911 - Travel agency activities
- #isic7912 - Tour operator activities
- #isic799 - Other reservation service and related activities
- #isic7990 - Other reservation service and related activities
- #isic791 - Travel agency and tour operator activities
- #isic80 - Security and investigation activities
- #isic801 - Private security activities
- #isic8010 - Private security activities
- #isic802 - Security systems service activities
- #isic8020 - Security systems service activities
- #isic803 - Investigation activities
- #isic8030 - Investigation activities
- #isic801 - Private security activities
- #isic81 - Services to buildings and landscape activities
- #isic811 - Combined facilities support activities
- #isic8110 - Combined facilities support activities
- #isic812 - Cleaning activities
- #isic8121 - General cleaning of buildings
- #isic8129 - Other building and industrial cleaning activities
- #isic813 - Landscape care and maintenance service activities
- #isic8130 - Landscape care and maintenance service activities
- #isic811 - Combined facilities support activities
- #isic82 - Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
- #isic821 - Office administrative and support activities
- #isic8211 - Combined office administrative service activities
- #isic8219 - Photocopying, document preparation and other specialized office support activities
- #isic822 - Activities of call centres
- #isic8220 - Activities of call centres
- #isic823 - Organization of conventions and trade shows
- #isic8230 - Organization of conventions and trade shows
- #isic829 - Business support service activities n.e.c.
- #isic8291 - Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus
- #isic8292 - Packaging activities
- #isic8299 - Other business support service activities n.e.c.
- #isic821 - Office administrative and support activities
Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
This section includes activities of a governmental nature, normally carried out by the public administration. This includes the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulation, as well as the administration of programmes based on them, legislative activities, taxation, national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and the administration of government programmes. This section also includes compulsory social security activities.
The legal or institutional status is not, in itself, the determining factor for an activity to belong in this section, rather than the activity being of a nature specified in the previous paragraph. This means that activities classified elsewhere in ISIC do not fall under this section, even if carried out by public entities. For example, administration of the school system (i.e. regulations, checks, curricula) falls under this section, but teaching itself does not (see section P), and a prison or military hospital is classified to health (see section Q). Similarly, some activities described in this section may be carried out by non-government units.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security:
- #isic84 - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- #isic841 - Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community
- #isic8411 - General public administration activities
- #isic8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, …
- #isic8413 - Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
- #isic842 - Provision of services to the community as a whole
- #isic8421 - Foreign affairs
- #isic8422 - Defence activities
- #isic8423 - Public order and safety activities
- #isic843 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic841 - Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community
Section P - Education
This section includes education at any level or for any profession, oral or written as well as by radio and television or other means of communication. It includes education by the different institutions in the regular school system at its different levels as well as adult education, literacy programmes etc. Also included are military schools and academies, prison schools etc. at their respective levels. The section includes public as well as private education.
For each level of initial education, the classes include special education for physically or mentally handicapped pupils.
The breakdown of the categories in this section is based on the level of education offered as defined by the levels of ISCED 1997. The activities of educational institutions providing education at ISCED levels 0 and 1 are classified in group 851, those at ISCED levels 2 and 3 in group 852 and those at ISCED levels 4, 5 and 6 in group 853.
This section also includes instruction primarily concerned with sport and recreational activities such as bridge or golf and education support activities.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via P - Education:
- #isic85 - Education
- #isic851 - Pre-primary and primary education
- #isic8510 - Pre-primary and primary education
- #isic852 - Secondary education
- #isic8521 - General secondary education
- #isic8522 - Technical and vocational secondary education
- #isic853 - Higher education
- #isic8530 - Higher education
- #isic854 - Other education
- #isic8541 - Sports and recreation education
- #isic8542 - Cultural education
- #isic8549 - Other education n.e.c.
- #isic855 - Educational support activities
- #isic8550 - Educational support activities
- #isic851 - Pre-primary and primary education
Section Q - Human health and social work activities
This section includes the provision of health and social work activities. Activities include a wide range of activities, starting from health care provided by trained medical professionals in hospitals and other facilities, over residential care activities that still involve a degree of health care activities to social work activities without any involvement of health care professionals.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via Q - Human health and social work activities:
- #isic86 - Human health activities
- #isic861 - Hospital activities
- #isic8610 - Hospital activities
- #isic862 - Medical and dental practice activities
- #isic8620 - Medical and dental practice activities
- #isic869 - Other human health activities
- #isic8690 - Other human health activities
- #isic861 - Hospital activities
- #isic87 - Residential care activities
- #isic871 - Residential nursing care facilities
- #isic8710 - Residential nursing care facilities
- #isic872 - Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse
- #isic8720 - Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse
- #isic873 - Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
- #isic8730 - Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled
- #isic879 - Other residential care activities
- #isic8790 - Other residential care activities
- #isic871 - Residential nursing care facilities
- #isic88 - Social work activities without accommodation
- #isic881 - Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
- #isic8810 - Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
- #isic889 - Other social work activities without accommodation
- #isic8890 - Other social work activities without accommodation
- #isic881 - Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
Section R - Arts, entertainment and recreation
This section includes a wide range of activities to meet varied cultural, entertainment and recreational interests of the general public, including live performances, operation of museum sites, gambling, sports and recreation activities.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via R - Arts, entertainment and recreation:
- #isic90 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
- #isic900 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
- #isic9000 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
- #isic900 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
- #isic91 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
- #isic910 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
- #isic9101 - Library and archives activities
- #isic9102 - Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings
- #isic9103 - Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
- #isic910 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities
- #isic92 - Gambling and betting activities
- #isic920 - Gambling and betting activities
- #isic9200 - Gambling and betting activities
- #isic920 - Gambling and betting activities
- #isic93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities
- #isic931 - Sports activities
- #isic9311 - Operation of sports facilities
- #isic9312 - Activities of sports clubs
- #isic9319 - Other sports activities
- #isic932 - Other amusement and recreation activities
- #isic9321 - Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
- #isic9329 - Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c.
- #isic931 - Sports activities
Section S - Other service activities
This section (as a residual category) includes the activities of membership organizations, the repair of computers and personal and household goods and a variety of personal service activities not covered elsewhere in the classification.
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via S - Other service activities:
- #isic94 - Activities of membership organizations
- #isic941 - Activities of business, employers and professional membership organizations
- #isic9411 - Activities of business and employers membership organizations
- #isic9412 - Activities of professional membership organizations
- #isic942 - Activities of trade unions
- #isic9420 - Activities of trade unions
- #isic949 - Activities of other membership organizations
- #isic9491 - Activities of religious organizations
- #isic9492 - Activities of political organizations
- #isic9499 - Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
- #isic941 - Activities of business, employers and professional membership organizations
- #isic95 - Repair of computers and personal and household goods
- #isic951 - Repair of computers and communication equipment
- #isic9511 - Repair of computers and peripheral equipment
- #isic9512 - Repair of communication equipment
- #isic952 - Repair of personal and household goods
- #isic9521 - Repair of consumer electronics
- #isic9522 - Repair of household appliances and home and garden equipment
- #isic9523 - Repair of footwear and leather goods
- #isic9524 - Repair of furniture and home furnishings
- #isic9529 - Repair of other personal and household goods
- #isic951 - Repair of computers and communication equipment
- #isic96 - Other personal service activities
- #isic960 - Other personal service activities
- #isic9601 - Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products
- #isic9602 - Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
- #isic9603 - Funeral and related activities
- #isic9609 - Other personal service activities n.e.c.
- #isic960 - Other personal service activities
Section T - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use
These are the divisions, groups and classes the description of which is included in the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or can be consulted online via T - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use:
- #isic97 - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
- #isic970 - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
- #isic9700 - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
- #isic970 - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
- #isic98 - Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic981 - Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic9810 - Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic982 - Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic9820 - Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic981 - Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
Section U - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #isic99 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #isic990 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #isic9900 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #isic990 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
This class includes: activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc.
This class also includes: activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country of their location rather than by the country they represent
Part III - Function of Government Hashtags - #COFOG
#cofog01 - General Public Services
#cofog02 - Defence
#cofog03 - Public Order and Safety
#cofog04 - Economic Affairs
#cofog05 - Environmental Protection
#cofog06 - Housing and Community Amenities
#cofog07 - Health
#cofog08 - Recreation, Culture and Religion
#cofog09 - Education
#cofog10 - Social Protection
To I-#Tagcoding - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
The Classification of the Functions of General Government (COFOG) was developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and published by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). It can be applied to government expenditure and net acquisition of non-financial assets (outlays). COFOG has three levels of detail: Divisions, Groups and Classes. Divisions could be considered as the general objectives of general government, while groups and classes detail the means by which these general objectives are achieved. The initials “CS” or “IS” follow the title of each class in brackets to indicate whether the services produced by general government units and included in this class are collective or individual services and therefore whether individual and collective final consumption expenditure should be recorded in the respective functions. This is in line with the provisions of ESA 2010 paragraphs 3.104-3.107.
This chapter reproduces the description of the COFOG classification published by the UNSD. To this description, COFOG TF has added comments on the ESA operation to be used.
The references in the comments refer to the accounts of the European System of Accounts ESA-95.
#cofog01 - General Public Services
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog011 - Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairs
- #cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
- #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
- #cofog0113 - External affairs (CS)
- #cofog012 - Foreign economic aid
- #cofog0121 - Economic aid to developing countries and countries in transition (CS)
- #cofog0122 - Economic aid routed through international organizations (CS)
- #cofog013 - General services
- #cofog0131 - General personnel services (CS)
- #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
- #cofog0133 - Other general services (CS)
- #cofog014 - Basic research
- #cofog0140 - Basic research (CS)
- #cofog015 - R&D General public services
- #cofog0150 - R&D General public services (CS)
- #cofog016 - General public services n.e.c.
- #cofog0160 - General public services n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog017 - Public debt transactions
- #cofog0170 - Public debt transactions (CS)
- #cofog018 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government
- #cofog0180 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 01 - General public services.
#cofog02 - Defense
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog021 - Military defence
- #cofog0210 - Military defence (CS)
- #cofog022 - Civil defence
- #cofog0220 - Civil defence (CS)
- #cofog023 - Foreign military aid
- #cofog0230 - Foreign military aid (CS)
- #cofog024 - R&D Defence
- #cofog0240 - R&D Defence (CS)
- #cofog025 - Defence n.e.c.
- #cofog0250 - Defence n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 02 - Defense.
#cofog03 - Public safety and order
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog031 - Police services
- #cofog0310 - Police services (CS)
- #cofog032 - Fire-protection services
- #cofog0320 - Fire-protection services (CS)
- #cofog033 - Law courts
- #cofog0330 - Law courts (CS)
- #cofog034 - Prisons
- #cofog0340 - Prisons (CS)
- #cofog035 - R&D Public order and safety
- #cofog0350 - R&D Public order and safety (CS)
- #cofog036 - Public order and safety n.e.c.
- #cofog0360 - Public order and safety n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 03 - Public safety and order.
#cofog04 - Economic affairs
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog041 - General economic, commercial and labour affairs
- #cofog0411 - General economic and commercial affairs (CS)
- #cofog0412 - General labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog042 - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- #cofog0421 - Agriculture (CS)
- #cofog0422 - Forestry (CS)
- #cofog0423 - Fishing and hunting (CS)
- #cofog043 - Fuel and energy
- #cofog0431 - Coal and other solid mineral fuels (CS)
- #cofog0432 - Petroleum and natural gas (CS)
- #cofog0433 - Nuclear fuel (CS)
- #cofog0434 - Other fuels (CS)
- #cofog0435 - Electricity (CS)
- #cofog0436 - Non-electric energy (CS)
- #cofog044 - Mining, manufacturing and construction
- #cofog0441 - Mining of mineral resources other than mineral fuels (CS)
- #cofog0442 - Manufacturing (CS)
- #cofog0443 - Construction (CS)
- #cofog045 - Transport
- #cofog0451 - Road transport (CS)
- #cofog0452 - Water transport (CS)
- #cofog0453 - Railway transport (CS)
- #cofog0454 - Air transport (CS)
- #cofog0455 - Pipeline and other transport (CS)
- #cofog046 - Communication
- #cofog0460 - Communication (CS)
- #cofog047 - Other industries
- #cofog0471 - Distributive trades, storage and warehousing (CS)
- #cofog0472 - Hotels and restaurants (CS)
- #cofog0473 - Tourism (CS)
- #cofog0474 - Multi-purpose development projects (CS)
- #cofog048 - R&D Economic affairs
- #cofog0481 - R&D General economic, commercial and labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog0482 - R&D Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (CS)
- #cofog0483 - R&D Fuel and energy (CS)
- #cofog0484 - R&D Mining, manufacturing and construction (CS)
- #cofog0485 - R&D Transport (CS)
- #cofog0486 - R&D Communication (CS)
- #cofog0487 - R&D Other industries (CS)
- #cofog049 - Economic affairs n.e.c.
- #cofog0490 - Economic affairs n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 04 - Economic affairs.
#cofog05 - Environmental Protection
The breakdown of environmental protection is based on the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) developed in the European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE) of the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat).
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog051 - Waste management (CS)
- #cofog0510 - Waste management (CS)
- #cofog052 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog053 - Pollution abatement (CS)
- #cofog0530 - Pollution abatement (CS)
- #cofog054 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog0540 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog055 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
- #cofog056 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 05 - Environmental Protection.
#cofog06 - Housing and Community Services
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog061 - Housing development (CS)
- #cofog0610 - Housing development (CS)
- #cofog062 - Community development (CS)
- #cofog0620 - Community development (CS)
- #cofog063 - Water supply (CS)
- #cofog0630 - Water supply (CS)
- #cofog064 - Street lighting (CS)
- #cofog0640 - Street lighting (CS)
- #cofog065 - R&D Housing and community amenities (CS)
- #cofog0650 - R&D Housing and community amenities (CS)
- #cofog066 - Housing and community amenities n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0660 - Housing and community amenities n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 06 - Housing and Community Services.
#cofog07 - Health
Government expenditure on health includes expenditure on services provided to individuals and services provided on a collective basis. Expenditure on individual services is allocated to groups (07.1) to (07.4); expenditure on collective services is allocated to groups (07.5) and (07.6).
Collective health services relate to such matters as the formulation and administration of government policy; the establishment and enforcement of standards for medical and paramedical personnel and for hospitals, clinics, surgeries, etc.; the regulation and licensing of health service providers; and applied research and experimental development in medical and health-related matters. However, overhead costs related to the administration or operation of a group of hospitals, clinics, surgeries, etc., are considered individual costs and are classified in groups (07.1) to (07.4), as appropriate.
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog071 - Medical products, appliances and equipment
- #cofog0711 - Pharmaceutical products (IS)
- #cofog0712 - Other medical products (IS)
- #cofog0713 - Therapeutic appliances and equipment (IS)
- #cofog072 - Outpatient services
- #cofog0721 - General medical services (IS)
- #cofog0722 - Specialized medical services (IS)
- #cofog0723 - Dental services (IS)
- #cofog0724 - Paramedical services (IS)
- #cofog073 - Hospital services
- #cofog0731 - General hospital services (IS)
- #cofog0732 - Specialized hospital services (IS)
- #cofog0733 - Medical and maternity centre services (IS)
- #cofog0734 - Nursing and convalescent home services (IS)
- #cofog074 - Public health services
- #cofog0740 - Public health services (IS)
- #cofog075 - R&D Health
- #cofog0750 - R&D Health (CS)
- #cofog076 - Health n.e.c.
- #cofog0760 - Health n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 07 - Health.
#cofog08 - Recreation, culture and religion
This division includes these groups:
Public expenditure on recreational, cultural and religious activities includes expenditure on services provided to individual persons and households and expenditure on services provided collectively. Expenditure on individual expenditure is allocated to groups (08.1) and (08.2); expenditure on collective services is allocated to groups (08.3) to (08.6). Collective services are provided to the community as a whole. They include activities such as the formulation and administration of government policy; the formulation and implementation of legislation and regulations for the provision of recreational and cultural services; and applied research and experimental development in recreational, cultural and religious affairs and services.
- #cofog081 - Recreational and sporting services (IS)
- #cofog0810 - Recreational and sporting services (IS)
- #cofog082 - Cultural services (IS)
- #cofog0820 - Cultural services (IS)
- #cofog083 - Broadcasting and publishing services (CS)
- #cofog0830 - Broadcasting and publishing services (CS)
- #cofog084 - Religious and other community services (CS)
- #cofog0840 - Religious and other community services (CS)
- #cofog085 - R&D Recreation, culture and religion (CS)
- #cofog0850 - R&D Recreation, culture and religion (CS)
- #cofog086 - Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0860 - Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 08 - Recreation, culture and religion .
#cofog09 - Education
Comment: In Division 09, no amounts are provided for D.41 or D.8.
Public expenditure on education includes expenditure on services provided to individual pupils and students and expenditure on services provided collectively. Expenditure on individual services is allocated to groups (09.1) to (09.6); expenditure on collective services is allocated to groups (09.7) and (09.8).
Collective educational services refer to such matters as the formulation and administration of government policy; the setting and enforcement of standards; the regulation, licensing and supervision of educational institutions; and applied research and experimental development in educational matters and services. However, overhead costs related to the administration or operation of a group of schools, colleges, etc. are considered as individual costs and are classified in groups (09.1) to (09.6), as appropriate.
The breakdown of education is based on the level categories of the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
This division includes military schools and colleges whose curricula resemble those of civilian institutions, police colleges providing general education in addition to police training, and the provision of education through radio or television broadcasts. Expenditures thus incurred are classified in groups (09.1) to (09.5) as appropriate.
- #cofog091 - Pre-school and Primary Education
- #cofog092 - Secondary education
- #cofog093 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- #cofog094 - Tertiary education](#cofog091)
- #cofog095 - Education not definable by level
- #cofog096 - Subsidiary services to education
- #cofog097 - R&D Education
- #cofog098 - Education n.e.c.
#cofog091 - Preschool and primary education
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of pre-primary education at ISCED-97 level 0;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of schools and other institutions providing pre-primary education at ISCED-97 level 0.
Excludes: services auxiliary to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92, pre-primary-education-#cpc921
- provision of primary education at ISCED-97 level;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of schools and other institutions providing primary education at ISCED-97 level.
Includes: literacy programmes for students too old for primary school.
Excludes: subsidiary services to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92 , primary-education-#cpc9220
#cofog092 - Secondary education
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of lower secondary education at ISCED-97;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of schools and other institutions providing lower secondary education at ISCED-97;
- scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support learners in lower secondary education at ISCED-97.
Includes: out-of-school lower secondary education for adults and youth.
Excludes: subsidiary services to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92, lower-secondary-education-#cpc9231
- provision of ISCED-97 upper secondary education;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of schools and other institutions providing ISCED-97 upper secondary education;
- scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support students in ISCED-97 upper secondary education.
Includes: non-formal upper secondary education for adults and youth.
Excludes: subsidiary services to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92, upper-secondary-education-#cpc9233
#cofog093 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of post-secondary non-tertiary education at ISCED-97 level 4;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of institutions providing post-secondary non-tertiary education at ISCED-97 level;
- scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support students in post-secondary non-tertiary education at ISCED-97 level.
Includes: post-secondary non-tertiary education for adults and youth.
Excludes: subsidiary services to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92
#cofog094 - Tertiary education
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of tertiary education at ISCED-97 level;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of universities and other institutions providing tertiary education at ISCED-97 level;
- scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support students pursuing tertiary education at ISCED-97 level.
Excludes: services auxiliary to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92, tertiary-education-#cpc925
- provision of tertiary education at ISCED-97 level 6;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of universities and other institutions providing tertiary education at ISCED-97 level 6;
- scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support students pursuing tertiary education at ISCED-97 level.
Excludes: services auxiliary to education (09.60).
Tags: education-#cpc92, tertiary-education-#cpc925(#cpc925)
#cofog095 - Education not definable by level
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of non-definable education (i.e. educational programmes, usually for adults, which do not require any prior special instruction, in particular vocational training and cultural development);
- administration, inspection, operation or support of institutions providing non-definable education; scholarships, grants, loans and subsidies to support students in non-definable education programmes.
Tags: education-#cpc92
#cofog096 - Subsidiary services to education
Comment: No amounts are foreseen for P.32 in this group. In this group the amounts recorded in P.31 must be equal to or greater than the amounts recorded for D.632, the difference being D.631.
- provision of services ancillary to education;
- administration, inspection, operation or support of transportation, food, lodging, medical and dental care and related ancillary services primarily for students, regardless of level.
- school health monitoring and prevention services (07.40);
- grants, subsidies, loans and cash compensation for the costs of subsidiary services (09.1), (09.2), (09.3), (09.4) or (09.5).
Tags: subsidiary-services-#cpc9291
#cofog097 - R&D Education
Comment: In the R&D groups, no amounts are foreseen for D.62, D.632 and P.31.
Definitions of basic research, applied research and experimental development are given in #cofog014 and #cofog015.
#cofog0970 - R&D EDUCATION (CS)
- administration and operation of public bodies engaged in applied research and experimental development related to education;
- grants, loans and subsidies to support applied research and experimental development related to education carried out by non-governmental bodies, such as research institutes and universities.
Excludes: basic research #cofog0140.
Tags: education-#cpc92
#cofog098 - Education n.e.c.
Comment: No amounts are foreseen in this group for D.632 and P.31.
#cofog0980 - EDUCATION N.C.E. (CS)
- administration, operation or support of activities such as formulation, administration, coordination and monitoring of overall educational policies, plans, programmes and budgets;
- preparation and implementation of legislation and standards for the provision of educational services, including the licensing of educational institutions;
- production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on education.
Includes: educational subjects and services that cannot be assigned to (091), (092), (093), (094), (094), (095), (096) or (097).
Tags: education-n.e.c.-#cpc92
#cofog10 - Social protection
Government expenditures on social protection include expenditures on services and transfers provided to individual persons and households and expenditures on services provided collectively. Expenditures on individual services and transfers are allocated to groups (101) to (107); expenditures on collective services are allocated to groups (108) and (109).
Collective social protection services deal with such matters as the formulation and administration of government policy; the formulation and implementation of legislation and standards to provide social protection; and applied research and experimental development in social protection matters and services.
Social protection functions and their definitions are based on the 1996 European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) of the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat). In ESSPROS, social protection includes health care, but this division does not include health care. Health care is covered by Division 07. Therefore, medical goods and services provided to persons receiving the cash and in-kind benefits specified in groups (101) to (107) are classified in (071), (072) or (073), as appropriate.
This division includes these groups:
- #cofog101 - Sickness and disability
- #cofog1011 - Sickness (IS)
- #cofog1012 - Disability (IS)
- #cofog102 - Old age
- #cofog1020 - Old age (IS)
- #cofog103 - Survivors
- #cofog1030 - Survivors (IS)
- #cofog104 - Family and children
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog105 - Unemployment
- #cofog1050 - Unemployment (IS)
- #cofog106 - Housing
- #cofog1060 - Housing (IS)
- #cofog107 - Social exclusion n.e.c.
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #cofog108 - R&D Social protection
- #cofog1080 - R&D Social protection (CS)
- #cofog109 - Social protection n.e.c.
- #cofog1090 - Social protection n.e.c. (CS)
The descriptions of classes and groups are included for Division 09 - Education, but for the other divisions, groups and classes we refer to the e-book “Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government” or their online description via 10 - Social protection.
Part IV - Sustainable Development Goals - #SDGs
About the Sustainable Development Goals
#sdg1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
#sdg2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
#sdg3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
#sdg4 - Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
#sdg5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
#sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
#sdg7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
#sdg8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
#sdg9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
#sdg10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
#sdg11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
#sdg12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
#sdg13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
#sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
#sdg15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
#sdg16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
#sdg17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
To I-#Tag - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
About the Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the new global framework to help eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030. It includes an ambitious set of Sustainable Development Goals and Targets. Read the full text of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also aims to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest challenge facing the world and a prerequisite for sustainable development.
This plan will be implemented by all countries and stakeholders through a collaborative partnership. We are determined to free humanity from the tyranny of poverty and deprivation and to heal and protect our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps that are urgently needed to put the world back on the path to sustainability and resilience. As we embark on this journey together, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets that we are announcing today demonstrate the magnitude of this ambitious new universal Agenda.
It also aims to realize the human rights of all people and to achieve gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls. The Goals and targets are integrated and indivisible, bringing together the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next 15 years in the following areas of critical importance to humanity and the planet.
We are determined to end poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can realize their potential in dignity and equality in a healthy environment.
The planet
We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainable management of its natural resources and urgent action to address climate change, so that it can meet the needs of present and future generations.
We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy a prosperous and fulfilling life, and that economic, social and technological progress is in harmony with nature.
We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies that are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace, and peace without sustainable development.
We are determined to mobilize the means necessary to implement this Agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of greater global solidarity, with a particular focus on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable, with the collaboration of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.
These are the 17 goals. For each goal and its targets, we define #tagcoding tags and indicate the relationships to economic activities and government functions. Some additional links are also provided: to a list of initiatives, to indicators and to related open data.
- #sdg1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- #sdg2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
- #sdg3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- #sdg4 - Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- #sdg5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- #sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
- #sdg7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
- #sdg8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- #sdg9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
- #sdg10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
- #sdg11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
- #sdg12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- #sdg13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
- #sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
- #sdg15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
- #sdg16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
- #sdg17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
#sdg1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog10 - Social protection
- #cofog1011 - Sickness (IS)
- #cofog1012 - Disability (IS)
- #cofog1020 - Old age (IS)
- #cofog1030 - Survivors (IS)
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog1050 - Unemployment (IS)
- #cofog1060 - Housing (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #cofog1080 - R&D Social protection (CS)
- #cofog1090 - Social protection n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0412 - General labour affairs (CS)
- #isic8412 - 8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the UN Platform’s “Partnerships for the SDGs”: Commitments for Goal 1. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for objective 1 (in English).
1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere (extreme poverty is currently defined as people living on less than US$ 1.25 per day)
1.2 By 2030, reduce by at least one half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
1.5 By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters
1.a Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
1.b Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and gender sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated investment in poverty eradication actions
#sdg2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Where to achieve this goal?
- #isic01- Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
- #isic02 - Forestry and logging
- #isic03 - Fishing and aquaculture
- #isic10 - Manufacture of food products
- #isic11 - Manufacture of beverages
- #isic7500 - Veterinary Activities
- #cofog0421 - Agriculture (CS)
- #cofog0422 - Forestry (CS)
- #cofog0423 - Fishing and Hunting (CS)
- #cofog0540 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 2.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for objective 2
2.1 By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.
2.2 By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons.
2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment.
2.4 By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality.
2.5 By 2020, maintain the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, regional and international levels, and ensure access to and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed.
2.a Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries.
2.b Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets, including through the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and all export measures with equivalent effect, in accordance with the mandate of the Doha Development Round.
2.c Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets and their derivatives and facilitate timely access to market information, including on food reserves, in order to help limit extreme food price volatility.
#sdg3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Where to achieve this goal?
ISIC Section Q - Human health and social work activities
- #isic86 - Human health activities
- #isic87 - Residential care activities
- #isic88 - Social work activities without accommodation
- #isic8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
- #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic2100 - Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products
- #isic6512 - Non-life insurance
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the UN Platform’s “Partnerships for the SDGs”: Commitments for Goal 3. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for the target.
3.1 By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births.
3.2 By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births.
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases.
3.4 By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well being.
3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
3.6 By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
3.7 By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.
3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
3.9 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination.
3.a Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate.
3.b. Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non-communicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all.
3.c Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States.
3.d Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks.
#sdg4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0911 - Pre-primary education (IS)
- #cofog0912 - Primary education (IS)
- #cofog0921 - Lower-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0922 - Upper-secondary education (IS)
- #cofog0930 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0941 - First stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0942 - Second stage of tertiary education (IS)
- #cofog0950 - Education not definable by level (IS)
- #cofog0960 - Subsidiary services to education (IS)
- #cofog0970 - R&D Education (CS)
- #cofog0980 - Education n.e.c. (CS)
- #isic8510 - Pre-primary and primary education
- #isic8521 - General secondary education
- #isic8522 - Technical and vocational secondary education
- #isic8530 - Higher education
- #isic8541 - Sports and recreation education
- #isic8542 - Cultural education
- #isic8549 - Other education n.e.c.
- #isic8550 - Educational support activities
- #isic5811 - Book publishing
- #isic7210 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- #isic7220 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
- #isic9101 - Library and archives activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the UN Platform’s “Partnerships for the SDGs”: Commitments for Goal 4. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for the target.
4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.
4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations.
4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries.
4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
#sdg5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #cofog0840 - Religious and other community services (CS)
- #isic9491 - Activities of religious organizations
- #isic9700 - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel
- #isic9810 - Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use
- #isic9820 - Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 5. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for the target.
5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.
5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
5.4 Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.
5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.
5.a Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.
5.b Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.
#sdg6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog0630 - Water supply (CS)
- #cofog0455 - Pipeline and other transport (CS)
- #isic0161 - Support activities for crop production
- #isic3600 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic3700 - Sewerage
- #isic4220 - Construction of utility projects
- #isic4322 - Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 6. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for the target.
6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
6.2 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.
6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.
6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.
6.5 By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through transboundary cooperation as appropriate
6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.
6.a By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and sanitation-related activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies
6.b Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management.
#sdg7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0431 - Coal and other solid mineral fuels (CS)
- #cofog0432 - Petroleum and natural gas (CS)
- #cofog0433 - Nuclear fuel (CS)
- #cofog0434 - Other fuels (CS)
- #cofog0435 - Electricity (CS)
- #cofog0436 - Non-electric energy (CS)
- #cofog0483 - R&D Fuel and energy (CS)
- #cofog0484 - R&D Mining, manufacturing and construction (CS)
- #isic0510 - Mining of hard coal
- #isic0520 - Mining of lignite
- #isic0610 - Extraction of crude petroleum
- #isic0620 - Extraction of natural gas
- #isic4220 - Construction of Utility Projects
- #isic3510 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
- #isic3520 - Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
- #isic3530 - Steam and air conditioning supply
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 7. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for the target.
7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
7.a By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology
7.b By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States
#sdg8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0411 - General Economic and Commercial Affairs (CS)
- #cofog0412 - General Labour Affairs (CS)
- #cofog0481 - R&D General economic, commercial and labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog0131 - General personnel services (CS)
- #cofog0950 - Education not definable by level (IS)
- #cofog1012 - Disability (IS)
- #cofog1050 - Unemployment (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #isic8413 - Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
- #isic7810 - Activities of employment placement agencies
- #isic7820 - Temporary employment agency activities
- #isic7830 - Other human resources provision
- #isic9000 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
- #isic9420 - Activities of trade unions
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 8. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg8.
8.1 Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-valueadded and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
8.4 Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead
8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
8.7 Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.
8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
8.9 By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
8.10 Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
8.a Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries
8.b By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization
#sdg9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0433 - Nuclear fuel (CS)
- #cofog0451 - Road transport (CS)
- #cofog0452 - Water transport (CS)
- #cofog0453 - Railway transport (CS)
- #cofog0454 - Air transport (CS)
- #cofog0455 - Pipeline and other transport (CS)
- #cofog0460 - Communication (CS)
- #cofog0474 - Multi-purpose development projects (CS)
- #cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog0620 - Community development (CS)
- #cofog0630 - Water supply (CS)
- #cofog0640 - Street lighting (CS)
- #isic4100 - Construction of buildings
- #isic4210 - Construction of roads and railways
- #isic4220 - Construction of utility projects
- #isic4290 - Construction of other civil engineering projects
- #isic4311 - Demolition
- #isic4312 - Site preparation
- #isic4321 - Electrical installations
- #isic4322 - Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation
- #isic4329 - Other construction installation
- #isic4330 - Building completion and finishing
- #isic4390 - Other specialized construction activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 9. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed Indicators: Indicators for #sdg9.
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.2 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries
9.3 Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets
9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
#sdg10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
- #cofog0412 - General labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog0481 - R&D General economic, commercial and labour affairs (CS)
- #cofog1011 - Sickness (IS)
- #cofog1012 - Disability (IS)
- #cofog1040 - Family and children (IS)
- #cofog1050 - Unemployment (IS)
- #cofog1070 - Social exclusion n.e.c. (IS)
- #isic6419 - Other monetary intermediation
- #isic6492 - Other credit granting
- #isic6512 - Non-life insurance
- #isic8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
- #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic8510 - Pre-primary and primary education
- #isic8521 - General secondary education
- #isic8522 - Technical and vocational secondary education
- #isic8530 - Higher education
- #isic8541 - Sports and recreational education
- #isic8542 - Cultural education
- #isic8549 - Other education n.e.c.
- #isic8550 - Educational support activities
- #isic9101 - Library and archives activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 10. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg10 (English).
10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average
10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard
10.4 Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality
10.5 Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations
10.6 Ensure enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions in order to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions
10.7 Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
10.a Implement the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, in accordance with World Trade Organization agreements
10.b Encourage official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programmes.
10.c By 2030, reduce to less than 3 per cent the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent
#sdg11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0610 - Housing development (CS) 0610)
- #cofog0620 - Community development (CS) 0620)
- #cofog0630 - Water supply (CS) 0630)
- #cofog0640 - Street lighting (CS) 0640)
- #cofog0650 - R&D Housing and community amenities (CS) 0650)
- #cofog0660 - Housing and community amenities n.e.c. (CS) 0660)
- #isic36 - Water collection, treatment and supply 36)
- #isic37 - Sewerage 37)
- #isic38 - Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery 38)
- #isic39 - Remediation activities and other waste management services 39)
- #isic49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines 49)
- #isic50 - Water transport 50)
- #isic51 - Air transport 51)
- #isic52 - Warehousing and support activities for transportation 52)
- #isic53 - Postal and courier activities 53)
- #isic90 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities 90)
- #isic91 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 91)
- #isic92 - Gambling and betting activities 92)
- #isic93 - Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities 93)
- #isic8411 - General public administration activities 8411)
- #isic7110 - Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy 7110)
- #isic8423 - Public order and safety activities 8423)
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 11. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg11 (English).
All goals: #sdg1 - #sdg2 - #sdg3 - #sdg4 - #sdg5 - #sdg6 - #sdg7 - #sdg8 - #sdg9 - #sdg10 - #sdg11 - #sdg12 - #sdg13 - #sdg14 - #sdg15 - #sdg16 - #sdg17 – To all goals
11.1 By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums
11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations
11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management
11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities
11.a Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning
11.b By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels
11.c Support least developed countries, including through financial and technical assistance, in building sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local materials
#sdg12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog04 - Economic affairs 04)
- All economic activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 12. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg12.
12.1 Implement the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, all countries taking action, with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries
12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
12.3 By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses
12.4 By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment
12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle
12.7 Promote public procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities
12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
12.a Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
12.b Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
12.c Rationalize inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption by removing market distortions, in accordance with national circumstances, including by restructuring tax systems and phasing out harmful subsidies, where they exist, to reflect their environmental impact, taking fully into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries and minimizing potential adverse impacts on their development, in a manner that protects the poor and affected communities
#sdg13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 1
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS) 0550)
- #cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS) 0560)
- #cofog04 - Economic affairs 04)
- All economic activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the UN Platform’s “Partnerships for the SDGs”: Commitments for Goal 13. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed Indicators: Indicators for #sdg13.
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning
13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
13.a Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the UNFCCC to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible
13.b Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities
- Recognizing that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
#sdg14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0510 - Waste management (CS)
- #cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog0530 - Pollution abatement (CS)
- #cofog0540 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
- #cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0423 - Fishing and hunting (CS)
- #cofog0482 - R&D Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (CS)
- #isic0311 - Marine fishing
- #isic0321 - Marine aquaculture
- #isic0610 - Extraction of crude petroleum
- #isic0620 - Extraction of natural gas
- #isic3600 - Water collection, treatment and supply
- #isic3700 - Sewerage
- #isic5011 - Sea and coastal passenger water transport
- #isic5012 - Sea and coastal freight water transport
- #isic7210 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- All economic activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the UN Platform’s “Partnerships for the SDGs”: Commitments for Goal 14. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed Indicators: Indicators for #sdg14.
14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics
14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that the negotiation on fisheries subsidies in the framework of the World Trade Organization must include appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries2
14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
14.a Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries
14.b Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
14.c Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by implementing law as reflected in UNCLOS, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of The Future We Want.
#sdg15 - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0510 - Waste management (CS)
- #cofog0520 - Waste water management (CS)
- #cofog0530 - Pollution abatement (CS)
- #cofog0540 - Protection of biodiversity and landscape (CS)
- #cofog0550 - R&D Environmental protection (CS)
- #cofog0560 - Environmental protection n.e.c. (CS)
- #cofog0421 - Agriculture (CS)
- #cofog0422 - Forestry (CS)
- #cofog0423 - Fishing and Hunting (CS) )
- #cofog0474 - Multi-purpose development projects (CS)
- All economic activities
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 15. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg15.
15.1 By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements
15.2 By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally
15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world
15.4 By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development
15.5 Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity, and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
15.6 Ensure fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and promote appropriate access to such resources
15.7 Take urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna and address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products
15.8 By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species
15.9 By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts
15.a Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity and ecosystems
15.b Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation
15.c Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, including by increasing the capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities
#sdg16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Where to achieve this goal?
- #isic8411 - General public administration activities
- #isic8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
- #isic8413 - Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
- #isic842 - Provision of services to the community as a whole
- #isic8421 - Foreign affairs
- #isic8422 - Defence activities
- #isic8423 - Public order and safety activities
- #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic6910 - Legal activities
- #isic7220 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
- #isic9411 - Activities of business and employers membership organizations
- #isic9412 - Activities of professional membership organizations
- #isic9491 - Activities of religious organizations
- #isic9492 - Activities of political organizations
- #isic9499 - Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
- #isic9900 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
- #cofog0111 - Executive and legislative organs (CS)
- #cofog0112 - Financial and Fiscal Affairs (CS)
- #cofog0113 - External affairs (CS)
- #cofog0121 - Economic aid to developing countries and countries in transition (CS)
- #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
- #cofog0133 - Other General Services (CS)
- #cofog0170 - Public Debt Transactions (CS)
- #cofog0180 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government (CS)
- #cofog0310 - Police services (CS)
- #cofog0320 - Fire Protection Services (CS)
- #cofog0330 - Law courts (CS)
- #cofog0340 - Prisons (CS)
- #cofog0350 - R&D Public order and safety (CS))
- #cofog0360 - Public order and safety n.e.c. (CS)
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 16. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed Indicators: Indicators for #sdg16.
16.1 Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
16.2 End abuse, exploitations, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
16.4 By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime
16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
16.8 Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
16.a Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime
16.b Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
#sdg17 - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Where to achieve this goal?
- #cofog0111 - Executive and Legislative Organs (CS)
- #cofog0112 - Financial and fiscal affairs (CS)
- #cofog0113 - External Affairs (CS)
- #cofog0121 - Economic aid to developing and transition countries (CS)
- #cofog0122 - Economic aid routed through international organizations (CS)
- #cofog0132 - Overall planning and statistical services (CS)
- #cofog0133 - Other General Services (CS)
- #cofog0170 - Public Debt Transactions (CS)
- #cofog0180 - Transfers of a general character between different levels of government (CS)
- #cofog0411 - General economic and commercial affairs (CS)
- #isic6430 - Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
- #isic6492 - Other credit granting
- #isic6630 - Fund management activities
- #isic6910 - Legal activities
- #isic7210 - Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
- #isic7220 - Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
- #isic7740 - Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
- #isic8411 - General public administration activities
- #isic8412 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
- #isic8413 - Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses
- #isic842 - Provision of services to the community as a whole
- #isic8421 - Foreign affairs
- #isic8423 - Public order and safety activities
- #isic8430 - Compulsory social security activities
- #isic9411 - Activities of business and employers membership organizations
- #isic9412 - Activities of professional membership organizations
- #isic9420 - Activities of trade unions
- #isic9491 - Activities of religious organizations
- #isic9492 - Activities of political organizations
- #isic9499 - Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
- #isic9900 - Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
Partnerships for this goal: For partners on commitments and initiatives to achieve this goal, check the “Partnerships for the SDG” UN Platform: Commitments for Goal 17. The register of ongoing initiatives.
Proposed indicators: Indicators for #sdg17.
17.1 Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection
17.2. Developed countries to implement fully their official development assistance commitments, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent ODA/GNI to developing countries and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries; ODA providers are encouraged to consider setting a target to provide at least 0.20 per cent of ODA/GNI to least developed countries.
17.3 Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
17.4 Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress
17.5 Adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for least developed countries
17.6 Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism.
17.7 Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed
17.8 Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology
Capacity building
17.9 Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
17.10 Promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under the World Trade Organization, including through the conclusion of negotiations under its Doha Development Agenda
17.11 Significantly increase the exports of developing countries, in particular with a view to doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports by 2020
17.12 Realize timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries, consistent with World Trade Organization decisions, including by ensuring that preferential rules of origin applicable to imports from least developed countries are transparent and simple, and contribute to facilitating market access
Policy and institutional coherence
17.13 Enhance global macroeconomic stability, including through policy coordination and policy coherence
17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
17.15 Respect each country’s policy space and leadership to establish and implement policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development
Multi-stakeholder partnerships
17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.17 Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships
Data, monitoring and accountability
17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts
17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries
Part V - Product and Service Hashtags - #CPC
About the Central Product Classification
#cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
#cpc1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water
#cpc2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products
#cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
#cpc4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment
#cpc5 - Constructions and construction services
#cpc6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, gas and water distribution services
#cpc7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services
#cpc8 - Business and production services
#cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
To I-#Tag - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
About the Central Product Classification #CPC
The Central Product Classification (CPC) constitutes a complete product classification covering goods and services. It serves as an international standard for assembling and tabulating all kinds of data requiring product detail, including industrial production, national accounts, service industries, domestic and foreign commodity trade, international trade in services, balance of payments, consumption and price statistics.
Statistics based on CPC Version 2.1 are useful in studying transactions in goods and services in detail and as a basis for developing lists of goods and services for specific purposes, such as price statistics surveys. It has broad acceptance as an international standard and facilitates the maintenance of constant categories of products.
The CPC was originally provided as a 618 page pdf document (in English only) here: Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1 (it is not available in print, nor are translations provided).
With the support of Wikinetix a #pdf2wiki conversion was performed during the winter of 2019.
Besides introducing the #CPC hashtags, the wiki version added these usability improvements:
- in order to support multi-lingual debate via social media and the easy retrieval of various contributions regarding a product or service #tagcoding hashtags were added for all sections, divisions, groups, classes, and sub-classes.
- all references to ISIC v4 classes were replaced with direct links to the ISIC class’ wiki pages.
- the ISIC class pages (and some other pages) got tagged with #cpc-codes and terms from the CPC classification such that the alphabetic #tagcoding tags for goods, services and bads (a Hashtag cloud) supports the discovery of #cpc-codes and the ISIC class that produces the service or product.
These improvements are also reflected in this e-book.
The sections of the Central Product Classification are:
- #cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
- #cpc1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water
- #cpc2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products
- #cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
- #cpc4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment
- #cpc5 - Constructions and construction services
- #cpc6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, gas and water distribution services
- #cpc7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services
- #cpc8 - Business and production services
- #cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
The descriptions of sub-classes, classes, groups and divisions are included for Division 92 - Education, but for the other sections, divisions, groups, classes and sub-classes we refer to their online description or to Hashtags for products and services.
#cpc0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc01 - Products of agriculture, horticulture and market gardening
- #cpc02 - Live animals and animal products (excluding meat)
- #cpc03 - Forestry and logging products
- #cpc04 - Fish and other fishing products
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 0 - Agriculture, forestry and fishery products.
#cpc1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc11 - Coal and peat
- #cpc12 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
- #cpc13 - Uranium and thorium ores and concentrates
- #cpc14 - Metal ores
- #cpc15 - Stone, sand and clay
- #cpc16 - Other minerals
- #cpc17 - Electricity, town gas, steam and hot water
- #cpc18 - Natural water
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 1 - Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water.
#cpc2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc21 - Meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, oils and fats
- #cpc22 - Dairy products and egg products
- #cpc23 - Grain mill products, starches and starch products; other food products
- #cpc24 - Beverages
- #cpc25 - Tobacco products
- #cpc26 - Yarn and thread; woven and tufted textile fabrics
- #cpc27 - Textile articles other than apparel
- #cpc28 - Knitted or crocheted fabrics; wearing apparel
- #cpc29 - Leather and leather products; footwear
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 2 - Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products.
#cpc3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc31 - Products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting materials
- #cpc32 - Pulp, paper and paper products; printed matter and related articles
- #cpc33 - Coke oven products; refined petroleum products; nuclear fuel
- #cpc34 - Basic chemicals
- #cpc35 - Other chemical products; man-made fibres
- #cpc36 - Rubber and plastics products
- #cpc37 - Glass and glass products and other non-metallic products n.e.c.
- #cpc38 - Furniture; other transportable goods n.e.c.
- #cpc39 - Wastes or scraps
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 3 - Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment.
#cpc4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc41 - Basic metals
- #cpc42 - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- #cpc43 - General-purpose machinery
- #cpc44 - Special-purpose machinery
- #cpc45 - Office, accounting and computing machinery
- #cpc46 - Electrical machinery and apparatus
- #cpc47 - Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus
- #cpc48 - Medical appliances, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks
- #cpc49 - Transport equipment
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 4 - Metal products, machinery and equipment.
#cpc5 - Constructions and construction services
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc53 - Constructions
- #cpc54 - Construction services
This section includes constructions and construction services. The former, in division 53, cover the physical outputs of construction activities (e.g., buildings or civil engineering works), while the latter, in division 54, cover the services provided in constructing these objects. A given unit produces just one of the two forms of output in a given production process (in division 53 if on own account, in division 54 if provided as a service). The valuation of the output will be different, according to the type of output produced.
The categories in division 54 that relate to the construction of complete objects follow the same structure as categories in division 53. Division 54 also covers additional outputs that are only produced on a service basis (special trades).
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 5 - Constructions and construction services.
#cpc6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, gas and water distribution services
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc61 - Wholesale trade services
- #cpc62 - Retail trade services
- #cpc63 - Accommodation, food and beverage services
- #cpc64 - Passenger transport services
- #cpc65 - Freight transport services
- #cpc66 - Rental services of transport vehicles with operators
- #cpc67 - Supporting transport services
- #cpc68 - Postal and courier services
- #cpc69 - Electricity, gas and water distribution (on own account)
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 6 - Distributive trade services; accommodation, food and beverage serving services; transport services; and electricity, gas and water distribution services.
#cpc7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc71 - Financial and related services
- #cpc72 - Real estate services
- #cpc73 - Leasing or rental services without operator
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 7 - Financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services.
#cpc8 - Business and production services
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc81 - Research and development services
- #cpc82 - Legal and accounting services
- #cpc83 - Professional, technical and business services (except research, development, legal and accounting services)
- #cpc84 - Telecommunications, broadcasting and information supply services
- #cpc85 - Support services
- #cpc86 - Support and operation services to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining and utilities
- #cpc87 - Maintenance, repair and installation (except construction) services
- #cpc88 - Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
- #cpc89 - Other manufacturing services; publishing, printing and reproduction services; materials recovery services
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 8 - Business and production services.
#cpc9 - Community, social and personal services
This section includes these divisions:
- #cpc91 - Public administration and other services provided to the community as a whole; compulsory social security services
- #cpc92 - Education services
- #cpc93 - Human health and social care services
- #cpc94 - Sewage and waste collection, treatment and disposal and other environmental protection services
- #cpc95 - Services of membership organizations
- #cpc96 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
- #cpc97 - Other services
- #cpc98 - Domestic services
- #cpc99 - Services provided by extraterritorial organizations and bodies
The descriptions of these divisions, and their groups, classes and sub-classes are included in the e-book “Hashtags for products and services” and can be consulted online via 9 - Community, social and personal services.
#cpc92 - Education services
- #cpc921 - Pre-primary education services
- #cpc922 - Primary education services
- #cpc923 - Secondary education services
- #cpc924 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services
- #cpc925 - Tertiary education services
- #cpc929 - Other education and training services and educational support services
#cpc921 - Pre-primary education services
#cpc9210 - Pre-primary education services
#cpc92100 - Pre-primary education services
This subclass includes: education services usually provided by nursery schools, kindergartens, pre-schools, centres for early childhood education, centres for infant education or special sections attached to primary schools. Pre-primary education (ISCED Level 0) is defined as the initial stage of organized instruction designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment, that is, to provide a bridge between the home and a school- based atmosphere.
This subclass also includes: services related to the provision of special education programmes at this educational level
This subclass does not include:
- recreational and vacation camps for children, cf. 63130
- child day-care services, cf. 93510
#cpc922 - Primary education services
#cpc9220 - Primary education services
#cpc92200 - Primary education services
This subclass includes: educational services provided at ISCED Level 1, which includes programmes designed to provide students with an initial basic education in reading, writing and mathematics along with an elementary understanding of other subjects such as history, geography, natural science, social science, art and music
This subclass also includes:
- services related to the provision of special education programmes at this educational level
- services related to the provision of literacy programmes for adults at this educational level
#cpc923 - Secondary education services
- #cpc9231 - Lower secondary education services, general
- #cpc9232 - Lower secondary education services, technical and vocational
- #cpc9233 - Upper secondary education services, general
- #cpc9234 - Upper secondary education services, technical and vocational
This group includes:
- educational services for secondary programmes that become increasingly specialized as a student moves from one level to the next. These programmes can be general or technical/vocational according to the following definitions:
- General programmes: Covers education which is not designed explicitly to prepare participants for a specific class of occupations or trades or for entry into further vocational or technical education programmes.
- Technical/Vocational: Covers education that prepares participants for direct entry, without further training, into specific occupations. Successful completion of such programmes leads to a labour-market relevant vocational qualification.
#cpc9231 - Lower secondary education services, general
#cpc92310 - Lower secondary education services, general
This subclass includes: educational services at ISCED Level 2 generally aiming to complete the provision of basic skills and knowledge of the primary level, although teaching is typically more subject-focused, often employing more specialized teachers who conduct classes in their field of specialization. These services cover education which is not designed explicitly to prepare participants for a specific class of occupations or trades or for entry into further vocational or technical education programmes.
This subclass also includes:
- services related to the provision of special education programmes at this educational level
- services related to the provision of literacy programmes for adults at this educational level
#cpc9232 - Lower secondary education services, technical and vocational
#cpc92320 - Lower secondary education services, technical and vocational
This subclass includes: educational services at ISCED Level 2 generally aiming to complete the provision of basic skills and knowledge of the primary level, although teaching is typically more subject-focused, often employing more specialized teachers who conduct classes in their field of specialization. These services cover education that prepares participants for direct entry, without further training, into specific occupations. Successful completion of such programmes leads to a labour-market relevant vocational qualification.
This subclass also includes: services related to the provision of special education programmes at this educational level
#cpc9233 - Upper secondary education services, general
#cpc92330 - Upper secondary education services, general
This subclass includes: educational services for programmes (ISCED Level 3), with a higher degree of specialization and where teachers are more qualified and specialized in their subjects when compared to Level 2. Often different streams and types of programmes are available at this level. Generally speaking, completion of Level 3 education is the minimum requirement for entry into tertiary education programmes. Services in this subclass cover education which is not designed explicitly to prepare participants for a specific class of occupations or trades or for entry into further vocational or technical education programmes.
#cpc9234 - Upper secondary education services, technical and vocational
#cpc92340 - Upper secondary education services, technical and vocational
This subclass includes: educational services for programmes (ISCED Level 3), with a higher degree of specialization and where teachers are more qualified and specialized in their subjects when compared to Level 2. Often different streams and types of programmes are available at this level. Generally speaking, completion of Level 3 education is the minimum requirement for entry into tertiary education programmes. Services in this subclass cover education that prepares participants for direct entry, without further training, into specific occupations. Successful completion of such programmes leads to a labour-market relevant vocational qualification.
#cpc924 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services
- #cpc9241 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, general
- #cpc9242 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, technical and vocational
#cpc9241 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, general
#cpc92410 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, general
This subclass includes: educational services for programmes (ISCED Level 4) which, while happening after students finish Upper Secondary education, cannot be considered tertiary education because content-wise these programmes are not significantly more advanced than those from Upper Secondary. They are either short vocational programmes that lead students to the labour market or programmes with substantial theoretical background instruction specifically designed to prepare students for entry to tertiary education in cases where they had previously followed a curriculum (in Level 3 above) that lacked elements needed to entitle them to enter tertiary education programmes. Services in this subclass cover education which is not designed explicitly to prepare participants for a specific class of occupations or trades or for entry into further vocational or technical education programmes.
#cpc9242 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, technical and vocational
#cpc92420 - Post-secondary non-tertiary education services, technical and vocational
This subclass includes: educational services for programmes (ISCED Level 4) which, while happening after students finish Upper Secondary education, cannot be considered tertiary education because content-wise these programmes are not significantly more advanced than those from Upper Secondary. They are either short vocational programmes that lead students to the labour market or programmes with substantial theoretical background instruction specifically designed to prepare students for entry to tertiary education in cases where they had previously followed a curriculum (in Level 3 above) that lacked elements needed to entitle them to enter tertiary education programmes. Services in this subclass cover education that prepares participants for direct entry, without further training, into specific occupations. Successful completion of such programmes leads to a labour-market relevant vocational qualification.
#cpc925 - Tertiary education services
- #cpc9251 - First stage tertiary education services
- #cpc9252 - Second stage tertiary education services
#cpc9251 - First stage tertiary education services
#cpc92510 - First stage tertiary education services
This subclass includes: education services leading to a university degree or equivalent. Such education services are offered in universities, colleges and similar institutions of higher education.
#cpc9252 - Second stage tertiary education services
#cpc92520 - Second stage tertiary education services
This subclass includes: education services for tertiary programmes which lead directly to an advanced research qualification, such as a doctoral degree.
#cpc929 - Other education and training services and educational support services
#cpc9291 - Other education and training services
- #cpc92911 - Cultural education services
- #cpc92912 - Sports and recreation education services
- #cpc92919 - Other education and training services, n.e.c.
#cpc92911 - Cultural education services
This subclass includes:
- piano and other music instruction
- art instruction
- dance instruction and dance studios
- art instruction except academic
- photography instruction
This subclass does not include: formal instruction on the above which leads to a professional diploma or degree, cf. 925
#cpc92912 - Sports and recreation education services
This subclass includes sports instruction services by sports camps and schools or by professional sports instructors, teachers or coaches to groups of individuals. It does not include the provision of such services by academic schools, colleges and universities.
This subclass includes:
- sports instruction (baseball, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, tennis, figure skating, etc.)
- camps, sports instruction
- gymnastics instruction
- riding instruction
- swimming instruction
- martial arts instruction
- card game instruction (such as bridge)
- yoga instruction
This subclass does not include:
- recreational or vacation camps that include sports training or instruction, cf. 63130
- incidental sports and recreation instruction by academic schools, colleges or universities, cf. 921- 925
#cpc92919 - Other education and training services, n.e.c.
This subclass includes:
- training for car, bus, lorry and motorcycle driving licences
- training for flying certificates and ship licences
- computer training services
- management training services
- services provided by music camps, science camps, computer camps and other instructional camps, except for sports
- education services not definable by level
This subclass does not include:
- services related to literacy programmes for adults, cf. 92200, 92310
- higher education services comparable to the regular education system, cf. 924, 925
- cultural education services other than academic, cf. 92911
- education services provided by instructors, coaches, etc., as part of sporting activities, cf. 92912
#cpc9292 - Educational support services
#cpc92920 - Educational support services
This subclass includes:
- non-instructional services that support educational processes or systems, such as:
- educational consulting
- educational guidance counselling services
- educational testing evaluation services
- educational testing services
- organization of student exchange programmes
Part VI - Hashtags for Local Government Units
States of the US with #USlgu hashtag
Counties per State with #USlgu hashtag
To I-#Tag - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
About #USlgu
State and county #USlgu hashtags are defined on the basis of the FIPS codes that were created by the US census.
The screenshot below shows part of the County-#USlgu cloud at the US #tags social capital wiki.
States of the US with #USlgu hashtag
#USlgu hashtag | Abbr. | State |
#US01 | AL | Alabama |
#US02 | AK | Alaska |
#US04 | AZ | Arizona |
#US05 | AR | Arkansas |
#US06 | CA | California |
#US08 | CO | Colorado |
#US09 | CT | Connecticut |
#US10 | DE | Delaware |
#US11 | DC | District of Columbia |
#US12 | FL | Florida |
#US13 | GA | Georgia |
#US15 | HI | Hawaii |
#US16 | ID | Idaho |
#US17 | IL | Illinois |
#US18 | IN | Indiana |
#US19 | IA | Iowa |
#US20 | KS | Kansas |
#US21 | KY | Kentucky |
#US22 | LA | Louisiana |
#US23 | ME | Maine |
#US24 | MD | Maryland |
#US25 | MA | Massachusetts |
#US26 | MI | Michigan |
#US27 | MN | Minnesota |
#US28 | MS | Mississippi |
#US29 | MO | Missouri |
#US30 | MT | Montana |
#US31 | NE | Nebraska |
#US32 | NV | Nevada |
#US33 | NH | New Hampshire |
#US34 | NJ | New Jersey |
#US35 | NM | New Mexico |
#US36 | NY | New York |
#US37 | NC | North Carolina |
#US38 | ND | North Dakota |
#US39 | OH | Ohio |
#US40 | OK | Oklahoma |
#US41 | OR | Oregon |
#US42 | PA | Pennsylvania |
#US44 | RI | Rhode Island |
#US45 | SC | South Carolina |
#US46 | SD | South Dakota |
#US47 | TN | Tennessee |
#US49 | UT | Utah |
#US50 | VT | Vermont |
#US51 | VA | Virginia |
#US53 | WA | Washington |
#US54 | WV | West Virginia |
#US55 | WI | Wisconsin |
#US56 | WY | Wyoming |
Counties per State with #USlgu hashtag
#US01 - Alabama
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US01001 | Autauga |
#US01003 | Baldwin |
#US01005 | Barbour |
#US01007 | Bibb |
#US01009 | Blount |
#US01011 | Bullock |
#US01013 | Butler |
#US01015 | Calhoun |
#US01017 | Chambers |
#US01019 | Cherokee |
#US01021 | Chilton |
#US01023 | Choctaw |
#US01025 | Clarke |
#US01027 | Clay |
#US01029 | Cleburne |
#US01031 | Coffee |
#US01033 | Colbert |
#US01035 | Conecuh |
#US01037 | Coosa |
#US01039 | Covington |
#US01041 | Crenshaw |
#US01043 | Cullman |
#US01045 | Dale |
#US01047 | Dallas |
#US01049 | Dekalb |
#US01051 | Elmore |
#US01053 | Escambia |
#US01055 | Etowah |
#US01057 | Fayette |
#US01059 | Franklin |
#US01061 | Geneva |
#US01063 | Greene |
#US01065 | Hale |
#US01067 | Henry |
#US01069 | Houston |
#US01071 | Jackson |
#US01073 | Jefferson |
#US01075 | Lamar |
#US01077 | Lauderdale |
#US01079 | Lawrence |
#US01081 | Lee |
#US01083 | Limestone |
#US01085 | Lowndes |
#US01087 | Macon |
#US01089 | Madison |
#US01091 | Marengo |
#US01093 | Marion |
#US01095 | Marshall |
#US01097 | Mobile |
#US01099 | Monroe |
#US01101 | Montgomery |
#US01103 | Morgan |
#US01105 | Perry |
#US01107 | Pickens |
#US01109 | Pike |
#US01111 | Randolph |
#US01113 | Russell |
#US01117 | Shelby |
#US01115 | St. Clair |
#US01119 | Sumter |
#US01121 | Talladega |
#US01123 | Tallapoosa |
#US01125 | Tuscaloosa |
#US01127 | Walker |
#US01129 | Washington |
#US01131 | Wilcox |
#US01133 | Winston |
#US02 - Alaska
#USlgu hashtag | Borough (B) or Census Area (C) |
#US02013 | Aleutians East (B) |
#US02016 | Aleutians West (C) |
#US02020 | Anchorage Municipality (B) |
#US02050 | Bethel (C) |
#US02060 | Bristol Bay (B) |
#US02068 | Denali Borough (B) |
#US02070 | Dillingham (C) |
#US02090 | Fairbanks North Star (B) |
#US02100 | Haines (B) |
#US02105 | Hoonah-Angoon (C) |
#US02110 | Juneau City (B) |
#US02122 | Kenai Peninsula (B) |
#US02130 | Ketchikan Gateway (B) |
#US02150 | Kodiak Island (B) |
#US02164 | Lake and Peninsula (B) |
#US02170 | Matanuska-Susitna (B) |
#US02180 | Nome (C) |
#US02185 | North Slope (B) |
#US02188 | Northwest Arctic (B) |
#US02195 | Petersburg (C) |
#US02198 | Prince of Wales-Hyder (C) |
#US02201 | Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchika |
#US02220 | Sitka City (B) |
#US02230 | Skagway Municipality |
#US02232 | Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon (C) |
#US02231 | Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon (C) |
#US02240 | Southeast Fairbanks (C) |
#US02261 | Valdez-Cordova (C) |
#US02270 | Wade Hampton (C) |
#US02275 | Wrangell City (B) |
#US02280 | Wrangell-Petersburg (B) |
#US02282 | Yakutat City (B) |
#US02290 | Yukon-Konyukuk (C) |
#US04 - Arizona
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US04001 | Apache |
#US04003 | Cochise |
#US04005 | Coconino |
#US04007 | Gila |
#US04009 | Graham |
#US04011 | Greenlee |
#US04012 | La Paz |
#US04013 | Maricopa |
#US04015 | Mohave |
#US04017 | Navajo |
#US04019 | Pima |
#US04021 | Pinal |
#US04023 | Santa Cruz |
#US04025 | Yavapai |
#US04027 | Yuma |
#US05 - Arkansas
#USlgu hashtag | County | |
#US05001 | Arkansas | |
#US05003 | Ashley | |
#US05005 | Baxter | |
#US05007 | Benton | |
#US05009 | Boone | |
#US05011 | Bradley | |
#US05013 | Calhoun | |
#US05015 | Carroll | |
#US05017 | Chicot | |
#US05019 | Clark | |
#US05021 | Clay | |
#US05023 | Cleburne | |
#US05025 | Cleveland | |
#US05027 | Columbia | |
#US05029 | Conway | |
#US05031 | Craighead | |
#US05033 | Crawford | |
#US05035 | Crittenden | |
#US05037 | Cross | |
#US05039 | Dallas | |
#US05041 | Desha | |
#US05043 | Drew | |
#US05045 | Faulkner | |
#US05047 | Franklin | |
#US05049 | Fulton | |
#US05051 | Garland | |
#US05053 | Rant | |
#US05055 | Greene | |
#US05057 | Hempstead | |
#US05059 | Hot Spring | |
#US05061 | Howard | |
#US05063 | Independence | |
#US05065 | Izard | |
#US05067 | Jackson | |
#US05069 | Jefferson | |
#US05071 | Johnson | |
#US05073 | Lafayette | |
#US05075 | Lawrence | |
#US05077 | Lee | |
#US05079 | Lincoln | |
#US05081 | Little River | |
#US05083 | Logan | |
#US05085 | Lonoke | |
#US05087 | Madison | |
#US05089 | Marion | |
#US05091 | Miller | |
#US05093 | Mississippi | |
#US05095 | Monroe | |
#US05097 | Montgomery | |
#US05099 | Nevada | |
#US050101 | Newton | |
#US050103 | Ouachita | |
#US050105 | Perry | |
#US050107 | Phillips | |
#US050109 | Pike | |
#US050111 | Poinsett | |
#US050113 | Polk | |
#US050115 | Pope | |
#US050117 | Prairie | |
#US050119 | Pulaski | |
#US050121 | Randolph | |
#US055125 | Saline | |
#US050127 | Scott | |
#US050129 | Searcy | |
#US050131 | Sebastian | |
#US050133 | Sevier | |
#US050135 | Sharp | |
#US050123 | St. Francis | |
#US050137 | Stone | |
#US050139 | Union | |
#US055141 | Van Buren | |
#US050143 | Washington | |
#US050145 | White | |
#US050147 | Woodruff | |
#US050149 | Yell |
#US06 - California
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US06001 | Alameda |
#US06003 | Alpine |
#US06005 | Amador |
#US06007 | Butte |
#US06009 | Calaveras |
#US06011 | Colusa |
#US06013 | Contra Costa |
#US06015 | Del Norte |
#US06017 | El Dorado |
#US06019 | Fresno |
#US06021 | Glenn |
#US06023 | Humboldt |
#US06025 | Imperial |
#US06027 | Inyo |
#US06029 | Kern |
#US06031 | Kings |
#US06033 | Lake |
#US06035 | Lassen |
#US06037 | Los Angeles |
#US06039 | Madera |
#US06041 | Marin |
#US06043 | Mariposa |
#US06045 | Mendocino |
#US06047 | Merced |
#US06049 | Modoc |
#US06051 | Mono |
#US06053 | Monterey |
#US06055 | Napa |
#US06057 | Nevada |
#US06059 | Orange |
#US06061 | Placer |
#US06063 | Plumas |
#US06065 | Riverside |
#US06067 | Sacramento |
#US06069 | San Benito |
#US06071 | San Bernardino |
#US06073 | San Diego |
#US06075 | San Francisco |
#US06077 | San Joaquin |
#US06079 | San Luis Obispo |
#US06081 | San Mateo |
#US06083 | Santa Barbara |
#US06085 | Santa Clara |
#US06087 | Santa Cruz |
#US06089 | Shasta |
#US06091 | Sierra |
#US06093 | Siskiyou |
#US06095 | Solano |
#US06097 | Sonoma |
#US06099 | Stanislaus |
#US06101 | Sutter |
#US06103 | Tehama |
#US06105 | Trinity |
#US06107 | Tulare |
#US06109 | Tuolumne |
#US06111 | Ventura |
#US06113 | Yolo |
#US06115 | Yuba |
#US08 - Colorado
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US08001 | Adams |
#US08003 | Alamosa |
#US08005 | Arapahoe |
#US08007 | Archuleta |
#US08009 | Baca |
#US08011 | Bent |
#US08013 | Boulder |
#US08015 | Chaffee |
#US08017 | Cheyenne |
#US08019 | Clear Creek |
#US08021 | Conejos |
#US08023 | Costilla |
#US08025 | Crowley |
#US08027 | Custer |
#US08029 | Delta |
#US08031 | Denver |
#US08033 | Dolores |
#US08035 | Douglas |
#US08037 | Eagle |
#US08041 | El Paso |
#US08039 | Elbert |
#US08043 | Fremont |
#US08045 | Garfield |
#US08047 | Gilpin |
#US08049 | Grand |
#US08051 | Gunnison |
#US08053 | Hinsdale |
#US08055 | Huerfano |
#US08057 | Jackson |
#US08059 | Jefferson |
#US08061 | Kiowa |
#US08063 | Kit Carson |
#US08067 | La Plata |
#US08065 | Lake |
#US08069 | Larimer |
#US08071 | Las Animas |
#US08073 | Lincoln |
#US08075 | Logan |
#US08077 | Mesa |
#US08079 | Mineral |
#US08081 | Moffat |
#US08083 | Montezuma |
#US08085 | Montrose |
#US08087 | Morgan |
#US08089 | Otero |
#US08091 | Ouray |
#US08093 | Park |
#US08095 | Phillips |
#US08097 | Pitkin |
#US08099 | Prowers |
#US08101 | Pueblo |
#US08103 | Rio Blanco |
#US08105 | Rio Grande |
#US08107 | Routt |
#US08109 | Saguache |
#US08111 | San Juan |
#US08113 | San Miguel |
#US08115 | Sedgwick |
#US08117 | Summit |
#US08119 | Teller |
#US08121 | Washington |
#US08123 | Weld |
#US08125 | Yuma |
#US09 - Connecticut
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US09001 | Fairfield |
#US09003 | Hartford |
#US09005 | Litchfield |
#US09007 | Middlesex |
#US09009 | New Haven |
#US09011 | New London |
#US09013 | Tolland |
#US09015 | Windham |
#US10 - Delaware
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US10001 | Kent |
#US10003 | New Castle |
#US10005 | Sussex |
#US11 - District of Columbia
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US11001 | District of Columbia |
#US12 - Florida
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US12001 | Alachua |
#US12003 | Baker |
#US12005 | Bay |
#US12007 | Bradford |
#US12009 | Brevard |
#US12011 | Broward |
#US12013 | Calhoun |
#US12015 | Charlotte |
#US12017 | Citrus |
#US12019 | Clay |
#US12021 | Collier |
#US12023 | Columbia |
#US12025 | Dade |
#US12027 | Desoto |
#US12029 | Dixie |
#US12031 | Duval |
#US12033 | Escambia |
#US12035 | Flagler |
#US12037 | Franklin |
#US12039 | Gadsden |
#US12041 | Gilchrist |
#US12043 | Glades |
#US12045 | Gulf |
#US12047 | Hamilton |
#US12049 | Hardee |
#US12051 | Hendry |
#US12053 | Hernando |
#US12055 | Highlands |
#US12057 | Hillsborough |
#US12059 | Holmes |
#US12061 | Indian River |
#US12063 | Jackson |
#US12065 | Jefferson |
#US12067 | Lafayette |
#US12069 | Lake |
#US12071 | Lee |
#US12073 | Leon |
#US12075 | Levy |
#US12077 | Liberty |
#US12079 | Madison |
#US12081 | Manatee |
#US12083 | Marion |
#US12085 | Martin |
#US12087 | Monroe |
#US12089 | Nassau |
#US12091 | Okaloosa |
#US12093 | Okeechobee |
#US12095 | Orange |
#US12097 | Osceola |
#US12099 | Palm Beach |
#US12101 | Pasco |
#US12103 | Pinellas |
#US12105 | Polk |
#US12107 | Putnam |
#US12113 | Santa Rosa |
#US12115 | Sarasota |
#US12117 | Seminole |
#US12109 | St. Johns |
#US12111 | St. Lucie |
#US12119 | Sumter |
#US12121 | Suwannee |
#US12123 | Taylor |
#US12125 | Union |
#US12127 | Volusia |
#US12129 | Wakulla |
#US12131 | Walton |
#US12133 | Washington |
#US13 - Georgia
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US13001 | Appling |
#US13003 | Atkinson |
#US13005 | Bacon |
#US13007 | Baker |
#US13009 | Baldwin |
#US13011 | Banks |
#US13013 | Barrow |
#US13015 | Bartow |
#US13017 | Ben Hill |
#US13019 | Berrien |
#US13021 | Bibb |
#US13023 | Bleckley |
#US13025 | Brantley |
#US13027 | Brooks |
#US13029 | Bryan |
#US13031 | Bulloch |
#US13033 | Burke |
#US13035 | Butts |
#US13037 | Calhoun |
#US13039 | Camden |
#US13043 | Candler |
#US13045 | Carroll |
#US13047 | Catoosa |
#US13049 | Charlton |
#US13051 | Chatham |
#US13053 | Chattahoochee |
#US13055 | Chattooga |
#US13057 | Cherokee |
#US13059 | Clarke |
#US13061 | Clay |
#US13063 | Clayton |
#US13065 | Clinch |
#US13067 | Cobb |
#US13069 | Coffee |
#US13071 | Colquitt |
#US13073 | Columbia |
#US13075 | Cook |
#US13077 | Coweta |
#US13079 | Crawford |
#US13081 | Crisp |
#US13083 | Dade |
#US13085 | Dawson |
#US13087 | Decatur |
#US13089 | Dekalb |
#US13091 | Dodge |
#US13093 | Dooly |
#US13095 | Dougherty |
#US13097 | Douglas |
#US13099 | Early |
#US13101 | Echols |
#US13103 | Effingham |
#US13105 | Elbert |
#US13107 | Emanuel |
#US13109 | Evans |
#US13111 | Fannin |
#US13113 | Fayette |
#US13115 | Floyd |
#US13117 | Forsyth |
#US13119 | Franklin |
#US13121 | Fulton |
#US13123 | Gilmer |
#US13125 | Glascock |
#US13127 | Glynn |
#US13129 | Gordon |
#US13131 | Grady |
#US13133 | Greene |
#US13135 | Gwinnett |
#US13137 | Habersham |
#US13139 | Hall |
#US13141 | Hancock |
#US13143 | Haralson |
#US13145 | Harris |
#US13147 | Hart |
#US13149 | Heard |
#US13151 | Henry |
#US13153 | Houston |
#US13155 | Irwin |
#US13157 | Jackson |
#US13159 | Jasper |
#US13161 | Jeff Davis |
#US13163 | Jefferson |
#US13165 | Jenkins |
#US13167 | Johnson |
#US13169 | Jones |
#US13171 | Lamar |
#US13173 | Lanier |
#US13175 | Laurens |
#US13177 | Lee |
#US13179 | Liberty |
#US13181 | Lincoln |
#US13183 | Long |
#US13185 | Lowndes |
#US13187 | Lumpkin |
#US13193 | Macon |
#US13195 | Madison |
#US13197 | Marion |
#US13189 | McDuffie |
#US13191 | McIntosh |
#US13199 | Meriwether |
#US13201 | Miller |
#US13205 | Mitchell |
#US13207 | Monroe |
#US13209 | Montgomery |
#US13211 | Morgan |
#US13213 | Murray |
#US13215 | Muscogee |
#US13217 | Newton |
#US13219 | Oconee |
#US13221 | Oglethorpe |
#US13223 | Paulding |
#US13225 | Peach |
#US13227 | Pickens |
#US13229 | Pierce |
#US13231 | Pike |
#US13233 | Polk |
#US13235 | Pulaski |
#US13237 | Putnam |
#US13239 | Quitman |
#US13241 | Rabun |
#US13243 | Randolph |
#US13245 | Richmond |
#US13247 | Rockdale |
#US13249 | Schley |
#US13251 | Screven |
#US13253 | Seminole |
#US13255 | Spalding |
#US13257 | Stephens |
#US13259 | Stewart |
#US13261 | Sumter |
#US13263 | Talbot |
#US13265 | Taliaferro |
#US13267 | Tattnall |
#US13269 | Taylor |
#US13271 | Telfair |
#US13273 | Terrell |
#US13275 | Thomas |
#US13277 | Tift |
#US13279 | Toombs |
#US13281 | Towns |
#US13283 | Treutlen |
#US13285 | Troup |
#US13287 | Turner |
#US13289 | Twiggs |
#US13291 | Union |
#US13293 | Upson |
#US13295 | Walker |
#US13297 | Walton |
#US13299 | Ware |
#US13301 | Warren |
#US13303 | Washington |
#US13305 | Wayne |
#US13307 | Webster |
#US13309 | Wheeler |
#US13311 | White |
#US13313 | Whitfield |
#US13315 | Wilcox |
#US13317 | Wilkes |
#US13319 | Wilkinson |
#US13321 | Worth |
#US15 - Hawaii
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US15001 | Hawaii |
#US15003 | Honolulu |
#US15005 | Kalawao |
#US15007 | Kauai |
#US15009 | Maui |
#US16 - Idaho
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US16001 | Ada |
#US16003 | Adams |
#US16005 | Bannock |
#US16007 | Bear Lake |
#US16009 | Benewah |
#US16011 | Bingham |
#US16013 | Blaine |
#US16015 | Boise |
#US16017 | Bonner |
#US16019 | Bonneville |
#US16021 | Boundary |
#US16023 | Butte |
#US16025 | Camas |
#US16027 | Canyon |
#US16029 | Caribou |
#US16031 | Cassia |
#US16033 | Clark |
#US16035 | Clearwater |
#US16037 | Custer |
#US16039 | Elmore |
#US16041 | Franklin |
#US16043 | Fremont |
#US16045 | Gem |
#US16047 | Gooding |
#US16049 | Idaho |
#US16051 | Jefferson |
#US16053 | Jerome |
#US16055 | Kootenai |
#US16057 | Latah |
#US16059 | Lemhi |
#US16061 | Lewis |
#US16063 | Lincoln |
#US16065 | Madison |
#US16067 | Minidoka |
#US16069 | Nez Perce |
#US16071 | Oneida |
#US16073 | Owyhee |
#US16075 | Payette |
#US16077 | Power |
#US16079 | Shoshone |
#US16081 | Teton |
#US16083 | Twin Falls |
#US16085 | Valley |
#US16087 | Washington |
#US17 - Illinois
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US17001 | Adams |
#US17003 | Alexander |
#US17005 | Bond |
#US17007 | Boone |
#US17009 | Brown |
#US17011 | Bureau |
#US17013 | Calhoun |
#US17015 | Carroll |
#US17017 | Cass |
#US17019 | Champaign |
#US17021 | Christian |
#US17023 | Clark |
#US17025 | Clay |
#US17027 | Clinton |
#US17029 | Coles |
#US17031 | Cook |
#US17033 | Crawford |
#US17035 | Cumberland |
#US17037 | Dekalb |
#US17039 | De Witt |
#US17041 | Douglas |
#US17043 | Dupage |
#US17045 | Edgar |
#US17047 | Edwards |
#US17049 | Effingham |
#US17051 | Fayette |
#US17053 | Ford |
#US17055 | Franklin |
#US17057 | Fulton |
#US17059 | Gallatin |
#US17061 | Greene |
#US17063 | Grundy |
#US17065 | Hamilton |
#US17067 | Hancock |
#US17069 | Hardin |
#US17071 | Henderson |
#US17073 | Henry |
#US17075 | Iroquois |
#US17077 | Jackson |
#US17079 | Jasper |
#US17081 | Jefferson |
#US17083 | Jersey |
#US17085 | Jo Daviess |
#US17087 | Johnson |
#US17089 | Kane |
#US17091 | Kankakee |
#US17093 | Kendall |
#US17095 | Knox |
#US17099 | La Salle |
#US17097 | Lake |
#US17101 | Lawrence |
#US17103 | Lee |
#US17105 | Livingston |
#US17107 | Logan |
#US17115 | Macon |
#US17117 | Macoupin |
#US17119 | Madison |
#US17121 | Marion |
#US17123 | Marshall |
#US17125 | Mason |
#US17127 | Massac |
#US17109 | McDonough |
#US17111 | McHenry |
#US17113 | McLean |
#US17129 | Menard |
#US17131 | Mercer |
#US17133 | Monroe |
#US17135 | Montgomery |
#US17137 | Morgan |
#US17139 | Moultrie |
#US17141 | Ogle |
#US17143 | Peoria |
#US17145 | Perry |
#US17147 | Piatt |
#US17149 | Pike |
#US17151 | Pope |
#US17153 | Pulaski |
#US17155 | Putnam |
#US17157 | Randolph |
#US17159 | Richland |
#US17161 | Rock Island |
#US17165 | Saline |
#US17167 | Sangamon |
#US17169 | Schuyler |
#US17171 | Scott |
#US17173 | Shelby |
#US17163 | St. Clair |
#US17175 | Stark |
#US17177 | Stephenson |
#US17179 | Tazewell |
#US17181 | Union |
#US17183 | Vermilion |
#US17185 | Wabash |
#US17187 | Warren |
#US17189 | Washington |
#US17191 | Wayne |
#US17193 | White |
#US17195 | Whiteside |
#US17197 | Will |
#US17199 | Williamson |
#US17201 | Winnebago |
#US17203 | Woodford |
#US18 - Indiana
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US18001 | Adams |
#US18003 | Allen |
#US18005 | Bartholomew |
#US18007 | Benton |
#US18009 | Blackford |
#US18011 | Boone |
#US18013 | Brown |
#US18015 | Carroll |
#US18017 | Cass |
#US18019 | Clark |
#US18021 | Clay |
#US18023 | Clinton |
#US18025 | Crawford |
#US18027 | Daviess |
#US18033 | De Kalb |
#US18029 | Dearborn |
#US18031 | Decatur |
#US18035 | Delaware |
#US18037 | Dubois |
#US18039 | Elkhart |
#US18041 | Fayette |
#US18043 | Floyd |
#US18045 | Fountain |
#US18047 | Franklin |
#US18049 | Fulton |
#US18051 | Gibson |
#US18053 | Grant |
#US18055 | Greene |
#US18057 | Hamilton |
#US18059 | Hancock |
#US18061 | Harrison |
#US18063 | Hendricks |
#US18065 | Henry |
#US18067 | Howard |
#US18069 | Huntington |
#US18071 | Jackson |
#US18073 | Jasper |
#US18075 | Jay |
#US18077 | Jefferson |
#US18079 | Jennings |
#US18081 | Johnson |
#US18083 | Knox |
#US18085 | Kosciusko |
#US18091 | La Porte |
#US18087 | Lagrange |
#US18089 | Lake |
#US18093 | Lawrence |
#US18095 | Madison |
#US18097 | Marion |
#US18099 | Marshall |
#US18101 | Martin |
#US18103 | Miami |
#US18105 | Monroe |
#US18107 | Montgomery |
#US18109 | Morgan |
#US18111 | Newton |
#US18113 | Noble |
#US18115 | Ohio |
#US18117 | Orange |
#US18119 | Owen |
#US18121 | Parke |
#US18123 | Perry |
#US18125 | Pike |
#US18127 | Porter |
#US18129 | Posey |
#US18131 | Pulaski |
#US18133 | Putnam |
#US18135 | Randolph |
#US18137 | Ripley |
#US18139 | Rush |
#US18143 | Scott |
#US18145 | Shelby |
#US18147 | Spencer |
#US18141 | St. Joseph |
#US18149 | Starke |
#US18151 | Steuben |
#US18153 | Sullivan |
#US18155 | Switzerland |
#US18157 | Tippecanoe |
#US18159 | Tipton |
#US18161 | Union |
#US18163 | Vanderburgh |
#US18165 | Vermillion |
#US18167 | Vigo |
#US18169 | Wabash |
#US18171 | Warren |
#US18173 | Warrick |
#US18175 | Washington |
#US18177 | Wayne |
#US18179 | Wells |
#US18181 | White |
#US18183 | Whitley |
#US19 - Iowa
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US19001 | Adair |
#US19003 | Adams |
#US19005 | Allamakee |
#US19007 | Appanoose |
#US19009 | Audubon |
#US19011 | Benton |
#US19013 | Black Hawk |
#US19015 | Boone |
#US19017 | Bremer |
#US19019 | Buchanan |
#US19021 | Buena Vista |
#US19023 | Butler |
#US19025 | Calhoun |
#US19027 | Carroll |
#US19029 | Cass |
#US19031 | Cedar |
#US19033 | Cerro Gordo |
#US19035 | Cherokee |
#US19037 | Chickasaw |
#US19039 | Clarke |
#US19041 | Clay |
#US19043 | Clayton |
#US19045 | Clinton |
#US19047 | Crawford |
#US19049 | Dallas |
#US19051 | Davis |
#US19053 | Decatur |
#US19055 | Delaware |
#US19057 | Des Moines |
#US19059 | Dickinson |
#US19061 | Dubuque |
#US19063 | Emmet |
#US19065 | Fayette |
#US19067 | Floyd |
#US19069 | Franklin |
#US19071 | Fremont |
#US19073 | Greene |
#US19075 | Grundy |
#US19077 | Guthrie |
#US19079 | Hamilton |
#US19081 | Hancock |
#US19083 | Hardin |
#US19085 | Harrison |
#US19087 | Henry |
#US19089 | Howard |
#US19091 | Humboldt |
#US19093 | Ida |
#US19095 | Iowa |
#US19097 | Jackson |
#US19099 | Jasper |
#US19101 | Jefferson |
#US19103 | Johnson |
#US19105 | Jones |
#US19107 | Keokuk |
#US19109 | Kossuth |
#US19111 | Lee |
#US19113 | Linn |
#US19115 | Louisa |
#US19117 | Lucas |
#US19119 | Lyon |
#US19121 | Madison |
#US19123 | Mahaska |
#US19125 | Marion |
#US19127 | Marshall |
#US19129 | Mills |
#US19131 | Mitchell |
#US19133 | Monona |
#US19135 | Monroe |
#US19137 | Montgomery |
#US19139 | Muscatine |
#US19141 | O’Brien |
#US19143 | Osceola |
#US19145 | Page |
#US19147 | Palo Alto |
#US19149 | Plymouth |
#US19151 | Pocahontas |
#US19153 | Polk |
#US19155 | Pottawattamie |
#US19157 | Poweshiek |
#US19159 | Ringgold |
#US19161 | Sac |
#US19163 | Scott |
#US19165 | Shelby |
#US19167 | Sioux |
#US19169 | Story |
#US19171 | Tama |
#US19173 | Taylor |
#US19175 | Union |
#US19177 | Van Buren |
#US19179 | Wapello |
#US19181 | Warren |
#US19183 | Washington |
#US19185 | Wayne |
#US19187 | Webster |
#US19189 | Winnebago |
#US19191 | Winneshiek |
#US19193 | Woodbury |
#US19195 | Worth |
#US19197 | Wright |
#US20 - Kansas
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US20001 | Allen |
#US20003 | Anderson |
#US20005 | Atchison |
#US20007 | Barber |
#US20009 | Barton |
#US20011 | Bourbon |
#US20013 | Brown |
#US20015 | Butler |
#US20017 | Chase |
#US20019 | Chautauqua |
#US20021 | Cherokee |
#US20023 | Cheyenne |
#US20025 | Clark |
#US20027 | Clay |
#US20029 | Cloud |
#US20031 | Coffey |
#US20033 | Comanche |
#US20035 | Cowley |
#US20037 | Crawford |
#US20039 | Decatur |
#US20041 | Dickinson |
#US20043 | Doniphan |
#US20045 | Doughlas |
#US20047 | Edwards |
#US20049 | Elk |
#US20051 | Ellis |
#US20053 | Ellsworth |
#US20055 | Finney |
#US20057 | Ford |
#US20059 | Franklin |
#US20061 | Geary |
#US20063 | Gove |
#US20065 | Graham |
#US20067 | Grant |
#US20069 | Gray |
#US20071 | Greeley |
#US20073 | Greenwood |
#US20075 | Hamilton |
#US20077 | Harper |
#US20079 | Harvey |
#US20081 | Haskell |
#US20083 | Hodgeman |
#US20085 | Jackson |
#US20087 | Jefferson |
#US20089 | Jewell |
#US20091 | Johnson |
#US20093 | Kearny |
#US20095 | Kingman |
#US20097 | Kiowa |
#US20099 | Labette |
#US20101 | Lane |
#US20103 | Leavenworth |
#US20105 | Lincoln |
#US20107 | Linn |
#US20109 | Logan |
#US20111 | Lyon |
#US20115 | Marion |
#US20117 | Marshall |
#US20113 | McPherson |
#US20119 | Meade |
#US20121 | Miami |
#US20123 | Mitchell |
#US20125 | Montgomery |
#US20127 | Morris |
#US20129 | Morton |
#US20131 | Nemaha |
#US20133 | Neosho |
#US20135 | Ness |
#US20137 | Norton |
#US20139 | Osage |
#US20141 | Osborne |
#US20143 | Ottawa |
#US20145 | Pawnee |
#US20147 | Phillips |
#US20149 | Pottawatomie |
#US20151 | Pratt |
#US20153 | Rawlins |
#US20155 | Reno |
#US20157 | Republic |
#US20159 | Rice |
#US20161 | Riley |
#US20163 | Rooks |
#US20165 | Rush |
#US20167 | Russell |
#US20169 | Saline |
#US20171 | Scott |
#US20173 | Sedgwick |
#US20175 | Seward |
#US20177 | Shawnee |
#US20179 | Sheridan |
#US20181 | Sherman |
#US20183 | Smith |
#US20185 | Stafford |
#US20187 | Stanton |
#US20189 | Stevens |
#US20191 | Sumner |
#US20193 | Thomas |
#US20195 | Trego |
#US20197 | Wabaunsee |
#US20199 | Wallace |
#US20201 | Washington |
#US20203 | Wichita |
#US20205 | Wilson |
#US20207 | Woodson |
#US20209 | Wyandotte |
#US21 - Kentucky
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US21001 | Adair |
#US21003 | Allen |
#US21005 | Anderson |
#US21007 | Ballard |
#US21009 | Barren |
#US21011 | Bath |
#US21013 | Bell |
#US21015 | Boone |
#US21017 | Bourbon |
#US21019 | Boyd |
#US21021 | Boyle |
#US21023 | Bracken |
#US21025 | Breathitt |
#US21027 | Breckinridge |
#US21029 | Bullitt |
#US21031 | Butler |
#US21033 | Caldwell |
#US21035 | Calloway |
#US21037 | Campbell |
#US21039 | Carlisle |
#US21041 | Carroll |
#US21043 | Carter |
#US21045 | Casey |
#US21047 | Christian |
#US21049 | Clark |
#US21051 | Clay |
#US21053 | Clinton |
#US21055 | Crittenden |
#US21057 | Cumberland |
#US21059 | Daviess |
#US21061 | Edmonson |
#US21063 | Elliott |
#US21065 | Estill |
#US21067 | Fayette |
#US21069 | Fleming |
#US21071 | Floyd |
#US21073 | Franklin |
#US21075 | Fulton |
#US21077 | Gallatin |
#US21079 | Garrard |
#US21081 | Grant |
#US21083 | Graves |
#US21085 | Grayson |
#US21087 | Green |
#US21089 | Greenup |
#US21091 | Hancock |
#US21093 | Hardin |
#US21095 | Harlan |
#US21097 | Harrison |
#US21099 | Hart |
#US21101 | Henderson |
#US21103 | Henry |
#US21105 | Hickman |
#US21107 | Hopkins |
#US21109 | Jackson |
#US21111 | Jefferson |
#US21113 | Jessamine |
#US21115 | Johnson |
#US21117 | Kenton |
#US21119 | Knott |
#US21121 | Knox |
#US21123 | Larue |
#US21125 | Laurel |
#US21127 | Lawrence |
#US21129 | Lee |
#US21131 | Leslie |
#US21133 | Letcher |
#US21135 | Lewis |
#US21137 | Lincoln |
#US21139 | Livingston |
#US21141 | Logan |
#US21143 | Lyon |
#US21151 | Madison |
#US21153 | Magoffin |
#US21155 | Marion |
#US21157 | Marshall |
#US21159 | Martin |
#US21161 | Mason |
#US21145 | McCracken |
#US21147 | McCreary |
#US21149 | McLean |
#US21163 | Meade |
#US21165 | Menifee |
#US21167 | Mercer |
#US21169 | Metcalfe |
#US21171 | Monroe |
#US21173 | Montgomery |
#US21175 | Morgan |
#US21177 | Muhlenberg |
#US21179 | Nelson |
#US21181 | Nicholas |
#US21183 | Ohio |
#US21185 | Oldham |
#US21187 | Owen |
#US21189 | Owsley |
#US21191 | Pendleton |
#US21193 | Perry |
#US21195 | Pike |
#US21197 | Powell |
#US21199 | Pulaski |
#US21201 | Robertson |
#US21203 | Rockcastle |
#US21205 | Rowan |
#US21207 | Russell |
#US21209 | Scott |
#US21211 | Shelby |
#US21213 | Simpson |
#US21215 | Spencer |
#US21217 | Taylor |
#US21219 | Todd |
#US21221 | Trigg |
#US21223 | Trimble |
#US21225 | Union |
#US21227 | Warren |
#US21229 | Washington |
#US21231 | Wayne |
#US21233 | Webster |
#US21235 | Whitley |
#US21237 | Wolfe |
#US21239 | Woodford |
#US22 - Louisiana
#USlgu hashtag | Parish |
#US22001 | Acadia |
#US22003 | Allen |
#US22005 | Ascension |
#US22007 | Assumption |
#US22009 | Avoyelles |
#US22011 | Beauregard |
#US22013 | Bienville |
#US22015 | Bossier |
#US22017 | Caddo |
#US22019 | Calcasieu |
#US22021 | Caldwell |
#US22023 | Cameron |
#US22025 | Catahoula |
#US22027 | Claiborne |
#US22029 | Concordia |
#US22031 | DeSoto |
#US22033 | East Baton |
#US22035 | East Carroll |
#US22037 | East Feliciana |
#US22039 | Evangeline |
#US22041 | Franklin |
#US22043 | Grant |
#US22045 | Iberia |
#US22047 | Iberville |
#US22051 | Jackson |
#US22053 | Jefferson Davis |
#US22055 | Lafayette |
#US22057 | Lafourche |
#US22059 | LaSalle |
#US22061 | Lincoln |
#US22063 | Livingston |
#US22065 | Madison |
#US22067 | Morehouse |
#US22069 | Natchitoches |
#US22071 | Orleans |
#US22073 | Ouachita |
#US22075 | Plaquemines |
#US22077 | Pointe Coupee |
#US22079 | Rapides |
#US22081 | Red River |
#US22083 | Richland |
#US22085 | Sabine |
#US22087 | St. Bernard |
#US22089 | St. Charles |
#US22091 | St. Helena |
#US22093 | St. James |
#US22095 | St. John the Baptist |
#US22097 | St. Landry |
#US22099 | St. Martin |
#US22101 | St. Mary |
#US22103 | St. Tammany |
#US22105 | Tangipahoa |
#US22107 | Tensas |
#US22109 | Terrebonne |
#US22111 | Union |
#US22113 | Vermilion |
#US22115 | Vernon |
#US22117 | Washington |
#US22119 | Webster |
#US22121 | West Baton Rouge |
#US22123 | West Carroll |
#US22125 | West Feliciana |
#US22127 | Winn |
#US23 - Maine
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US23001 | Androscoggin |
#US23003 | Aroostook |
#US23005 | Cumberland |
#US23007 | Franklin |
#US23009 | Hancock |
#US23011 | Kennebec |
#US23013 | Knox |
#US23015 | Lincoln |
#US23017 | Oxford |
#US23019 | Penobscot |
#US23021 | Piscataquis |
#US23023 | Sagadahoc |
#US23025 | Somerset |
#US23027 | Waldo |
#US23029 | Washington |
#US23031 | York |
#US24 - Maryland
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US24001 | Allegany |
#US24003 | Anne Arundel |
#US24005 | Baltimore County |
#US24010 | Baltimore City |
#US24009 | Calvert |
#US24011 | Caroline |
#US24013 | Carroll |
#US24015 | Cecil |
#US24017 | Charles |
#US24019 | Dorchester |
#US24021 | Frederick |
#US24023 | Garrett |
#US24025 | Harford |
#US24027 | Howard |
#US24029 | Kent |
#US24031 | Montgomery |
#US24033 | Prince George’s |
#US24035 | Queen Anne’s |
#US24039 | Somerset |
#US24037 | St. Mary’s |
#US24041 | Talbot |
#US24043 | Washington |
#US24045 | Wicomico |
#US24047 | Worcester |
#US25 - Massachusetts
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US25001 | Barnstable |
#US25003 | Berkshire |
#US25005 | Bristol |
#US25007 | Dukes |
#US25009 | Essex |
#US25011 | Franklin |
#US25013 | Hampden |
#US25015 | Hampshire |
#US25017 | Middlesex |
#US25019 | Nantucket |
#US25021 | Norfolk |
#US25023 | Plymouth |
#US25025 | Suffolk |
#US25027 | Worcester |
#US26 - Michigan
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US26001 | Alcona |
#US26003 | Alger |
#US26005 | Allegan |
#US26007 | Alpena |
#US26009 | Antrim |
#US26011 | Arenac |
#US26013 | Baraga |
#US26015 | Barry |
#US26017 | Bay |
#US26019 | Benzie |
#US26021 | Berrien |
#US26023 | Branch |
#US26025 | Calhoun |
#US26027 | Cass |
#US26029 | Charlevoix |
#US26031 | Cheboygan |
#US26033 | Chippewa |
#US26035 | Clare |
#US26037 | Clinton |
#US26039 | Crawford |
#US26041 | Delta |
#US26043 | Dickinson |
#US26045 | Eaton |
#US26047 | Emmet |
#US26049 | Genesee |
#US26051 | Gladwin |
#US26053 | Gogebic |
#US26055 | Grand Traverse |
#US26057 | Gratiot |
#US26059 | Hillsdale |
#US26061 | Houghton |
#US26063 | Huron |
#US26065 | Ingham |
#US26067 | Ionia |
#US26069 | Iosco |
#US26071 | Iron |
#US26073 | Isabella |
#US26075 | Jackson |
#US26077 | Kalamazoo |
#US26079 | Kalkaska |
#US26081 | Kent |
#US26083 | Keweenaw |
#US26085 | Lake |
#US26087 | Lapeer |
#US26089 | Leelanau |
#US26091 | Lenawee |
#US26093 | Livingston |
#US26095 | Luce |
#US26097 | Mackinac |
#US26099 | Macomb |
#US26101 | Manistee |
#US26103 | Marquette |
#US26105 | Mason |
#US26107 | Mecosta |
#US26109 | Menominee |
#US26111 | Midland |
#US26113 | Missaukee |
#US26115 | Monroe |
#US26117 | Montcalm |
#US26119 | Montmorency |
#US26121 | Muskegon |
#US26123 | Newaygo |
#US26125 | Oakland |
#US26127 | Oceana |
#US26129 | Ogemaw |
#US26131 | Ontonagon |
#US26133 | Osceola |
#US26135 | Oscoda |
#US26137 | Otsego |
#US26139 | Ottawa |
#US26141 | Presque Isle |
#US26143 | Roscommon |
#US26145 | Saginaw |
#US26151 | Sanilac |
#US26153 | Schoolcraft |
#US26155 | Shiawassee |
#US26147 | St. Clair |
#US26149 | St. Joseph |
#US26157 | Tuscola |
#US26159 | Van Buren |
#US26161 | Washtenaw |
#US26163 | Wayne |
#US26165 | Wexford |
#US27 - Minnesota
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US27001 | Aitkin |
#US27003 | Anoka |
#US27005 | Becker |
#US27007 | Beltrami |
#US27009 | Benton |
#US27011 | Big Stone |
#US27013 | Blue Earth |
#US27015 | Brown |
#US27017 | Carlton |
#US27019 | Carver |
#US27021 | Cass |
#US27023 | Chippewa |
#US27025 | Chisago |
#US27027 | Clay |
#US27029 | Clearwater |
#US27031 | Cook |
#US27033 | Cottonwood |
#US27035 | Crow Wing |
#US27037 | Dakota |
#US27039 | Dodge |
#US27041 | Douglas |
#US27043 | Faribault |
#US27045 | Fillmore |
#US27047 | Freeborn |
#US27049 | Goodhue |
#US27051 | Grant |
#US27053 | Hennepin |
#US27055 | Houston |
#US27057 | Hubbard |
#US27059 | Isanti |
#US27061 | Itasca |
#US27063 | Jackson |
#US27065 | Kanabec |
#US27067 | Kandiyohi |
#US27069 | Kittson |
#US27071 | Koochiching |
#US27073 | Lac Qui Parle |
#US27075 | Lake |
#US27077 | Lake of the Woods |
#US27079 | Le Sueur |
#US27081 | Lincoln |
#US27083 | Lyon |
#US27087 | Mahnomen |
#US27089 | Marshall |
#US27091 | Martin |
#US27085 | McLeod |
#US27093 | Meeker |
#US27095 | Mille Lacs |
#US27097 | Morrison |
#US27099 | Mower |
#US27101 | Murray |
#US27103 | Nicollet |
#US27105 | Nobles |
#US27107 | Norman |
#US27109 | Olmsted |
#US27111 | Otter Tail |
#US27113 | Pennington |
#US27115 | Pine |
#US27117 | Pipestone |
#US27119 | Polk |
#US27121 | Pope |
#US27123 | Ramsey |
#US27125 | Red Lake |
#US27127 | Redwood |
#US27129 | Renville |
#US27131 | Rice |
#US27133 | Rock |
#US27135 | Roseau |
#US27139 | Scott |
#US27141 | Sherburne |
#US27143 | Sibley |
#US27137 | St. Louis |
#US27145 | Stearns |
#US27147 | Steele |
#US27149 | Stevens |
#US27151 | Swift |
#US27153 | Todd |
#US27155 | Traverse |
#US27157 | Wabasha |
#US27159 | Wadena |
#US27161 | Waseca |
#US27163 | Washington |
#US27165 | Watonwan |
#US27167 | Wilkin |
#US27169 | Winona |
#US27171 | Wright |
#US27173 | Yellow Medicine |
#US28 - Mississippi
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US28001 | Adams |
#US28003 | Alcorn |
#US28005 | Amite |
#US28007 | Attala |
#US28009 | Benton |
#US28011 | Bolivar |
#US28013 | Calhoun |
#US28015 | Carroll |
#US28017 | Chickasaw |
#US28019 | Choctaw |
#US28021 | Claiborne |
#US28023 | Clarke |
#US28025 | Clay |
#US28027 | Coahoma |
#US28029 | Copiah |
#US28031 | Covington |
#US28033 | Desoto |
#US28035 | Forrest |
#US28037 | Franklin |
#US28039 | George |
#US28041 | Greene |
#US28043 | Grenada |
#US28045 | Hancock |
#US28047 | Harrison |
#US28049 | Hinds |
#US28051 | Holmes |
#US28053 | Humphreys |
#US28055 | Issaquena |
#US28057 | Itawamba |
#US28059 | Jackson |
#US28061 | Jasper |
#US28063 | Jefferson |
#US28065 | Jefferson Davis |
#US28067 | Jones |
#US28069 | Kemper |
#US28071 | Lafayette |
#US28073 | Lamar |
#US28075 | Lauderdale |
#US28077 | Lawrence |
#US28079 | Leake |
#US28081 | Lee |
#US28083 | Leflore |
#US28085 | Lincoln |
#US28087 | Lowndes |
#US28089 | Madison |
#US28091 | Marion |
#US28093 | Marshall |
#US28095 | Monroe |
#US28097 | Montgomery |
#US28099 | Neshoba |
#US28101 | Newton |
#US28103 | Noxubee |
#US28105 | Oktibbeha |
#US28107 | Panola |
#US28109 | Pearl River |
#US28111 | Perry |
#US28113 | Pike |
#US28115 | Pontotoc |
#US28117 | Prentiss |
#US28119 | Quitman |
#US28121 | Rankin |
#US28123 | Scott |
#US28125 | Sharkey |
#US28127 | Simpson |
#US28129 | Smith |
#US28131 | Stone |
#US28133 | Sunflower |
#US28135 | Tallahatchie |
#US28137 | Tate |
#US28139 | Tippah |
#US28141 | Tishomingo |
#US28143 | Tunica |
#US28145 | Union |
#US28147 | Walthall |
#US28149 | Warren |
#US28151 | Washington |
#US28153 | Wayne |
#US28155 | Webster |
#US28157 | Wilkinson |
#US28159 | Winston |
#US28161 | Yalobusha |
#US28163 | Yazoo |
#US29 - Missouri
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US29001 | Adair |
#US29003 | Andrew |
#US29005 | Atchison |
#US29007 | Audrain |
#US29009 | Barry |
#US29011 | Barton |
#US29013 | Bates |
#US29015 | Benton |
#US29017 | Bollinger |
#US29019 | Boone |
#US29021 | Buchanan |
#US29023 | Butler |
#US29025 | Caldwell |
#US29027 | Callaway |
#US29029 | Camden |
#US29031 | Cape Girardeau |
#US29033 | Carroll |
#US29035 | Carter |
#US29037 | Cass |
#US29039 | Cedar |
#US29041 | Chariton |
#US29043 | Christian |
#US29045 | Clark |
#US29047 | Clay |
#US29049 | Clinton |
#US29051 | Cole |
#US29053 | Cooper |
#US29055 | Crawford |
#US29057 | Dade |
#US29059 | Dallas |
#US29061 | Daviess |
#US29063 | Dekalb |
#US29065 | Dent |
#US29067 | Douglas |
#US29069 | Dunklin |
#US29071 | Franklin |
#US29073 | Gasconade |
#US29075 | Gentry |
#US29077 | Greene |
#US29079 | Grundy |
#US29081 | Harrison |
#US29083 | Henry |
#US29085 | Hickory |
#US29087 | Holt |
#US29089 | Howard |
#US29091 | Howell |
#US29093 | Iron |
#US29095 | Jackson |
#US29097 | Jasper |
#US29099 | Jefferson |
#US29101 | Johnson |
#US29103 | Knox |
#US29105 | Laclede |
#US29107 | Lafayette |
#US29109 | Lawrence |
#US29111 | Lewis |
#US29113 | Lincoln |
#US29115 | Linn |
#US29117 | Livingston |
#US29121 | Macon |
#US29123 | Madison |
#US29125 | Maries |
#US29127 | Marion |
#US29119 | McDonald |
#US29129 | Mercer |
#US29131 | Miller |
#US29133 | Mississippi |
#US29135 | Moniteau |
#US29137 | Monroe |
#US29139 | Montgomery |
#US29141 | Morgan |
#US29143 | New Madrid |
#US29145 | Newton |
#US29147 | Nodaway |
#US29149 | Oregon |
#US29151 | Osage |
#US29153 | Ozark |
#US29155 | Pemiscot |
#US29157 | Perry |
#US29159 | Pettis |
#US29161 | Phelps |
#US29163 | Pike |
#US29165 | Platte |
#US29167 | Polk |
#US29169 | Pulaski |
#US29171 | Putnam |
#US29173 | Ralls |
#US29175 | Randolph |
#US29177 | Ray |
#US29179 | Reynolds |
#US29181 | Ripley |
#US29195 | Saline |
#US29197 | Schuyler |
#US29199 | Scotland |
#US29201 | Scott |
#US29203 | Shannon |
#US29205 | Shelby |
#US29183 | St. Charles |
#US29185 | St. Clair |
#US29187 | St. Francois |
#US29189 | St. Louis |
#US29510 | St. Louis City |
#US29186 | Ste. Genevieve |
#US29207 | Stoddard |
#US29209 | Stone |
#US29211 | Sullivan |
#US29213 | Taney |
#US29215 | Texas |
#US29217 | Vernon |
#US29219 | Warren |
#US29221 | Washington |
#US29223 | Wayne |
#US29225 | Webster |
#US29227 | Worth |
#US29229 | Wright |
#US30 - Montana
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US30001 | Beaverhead |
#US30003 | Big Horn |
#US30005 | Blaine |
#US30007 | Broadwater |
#US30009 | Carbon |
#US30011 | Carter |
#US30013 | Cascade |
#US30015 | Chouteau |
#US30017 | Custer |
#US30019 | Daniels |
#US30021 | Dawson |
#US30023 | Deer Lodge |
#US30025 | Fallon |
#US30027 | Fergus |
#US30029 | Flathead |
#US30031 | Gallatin |
#US30033 | Garfield |
#US30035 | Glacier |
#US30037 | Golden Valley |
#US30039 | Granite |
#US30041 | Hill |
#US30043 | Jefferson |
#US30045 | Judith Basin |
#US30047 | Lake |
#US30049 | Lewis and Clark |
#US30051 | Liberty |
#US30053 | Lincoln |
#US30057 | Madison |
#US30055 | McCone |
#US30059 | Meagher |
#US30061 | Mineral |
#US30063 | Missoula |
#US30065 | Musselshell |
#US30067 | Park |
#US30069 | Petroleum |
#US30071 | Phillips |
#US30073 | Pondera |
#US30075 | Powder River |
#US30077 | Powell |
#US30079 | Prairie |
#US30081 | Ravalli |
#US30083 | Richland |
#US30085 | Roosevelt |
#US30087 | Rosebud |
#US30089 | Sanders |
#US30091 | Sheridan |
#US30093 | Silver Bow |
#US30095 | Stillwater |
#US30097 | Sweet Grass |
#US30099 | Teton |
#US30101 | Toole |
#US30103 | Treasure |
#US30105 | Valley |
#US30107 | Wheatland |
#US30109 | Wibaux |
#US30111 | Yellowstone |
#US30113 | Yellowstone National Park |
#US31 - Nebraska
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US31001 | Adams |
#US31003 | Antelope |
#US31005 | Arthur |
#US31007 | Banner |
#US31009 | Blaine |
#US31011 | Boone |
#US31013 | Box Butte |
#US31015 | Boyd |
#US31017 | Brown |
#US31019 | Bufallo |
#US31021 | Burt |
#US31023 | Butler |
#US31025 | Cass |
#US31027 | Cedar |
#US31029 | Chase |
#US31031 | Cherry |
#US31033 | Cheyenne |
#US31035 | Clay |
#US31037 | Colfax |
#US31039 | Cuming |
#US31041 | Custer |
#US31043 | Dakota |
#US31045 | Dawes |
#US31047 | Dawson |
#US31049 | Deuel |
#US31051 | Dixon |
#US31053 | Dodge |
#US31055 | Douglas |
#US31057 | Dundy |
#US31059 | Fillmore |
#US31061 | Franklin |
#US31063 | Frontier |
#US31065 | Furnas |
#US31067 | Gage |
#US31069 | Garden |
#US31071 | Garfield |
#US31073 | Gosper |
#US31075 | Grant |
#US31077 | Greely |
#US31079 | Hall |
#US31081 | Hamilton |
#US31083 | Harlan |
#US31085 | Hayes |
#US31087 | Hitchcock |
#US31089 | Holt |
#US31091 | Hooker |
#US31093 | Howard |
#US31095 | Jefferson |
#US31097 | Johnson |
#US31099 | Kearney |
#US31101 | Keith |
#US31103 | Keya Paha |
#US31105 | Kimball |
#US31107 | Knox |
#US31109 | Lancaster |
#US31111 | Lincoln |
#US31113 | Logan |
#US31115 | Loup |
#US31119 | Madison |
#US31117 | McPherson |
#US31121 | Merrick |
#US31123 | Morrill |
#US31125 | Nance |
#US31127 | Nemaha |
#US31129 | Nuckolls |
#US31131 | Otoe |
#US31133 | Pawnee |
#US31135 | Perkins |
#US31137 | Phelps |
#US31139 | Phelps |
#US31141 | Platte |
#US31143 | Polk |
#US31145 | Red Willow |
#US31147 | Richardson |
#US31149 | Rock |
#US31151 | Saline |
#US31153 | Sarpy |
#US31155 | Saunders |
#US31157 | Scotts Bluff |
#US31159 | Seward |
#US31161 | Sheridan |
#US31163 | Sherman |
#US31165 | Sioux |
#US31167 | Stanton |
#US31169 | Thayer |
#US31171 | Thomas |
#US31173 | Thurston |
#US31175 | Valley |
#US31177 | Washington |
#US31179 | Wayne |
#US31181 | Webster |
#US31183 | Wheeler |
#US31185 | York |
#US32 - Nevada
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US32001 | Carson City |
#US32003 | Churchill |
#US32005 | Clark |
#US32007 | Elko |
#US32009 | Esmeralda |
#US32011 | Eureka |
#US32013 | Humboldt |
#US32015 | Lander |
#US32017 | Lincoln |
#US32019 | Lyon |
#US32021 | Mineral |
#US32023 | Nye |
#US32027 | Pershing |
#US32029 | Storey |
#US32031 | Washoe |
#US32033 | White Pine |
#US33 - New Hampshire
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US33001 | Belknap |
#US33003 | Carroll |
#US33005 | Cheshire |
#US33007 | Coos |
#US33009 | Grafton |
#US33011 | Hillsborough |
#US33013 | Merrimack |
#US33015 | Rockingham |
#US33017 | Stafford |
#US33019 | Sullivan |
#US34 - New Jersey
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US34001 | Atlantic |
#US34003 | Bergen |
#US34005 | Burlington |
#US34007 | Camden |
#US34009 | Cape May |
#US34011 | Cumberland |
#US34013 | Essex |
#US34015 | Gloucester |
#US34017 | Hudson |
#US34019 | Hunterdon |
#US34021 | Mercer |
#US34023 | Middlesex |
#US34025 | Monmouth |
#US34027 | Morris |
#US34029 | Ocean |
#US34031 | Passaic |
#US34033 | Salem |
#US34035 | Somerset |
#US34037 | Sussex |
#US34039 | Union |
#US34041 | Warren |
#US35 - New Mexico
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US35001 | Bernalillo |
#US35003 | Catron |
#US35005 | Chaves |
#US35006 | Cibola |
#US35007 | Colfax |
#US35009 | Curry |
#US35011 | Debaca |
#US35013 | Dona Ana |
#US35015 | Eddy |
#US35017 | Grant |
#US35019 | Guadalupe |
#US35021 | Harding |
#US35023 | Hidalgo |
#US35025 | Lea |
#US35027 | Lincoln |
#US35028 | Los Alamos |
#US35029 | Luna |
#US35031 | McKinley |
#US35033 | Mora |
#US35035 | Otero |
#US35037 | Quay |
#US35039 | Rio Arriba |
#US35041 | Roosevelt |
#US35045 | San Juan |
#US35047 | San Miguel |
#US35043 | Sandoval |
#US35049 | Santa Fe |
#US35051 | Sierra |
#US35053 | Socorro |
#US35055 | Taos |
#US35057 | Torrance |
#US35059 | Union |
#US35061 | Valencia |
#US36 - New York
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US36001 | Albany |
#US36003 | Allegany |
#US36005 | Bronx |
#US36007 | Broome |
#US36009 | Cattaraugus |
#US36011 | Cayuga |
#US36013 | Chautauqua |
#US36015 | Chemung |
#US36017 | Chenango |
#US36019 | Clinton |
#US36021 | Columbia |
#US36023 | Cortland |
#US36025 | Delaware |
#US36027 | Dutchess |
#US36029 | Erie |
#US36031 | Essex |
#US36033 | Franklin |
#US36035 | Fulton |
#US36037 | Genesee |
#US36039 | Greene |
#US36041 | Hamilton |
#US36043 | Herkimer |
#US36045 | Jefferson |
#US36047 | Kings |
#US36049 | Lewis |
#US36051 | Livingston |
#US36053 | Madison |
#US36055 | Monroe |
#US36057 | Montgomery |
#US36059 | Nassau |
#US36061 | New York |
#US36063 | Niagara |
#US36065 | Oneida |
#US36067 | Onondaga |
#US36069 | Ontario |
#US36071 | Orange |
#US36073 | Orleans |
#US36075 | Oswego |
#US36077 | Otsego |
#US36079 | Putnam |
#US36081 | Queens |
#US36083 | Rensselaer |
#US36085 | Richmond |
#US36087 | Rockland |
#US36091 | Saratoga |
#US36093 | Schenectady |
#US36095 | Schoharie |
#US36097 | Schuyler |
#US36099 | Seneca |
#US36089 | St. Lawrence |
#US36101 | Steuben |
#US36103 | Suffolk |
#US36105 | Sullivan |
#US36107 | Tioga |
#US36109 | Tompkins |
#US36111 | Ulster |
#US36113 | Warren |
#US36115 | Washington |
#US36117 | Wayne |
#US36119 | Westchester |
#US36121 | Wyoming |
#US36123 | Yates |
#US37 - North Carolina
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US37001 | Alamance |
#US37003 | Alexander |
#US37005 | Alleghany |
#US37007 | Anson |
#US37009 | Ashe |
#US37011 | Avery |
#US37013 | Beaufort |
#US37015 | Bertie |
#US37017 | Bladen |
#US37019 | Brunswick |
#US37021 | Buncombe |
#US37023 | Burke |
#US37025 | Cabarrus |
#US37027 | Caldwell |
#US37029 | Camden |
#US37031 | Carteret |
#US37033 | Caswell |
#US37035 | Catawba |
#US37037 | Chatham |
#US37039 | Cherokee |
#US37041 | Chowan |
#US37043 | Clay |
#US37045 | Cleveland |
#US37047 | Columbus |
#US37049 | Craven |
#US37051 | Cumberland |
#US37053 | Currituck |
#US37055 | Dare |
#US37057 | Davidson |
#US37059 | Davie |
#US37061 | Duplin |
#US37063 | Durham |
#US37065 | Edgecombe |
#US37067 | Forsyth |
#US37069 | Franklin |
#US37071 | Gaston |
#US37073 | Gates |
#US37075 | Graham |
#US37077 | Granville |
#US37079 | Greene |
#US37081 | Guilford |
#US37083 | Halifax |
#US37085 | Harnett |
#US37087 | Haywood |
#US37089 | Henderson |
#US37091 | Hertford |
#US37093 | Hoke |
#US37095 | Hyde |
#US37097 | Iredell |
#US37099 | Jackson |
#US37101 | Johnston |
#US37103 | Jones |
#US37105 | Lee |
#US37107 | Lenoir |
#US37109 | Lincoln |
#US37113 | Macon |
#US37115 | Madison |
#US37117 | Martin |
#US37111 | McDowell |
#US37119 | Mecklenburg |
#US37121 | Mitchell |
#US37123 | Montgomery |
#US37125 | Moore |
#US37127 | Nash |
#US37129 | New Hanover |
#US37131 | Northampton |
#US37133 | Onslow |
#US37135 | Orange |
#US37137 | Pamplico |
#US37139 | Pasquotank |
#US37141 | Pender |
#US37143 | Perquimans |
#US37145 | Person |
#US37147 | Pitt |
#US37149 | Polk |
#US37151 | Randolph |
#US37153 | Richmond |
#US37155 | Robeson |
#US37157 | Rockingham |
#US37159 | Rowan |
#US37161 | Rutherford |
#US37163 | Sampson |
#US37165 | Scotland |
#US37167 | Stanly |
#US37169 | Stokes |
#US37171 | Surry |
#US37173 | Swain |
#US37175 | Transylvania |
#US37177 | Tyrrell |
#US37179 | Union |
#US37181 | Vance |
#US37183 | Wake |
#US37185 | Warren |
#US37187 | Washington |
#US37189 | Watauga |
#US37191 | Wayne |
#US37193 | Wilkes |
#US37195 | Wilson |
#US37197 | Yadkin |
#US37199 | Yancey |
#US38 - North Dakota
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US38001 | Adams |
#US38003 | Barnes |
#US38005 | Benson |
#US38007 | Billings |
#US38009 | Bottineau |
#US38011 | Bowman |
#US38013 | Burke |
#US38015 | Burleigh |
#US38017 | Cass |
#US38019 | Cavalier |
#US38021 | Dickey |
#US38023 | Divide |
#US38025 | Dunn |
#US38027 | Eddy |
#US38029 | Emmons |
#US38031 | Foster |
#US38033 | Golden Valley |
#US38035 | Grand Forks |
#US38037 | Grant |
#US38039 | Griggs |
#US38041 | Hettinger |
#US38043 | Kidder |
#US38045 | LaMoure |
#US38047 | Logan |
#US38049 | McHenry |
#US38051 | McIntosh |
#US38053 | McKenzie |
#US38055 | McLean |
#US38057 | Mercer |
#US38059 | Morton |
#US38061 | Mountrail |
#US38063 | Nelson |
#US38065 | Oliver |
#US38067 | Pembina |
#US38069 | Pierce |
#US38071 | Ramsey |
#US38073 | Ransom |
#US38075 | Renville |
#US38077 | Richland |
#US38079 | Rolette |
#US38081 | Sargent |
#US38083 | Sheridan |
#US38085 | Sioux |
#US38087 | Slope |
#US38089 | Stark |
#US38091 | Steele |
#US38093 | Stutsman |
#US38095 | Towner |
#US38097 | Traill |
#US38099 | Walsh |
#US38101 | Ward |
#US38103 | Wells |
#US38105 | Williams |
#US39 - Ohio
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US39001 | Adams |
#US39003 | Allen |
#US39005 | Ashland |
#US39007 | Ashtabula |
#US39009 | Athens |
#US39011 | Auglaize |
#US39013 | Belmont |
#US39015 | Brown |
#US39017 | Butler |
#US39019 | Carroll |
#US39021 | Champaign |
#US39023 | Clark |
#US39025 | Clermont |
#US39027 | Clinton |
#US39029 | Columbiana |
#US39031 | Coshocton |
#US39033 | Crawford |
#US39035 | Cuyahoga |
#US39037 | Darke |
#US39039 | Defiance |
#US39041 | Delaware |
#US39043 | Erie |
#US39045 | Fairlfield |
#US39047 | Fayette |
#US39049 | Franklin |
#US39051 | Fulton |
#US39053 | Gallia |
#US39055 | Geauga |
#US39057 | Greene |
#US39059 | Guernsey |
#US39061 | Hamilton |
#US39063 | Hancock |
#US39065 | Hardin |
#US39067 | Harrison |
#US39069 | Henry |
#US39071 | Highland |
#US39073 | Hocking |
#US39075 | Holmes |
#US39077 | Huron |
#US39079 | Jackson |
#US39081 | Jefferson |
#US39083 | Knox |
#US39085 | Lake |
#US39087 | Lawrence |
#US39089 | Licking |
#US39091 | Logan |
#US39093 | Lorain |
#US39095 | Lucas |
#US39097 | Madison |
#US39099 | Mahoning |
#US39101 | Marion |
#US39103 | Medina |
#US39105 | Meigs |
#US39107 | Mercer |
#US39109 | Miami |
#US39111 | Monroe |
#US39113 | Montgomery |
#US39115 | Morgan |
#US39117 | Morrow |
#US39119 | Muskingum |
#US39121 | Noble |
#US39123 | Ottawa |
#US39125 | Paulding |
#US39127 | Perry |
#US39129 | Pickaway |
#US39131 | Pike |
#US39133 | Portage |
#US39135 | Preble |
#US39137 | Putnam |
#US39139 | Richland |
#US39141 | Ross |
#US39143 | Sandusky |
#US39145 | Scioto |
#US39147 | Seneca |
#US39149 | Shelby |
#US39151 | Stark |
#US39153 | Summit |
#US39155 | Trumbull |
#US39157 | Tuscarawas |
#US39159 | Union |
#US39161 | Van Wert |
#US39163 | Vinton |
#US39165 | Warren |
#US39167 | Washington |
#US39169 | Wayne |
#US39171 | Williams |
#US39173 | Wood |
#US39175 | Wyandot |
#US40 - Oklahoma
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US40001 | Adair |
#US40003 | Alfalfa |
#US40005 | Atoka |
#US40007 | Beaver |
#US40009 | Beckham |
#US40011 | Blaine |
#US40013 | Bryan |
#US40015 | Caddo |
#US40017 | Canadian |
#US40019 | Carter |
#US40021 | Cherokee |
#US40023 | Choctaw |
#US40025 | Cimarron |
#US40027 | Cleveland |
#US40029 | Coal |
#US40031 | Comanche |
#US40033 | Cotton |
#US40035 | Craig |
#US40037 | Creek |
#US40039 | Custer |
#US40041 | Delaware |
#US40043 | Dewey |
#US40045 | Ellis |
#US40047 | Garfield |
#US40049 | Garvin |
#US40051 | Grady |
#US40053 | Grant |
#US40055 | Greer |
#US40057 | Harmon |
#US40059 | Harper |
#US40061 | Haskell |
#US40063 | Hughes |
#US40065 | Jackson |
#US40067 | Jefferson |
#US40069 | Johnston |
#US40071 | Kay |
#US40073 | Kingfisher |
#US40075 | Kiowa |
#US40077 | Latimer |
#US40079 | Le Flore |
#US40081 | Lincoln |
#US40083 | Logan |
#US40085 | Love |
#US40087 | McClain |
#US40089 | McCurtain |
#US40091 | McIntosh |
#US40093 | Major |
#US40095 | Marshall |
#US40097 | Mayes |
#US40099 | Murray |
#US40101 | Muskogee |
#US40103 | Noble |
#US40105 | Nowata |
#US40107 | Okfuskee |
#US40109 | Oklahoma |
#US40111 | Okmulgee |
#US40113 | Osage |
#US40115 | Ottawa |
#US40117 | Pawnee |
#US40119 | Payne |
#US40121 | Pittsburg |
#US40123 | Pontotoc |
#US40125 | Pottawatomie |
#US40127 | Pushmataha |
#US40129 | Roger Mills |
#US40131 | Rogers |
#US40133 | Seminole |
#US40135 | Sequoyah |
#US40137 | Stephens |
#US40139 | Texas |
#US40141 | Tillman |
#US40143 | Tulsa |
#US40145 | Wagoner |
#US40147 | Washington |
#US40149 | Washita |
#US40151 | Woods |
#US40153 | Woodward |
#US41 - Oregon
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US41001 | Baker |
#US41003 | Benton |
#US41005 | Clackamas |
#US41007 | Clatsop |
#US41009 | Columbia |
#US41011 | Coos |
#US41013 | Crook |
#US41015 | Curry |
#US41017 | Deschutes |
#US41019 | Douglas |
#US41021 | Gilliam |
#US41023 | Grant |
#US41025 | Harney |
#US41027 | Hood River |
#US41029 | Jackson |
#US41031 | Jefferson |
#US41033 | Josephine |
#US41035 | Klamath |
#US41037 | Lake |
#US41039 | Lane |
#US41041 | Lincoln |
#US41043 | Linn |
#US41045 | Malheur |
#US41047 | Marion |
#US41049 | Morrow |
#US41051 | Multnomah |
#US41053 | Polk |
#US41055 | Sherman |
#US41057 | Tillamook |
#US41059 | Umatilla |
#US41061 | Union |
#US41063 | Wallowa |
#US41065 | Wasco |
#US41067 | Washington |
#US41069 | Wheeler |
#US41071 | Yamhill |
#US42 - Pennsylvania
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US42001 | Adams |
#US42003 | Allegheny |
#US42005 | Armstrong |
#US42007 | Beaver |
#US42009 | Bedford |
#US42011 | Berks |
#US42013 | Blair |
#US42015 | Bradford |
#US42017 | Bucks |
#US42019 | Butler |
#US42021 | Cambria |
#US42023 | Cameron |
#US42025 | Carbon |
#US42027 | Centre |
#US42029 | Chester |
#US42031 | Clarion |
#US42033 | Clearfield |
#US42035 | Clinton |
#US42037 | Columbia |
#US42039 | Crawford |
#US42041 | Cumberland |
#US42043 | Dauphin |
#US42045 | Delaware |
#US42047 | Elk |
#US42049 | Erie |
#US42051 | Fayette |
#US42053 | Forest |
#US42055 | Franklin |
#US42057 | Fulton |
#US42059 | Greene |
#US42061 | Huntingdon |
#US42063 | Indiana |
#US42065 | Jefferson |
#US42067 | Juniata |
#US42069 | Lackawanna |
#US42071 | Lancaster |
#US42073 | Lawrence |
#US42075 | Lebanon |
#US42077 | Lehigh |
#US42079 | Luzerne |
#US42081 | Lycoming |
#US42083 | McKean |
#US42085 | Mercer |
#US42087 | Mifflin |
#US42089 | Monroe |
#US42091 | Montgomery |
#US42093 | Montour |
#US42095 | Northampton |
#US42097 | Northumberland |
#US42099 | Perry |
#US42101 | Philadelphia |
#US42103 | Pike |
#US42105 | Potter |
#US42107 | Schuylkill |
#US42109 | Snyder |
#US42111 | Somerset |
#US42113 | Sullivan |
#US42115 | Susquehanna |
#US42117 | Tioga |
#US42119 | Union |
#US42121 | Venango |
#US42123 | Warren |
#US42125 | Washington |
#US42127 | Wayne |
#US42129 | Westmoreland |
#US42131 | Wyoming |
#US42133 | York |
#US44 - Rhode Island
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US44001 | Bristol |
#US44003 | Kent |
#US44005 | Newport |
#US44007 | Providence |
#US44009 | Washington |
#US45 - South Carolina
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US45001 | Abbeville |
#US45003 | Aiken |
#US45005 | Allendale |
#US45007 | Anderson |
#US45009 | Bamberg |
#US45011 | Barnwell |
#US45013 | Beaufort |
#US45015 | Berkeley |
#US45017 | Calhoun |
#US45019 | Charleston |
#US45021 | Cherokee |
#US45023 | Chester |
#US45025 | Chesterfield |
#US45027 | Clarendon |
#US45029 | Colleton |
#US45031 | Darlington |
#US45033 | Dillon |
#US45035 | Dorchester |
#US45037 | Edgefield |
#US45039 | Fairfield |
#US45041 | Florence |
#US45043 | Georgetown |
#US45045 | Greenville |
#US45047 | Greenwood |
#US45049 | Hampton |
#US45051 | Horry |
#US45053 | Jasper |
#US45055 | Kershaw |
#US45057 | Lancaster |
#US45059 | Laurens |
#US45061 | Lee |
#US45063 | Lexington |
#US45065 | McCormick |
#US45067 | Marion |
#US45069 | Marlboro |
#US45071 | Newberry |
#US45073 | Oconee |
#US45075 | Orangeburg |
#US45077 | Pickens |
#US45079 | Richland |
#US45081 | Saluda |
#US45083 | Spartanburg |
#US45085 | Sumter |
#US45087 | Union |
#US45089 | Williamsburg |
#US45091 | York |
#US46 - South Dakota
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US46003 | Aurora |
#US46005 | Beadle |
#US46007 | Bennett |
#US46009 | Bon Homme |
#US46011 | Brookings |
#US46013 | Brown |
#US46015 | Brule |
#US46017 | Buffalo |
#US46019 | Butte |
#US46021 | Campbell |
#US46023 | Charles Mix |
#US46025 | Clark |
#US46027 | Clay |
#US46029 | Codington |
#US46031 | Corson |
#US46033 | Custer |
#US46035 | Davison |
#US46037 | Day |
#US46039 | Deuel |
#US46041 | Dewey |
#US46043 | Douglas |
#US46045 | Edmunds |
#US46047 | Fall River |
#US46049 | Faulk |
#US46051 | Grant |
#US46053 | Gregory |
#US46055 | Haakon |
#US46057 | Hamlin |
#US46059 | Hand |
#US46061 | Hanson |
#US46063 | Harding |
#US46065 | Hughes |
#US46067 | Hutchinson |
#US46069 | Hyde |
#US46071 | Jackson |
#US46073 | Jerauld |
#US46075 | Jones |
#US46077 | Kingsbury |
#US46079 | Lake |
#US46081 | Lawrence |
#US46083 | Lincoln |
#US46085 | Lyman |
#US46087 | McCook |
#US46089 | McPherson |
#US46091 | Marshall |
#US46093 | Meade |
#US46095 | Mellette |
#US46097 | Miner |
#US46099 | Minnehaha |
#US46101 | Moody |
#US46103 | Pennington |
#US46105 | Perkins |
#US46107 | Potter |
#US46109 | Roberts |
#US46111 | Sanborn |
#US46113 | Shannon |
#US46115 | Spink |
#US46117 | Stanley |
#US46119 | Sully |
#US46121 | Todd |
#US46123 | Tripp |
#US46125 | Turner |
#US46127 | Union |
#US46129 | Walworth |
#US46135 | Yankton |
#US46137 | Ziebach |
#US47 - Tennessee
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US47001 | Anderson |
#US47003 | Bedford |
#US47005 | Benton |
#US47007 | Bledsoe |
#US47009 | Blount |
#US47011 | Bradley |
#US47013 | Campbell |
#US47015 | Cannon |
#US47017 | Carroll |
#US47019 | Carter |
#US47021 | Cheatham |
#US47023 | Chester |
#US47025 | Claiborne |
#US47027 | Clay |
#US47029 | Cocke |
#US47031 | Coffee |
#US47033 | Crockett |
#US47035 | Cumberland |
#US47037 | Davidson |
#US47039 | Decatur |
#US47041 | DeKalb |
#US47043 | Dickson |
#US47045 | Dyer |
#US47047 | Fayette |
#US47049 | Fentress |
#US47051 | Franklin |
#US47053 | Gibson |
#US47055 | Giles |
#US47057 | Grainger |
#US47059 | Greene |
#US47061 | Grundy |
#US47063 | Hamblen |
#US47065 | Hamilton |
#US47067 | Hancock |
#US47069 | Hardeman |
#US47071 | Hardin |
#US47073 | Hawkins |
#US47075 | Haywood |
#US47077 | Henderson |
#US47079 | Henry |
#US47081 | Hickman |
#US47083 | Houston |
#US47085 | Humphreys |
#US47087 | Jackson |
#US47089 | Jefferson |
#US47091 | Johnson |
#US47093 | Knox |
#US47095 | Lake |
#US47097 | Lauderdale |
#US47099 | Lawrence |
#US47101 | Lewis |
#US47103 | Lincoln |
#US47105 | Loudon |
#US47111 | Macon |
#US47113 | Madison |
#US47115 | Marion |
#US47117 | Marshall |
#US47119 | Maury |
#US47107 | McMinn |
#US47109 | McNairy |
#US47121 | Meigs |
#US47123 | Monroe |
#US47125 | Montgomery |
#US47127 | Moore |
#US47129 | Morgan |
#US47131 | Obion |
#US47133 | Overton |
#US47135 | Perry |
#US47137 | Pickett |
#US47139 | Polk |
#US47141 | Putnam |
#US47143 | Rhea |
#US47145 | Roane |
#US47147 | Robertson |
#US47149 | Rutherford |
#US47151 | Scott |
#US47153 | Sequatchie |
#US47155 | Sevier |
#US47157 | Shelby |
#US47159 | Smith |
#US47161 | Stewart |
#US47163 | Sullivan |
#US47165 | Sumner |
#US47167 | Tipton |
#US47169 | Trousdale |
#US47171 | Unicoi |
#US47173 | Union |
#US47175 | Van Buren |
#US47177 | Warren |
#US47179 | Washington |
#US47181 | Wayne |
#US47183 | Weakley |
#US47185 | White |
#US47187 | Williamson |
#US47189 | Wilson |
#US48 - Texas
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US48001 | Anderson |
#US48003 | Andrews |
#US48005 | Angelina |
#US48007 | Aransas |
#US48009 | Archer |
#US48011 | Armstrong |
#US48013 | Atascosa |
#US48015 | Austin |
#US48017 | Bailey |
#US48019 | Bandera |
#US48021 | Bastrop |
#US48023 | Baylor |
#US48025 | Bee |
#US48027 | Bell |
#US48029 | Bexar |
#US48031 | Blanco |
#US48033 | Borden |
#US48035 | Bosque |
#US48037 | Bowie |
#US48039 | Brazoria |
#US48041 | Brazos |
#US48043 | Brewster |
#US48045 | Briscoe |
#US48047 | Brooks |
#US48049 | Brown |
#US48051 | Burleson |
#US48053 | Burnet |
#US48055 | Caldwell |
#US48057 | Calhoun |
#US48059 | Callahan |
#US48061 | Cameron |
#US48063 | Camp |
#US48065 | Carson |
#US48067 | Cass |
#US48069 | Castro |
#US48071 | Chambers |
#US48073 | Cherokee |
#US48075 | Childress |
#US48077 | Clay |
#US48079 | Cochran |
#US48081 | Coke |
#US48083 | Coleman |
#US48085 | Collin |
#US48087 | Collingsworth |
#US48089 | Colorado |
#US48091 | Comal |
#US48093 | Comanche |
#US48095 | Concho |
#US48097 | Cooke |
#US48099 | Coryell |
#US48101 | Cottle |
#US48103 | Crane |
#US48105 | Crockett |
#US48107 | Crosby |
#US48109 | Culberson |
#US48111 | Dallam |
#US48113 | Dallas |
#US48115 | Dawson |
#US48117 | Deaf Smith |
#US48119 | Delta |
#US48121 | Denton |
#US48123 | DeWitt |
#US48125 | Dickens |
#US48127 | Dimmit |
#US48129 | Donley |
#US48131 | Duval |
#US48133 | Eastland |
#US48135 | Ector |
#US48137 | Edwards |
#US48139 | El Paso |
#US48141 | Ellis |
#US48143 | Erath |
#US48145 | Falls |
#US48147 | Fannin |
#US48149 | Fayette |
#US48151 | Fisher |
#US48153 | Floyd |
#US48155 | Foard |
#US48157 | Fort Bend |
#US48159 | Franklin |
#US48161 | Freestone |
#US48163 | Frio |
#US48165 | Gaines |
#US48167 | Galveston |
#US48169 | Garza |
#US48171 | Gillespie |
#US48173 | Glasscock |
#US48175 | Goliad |
#US48177 | Gonzales |
#US48179 | Gray |
#US48181 | Grayson |
#US48183 | Gregg |
#US48185 | Grimes |
#US48187 | Guadalupe |
#US48189 | Hale |
#US48191 | Hall |
#US48193 | Hamilton |
#US48195 | Hansford |
#US48197 | Hardeman |
#US48199 | Hardin |
#US48201 | Harris |
#US48203 | Harrison |
#US48205 | Hartley |
#US48207 | Haskell |
#US48209 | Hays |
#US48211 | Hemphill |
#US48213 | Henderson |
#US48215 | Hidalgo |
#US48217 | Hill |
#US48219 | Hockley |
#US48221 | Hood |
#US48223 | Hopkins |
#US48225 | Houston |
#US48227 | Howard |
#US48229 | Hudspeth |
#US48231 | Hunt |
#US48233 | Hutchinson |
#US48235 | Irion |
#US48237 | Jack |
#US48239 | Jackson |
#US48241 | Jasper |
#US48243 | Jeff Davis |
#US48245 | Jefferson |
#US48247 | Jim Hogg |
#US48249 | Jim Wells |
#US48251 | Johnson |
#US48253 | Jones |
#US48255 | Karnes |
#US48257 | Kaufman |
#US48259 | Kendall |
#US48261 | Kenedy |
#US48263 | Kent |
#US48265 | Kerr |
#US48267 | Kimble |
#US48269 | King |
#US48271 | Kinney |
#US48273 | Kleberg |
#US48275 | Knox |
#US48283 | La Salle |
#US48277 | Lamar |
#US48279 | Lamb |
#US48281 | Lampasas |
#US48285 | Lavaca |
#US48287 | Lee |
#US48289 | Leon |
#US48291 | Liberty |
#US48293 | Limestone |
#US48295 | Lipscomb |
#US48297 | Live Oak |
#US48299 | Llano |
#US48301 | Loving |
#US48303 | Lubbock |
#US48305 | Lynn |
#US48313 | Madison |
#US48315 | Marion |
#US48317 | Martin |
#US48319 | Mason |
#US48321 | Matagorda |
#US48323 | Maverick |
#US48307 | McCulloch |
#US48309 | McLennan |
#US48311 | McMullen |
#US48325 | Medina |
#US48327 | Menard |
#US48329 | Midland |
#US48331 | Milam |
#US48333 | Mills |
#US48335 | Mitchell |
#US48337 | Montague |
#US48339 | Montgomery |
#US48341 | Moore |
#US48343 | Morris |
#US48345 | Motley |
#US48347 | Nacogdoches |
#US48349 | Navarro |
#US48351 | Newton |
#US48353 | Nolan |
#US48355 | Nueces |
#US48357 | Ochiltree |
#US48359 | Oldham |
#US48361 | Orange |
#US48363 | Palo Pinto |
#US48365 | Panola |
#US48367 | Parker |
#US48369 | Parmer |
#US48371 | Pecos |
#US48373 | Polk |
#US48375 | Potter |
#US48377 | Presidio |
#US48379 | Rains |
#US48381 | Randall |
#US48383 | Reagan |
#US48385 | Real |
#US48387 | Red River |
#US48389 | Reeves |
#US48391 | Refugio |
#US48393 | Roberts |
#US48395 | Robertson |
#US48397 | Rockwall |
#US48399 | Runnels |
#US48401 | Rusk |
#US48403 | Sabine |
#US48405 | San Augustine |
#US48407 | San Jacinto |
#US48409 | San Patricio |
#US48411 | San Saba |
#US48413 | Schleicher |
#US48415 | Scurry |
#US48417 | Shackelford |
#US48419 | Shelby |
#US48421 | Sherman |
#US48423 | Smith |
#US48425 | Somervell |
#US48427 | Starr |
#US48429 | Stephens |
#US48431 | Sterling |
#US48433 | Stonewall |
#US48435 | Sutton |
#US48437 | Swisher |
#US48439 | Tarrant |
#US48441 | Taylor |
#US48443 | Terrell |
#US48445 | Terry |
#US48447 | Throckmorton |
#US48449 | Titus |
#US48451 | Tom Green |
#US48453 | Travis |
#US48455 | Trinity |
#US48457 | Tyler |
#US48459 | Upshur |
#US48461 | Upton |
#US48463 | Uvalde |
#US48465 | Val Verde |
#US48467 | Van Zandt |
#US48469 | Victoria |
#US48471 | Walker |
#US48473 | Waller |
#US48475 | Ward |
#US48477 | Washington |
#US48479 | Webb |
#US48481 | Wharton |
#US48483 | Wheeler |
#US48485 | Wichita |
#US48487 | Wilbarger |
#US48489 | Willacy |
#US48491 | Williamson |
#US48493 | Wilson |
#US48495 | Winkler |
#US48497 | Wise |
#US48499 | Wood |
#US48501 | Yoakum |
#US48503 | Young |
#US48505 | Zapata |
#US48507 | Zavala |
#US49 - Utah
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US49001 | Beaver |
#US49003 | Box Elder |
#US49005 | Cache |
#US49007 | Carbon |
#US49009 | Daggett |
#US49011 | Davis |
#US49013 | Duchesne |
#US49015 | Emery |
#US49017 | Garfield |
#US49019 | Grand |
#US49021 | Iron |
#US49023 | Juab |
#US49025 | Kane |
#US49027 | Millard |
#US49029 | Morgan |
#US49031 | Piute |
#US49033 | Rich |
#US49035 | Salt Lake |
#US49037 | San Juan |
#US49039 | Sanpete |
#US49041 | Sevier |
#US49043 | Summit |
#US49045 | Tooele |
#US49047 | Uintah |
#US49049 | Utah |
#US49051 | Wasatch |
#US49053 | Washington |
#US49055 | Wayne |
#US49057 | Weber |
#US50 - Vermont
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US50001 | Addison |
#US50003 | Bennington |
#US50005 | Caledonia |
#US50007 | Chittenden |
#US50009 | Essex |
#US50011 | Franklin |
#US50013 | Grand Isle |
#US50015 | Lamoille |
#US50017 | Orange |
#US50019 | Orleans |
#US50021 | Rutland |
#US50023 | Washington |
#US50025 | Windham |
#US50027 | Windsor |
#US51 - Virginia
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US51001 | Accomack |
#US51003 | Albemarle |
#US51510 | Alexandria City |
#US51005 | Alleghany |
#US51007 | Amelia |
#US51009 | Amherst |
#US51011 | Appomattox |
#US51013 | Arlington |
#US51015 | Augusta |
#US51017 | Bath |
#US51019 | Bedford |
#US51515 | Bedford City |
#US51021 | Bland |
#US51023 | Botetourt |
#US51520 | Bristol City |
#US51025 | Brunswick |
#US51027 | Buchanan |
#US51029 | Buckingham |
#US51530 | Buena Vista City |
#US51031 | Campbell |
#US51033 | Caroline |
#US51035 | Carroll |
#US51036 | Charles City County |
#US51037 | Charlotte |
#US51540 | Charlottesville City |
#US51550 | Chesapeake City |
#US51041 | Chesterfield |
#US51043 | Clarke |
#US51060 | Clifton Forge City |
#US51570 | Colonial Heights City |
#US51580 | Covington City |
#US51045 | Craig |
#US51047 | Culpeper |
#US51049 | Cumberland |
#US51590 | Danville City |
#US51051 | Dickenson |
#US51053 | Dinwiddie |
#US51595 | Emporia City |
#US51057 | Essex |
#US51059 | Fairfax |
#US51600 | Fairfax City |
#US51610 | Falls Church City |
#US51061 | Fauquier |
#US51063 | Floyd |
#US51065 | Fluvanna |
#US51067 | Franklin |
#US51620 | Franklin City |
#US51069 | Frederick |
#US51630 | Fredericksburg city |
#US51640 | Galax City |
#US51071 | Giles |
#US51073 | Gloucester |
#US51075 | Goochland |
#US51077 | Grayson |
#US51079 | Greene |
#US51081 | Greensville |
#US51083 | Halifax |
#US51650 | Hampton City |
#US51085 | Hanover |
#US51660 | Harrisonburg City |
#US51087 | Henrico |
#US51089 | Henry |
#US51091 | Highland |
#US51670 | Hopewell city |
#US51093 | Isle of Wight |
#US51095 | James City |
#US51097 | King and Queen County |
#US51099 | King George |
#US51101 | King William |
#US51103 | Lancaster |
#US51105 | Lee |
#US51678 | Lexington City |
#US51107 | Loudoun |
#US51109 | Louisa |
#US51111 | Lunenburg |
#US51680 | Lynchburg City |
#US51113 | Madison |
#US51683 | Manassas City |
#US51685 | Manassas Park City |
#US51690 | Martinsville City |
#US51115 | Mathews |
#US51117 | Mecklenburg |
#US51119 | Middlesex |
#US51121 | Montgomery |
#US51125 | Nelson |
#US51127 | New Kent |
#US51700 | Newport News City |
#US51710 | Norfolk City |
#US51131 | Northampton |
#US51133 | Northumberland |
#US51720 | Norton City |
#US51135 | Nottoway |
#US51137 | Orange |
#US51139 | Page |
#US51141 | Patrick |
#US51730 | Petersburg City |
#US51143 | Pittsylvania |
#US51735 | Poquoson City |
#US51740 | Portsmouth City |
#US51145 | Powhatan |
#US51147 | Prince Edward |
#US51149 | Prince George |
#US51153 | Prince William |
#US51155 | Pulaski |
#US51750 | Radford City |
#US51157 | Rappahannock |
#US51159 | Richmond |
#US51760 | Richmond City |
#US51161 | Roanoke |
#US51770 | Roanoke City |
#US51163 | Rockbridge |
#US51165 | Rockingham |
#US51167 | Russell |
#US51775 | Salem City |
#US51169 | Scott |
#US51171 | Shenandoah |
#US51173 | Smyth |
#US51175 | Southampton |
#US51177 | Spotsylvania |
#US51179 | Stafford |
#US51790 | Staunton City |
#US51800 | Suffolk City |
#US51181 | Surry |
#US51183 | Sussex |
#US51185 | Tazewell |
#US51810 | Virginia Beach City |
#US51187 | Warren |
#US51191 | Washington |
#US51820 | Waynesboro City |
#US51193 | Westmoreland |
#US51830 | Williamsburg City |
#US51840 | Winchester City |
#US51195 | Wise |
#US51197 | Wythe |
#US51199 | York |
#US53 - Washington
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US53001 | Adams |
#US53003 | Asotin |
#US53005 | Benton |
#US53007 | Chelan |
#US53009 | Clallam |
#US53011 | Clark |
#US53013 | Columbia |
#US53015 | Cowlitz |
#US53017 | Douglas |
#US53019 | Ferry |
#US53021 | Franklin |
#US53023 | Garfield |
#US53025 | Grant |
#US53027 | Grays Harbor |
#US53029 | Island |
#US53031 | Jefferson |
#US53033 | King |
#US53035 | Kitsap |
#US53037 | Kittitas |
#US53039 | Klickitat |
#US53041 | Lewis |
#US53043 | Lincoln |
#US53045 | Mason |
#US53047 | Okanogan |
#US53049 | Pacific |
#US53051 | Pend Oreille |
#US53053 | Pierce |
#US53055 | San Juan |
#US53057 | Skagit |
#US53059 | Skamania |
#US53061 | Snohomish |
#US53063 | Spokane |
#US53065 | Stevens |
#US53067 | Thurston |
#US53069 | Wahkiakum |
#US53071 | Walla Walla |
#US53073 | Whatcom |
#US53075 | Whitman |
#US53077 | Yakima |
#US54 - West Virginia
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US54001 | Barbour |
#US54003 | Berkeley |
#US54005 | Boone |
#US54007 | Braxton |
#US54009 | Brooke |
#US54011 | Cabell |
#US54013 | Calhoun |
#US54015 | Clay |
#US54017 | Doddridge |
#US54019 | Fayette |
#US54021 | Gilmer |
#US54023 | Grant |
#US54025 | Greenbrier |
#US54027 | Hampshire |
#US54029 | Hancock |
#US54031 | Hardy |
#US54033 | Harrison |
#US54035 | Jackson |
#US54037 | Jefferson |
#US54039 | Kanawha |
#US54041 | Lewis |
#US54043 | Lincoln |
#US54045 | Logan |
#US54049 | Marion |
#US54051 | Marshall |
#US54053 | Mason |
#US54047 | McDowell |
#US54055 | Mercer |
#US54057 | Mineral |
#US54059 | Mingo |
#US54061 | Monongalia |
#US54063 | Monroe |
#US54065 | Morgan |
#US54067 | Nicholas |
#US54069 | Ohio |
#US54071 | Pendleton |
#US54073 | Pleasants |
#US54075 | Pocahontas |
#US54077 | Preston |
#US54079 | Putnam |
#US54081 | Raleigh |
#US54083 | Randolph |
#US54085 | Ritchie |
#US54087 | Roane |
#US54089 | Summers |
#US54091 | Taylor |
#US54093 | Tucker |
#US54095 | Tyler |
#US54097 | Upshur |
#US54099 | Wayne |
#US54101 | Webster |
#US54103 | Wetzel |
#US54105 | Wirt |
#US54107 | Wood |
#US54109 | Wyoming |
#US55 - Wisconsin
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US55001 | Adams |
#US55003 | Ashland |
#US55005 | Barron |
#US55007 | Bayfield |
#US55009 | Brown |
#US55011 | Buffalo |
#US55013 | Burnett |
#US55015 | Calumet |
#US55017 | Chippewa |
#US55019 | Clark |
#US55021 | Columbia |
#US55023 | Crawford |
#US55025 | Dane |
#US55027 | Dodge |
#US55029 | Door |
#US55031 | Douglas |
#US55033 | Dunn |
#US55035 | Eau Claire |
#US55037 | Florence |
#US55039 | Fond du Lac |
#US55041 | Forest |
#US55043 | Grant |
#US55045 | Green |
#US55047 | Green Lake |
#US55049 | Iowa |
#US55051 | Iron |
#US55053 | Jackson |
#US55055 | Jefferson |
#US55057 | Juneau |
#US55059 | Kenosha |
#US55061 | Kewaunee |
#US55063 | La Crosse |
#US55065 | Lafayette |
#US55067 | Langlade |
#US55069 | Lincoln |
#US55071 | Manitowoc |
#US55073 | Marathon |
#US55075 | Marinette |
#US55077 | Marquette |
#US55078 | Menominee |
#US55079 | Milwaukee |
#US55081 | Monroe |
#US55083 | Oconto |
#US55085 | Oneida |
#US55087 | Outagamie |
#US55089 | Ozaukee |
#US55091 | Pepin |
#US55093 | Pierce |
#US55095 | Polk |
#US55097 | Portage |
#US55099 | Price |
#US55101 | Racine |
#US55103 | Richland |
#US55105 | Rock |
#US55107 | Rusk |
#US55111 | Sauk |
#US55113 | Sawyer |
#US55115 | Shawano |
#US55117 | Sheboygan |
#US55109 | St. Croix |
#US55119 | Taylor |
#US55121 | Trempealeau |
#US55123 | Vernon |
#US55125 | Vilas |
#US55127 | Walworth |
#US55129 | Washburn |
#US55131 | Washington |
#US55133 | Waukesha |
#US55135 | Waupaca |
#US55137 | Waushara |
#US55139 | Winnebago |
#US55141 | Wood |
#US56 - Wyoming
#USlgu hashtag | County |
#US56001 | Albany |
#US56003 | Big Horn |
#US56005 | Campbell |
#US56007 | Carbon |
#US56009 | Converse |
#US56011 | Crook |
#US56013 | Fremont |
#US56015 | Goshen |
#US56017 | Hot Springs |
#US56019 | Johnson |
#US56021 | Laramie |
#US56023 | Lincoln |
#US56025 | Natrona |
#US56027 | Niobrara |
#US56029 | Park |
#US56031 | Platte |
#US56033 | Sheridan |
#US56035 | Sublette |
#US56037 | Sweetwater |
#US56039 | Teton |
#US56041 | Uinta |
#US56043 | Washakie |
#US56045 | Weston |
Alphabetic list of counties, with #USlgu hashtag
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q-R - S - T - U - V - W - Y-Z
acadia-#us22001 accomack-#us51001
adair-ia-#us19001 adair-ky-#us21001 adair-mo-#us29001 adair-ok-#us40001 adams-co-#us08001 adams-ia-#us19003 adams-id-#us16003 adams-il-#us17001 adams-in-#us18001 adams-ms-#us28001 adams-nd-#us38001 adams-ne-#us31001 adams-oh-#us39001 adams-pa-#us42001 adams-wa-#us53001 adams-wi-#us55001 ada-#us16001 addison-#us50001
aiken-#us45003 aitkin-#us27001
alachua-#us12001 alamance-#us37001 alameda-#us06001 alamosa-#us08003 albany-ny-#us36001 albany-wy-#us56001 albemarle-#us51003 alcona-#us26001 alcorn-#us28003 aleutians-east-#us02013 aleutians-west-#us02016 alexander-il-#us17003 alexander-nc-#us37003 alexandria-city-#us51510 alfalfa-#us40003 alger-#us26003 allamakee-#us19005 allegan-#us26005 allegany-md-#us24001 allegany-ny-#us36003 alleghany-nc-#us37005 alleghany-va-#us51005 allegheny-#us42003 allendale-#us45005 allen-in-#us18003 allen-ks-#us20001 allen-ky-#us21003 allen-oh-#us39003 allen-#us22003 alpena-#us26007 alpine-#us06003
amador-#us06005 amelia-#us51007 amherst-#us51009 amite-#us28005
anchorage-municipality-#us02020 anderson-ks-#us20003 anderson-ky-#us21005 anderson-sc-#us45007 anderson-tn-#us47001 anderson-tx-#us48001 andrews-tx-#us48003 andrew-#us29003 androscoggin-#us23001 angelina-#us48005 anne-arundel-#us24003 anoka-#us27003 anson-#us37007 antelope-#us31003 antrim-#us26009
apache-#us04001 appanoose-#us19007 appling-#us13001 appomattox-#us51011
aransas-#us48007 arapahoe-#us08005 archer-#us48009 archuleta-#us08007 arenac-#us26011 arkansas-#us05001 arlington-#us51013 armstrong-pa-#us42005 armstrong-tx-#us48011 aroostook-#us23003 arthur-#us31005
ascension-#us22005 ashe-#us37009 ashland-oh-#us39005 ashland-#us55003 ashley-#us05003 ashtabula-#us39007 asotin-#us53003 assumption-#us22007 atascosa-#us48013
atchison-ks-#us20005 atchison-mo-#us29005 athens-#us39009 atkinson-#us13003 atlantic-#us34001 atoka-#us40005 attala-#us28007
audrain-#us29007 audubon-#us19009 auglaize-#us39011 augusta-#us51015 aurora-#us46003 austin-#us48015 autauga-#us01001
avery-#us37011 avoyelles-#us22009
To the country - to the alphabet
baca-#us08009 bacon-#us13005 bailey-#us48017 baker-fl-#us12003 baker-ga-#us13007 baker-or-#us41001 baldwin-al-#us01003 baldwin-ga-#us13009 ballard-#us21007 baltimore-city-#us24510 baltimore-county-#us24005 bamberg-#us45009 bandera-#us48019 banks-#us13011 banner-#us31007 bannock-#us16005 baraga-#us26013 barber-#us20007 barbour-al-#us01005 barbour-wv-#us54001 barnes-#us38003 barnstable-#us25001 barnwell-#us45011 barren-#us21009 barron-#us55005 barrow-#us13013 barry-mi-#us26015 barry-mo-#us29009 bartholomew-in-#us18005 barton-ks-#us20009 barton-mo-#us29011 bartow-#us13015 bastrop-#us48021 bates-#us29013 bath-ky-#us21011 bath-va-#us51017 baxter-#us05005 bayfield-#us55007 bay-fl-#us12005 baylor-#us48023 bay-mi-#us26017
beadle-#us46005 bear-lake-#us16007 beaufort-nc-#us37013 beaufort-sc-#us45013 beauregard-#us22011 beaverhead-#us30001 beaver-ok-#us40007 beaver-pa-#us42007 beaver-ut-#us49001 becker-#us27005 beckham-#us40009 bedford-city-#us51515 bedford-pa-#us42009 bedford-tn-#us47003 bedford-va-#us51019 bee-#us48025 belknap-#us33001 bell-ky-#us21013 bell-tx-#us48027 belmont-#us39013 beltrami-#us27007 benewah-#us16009 ben-hill-#us13017 bennett-#us46007 bennington-#us50003 benson-#us38005 benton-ar-#us05007 benton-ia-#us19011 benton-in-#us18007 benton-mn-#us27009 benton-mo-#us29015 benton-ms-#us28009 benton-or-#us41003 benton-tn-#us47005 benton-wa-#us53005 bent-#us08011 benzie-#us26019 bergen-#us34003 berkeley-sc-#us45015 berkeley-wv-#us54003 berkshire-#us25003 berks-#us42011 bernalillo-#us35001 berrien-ga-#us13019 berrien-mi-#us26021 bertie-#us37015 bethel-#us02050 bexar-#us48029
bibb-al-#us01007 bibb-ga-#us13021 bienville-#us22013 big-horn-mt-#us30003 big-horn-wy-#us56003 big-stone-#us27011 billings-#us38007 bingham-#us16011
blackford-#us18009 black-hawk-#us19013 bladen-#us37017 blaine-id-#us16013 blaine-mt-#us30005 blaine-ne-#us31009 blaine-ok-#us40011 blair-#us42013 blanco-#us48031 bland-#us51021 bleckley-#us13023 bledsoe-#us47007 blount-al-#us01009 blount-tn-#us47009 blue-earth-#us27013
boise-#us16015 bolivar-#us28011 bollinger-#us29017 bond-#us17005 bon-homme-#us46009 bonner-#us16017 bonneville-#us16019 boone-ar-#us05009 boone-ia-#us19015 boone-il-#us17007 boone-in-#us18011 boone-ky-#us21015 boone-mo-#us29019 boone-ne-#us31011 boone-wv-#us54005 borden-#us48033 bosque-#us48035 bossier-#us22015 botetourt-#us51023 bottineau-#us38009 boulder-#us08013 boundary-#us16021 bourbon-ks-#us20011 bourbon-ky-#us21017 bowie-#us48037 bowman-#us38011 box-butte-#us31013 box-elder-#us49003 boyd-ky-#us21019 boyd-ne-#us31015 boyle-#us21021
bracken-#us21023 bradford-fl-#us12007 bradford-pa-#us42015 bradley-ar-#us05011 bradley-tn-#us47011 branch-#us26023 brantley-#us13025 braxton-#us54007 brazoria-#us48039 brazos-#us48041 breathitt-#us21025 breckinridge-#us21027 bremer-#us19017 brevard-#us12009 brewster-#us48043 briscoe-#us48045 bristol-bay-#us02060 bristol-city-#us51520 bristol-ma-#us25005 bristol-ri-#us44001 broadwater-#us30007 bronx-#us36005 brooke-#us54009 brookings-#us46011 brooks-ga-#us13027 brooks-tx-#us48047 broome-#us36007 broward-#us12011 brown-il-#us17009 brown-in-#us18013 brown-ks-#us20013 brown-mn-#us27015 brown-ne-#us31017 brown-oh-#us39015 brown-sd-#us46013 brown-tx-#us48049 brown-wi-#us55009 brule-#us46015 brunswick-nc-#us37019 brunswick-va-#us51025 bryan-ga-#us13029 bryan-ok-#us40013
buchanan-ia-#us19019 buchanan-mo-#us29021 buchanan-va-#us51027 buckingham-#us51029 bucks-#us42017 buena-vista-city-#us51530 buena-vista-ia-#us19021 buffalo-sd-#us46017 buffalo-#us31019 buffalo-wi-#us55011 bullitt-#us21029 bulloch-#us13031 bullock-#us01011 buncombe-#us37021 bureau-#us17011 burke-ga-#us13033 burke-nc-#us37023 burke-nd-#us38013 burleigh-#us38015 burleson-#us48051 burlington-#us34005 burnett-#us55013 burnet-#us48053 burt-#us31021 butler-al-#us01013 butler-ia-#us19023 butler-ks-#us20015 butler-ky-#us21031 butler-mo-#us29023 butler-ne-#us31023 butler-oh-#us39017 butler-pa-#us42019 butte-ca-#us06007 butte-id-#us16023 butte-sd-#us46019 butts-#us13035
To the country - to the alphabet
cabarrus-#us37025 cabell-#us54011 cache-#us49005 caddo-#us22017 caddo-#us40015 calaveras-#us06009 calcasieu-#us22019 caldwell-ky-#us21033 caldwell-mo-#us29025 caldwell-nc-#us37027 caldwell-tx-#us48055 caldwell-#us22021 caledonia-#us50005 calhoun-al-#us01015 calhoun-ar-#us05013 calhoun-fl-#us12013 calhoun-ga-#us13037 calhoun-ia-#us19025 calhoun-il-#us17013 calhoun-ms-#us28013 calhoun-sc-#us45017 calhoun-tx-#us320 calhoun-#us26025 calhoun-wv-#us54013 callahan-#us48059 callaway-#us29027 calloway-#us21035 calumet-#us55015 calvert-#us24009 camas-#us16025 cambria-#us42021 camden-ga-#us13039 camden-mo-#us29029 camden-nc-#us37029 camden-nj-#us34007 cameron-tx-#us48061 cameron-#us22023 cameron-#us42023 campbell-ky-#us21037 campbell-sd-#us46021 campbell-tn-#us47013 campbell-va-#us51031 campbell-wy-#us56005 camp-#us48063 canadian-#us40017 candler-#us13043 cannon-tn-#us47015 canyon-#us16027 cape-girardeau-#us29031 cape-may-#us34009 carbon-mt-#us30009 carbon-pa-#us42025 carbon-ut-#us49007 carbon-wy-#us56007 caribou-#us16029 carlisle-#us21039 carlton-#us27017 caroline-md-#us24011 caroline-va-#us51033 carroll-ar-#us05015 carroll-ga-#us13045 carroll-ia-#us19027 carroll-il-#us17015 carroll-in-#us18015 carroll-ky-#us21041 carroll-md-#us24013 carroll-mo-#us29033 carroll-ms-#us28015 carroll-nh-#us33003 carroll-oh-#us39019 carroll-tn-#us47017 carroll-va-#us51035 carson-city-#us32510 carson-tx-#us48065 carteret-#us37031 carter-ky-#us21043 carter-mo-#us29035 carter-mt-#us30011 carter-ok-#us40019 carter-tn-#us47019 carver-#us27019 cascade-#us30013 casey-ky-#us21045 cassia-#us16031 cass-ia-#us19029 cass-il-#us17017 cass-in-#us18017 cass-mi-#us26027 cass-mn-#us27021 cass-mo-#us29037 cass-nd-#us38017 cass-ne-#us31025 cass-tx-#us48067 castro-#us48069 caswell-#us37031 catahoula-#us22025 catawba-#us37035 catoosa-#us13047 catron-#us35003 cattaraugus-#us36009 cavalier-#us38019 cayuga-#us36011
cecil-#us24015 cedar-ia-#us19031 cedar-mo-#us29039 cedar-ne-#us31027 centre-#us42027 cerro-gordo-#us19033
chaffee-#us08015 chambers-al-#us01017 chambers-tx-#us48071 champaign-il-#us17019 champaign-oh-#us39021 chariton-#us29041 charles-city-#us51036 charles-md-#us24017 charles-mix-#us46023 charleston-#us45019 charlevoix-#us26029 charlotte-fl-#us12015 charlottesville-city-#us51540 charlotte-va-#us51037 charlton-#us13049 chase-ks-#us20017 chase-ne-#us31029 chatham-ga-#us13051 chatham-nc-#us37037 chattahoochee-#us13053 chattooga-#us13055 chautauqua-ks-#us20019 chautauqua-ny-#us36013 chaves-#us35005 cheatham-#us47021 cheboygan-#us26031 chelan-#us53007 chemung-#us36015 chenango-#us36017 cherokee-al-#us01019 cherokee-ga-#us13057 cherokee-ia-#us19035 cherokee-ks-#us20021 cherokee-nc-#us37039 cherokee-ok-#us40021 cherokee-sc-#us45021 cherokee-tx-#us48073 cherry-#us31031 chesapeake-city-#us51550 cheshire-#us33005 chesterfield-sc-#us45025 chesterfield-#us51041 chester-pa-#us42029 chester-sc-#us45023 chester-tn-#us47023 cheyenne-co-#us08017 cheyenne-ks-#us20023 cheyenne-ne-#us31033 chickasaw-ia-#us19037 chickasaw-ms-#us28017 chicot-#us05017 childress-#us48075 chilton-#us01021 chippewa-mi-#us26033 chippewa-mn-#us27023 chippewa-wi-#us55017 chisago-#us27025 chittenden-#us50007 choctaw-al-#us01023 choctaw-ms-#us28019 choctaw-ok-#us0023 chouteau-#us30015 chowan-#us37041 christian-il-#us17021 christian-ky-#us21047 christian-mo-#us29043 churchill-#us32001
cibola-#us35006 cimarron-#us40025 citrus-#us12017
clackamas-#us41005 claiborne-ms-#us28021 claiborne-tn-#us47025 claiborne-#us22027 clallam-#us53009 clarendon-#us45027 clare-#us26035 clarion-#us42031 clark-ar-#us05019 clarke-al-#us01025 clarke-ga-#us13059 clarke-ia-#us19039 clarke-ms-#us28023 clarke-va-#us51043 clark-id-#us16033 clark-il-#us17023 clark-in-#us18019 clark-ks-#us20025 clark-ky-#us21049 clark-mo-#us29045 clark-nv-#us32003 clark-oh-#us39023 clark-sd-#us46025 clark-wa-#us53011 clark-wi-#us55019 clatsop-#us41007 clay-al-#us01027 clay-ar-#us05021 clay-fl-#us12019 clay-ga-#us13061 clay-ia-#us19041 clay-il-#us17025 clay-in-#us18021 clay-ks-#us20027 clay-ky-#us21051 clay-mn-#us27027 clay-mo-#us29047 clay-ms-#us28025 clay-nc-#us37043 clay-ne-#us31035 clay-sd-#us46027 clay-tn-#us47027 clayton-ga-#us13063 clayton-ia-#us19043 clay-tx-#us48077 clay-wv-#us54015 clear-creek-#us08019 clearfield-#us42033 clearwater-id-#us16035 clearwater-mn-#us27029 cleburne-al-#us01029 cleburne-ar-#us05023 clermont-#us39025 cleveland-ar-#us05025 cleveland-nc-#us37045 cleveland-ok-#us40027 clifton-forge-city-#us51560 clinch-#us13065 clinton-ia-#us19045 clinton-il-#us17027 clinton-in-#us18023 clinton-ky-#us21053 clinton-mi-#us26037 clinton-mo-#us29049 clinton-ny-#us36019 clinton-oh-#us39027 clinton-pa-#us42035 cloud-#us20029
coahoma-#us28027 coal-#us40029 cobb-#us13067 cochise-#us04003 cochran-#us48079 cocke-#us47029 coconino-#us04005 codington-#us46029 coffee-al-#us01031 coffee-ga-#us13069 coffee-tn-#us47031 coffey-#us20031 coke-#us48081 colbert-#us01033 coleman-#us48083 coles-il-#us17029 cole-#us29051 colfax-ne-#us31037 colfax-nm-#us35007 colleton-#us45029 collier-#us12021 collingsworth-#us48087 collin-#us48085 colonial-heights-city-#us51570 colorado-tx-#us48089 colquitt-#us13071 columbia-ar-#us05027 columbia-fl-#us12023 columbia-ga-#us13073 columbiana-#us39029 columbia-ny-#us36021 columbia-or-#us41009 columbia-pa-#us42037 columbia-wa-#us53013 columbia-wi-#us55021 columbus-#us37047 colusa-#us06011 comal-#us48091 comanche-ks-#us20033 comanche-ok-#us40031 comanche-tx-#us48093 concho-#us48095 concordia-#us22029 conecuh-#us01035 conejos-#us08021 contra-costa-#us06013 converse-#us56009 conway-#us05029 cooke-tx-#us48097 cook-ga-#us13075 cook-il-#us17031 cook-mn-#us27031 cooper-#us29053 coosa-#us01037 coos-nh-#us33007 coos-or-#us41011 copiah-#us28029 corson-#us46031 cortland-#us36023 coryell-#us48099 coshocton-#us39031 costilla-#us08023 cottle-#us48101 cotton-#us40033 cottonwood-#us27033 covington-al-#us01039 covington-city-#us51580 covington-ms-#us28031 coweta-#us13077 cowley-#us20035 cowlitz-wa-#us53015
craighead-#us05031 craig-ok-#us40035 craig-va-#us51045 crane-#us48103 craven-#us37049 crawford-ga-#us13079 crawford-ia-#us19047 crawford-il-#us17033 crawford-in-#us18025 crawford-ks-#us20037 crawford-mi-#us26039 crawford-mo-#us29055 crawford-oh-#us39033 crawford-pa-#us42039 crawford-#us05033 crawford-wi-#us55023 creek-ok-#us40037 crenshaw-#us01041 crisp-#us13081 crittenden-ar-#us05035 crittenden-ky-#us21055 crockett-tn-#us47033 crockett-tx-#us48105 crook-or-#us41013 crook-wy-#us56011 crosby-#us48107 cross-#us05037 crowley-#us08025 crow-wing-#us27035
culberson-#us48109 cullman-#us01043 culpeper-#us51047 cumberland-il-#us17035 cumberland-ky-#us21057 cumberland-me-#us23005 cumberland-nc-#us37051 cumberland-nj-#us34011 cumberland-pa-#us42041 cumberland-tn-#us47035 cumberland-va-#us51049 cuming-#us31039 currituck-#us37053 curry-nm-#us35009 curry-or-#us41015 custer-co-#us08027 custer-id-#us16037 custer-mt-#us30017 custer-ne-#us31041 custer-ok-#us40039 custer-sd-#us46033 cuyahoga-#us39035
To the country - to the alphabet
dade-fl-#us12025 dade-ga-#us13083 dade-mo-#us29057 daggett-#us49009 dakota-mn-#us27037 dakota-ne-#us31043 dale-#us01045 dallam-#us48111 dallas-al-#us01047 dallas-ar-#us05039 dallas-ia-#us19049 dallas-mo-#us29059 dallas-tx-#us48113 dane-#us55025 daniels-#us30019 danville-city-#us51590 dare-#us37055 darke-#us39037 darlington-#us45031 dauphin-#us42043 davidson-nc-#us37057 davidson-tn-#us47037 daviess-in-#us18027 daviess-ky-#us21059 daviess-mo-#us29061 davie-#us37059 davis-ia-#us19051 davison-#us46035 davis-ut-#us49011 dawes-#us31045 dawson-ga-#us13085 dawson-mt-#us30021 dawson-ne-#us31047 dawson-tx-#us48115 day-#us46037
deaf-smith-#us48117 dearborn-#us18029 debaca-#us35011 decatur-ga-#us13087 decatur-ia-#us19053 decatur-in-#us18031 decatur-ks-#us20039 decatur-tn-#us47039 deer-lodge-#us30023 defiance-#us39039 dekalb-al-#us01049 dekalb-ga-#us13089 dekalb-il-#us17037 dekalb-mo-#us29063 dekalb-tn-#us47041 de-kalb-#us18033 delaware-ia-#us19055 delaware-in-#us18035 delaware-ny-#us36025 delaware-oh-#us39041 delaware-ok-#us40041 delaware-pa-#us42045 del-norte-#us06015 delta-co-#us08029 delta-mi-#us26041 delta-tx-#us48119 denali-borough-#us02068 denton-#us48121 dent-#us29065 denver-#us08031 deschutes-#us41017 desha-#us05041 des-moines-ia-#us19057 desoto-fl-#us12027 desoto-ms-#us28033 desoto-#us22031 deuel-ne-#us31049 deuel-sd-#us46039 dewey-ok-#us40043 dewey-sd-#us46041 de-witt-#us17039 dewitt-#us48123
dickenson-#us51051 dickens-#us48125 dickey-#us38021 dickinson-ia-#us19059 dickinson-ks-#us20041 dickinson-mi-#us26043 dickson-#us47043 dillingham-#us02070 dillon-#us45033 dimmit-#us48127 dinwiddie-#us51053 district-of-columbia-#us11001 divide-#us38023 dixie-#us12029 dixon-#us31051
doddridge-#us54017 dodge-ga-#us13091 dodge-mn-#us27039 dodge-ne-#us31053 dodge-wi-#us55027 dolores-#us08033 dona-ana-#us35013 doniphan-#us20043 donley-#us48129 dooly-#us13093 door-#us55029 dorchester-md-#us24019 dorchester-sc-#us45035 dougherty-#us13095 douglas-co-#us08035 douglas-ga-#us13097 douglas-il-#us17041 douglas-ks-#us20045 douglas-mn-#us27041 douglas-mo-#us29067 douglas-ne-#us31055 douglas-nv-#us32005 douglas-or-#us41019 douglas-sd-#us46043 douglas-wa-#us53017 douglas-wi-#us55031
dubois-in-#us18037 dubuque-#us19061 duchesne-#us49013 dukes-#us25007 dundy-#us31057 dunklin-#us29069 dunn-#us38025 dunn-wi-#us55033 dupage-il-#us17043 duplin-#us37061 durham-#us37063 dutchess-#us36027 duval-fl-#us12031 duval-tx-#us48131
To the country - to the alphabet
eagle-#us08037 early-ga-#us13099 east-baton-#us22033 east-carroll-#us22035 east-feliciana-#us22037 eastland-#us48133 eaton-#us26045 eau-claire-wi-#us55035
echols-#us13101 ector-#us48135
eddy-nd-#us38027 eddy-nm-#us35015 edgar-#us17045 edgecombe-#us37065 edgefield-#us45037 edmonson-#us21061 edmunds-#us46045 edwards-il-#us17047 edwards-ks-#us20047 edwards-tx-#us48137
effingham-ga-#us13103 effingham-il-#us17049
elbert-co-#us08039 elbert-ga-#us13105 el-dorado-#us06017 elkhart-#us18039 elk-ks-#us20049 elko-#us32007 elk-pa-#us42047 elliott-#us21063 ellis-ks-#us20051 ellis-ok-#us40045 ellis-tx-#us48139 ellsworth-#us20053 elmore-al-#us01051 elmore-#us16039 el-paso-co-#us08041 el-paso-tx-#us48141
emanuel-#us13107 emery-#us49015 emmet-ia-#us19063 emmet-mi-#us26047 emmons-#us38029 emporia-city-#us51595
erath-#us48143 erie-ny-#us36029 erie-oh-#us39043 erie-#us42049
escambia-al-#us01053 escambia-fl-#us12033 esmeralda-#us32009 essex-ma-#us25009 essex-nj-#us34013 essex-ny-#us36031 essex-va-#us51057 essex-vt-#us50009 estill-#us21065
evangeline-#us22039 evans-#us13109
To the country - to the alphabet
fairbanks-north-star-#us02090 fairfax-city-#us51600 fairfax-#us51059 fairfield-ct-#us09001 fairfield-sc-#us45039 fairfield-#us39045 fallon-#us30025 fall-river-#us46047 falls-church-city-#us51610 falls-#us48145 fannin-ga-#us13111 fannin-tx-#us48147 faribault-#us27043 faulkner-#us05045 faulk-#us46049 fauquier-#us51061 fayette-al-#us01057 fayette-ga-#us13113 fayette-ia-#us19065 fayette-il-#us17051 fayette-in-#us18041 fayette-ky-#us21067 fayette-oh-#us39047 fayette-pa-#us42051 fayette-tn-#us47047 fayette-tx-#us48149 fayette-wv-#us54019
fentress-#us47049 fergus-#us30027 ferry-#us53019
fillmore-mn-#us27045 fillmore-ne-#us31059 finney-#us20055 fisher-#us48151
flagler-#us12035 flathead-#us30029 fleming-#us21069 florence-sc-#us45041 florence-wi-#us55037 floyd-ga-#us13115 floyd-ia-#us19067 floyd-in-#us18043 floyd-ky-#us21071 floyd-tx-#us48153 floyd-va-#us51063 fluvanna-#us51065
foard-#us48155 fond-du-lac-wi-#us55039 ford-il-#us17053 ford-ks-#us20057 forest-pa-#us42053 forest-wi-#us55041 forrest-#us28035 forsyth-ga-#us13117 forsyth-nc-#us37067 fort-bend-#us48157 foster-#us38031 fountain-#us18045
franklin-al-#us01059 franklin-ar-#us05047 franklin-city-#us51620 franklin-fl-#us12037 franklin-ga-#us13119 franklin-ia-#us19069 franklin-id-#us16041 franklin-il-#us17055 franklin-in-#us18047 franklin-ks-#us20059 franklin-ky-#us21073 franklin-la-#us22041 franklin-ma-#us25011 franklin-me-#us23007 franklin-mo-#us29071 franklin-ms-#us28037 franklin-nc-#us37069 franklin-ne-#us31061 franklin-ny-#us36033 franklin-oh-#us39049 franklin-pa-#us42055 franklin-tn-#us47051 franklin-tx-#us48159 franklin-va-#us51067 franklin-vt-#us50011 franklin-wa-#us53021 frederick-md-#us24021 fredericksburg-city-#us51630 frederick-va-#us51069 freeborn-#us27047 freestone-#us48161 fremont-co-#us08043 fremont-ia-#us19071 fremont-id-#us16043 fremont-wy-#us56013 fresno-#us06019 frio-#us48163 frontier-#us31063
fulton-ar-#us05049 fulton-ga-#us13121 fulton-il-#us17057 fulton-in-#us18049 fulton-ky-#us21075 fulton-ny-#us36035 fulton-oh-#us39051 fulton-pa-#us42057 furnas-#us31065
To the country - to the alphabet
gadsden-#us12039 gage-#us31067 gaines-#us48165 galax-city-#us51640 gallatin-il-#us17059 gallatin-ky-#us21077 gallatin-mt-#us30031 gallia-#us39053 galveston-#us48167 garden-#us31069 garfield-co-#us08045 garfield-mt-#us30033 garfield-ne-#us31071 garfield-ok-#us40047 garfield-ut-#us49017 garfield-wa-#us53023 garland-#us05051 garrard-#us21079 garrett-#us24023 garvin-#us40049 garza-#us48169 gasconade-#us29073 gaston-#us37071 gates-#us37073
geary-#us20061 geauga-#us39055 gem-#us16045 genesee-mi-#us26049 genesee-ny-#us36037 geneva-#us01061 gentry-#us29075 george-ms-#us28039 georgetown-#us45043
gibson-in-#us18051 gibson-tn-#us47053 gila-#us04007 gilchrist-#us12041 giles-tn-#us47055 giles-va-#us51071 gillespie-#us48171 gilliam-#us41021 gilmer-ga-#us13123 gilmer-wv-#us54021 gilpin-#us08047
glacier-#us30035 glades-#us12043 gladwin-#us26051 glascock-#us13125 glasscock-#us48173 glenn-#us06021 gloucester-nj-#us34015 gloucester-va-#us51073 glynn-#us13127
gogebic-#us26053 golden-valley-mt-#us30037 golden-valley-nd-#us38033 goliad-#us48175 gonzales-#us48177 goochland-#us51075 goodhue-#us27049 gooding-#us16047 gordon-#us13129 goshen-#us56015 gosper-#us31073 gove-#us20063
grady-ga-#us13131 grady-ok-#us40051 grafton-#us33009 graham-az-#us04009 graham-ks-#us20065 graham-nc-#us37075 grainger-#us47057 grand-co-#us08049 grand-forks-#us38035 grand-isle-#us50013 grand-traverse-#us26055 grand-ut-#us49019 granite-#us30039 grant-in-#us18053 grant-ks-#us20067 grant-ky-#us21081 grant-mn-#us27051 grant-nd-#us38037 grant-ne-#us31075 grant-nm-#us35017 grant-ok-#us40053 grant-or-#us41023 grant-sd-#us46051 grant-#us22043 grant-wa-#us53025 grant-wi-#us55043 grant-wv-#us54023 granville-#us37077 gratiot-#us26057 graves-#us21083 gray-ks-#us20069 grays-harbor-#us53027 grayson-ky-#us21085 grayson-tx-#us48181 grayson-va-#us51077 gray-tx-#us48179 greeley-ks-#us20071 greeley-#us31077 greenbrier-#us54025 greene-al-#us01063 greene-ga-#us13133 greene-ia-#us19073 greene-il-#us17061 greene-in-#us18055 greene-mo-#us29077 greene-ms-#us28041 greene-nc-#us37079 greene-ny-#us36039 greene-oh-#us39057 greene-pa-#us42059 greene-tn-#us47059 greene-va-#us51079 green-ky-#us21087 green-lake-wi-#us55047 greenlee-#us04011 greensville-#us51081 greenup-#us21089 greenville-#us45045 green-wi-#us55045 greenwood-ks-#us20073 greenwood-sc-#us45047 greer-#us40055 gregg-#us48183 gregory-#us46053 grenada-#us28043 griggs-#us38039 grimes-#us48185 grundy-ia-#us19075 grundy-il-#us17063 grundy-mo-#us29079 grundy-tn-#us47061
guadalupe-nm-#us35019 guadalupe-tx-#us48187 guernsey-#us39059 guilford-#us37081 gulf-#us12045 gunnison-#us08051 guthrie-#us19077
To the country - to the alphabet
haakon-#us46055 habersham-#us13137 haines-#us02100 hale-al-#us01065 hale-tx-#us48189 halifax-nc-#us37083 halifax-va-#us51083 hall-ga-#us13139 hall-ne-#us31079 hall-tx-#us48191 hamblen-#us47063 hamilton-fl-#us12047 hamilton-ia-#us19079 hamilton-il-#us17065 hamilton-in-#us18057 hamilton-ks-#us20075 hamilton-ne-#us31081 hamilton-ny-#us36041 hamilton-oh-#us39061 hamilton-tn-#us47065 hamilton-tx-#us48193 hamlin-#us46057 hampden-#us25013 hampshire-ma-#us25015 hampshire-wv-#us54027 hampton-city-#us51650 hampton-sc-#us45049 hancock-ga-#us13141 hancock-ia-#us19081 hancock-il-#us17067 hancock-in-#us18059 hancock-ky-#us21091 hancock-me-#us23009 hancock-ms-#us28045 hancock-oh-#us39063 hancock-tn-#us47067 hancock-wv-#us54029 hand-sd-#us46059 hanover-va-#us51085 hansford-#us48195 hanson-#us46061 haralson-#us13143 hardee-#us12049 hardeman-tn-#us47069 hardeman-#us48197 harding-nm-#us35021 harding-sd-#us46063 hardin-ia-#us19083 hardin-il-#us17069 hardin-ky-#us21093 hardin-oh-#us39065 hardin-tn-#us47071 hardin-tx-#us48199 hardy-#us54031 harford-#us24025 harlan-ky-#us21095 harlan-ne-#us31083 harmon-#us40057 harnett-#us37085 harney-#us41025 harper-ks-#us20077 harper-ok-#us40059 harris-ga-#us13145 harrisonburg-city-#us51660 harrison-ia-#us19085 harrison-in-#us18061 harrison-ky-#us21097 harrison-mo-#us29081 harrison-ms-#us28047 harrison-oh-#us39067 harrison-tx-#us48203 harrison-wv-#us54033 harris-tx-#us48201 hartford-#us09003 hart-ga-#us13147 hart-ky-#us21099 hartley-tx-#us48205 harvey-#us20079 haskell-ks-#us20081 haskell-ok-#us40061 haskell-tx-#us48207 hawaii-#us15001 hawkins-#us47073 hayes-#us31085 hays-tx-#us48209 haywood-nc-#us37087 haywood-tn-#us47075
heard-#us13149 hemphill-#us48211 hempstead-#us05057 henderson-il-#us17071 henderson-ky-#us21101 henderson-nc-#us37089 henderson-tn-#us47077 henderson-tx-#us48213 hendricks-#us18063 hendry-#us12051 hennepin-#us27053 henrico-#us51087 henry-al-#us01067 henry-ga-#us13151 henry-ia-#us19087 henry-il-#us17073 henry-in-#us18065 henry-ky-#us21103 henry-mo-#us29083 henry-oh-#us39069 henry-tn-#us47079 henry-va-#us51089 herkimer-#us36043 hernando-#us12053 hertford-#us37091 hettinger-#us38041
hickman-ky-#us21105 hickman-tn-#us47081 hickory-#us29085 hidalgo-nm-#us35023 hidalgo-tx-#us48215 highland-oh-#us39071 highlands-#us12055 highland-va-#us51091 hill-mt-#us30041 hillsborough-fl-#us12057 hillsborough-nh-#us33011 hillsdale-#us26059 hill-tx-#us48217 hinds-#us28049 hinsdale-#us08053 hitchcock-#us31087
hocking-oh-#us39073 hockley-#us48219 hodgeman-#us20083 hoke-#us37093 holmes-fl-#us12059 holmes-ms-#us28051 holmes-oh-#us39075 holt-mo-#us29087 holt-ne-#us31089 honolulu-#us15003 hood-river-#us41027 hood-tx-#us48221 hooker-#us31091 hoonah-angoon-#us02105 hopewell-city-#us51670 hopkins-ky-#us21107 hopkins-tx-#us48223 horry-#us45051 hot-spring-ar-#us05059 hot-springs-wy-#us56017 houghton-#us26061 houston-al-#us01069 houston-ga-#us13153 houston-mn-#us27055 houston-tn-#us47083 houston-tx-#us48225 howard-ar-#us05061 howard-ia-#us19089 howard-in-#us18067 howard-md-#us24027 howard-mo-#us29089 howard-ne-#us31093 howard-tx-#us48227 howell-#us29091
hubbard-#us27057 hudson-#us34017 hudspeth-#us48229 huerfano-#us08055 hughes-ok-#us40063 hughes-sd-#us46065 humboldt-ca-#us06023 humboldt-ia-#us19091 humboldt-nv-#us32013 humphreys-ms-#us28053 humphreys-tn-#us47085 hunterdon-#us34019 huntingdon-#us42061 huntington-#us18069 hunt-#us48231 huron-mi-#us26063 huron-oh-#us39077 hutchinson-sd-#us46067 hutchinson-tx-#us48233
hyde-nc-#us37095 hyde-sd-#us46069
To the country - to the alphabet
iberia-#us22045 iberville-#us22045 idaho-#us16049 ida-#us19093
independence-#us05063 indiana-pa-#us42063 indian-river-#us12061 ingham-#us26065 inyo-#us06027
ionia-#us26067 iosco-#us26069 iowa-ia-#us19095 iowa-wi-#us55049
iredell-#us37097 irion-#us48235 iron-mi-#us26071 iron-mo-#us29093 iron-ut-#us49021 iron-wi-#us55051 iroquois-il-#us17075 irwin-#us13155
isabella-#us26073 isanti-#us27059 island-#us53029 isle-of-wight-#us51093 issaquena-#us28055
itasca-#us27061 itawamba-#us28057
To the country - to the alphabet
jackson-al-#us01071 jackson-ar-#us05067 jackson-co-#us08057 jackson-fl-#us12063 jackson-ga-#us13157 jackson-ia-#us19097 jackson-il-#us17077 jackson-in-#us18071 jackson-ks-#us20085 jackson-ky-#us21109 jackson-mi-#us26075 jackson-mn-#us27063 jackson-mo-#us29095 jackson-ms-#us28059 jackson-nc-#us37099 jackson-oh-#us39079 jackson-ok-#us40065 jackson-or-#us41029 jackson-sd-#us46071 jackson-tn-#us47087 jackson-tx-#us48239 jackson-#us22051 jackson-wi-#us55053 jackson-wv-#us54035 jack-#us48237 james-city-#us51095 jasper-ga-#us13159 jasper-ia-#us19099 jasper-il-#us17079 jasper-in-#us18073 jasper-mo-#us29097 jasper-ms-#us28061 jasper-sc-#us45053 jasper-tx-#us48241 jay-#us18075
jeff-davis-tx-#us48243 jeff-davis-#us13161 jefferson-al-#us01073 jefferson-ar-#us05069 jefferson-co-#us08059 jefferson-davis-#us22053 jefferson-davis-#us28065 jefferson-fl-#us12065 jefferson-ga-#us13163 jefferson-ia-#us19101 jefferson-id-#us16051 jefferson-il-#us17081 jefferson-in-#us18077 jefferson-ks-#us20087 jefferson-ky-#us21111 jefferson-mo-#us29099 jefferson-ms-#us28063 jefferson-mt-#us30043 jefferson-ne-#us31095 jefferson-ny-#us36045 jefferson-oh-#us39081 jefferson-ok-#us40067 jefferson-or-#us41031 jefferson-pa-#us42065 jefferson-tn-#us47089 jefferson-tx-#us48245 jefferson-wa-#us53031 jefferson-wi-#us55055 jefferson-wv-#us54037 jenkins-#us13165 jennings-#us18079 jerauld-#us46073 jerome-#us16053 jersey-il-#us17083 jessamine-#us21113 jewell-#us20089
jim-hogg-#us48247 jim-wells-#us48249
jo-daviess-#us17085 johnson-ga-#us13167 johnson-ia-#us19103 johnson-il-#us17087 johnson-in-#us18081 johnson-ks-#us20091 johnson-ky-#us21115 johnson-mo-#us29101 johnson-ne-#us31097 johnson-tn-#us47091 johnson-tx-#us48251 johnson-wy-#us56019 johnston-nc-#us37101 johnston-ok-#us40069 jones-ga-#us13169 jones-ia-#us19105 jones-ms-#us28067 jones-nc-#us37103 jones-sd-#us46075 jones-tx-#us48253 josephine-#us41033
juab-#us49023 judith-basin-#us30045 juneau-city-#us02110 juneau-#us55057 juniata-#us42067
To the country - to the alphabet
kalamazoo-#us26077 kalawao-#us15005 kalkaska-#us26079 kanabec-#us27065 kanawha-#us54039 kandiyohi-#us27067 kane-il-#us17089 kane-ut-#us49025 kankakee-#us17091 karnes-#us48255 kauai-#us15007 kaufman-#us48257 kay-#us40071
kearney-#us31099 kearny-#us20093 keith-#us31101 kemper-#us28069 kenai-peninsula-#us02122 kendall-il-#us17093 kendall-tx-#us48259 kenedy-#us48261 kennebec-#us23011 kenosha-wi-#us55059 kent-de-#us10001 kent-md-#us24029 kent-mi-#us26081 kenton-#us21117 kent-ri-#us44003 kent-tx-#us48263 keokuk-#us19107 kern-#us06029 kerr-#us48265 kershaw-#us45055 ketchikan-gateway-#us02130 kewaunee-#us55061 keweenaw-#us26083 keya-paha-#us31103
kidder-#us38043 kimball-#us31105 kimble-#us48267 king-and-queen-#us51097 kingfisher-#us40073 king-george-#us51099 kingman-#us20095 kingsbury-#us46077 kings-ca-#us06031 kings-ny-#us36047 king-tx-#us48269 king-wa-#us53033 king-william-#us51101 kinney-#us48271 kiowa-co-#us08061 kiowa-ks-#us20097 kiowa-ok-#us40075 kit-carson-#us08063 kitsap-#us53035 kittitas-#us53037 kittson-#us27069
klamath-#us41035 kleberg-#us48273 klickitat-#us53039
knott-#us21119 knox-il-#us17095 knox-in-#us18083 knox-ky-#us21121 knox-me-#us23013 knox-mo-#us29103 knox-ne-#us31107 knox-oh-#us39083 knox-tn-#us47093 knox-tx-#us48275
kodiak-island-#us02150 koochiching-#us27071 kootenai-#us16055 kosciusko-#us18085 kossuth-#us19109
To the country - to the alphabet
labette-#us20099 lackawanna-#us42069 laclede-#us29105 lac-qui-parle-#us27073 la-crosse-#us55063 lafayette-ar-#us05073 lafayette-fl-#us12067 lafayette-mo-#us29107 lafayette-ms-#us28071 lafayette-#us22055 lafayette-wi-#us55065 lafourche-#us22057 lagrange-#us18087 lake-and-peninsula-#us02164 lake-ca-#us06033 lake-co-#us08065 lake-fl-#us12069 lake-il-#us17097 lake-in-#us18089 lake-mi-#us26085 lake-mt-#us30047 lake-of-the-woods-#us27077 lake-oh-#us39085 lake-or-#us41037 lake-sd-#us46079 lake-tn-#us47095 lake-#us27075 lamar-al-#us01075 lamar-ga-#us13171 lamar-ms-#us28073 lamar-tx-#us48277 lamb-#us48279 lamoille-#us50015 lamoure-#us38045 lampasas-#us48281 lancaster-ne-#us31109 lancaster-pa-#us42071 lancaster-sc-#us45057 lancaster-va-#us51103 lander-#us32015 lane-ks-#us20101 lane-or-#us41039 langlade-#us55067 lanier-#us13173 la-paz-#us04012 lapeer-#us26087 la-plata-#us08067 la-porte-#us18091 laramie-#us56021 larimer-#us08069 larue-#us21123 la-salle-tx-#us48283 la-salle-#us17099 lasalle-#us22059 las-animas-#us08071 lassen-#us06035 latah-#us16057 latimer-#us40077 lauderdale-al-#us01077 lauderdale-ms-#us28075 lauderdale-tn-#us47097 laurel-#us21125 laurens-ga-#us13175 laurens-sc-#us45059 lavaca-#us48285 lawrence-al-#us01079 lawrence-il-#us17101 lawrence-in-#us18093 lawrence-ky-#us21127 lawrence-mo-#us29109 lawrence-ms-#us28077 lawrence-oh-#us39087 lawrence-pa-#us42073 lawrence-sd-#us46081 lawrence-tn-#us47099
leake-#us28079 lea-#us35025 leavenworth-#us20103 lebanon-#us42075 lee-al-#us01081 lee-ar-#us05077 lee-fl-#us12071 lee-ga-#us13177 lee-ia-#us19111 lee-il-#us17103 lee-ky-#us21129 leelanau-#us26089 lee-ms-#us28081 lee-nc-#us37105 lee-sc-#us45061 lee-tx-#us48287 lee-va-#us51105 leflore-#us28083 le-flore-#us40079 lehigh-#us42077 lemhi-#us16059 lenawee-#us26091 lenoir-#us37107 leon-fl-#us12073 leon-tx-#us48289 leslie-#us21131 le-sueur-#us27079 letcher-#us21133 levy-#us12075 lewis-and-clark-#us30049 lewis-id-#us16061 lewis-ky-#us21135 lewis-mo-#us29111 lewis-ny-#us36049 lewis-tn-#us47101 lewis-wa-#us53041 lewis-wv-#us54041 lexington-city-#us51678 lexington-sc-#us45063
liberty-fl-#us12077 liberty-ga-#us13179 liberty-mt-#us30051 liberty-tx-#us48291 licking-#us39089 limestone-al-#us01083 limestone-tx-#us48293 lincoln-ar-#us05079 lincoln-co-#us08073 lincoln-ga-#us13181 lincoln-id-#us16063 lincoln-ks-#us20105 lincoln-ky-#us21137 lincoln-me-#us23015 lincoln-mn-#us27081 lincoln-mo-#us29113 lincoln-ms-#us28085 lincoln-mt-#us30053 lincoln-nc-#us37109 lincoln-ne-#us31111 lincoln-nm-#us35027 lincoln-nv-#us32017 lincoln-or-#us41041 lincoln-sd-#us46083 lincoln-tn-#us47103 lincoln-#us22061 lincoln-#us40081 lincoln-wa-#us53043 lincoln-wi-#us55069 lincoln-wv-#us54043 lincoln-wy-#us56023 linn-ia-#us19113 linn-ks-#us20107 linn-mo-#us29115 linn-or-#us41043 lipscomb-#us48295 litchfield-#us09005 live-oak-#us48297 livingston-il-#us17105 livingston-ky-#us21139 livingston-mi-#us26093 livingston-mo-#us29117 livingston-ny-#us36051 livingston-#us22063
logan-ar-#us05083 logan-co-#us08075 logan-il-#us17107 logan-ks-#us20109 logan-ky-#us21141 logan-nd-#us38047 logan-ne-#us31113 logan-oh-#us39091 logan-ok-#us40083 logan-wv-#us54045 long-#us13183 lonoke-#us05085 lorain-#us39093 los-alamos-#us35028 los-angeles-#us06037 loudon-#us47105 loudoun-#us51107 louisa-ia-#us19115 louisa-va-#us51109 loup-#us31115 love-#us40085 loving-#us48301 lowndes-al-#us01085 lowndes-ga-#us13185 lowndes-ms-#us28087
lubbock-#us48303 lucas-ia-#us19117 lucas-oh-#us39095 luce-#us26095 lumpkin-#us13187 luna-#us35029 lunenburg-#us51111 luzerne-#us42079
lycoming-#us42081 lyman-#us46085 lynchburg-city-#us51680 lynn-#us48305 lyon-ia-#us19119 lyon-ks-#us20111 lyon-ky-#us21143 lyon-mn-#us27083 lyon-nv-#us32019
To the country - to the alphabet
mackinac-#us26097 macomb-#us26099 macon-al-#us01087 macon-ga-#us13193 macon-il-#us17115 macon-mo-#us29121 macon-nc-#us37113 macon-tn-#us47111 macoupin-#us17117 madera-#us06039 madison-al-#us01089 madison-ar-#us05087 madison-fl-#us12079 madison-ga-#us13195 madison-ia-#us19121 madison-id-#us16065 madison-il-#us17119 madison-in-#us18095 madison-ky-#us21151 madison-mo-#us29123 madison-ms-#us28089 madison-mt-#us30057 madison-nc-#us37115 madison-ne-#us31119 madison-ny-#us36053 madison-oh-#us39097 madison-tn-#us47113 madison-tx-#us48313 madison-#us22065 madison-va-#us51113 magoffin-#us21153 mahaska-#us19123 mahnomen-#us27087 mahoning-#us39099 major-#us40093 malheur-#us41045 manassas-city-#us51683 manassas-park-city-#us51685 manatee-#us12081 manistee-#us26101 manitowoc-#us55071 marathon-#us55073 marengo-#us01091 maricopa-#us04013 maries-#us29125 marinette-#us55075 marin-#us06041 marion-al-#us01093 marion-ar-#us05089 marion-fl-#us12083 marion-ga-#us13197 marion-ia-#us19125 marion-il-#us17121 marion-in-#us18097 marion-ks-#us20115 marion-ky-#us21155 marion-mo-#us29127 marion-ms-#us28091 marion-oh-#us39101 marion-or-#us41047 marion-sc-#us45067 marion-tn-#us47115 marion-tx-#us48315 marion-wv-#us54049 mariposa-#us06043 marlboro-#us45069 marquette-mi-#us26103 marquette-wi-#us55077 marshall-al-#us01095 marshall-ia-#us19127 marshall-il-#us17123 marshall-in-#us18099 marshall-ks-#us20117 marshall-ky-#us21157 marshall-mn-#us27089 marshall-ms-#us28093 marshall-ok-#us40095 marshall-sd-#us46091 marshall-tn-#us47117 marshall-wv-#us54051 martin-fl-#us12085 martin-in-#us18101 martin-ky-#us21159 martin-mn-#us27091 martin-nc-#us37117 martinsville-city-#us51690 martin-tx-#us48317 mason-il-#us17125 mason-ky-#us21161 mason-mi-#us26105 mason-tx-#us48319 mason-wa-#us53045 mason-wv-#us54053 massac-#us17127 matagorda-#us48321 matanuska-susitna-#us02170 mathews-#us51115 maui-#us15009 maury-#us47119 maverick-#us48323 mayes-#us40097
mcclain-#us40087 mccone-#us30055 mccook-#us46087 mccormick-#us45065 mccracken-#us21145 mccreary-#us21147 mcculloch-#us48307 mccurtain-#us40089 mcdonald-#us29119 mcdonough-#us17109 mcdowell-nc-#us37111 mcdowell-wv-#us54047 mcduffie-#us13189 mchenry-il-#us17111 mchenry-nd-#us38049 mcintosh-ga-#us13191 mcintosh-nd-#us38051 mcintosh-ok-#us40091 mckean-#us42083 mckenzie-#us38053 mckinley-#us35031 mclean-il-#us17113 mclean-ky-#us21149 mclean-nd-#us38055 mclennan-#us48309 mcleod-#us27085 mcminn-#us47107 mcmullen-#us48311 mcnairy-#us47109 mcpherson-ks-#us20113 mcpherson-ne-#us31117 mcpherson-sd-#us46089
meade-ks-#us20119 meade-ky-#us21163 meade-sd-#us46093 meagher-#us30059 mecklenburg-nc-#us37119 mecklenburg-va-#us51117 mecosta-#us26107 medina-oh-#us39103 medina-tx-#us48325 meeker-#us27093 meigs-oh-#us39105 meigs-tn-#us47121 mellette-#us46095 menard-il-#us17129 menard-#us48327 mendocino-#us06045 menifee-#us21165 menominee-mi-#us26109 menominee-wi-#us55078 merced-#us06047 mercer-il-#us17131 mercer-ky-#us21167 mercer-mo-#us29129 mercer-nd-#us38057 mercer-nj-#us34021 mercer-oh-#us39107 mercer-pa-#us42083 mercer-wv-#us54055 meriwether-#us13199 merrick-#us31121 merrimack-#us33013 mesa-#us08077 metcalfe-#us21169
miami-in-#us18103 miami-ks-#us20121 miami-#us39109 middlesex-ct-#us09007 middlesex-ma-#us25017 middlesex-nj-#us34023 middlesex-va-#us51119 midland-mi-#us26111 midland-tx-#us48329 mifflin-#us42087 milam-#us48331 millard-#us49027 mille-lacs-#us27095 miller-ar-#us05091 miller-ga-#us13201 miller-mo-#us29131 mills-ia-#us19129 mills-tx-#us48333 milwaukee-#us55079 mineral-mt-#us30061 mineral-nv-#us32021 mineral-#us08079 mineral-wv-#us54057 miner-sd-#us46097 mingo-#us54059 minidoka-#us16067 minnehaha-#us46099 missaukee-#us26113 mississippi-ar-#us05093 mississippi-mo-#us29133 missoula-#us30063 mitchell-ga-#us13205 mitchell-ia-#us19131 mitchell-ks-#us20123 mitchell-nc-#us37121 mitchell-tx-#us48335
mobile-#us01097 modoc-#us06049 moffat-#us08081 mohave-#us04015 moniteau-#us29135 monmouth-#us34025 monona-#us19133 monongalia-#us54061 mono-#us06051 monroe-al-#us01099 monroe-ar-#us05095 monroe-fl-#us12087 monroe-ga-#us13207 monroe-ia-#us19135 monroe-il-#us17133 monroe-in-#us18105 monroe-ky-#us21171 monroe-mi-#us26115 monroe-mo-#us29137 monroe-ms-#us28095 monroe-ny-#us36055 monroe-oh-#us39111 monroe-pa-#us42089 monroe-#us47123 monroe-wi-#us55081 monroe-wv-#us54063 montague-#us48337 montcalm-#us26117 monterey-#us06053 montezuma-#us08083 montgomery-al-#us01101 montgomery-ar-#us05097 montgomery-ga-#us13209 montgomery-ia-#us19137 montgomery-il-#us17135 montgomery-in-#us18107 montgomery-ks-#us20125 montgomery-ky-#us21173 montgomery-md-#us24031 montgomery-mo-#us29139 montgomery-ms-#us28097 montgomery-nc-#us37123 montgomery-ny-#us36057 montgomery-oh-#us39113 montgomery-pa-#us42091 montgomery-tn-#us47125 montgomery-tx-#us48339 montgomery-va-#us51121 montmorency-#us26119 montour-#us42093 montrose-#us08085 moody-#us46101 moore-nc-#us37125 moore-tn-#us47127 moore-tx-#us48341 mora-#us35033 morehouse-#us22067 morgan-al-#us01103 morgan-co-#us08087 morgan-ga-#us13211 morgan-il-#us17137 morgan-in-#us18109 morgan-ky-#us21175 morgan-mo-#us29141 morgan-oh-#us39115 morgan-tn-#us47129 morgan-ut-#us49029 morgan-wv-#us54065 morrill-#us31123 morris-ks-#us20127 morris-nj-#us34027 morrison-#us27097 morris-tx-#us48343 morrow-oh-#us39117 morrow-or-#us41049 morton-ks-#us20129 morton-nd-#us38059 motley-#us48345 moultrie-#us17139 mountrail-#us38061 mower-#us27099
muhlenberg-#us21177 multnomah-#us41051 murray-ga-#us13213 murray-mn-#us27101 murray-#us40099 muscatine-#us19139 muscogee-#us13215 muskegon-#us26121 muskingum-#us39119 muskogee-#us40101 musselshell-#us30065
To the country - to the alphabet
nacogdoches-#us48347 nance-#us31125 nantucket-#us25019 napa-#us06055 nash-#us37127 nassau-fl-#us12089 nassau-ny-#us36059 natchitoches-#us22069 natrona-#us56025 navajo-#us04017 navarro-#us48349
nelson-ky-#us21179 nelson-nd-#us38063 nelson-va-#us51125 nemaha-ks-#us20131 nemaha-ne-#us31127 neosho-#us20133 neshoba-#us28099 ness-#us20135 nevada-ar-#us05099 nevada-ca-#us06057 newaygo-#us26123 newberry-#us45071 new-castle-#us10003 new-hanover-#us37129 new-haven-#us09009 new-kent-#us51127 new-london-#us09011 new-madrid-#us29143 newport-news-city-#us51700 newport-#us44005 newton-ar-#us05101 newton-ga-#us13217 newton-in-#us18111 newton-mo-#us29145 newton-ms-#us28101 newton-tx-#us48351 new-york-#us36061 nez-perce-#us16069
niagara-#us36063 nicholas-ky-#us21181 nicholas-wv-#us54067 nicollet-#us27103 niobrara-#us56027
noble-in-#us18113 noble-oh-#us39121 noble-ok-#us40103 nobles-#us27105 nodaway-#us29147 nolan-#us48353 nome-#us02180 norfolk-city-#us51710 norfolk-ma-#us25021 norman-#us27107 northampton-nc-#us37131 northampton-pa-#us42095 northampton-va-#us51131 north-slope-#us02185 northumberland-pa-#us42097 northumberland-va-#us51133 northwest-arctic-#us02188 norton-city-#us51720 norton-ks-#us20137 nottoway-#us51135 nowata-#us40105 noxubee-#us28103
nuckolls-#us31129 nueces-#us48355
To the country - to the alphabet
obion-#us47131 o’brien-#us19141
oceana-#us26127 ocean-#us34029 ochiltree-#us48357 oconee-ga-#us13219 oconee-sc-#us45073 oconto-#us55083
ogemaw-#us26129 oglethorpe-#us13221 ogle-#us17141
ohio-in-#us18115 ohio-ky-#us21183 ohio-wv-#us54069
okaloosa-#us12091 okanogan-#us53047 okeechobee-#us12093 okfuskee-#us40107 oklahoma-#us40109 okmulgee-#us40111 oktibbeha-#us28105
oldham-ky-#us21185 oldham-tx-#us48359 oliver-#us38065 olmsted-#us27109
oneida-ny-#us36065 oneida-#us16071 oneida-wi-#us55085 onondaga-#us36067 onslow-#us37133 ontario-#us36069 ontonagon-#us26131
orangeburg-#us45075 orange-ca-#us06059 orange-in-#us18117 orange-nc-#us37135 orange-ny-#us36071 orange-tx-#us48361 orange-#us12095 orange-va-#us51137 orange-vt-#us50017 oregon-mo-#us29149 orleans-ny-#us36073 orleans-#us22071 orleans-vt-#us50019
osage-ks-#us20139 osage-mo-#us29151 osage-#us40113 osborne-#us20141 osceola-fl-#us12097 osceola-ia-#us19143 osceola-mi-#us26133 oscoda-#us26135 oswego-#us36075
otero-co-#us08089 otero-nm-#us35035 otoe-#us31131 otsego-mi-#us26137 otsego-ny-#us36077 ottawa-ks-#us20143 ottawa-mi-#us26139 ottawa-oh-#us39123 ottawa-ok-#us40115 otter-tail-#us27111
ouachita-ar-#us05103 ouachita-#us22073 ouray-#us08091 outagamie-#us55087
owen-in-#us18119 owen-ky-#us21187 owsley-#us21189 owyhee-#us16073
ozark-#us29153 ozaukee-#us55089
To the country - to the alphabet
pacific-#us53049 page-#us19145 page-va-#us51139 palm-beach-#us12099 palo-alto-#us19147 palo-pinto-#us48363 pamlico-#us37137 panola-ms-#us28107 panola-tx-#us48365 park-co-#us08093 parker-tx-#us48367 parke-#us18121 park-mt-#us30067 park-wy-#us56029 parmer-#us48369 pasco-#us12101 pasquotank-#us37139 passaic-#us34031 patrick-#us51141 paulding-ga-#us13223 paulding-oh-#us39125 pawnee-ks-#us20145 pawnee-ne-#us31133 pawnee-ok-#us40117 payette-#us16075 payne-#us40119
peach-#us13225 pearl-river-#us28109 pecos-#us48371 pembina-#us38067 pemiscot-#us29155 pender-#us37141 pendleton-ky-#us21191 pendleton-wv-#us54071 pend-oreille-#us53051 pennington-mn-#us27113 pennington-sd-#us46103 penobscot-#us23019 peoria-#us17143 pepin-#us55091 perkins-ne-#us31135 perkins-sd-#us46105 perquimans-#us37143 perry-al-#us01105 perry-ar-#us05105 perry-il-#us17145 perry-in-#us18123 perry-ky-#us21193 perry-mo-#us29157 perry-ms-#us28111 perry-oh-#us39127 perry-pa-#us42099 perry-tn-#us47135 pershing-#us320 person-#us37145 petersburg-city-#us51730 petersburg-#us02195 petroleum-#us30069 pettis-#us29159
phelps-ne-#us31137 phelps-#us29161 philadelphia-#us42101 phillips-ar-#us05107 phillips-co-#us08095 phillips-ks-#us20147 phillips-mt-#us30071
piatt-#us17147 pickaway-#us39129 pickens-al-#us01107 pickens-ga-#us13227 pickens-sc-#us45077 pickett-#us47137 pierce-nd-#us38069 pierce-ne-#us31139 pierce-#us13229 pierce-wa-#us53053 pierce-wi-#us55093 pike-al-#us01109 pike-ar-#us05109 pike-ga-#us13231 pike-il-#us17149 pike-in-#us18125 pike-ky-#us21195 pike-mo-#us29163 pike-ms-#us28113 pike-oh-#us39131 pike-pa-#us42103 pima-#us04019 pinal-#us04021 pinellas-#us12103 pine-mn-#us27115 pipestone-#us27117 piscataquis-#us23021 pitkin-#us08097 pittsburg-#us40121 pittsylvania-#us51143 pitt-#us37147 piute-#us49031
placer-#us06061 plaquemines-#us22075 platte-mo-#us29165 platte-ne-#us31141 platte-wy-#us56031 pleasants-#us54073 plumas-#us06063 plymouth-ia-#us19149 plymouth-ma-#us25023
pocahontas-ia-#us19151 pocahontas-wv-#us54075 pointe-coupee-#us22077 polk-fl-#us12105 polk-ga-#us13233 polk-ia-#us19153 polk-mn-#us27119 polk-mo-#us29167 polk-nc-#us37149 polk-ne-#us31143 polk-or-#us41053 polk-tn-#us47139 polk-tx-#us48373 polk-wi-#us55095 pondera-#us30073 pontotoc-ms-#us28115 pontotoc-ok-#us40123 pope-ar-#us05115 pope-il-#us17151 pope-mn-#us27121 poquoson-city-#us51735 portage-oh-#us39133 portage-wi-#us55097 porter-#us18127 portsmouth-city-#us51740 posey-#us18129 potsylvania-#us51177 pottawatomie-ks-#us20149 pottawatomie-ok-#us40125 pottawattamie-#us19155 potter-pa-#us42105 potter-sd-#us46107 potter-tx-#us48375 powder-river-#us30075 powell-ky-#us21197 powell-mt-#us30077 power-#us16077 poweshiek-#us19157 powhatan-#us51145
prairie-ar-#us05117 prairie-mt-#us30079 pratt-#us20151 preble-#us39135 prentiss-#us28117 presidio-#us48377 presque-isle-#us26141 preston-#us54077 price-#us55099 prince-edward-#us51147 prince-george’s-#us24033 prince-george-#us51149 prince-of-wales-hyder-#us02198 prince-of-wales-outer-ketchika-#us02201 prince-william-#us51153 providence-#us44007 prowers-#us08099
pueblo-#us08101 pulaski-ar-#us05119 pulaski-ga-#us13235 pulaski-il-#us17153 pulaski-in-#us18131 pulaski-ky-#us21199 pulaski-mo-#us29169 pulaski-va-#us51155 pushmataha-#us40127 putnam-fl-#us12107 putnam-ga-#us13237 putnam-il-#us17155 putnam-in-#us18133 putnam-mo-#us29171 putnam-ny-#us36079 putnam-oh-#us39137 putnam-tn-#us47141 putnam-wv-#us54079
To the country - to the alphabet
Q - R
quay-#us35037 queen-anne’s-#us24035 queens-ny-#us36081 quitman-ga-#us13239 quitman-ms-#us28119
rabun-#us13241 racine-#us55101 radford-city-#us51750 rains-#us48379 raleigh-#us54081 ralls-#us29173 ramsey-mn-#us27123 ramsey-nd-#us38071 randall-#us48381 randolph-al-#us01111 randolph-ar-#us05121 randolph-ga-#us13243 randolph-il-#us17157 randolph-in-#us18135 randolph-mo-#us29175 randolph-nc-#us37151 randolph-wv-#us54083 rankin-#us28121 ransom-#us38073 rant-#us05053 rapides-#us22079 rappahannock-#us51157 ravalli-#us30081 rawlins-#us20153 ray-#us29177
reagan-#us48383 real-#us48385 red-lake-#us27125 red-river-tx#us48387 red-river-#us22081 red-willow-#us31145 redwood-#us27127 reene-ar-#us05055 reeves-#us48389 refugio-#us48391 reno-#us20155 rensselaer-#us36083 renville-mn-#us27129 renville-nd-#us38075 republic-#us20157 reynolds-#us29179
rice-ks-#us20159 rice-mn-#us27131 richardson-#us31147 richland-il-#us17159 richland-mt-#us30083 richland-nd-#us38077 richland-oh-#us39139 richland-sc-#us45079 richland-#us22083 richland-wi-#us55103 richmond-city-#us51760 richmond-ga-#us13245 richmond-nc-#us37153 richmond-ny-#us36085 richmond-va-#us51159 rich-ut-#us49033 riley-#us20161 ringgold-#us19159 rio-arriba-#us35039 rio-blanco-#us08103 rio-grande-#us08105 ripley-in-#us18137 ripley-mo-#us29181 ritchie-#us54085 riverside-#us06065
roane-tn-#us47145 roane-wv-#us54087 roanoke-city-#us51770 roanoke-#us51161 robertson-ky-#us21201 robertson-tn-#us47147 robertson-tx-#us48395 roberts-sd-#us46109 roberts-tx-#us48393 robeson-#us37155 rockbridge-#us51163 rockcastle-#us21203 rockdale-#us13247 rockingham-nc-#us37157 rockingham-nh-#us33015 rockingham-va-#us51165 rock-island-#us17161 rockland-#us36087 rock-mn-#us27133 rock-ne-#us31149 rockwall-#us48397 rock-wi-#us55105 roger-mills-#us40129 rogers-#us40131 rolette-#us38079 rooks-#us20163 roosevelt-mt-#us30085 roosevelt-nm-#us35041 roscommon-#us26143 roseau-#us27135 rosebud-#us30087 ross-#us39141 routt-#us08107 rowan-ky-#us21205 rowan-nc-#us37159
runnels-#us48399 rush-in-#us18139 rush-ks-#us20165 rusk-tx-#us48401 rusk-wi-#us55107 russell-al-#us01113 russell-ks-#us20167 russell-ky-#us21207 russell-va-#us51167 rutherford-nc-#us37161 rutherford-tn-#us47149 rutland-#us50021
To the country - to the alphabet
sabine-la-#us22085 sabine-tx-#us48403 sacramento-#us06067 sac-#us19161 sagadahoc-#us23023 saginaw-#us26145 saguache-#us08109 salem-city-#us51775 salem-nj-#us34033 saline-ar-#us05125 saline-il-#us17165 saline-ks-#us20169 saline-mo-#us29195 saline-ne-#us31151 salt-lake-#us49035 saluda-#us45081 sampson-#us37163 san-augustine-#us48405 san-benito-#us06069 san-bernardino-#us06071 sanborn-#us46111 sanders-#us30089 san-diego-#us06073 sandoval-#us35043 sandusky-#us39143 san-francisco-#us06075 sangamon-#us17167 sanilac-#us26151 san-jacinto-#us48407 san-joaquin-#us06077 san-juan-co-#us08111 san-juan-nm-#us35045 san-juan-ut-#us49037 san-juan-wa-#us53055 san-luis-obispo-#us06079 san-mateo-#us06081 san-miguel-co-#us08113 san+miguel-nm-#us35047 san-patricio-#us48409 sanpete-#us49039 san-saba-#us48411 santa-barbara-#us06083 santa-clara-#us06085 santa-cruz-az-#us04023 santa-cruz-#us06087 santa-fe-#us35049 santa-rosa-#us12113 sarasota-#us12115 saratoga-#us36091 sargent-#us38081 sarpy-#us31153 sauk-#us55111 saunders-#us31155 sawyer-#us55113
schenectady-#us36093 schleicher-#us48413 schley-#us13249 schoharie-#us36095 schoolcraft-#us26153 schuyler-il-#us17169 schuyler-mo-#us29197 schuyler-ny-#us36097 schuylkill-#us42107 scioto-#us39145 scotland-mo-#us29199 scotland-nc-#us37165 scott-ar-#us05127 scott-ia-#us19163 scott-il-#us17171 scott-in-#us18143 scott-ks-#us20171 scott-ky-#us21209 scott-mn-#us27139 scott-mo-#us29201 scott-ms-#us28123 scotts-bluff-#us31157 scott-tn-#us47151 scott-va-#us51169 screven-#us13251 scurry-#us48415
searcy-#us05129 sebastian-#us05131 sedgwick-co-#us08115 sedgwick-ks-#us20173 seminole-fl-#us12117 seminole-ga-#us13253 seminole-ok-#us40133 seneca-ny-#us36099 seneca-#us39147 sequatchie-#us47153 sequoyah-#us40135 sevier-ar-#us05133 sevier-tn-#us47155 sevier-ut-#us49041 seward-ks-#us20175 seward-ne-#us31159
shackelford-#us48417 shannon-mo-#us29203 shannon-sd-#us46113 sharkey-#us28125 sharp-#us05135 shasta-#us06089 shawano-#us55115 shawnee-#us20177 sheboygan-#us55117 shelby-al-#us01117 shelby-ia-#us19165 shelby-il-#us17173 shelby-in-#us18145 shelby-ky-#us21211 shelby-mo-#us29205 shelby-oh-#us39149 shelby-tn-#us47157 shelby-tx-#us48419 shenandoah-#us51171 sherburne-#us27141 sheridan-ks-#us20179 sheridan-mt-#us30091 sheridan-nd-#us38083 sheridan-ne-#us31161 sheridan-wy-#us56033 sherman-ks-#us20181 sherman-ne-#us31163 sherman-or-#us41055 sherman-tx-#us48421 shiawassee-#us26155 shoshone-#us16079
sibley-#us27143 sierra-nm-#us35051 sierra-#us06091 silver-bow-#us30093 simpson-ky-#us21213 simpson-ms-#us28127 sioux-ia-#us19167 sioux-nd-#us38085 sioux-ne-#us31165 siskiyou-#us06093 sitka-city-#us02220
skagit-#us53057 skagway-hoonah-angoon-#us02232 skagway-municipality-#us02230 skagway-yakutat-angoon-#us02231 skamania-#us53059
smith-ks-#us20181 smith-ms-#us28129 smith-tn-#us47159 smith-tx-#us48423 smyth-#us51173
snohomish-#us53061 snyder-#us42109
socorro-#us35053 solano-#us06095 somerset-md-#us24039 somerset-me-#us23025 somerset-nj-#us34035 somerset-pa-#us42111 somervell-#us48425 sonoma-#us06097 southampton-#us51175 southeast-fairbanks-#us02240
spalding-#us13255 spartanburg-#us45083 spencer-in-#us18147 spencer-ky-#us21215 spink-#us46115 spokane-#us53063
stafford-ks-#us20185 stafford-va-#us51179 stanislaus-#us06099 stanley-#us46117 stanly-#us37167 stanton-ks-#us20187 stanton-ne-#us31167 starke-#us18149 stark-il-#us17175 stark-nd-#us38089 stark-oh-#us39151 starr-#us48427 staunton-city-#us51790 st-bernard-#us22087 st-charles-#us22089 st.-charles-#us29183 st.-clair-al-#us01115 st.-clair-il-#us17163 st.-clair-mi-#us26147 st.-clair-mo-#us29185 st-croix-#us55109 stearns-#us27145 steele-mn-#us27147 steele-nd-#us38091 ste.-genevieve-#us29186 stephens-ga-#us13257 stephens-ok-#us40137 stephenson-#us17177 stephens-tx-#us48429 sterling-#us48431 steuben-in-#us18151 steuben-ny-#us36101 stevens-ks-#us20189 stevens-mn-#us27149 stevens-wa-#us53065 stewart-ga-#us13259 stewart-tn-#us47161 st-francis-#us05123 st.-francois-#us29187 st-helena-#us22091 stillwater-#us30095 st-james-#us22093 st-johns-#us12109 st-john-the-baptist-#us22095 st-joseph-in-#us18141 st.-joseph-#us26149 st-landry-#us22097 st.-lawrence-#us36089 st.-louis-city-#us29510 st.-louis-mn-#us27137 st.-louis-mo-#us29189 st-lucie-#us12111 st-martin-#us22099 st.-mary’s-#us24037 st-mary-#us22101 stoddard-#us29207 stokes-#us37169 stone-ar-#us05137 stone-mo-#us29209 stone-ms-#us28131 stonewall-#us48433 storey-#us32029 story-#us19169 strafford-nh-#us33017 st-tammany-#us22103 stutsman-#us38093
sublette-#us56035 suffolk-city-#us51800 suffolk-ma-#us25025 suffolk-ny-#us36103 sullivan-in-#us18153 sullivan-mo-#us29211 sullivan-nh-#us33019 sullivan-ny-#us36105 sullivan-pa-#us42113 sullivan-tn-#us47163 sully-#us46119 summers-#us54089 summit-co-#us08117 summit-oh-#us39153 summit-ut-#us49043 sumner-ks-#us20191 sumner-tn-#us47165 sumter-al-#us01119 sumter-fl-#us12119 sumter-ga-#us13261 sumter-sc-#us45085 sunflower-#us28133 surry-nc-#us37171 surry-va-#us51181 susquehanna-#us42115 sussex-de-#us10005 sussex-nj-#us34037 sussex-va-#us51183 sutter-#us06101 sutton-#us48435 suwannee-#us12121
swain-#us37173 sweet-grass-#us30097 sweetwater-#us56037 swift-#us27151 swisher-#us48437 switzerland-#us18155
To the country - to the alphabet
talbot-ga-#us13263 talbot-md-#us24041 taliaferro-#us13265 talladega-al-#us01121 tallahatchie-#us28135 tallapoosa-#us01123 tama-#us19171 taney-#us29213 tangipahoa-#us22105 taos-nm-#us35055 tarrant-#us48439 tate-#us28137 tattnall-#us13267 taylor-ga-#us13269 taylor-ia-#us19173 taylor-ky-#us21217 taylor-#us12123 taylor-#us48441 taylor-wi-#us55119 taylor-wv-#us54091 tazewell-il-#us17179 tazewell-va-#us51185
tehama-#us06103 telfair-#us13271 teller-#us08119 tensas-#us22107 terrebonne-#us22109 terrell-ga-#us13273 terrell-tx-#us48443 terry-#us48445 teton-id-#us16081 teton-mt-#us30099 teton-wy-#us56039 texas-mo-#us29215 texas-ok-#us40139
thayer-#us31169 thomas-ga-#us13275 thomas-ks-#us20193 thomas-ne-#us31171 throckmorton-#us48447 thurston-ne-#us31173 thurston-wa-#us53067
tift-#us13277 tillamook-#us41057 tillman-#us40141 tioga-ny-#us36107 tioga-pa-#us42117 tippah-#us28139 tippecanoe-#us18157 tipton-in-#us18159 tipton-tn-#us47167 tishomingo-#us28141 titus-#us48449
todd-ky-#us21219 todd-mn-#us27153 todd-sd-#us46121 tolland-#us09013 tom-green-#us48451 tompkins-#us36109 tooele-#us49045 toole-#us30101 toombs-#us13279 torrance-#us35057 towner-#us38095 towns-#us13281
traill-#us38097 transylvania-#us37175 traverse-mn-#us27155 travis-#us48453 treasure-#us30103 trego-#us20195 trempealeau-#us55121 treutlen-#us13283 trigg-#us21221 trimble-#us21223 trinity-tx-#us48455 trinity-#us06105 tripp-sd-#us46123 troup-#us13285 trousdale-#us47169 trumbull-#us39155
tucker-#us54093 tulare-#us06107 tulsa-#us40143 tunica-#us28143 tuolumne-#us06109 turner-ga-#us13287 turner-sd-#us46125 tuscaloosa-#us01125 tuscarawas-#us39157 tuscola-#us26157
twiggs-#us13289 twin-falls-#us16083
tyler-tx-#us48457 tyler-wv-#us54095 tyrrell-#us37177
To the country - to the alphabet
uintah-#us49047 uinta-#us56041
unicoi-#us47171 union-ar-#us05139 union-fl-#us12125 union-ga-#us13291 union-ia-#us19175 union-il-#us17181 union-in-#us18161 union-ky-#us21225 union-ms-#us28145 union-nc-#us37179 union-nj-#us34039 union-nm-#us35059 union-oh-#us39159 union-or-#us41061 union-pa-#us42119 union-sc-#us45087 union-sd-#us46127 union-tn-#us47173 union-#us22111
upshur-tx-#us48459 upshur-wv-#us54097 upson-#us13293 upton-#us48461
To the country - to the alphabet
valdez-cordova-#us02261 valencia-#us35061 valley-id-#us16085 valley-mt-#us30105 valley-ne-#us31175 val-verde-#us48465 van-buren-ar-#us05141 van-buren-ia-#us19177 van-buren-mi-#us26159 van-buren-#us47175 vance-#us37181 vanderburgh-#us18163 van-wert-#us39161 van-zandt-#us48467
venango-#us42121 ventura-#us06111 vermilion-#us17183 vermilion-#us22113 vermillion-#us18165 vernon-mo-#us29217 vernon-#us22115 vernon-wi-#us55123
victoria-#us48469 vigo-#us18167 vilas-#us55125 vinton-#us39163 virginia-beach-city-#us51810
To the country - to the alphabet
wabasha-#us27157 wabash-il-#us17185 wabash-#us18169 wabaunsee-#us20197 wade-hampton-#us02270 wadena-#us27159 wagoner-#us40145 wahkiakum-#us53069 wake-#us37183 wakulla-#us12129 waldo-#us23027 walker-al-#us01127 walker-ga-#us13295 walker-tx-#us48471 wallace-#us20199 walla-walla-#us53071 waller-#us48473 wallowa-#us41063 walsh-#us38099 walthall-#us28147 walton-fl-#us12131 walton-ga-#us13297 walworth-sd-#us46129 walworth-wi-#us55127 wapello-#us19179 ward-nd-#us38101 ward-tx-#us48475 ware-#us13299 warren-ga-#us13301 warren-ia-#us19181 warren-il-#us17187 warren-in-#us18171 warren-ky-#us21227 warren-mo-#us29219 warren-ms-#us28149 warren-nc-#us37185 warren-nj-#us34041 warren-ny-#us36113 warren-oh-#us39165 warren-pa-#us42123 warren-tn-#us47177 warren-va-#us51187 warrick-#us18173 wasatch-#us49051 wasco-#us41065 waseca-#us27161 washakie-#us56043 washburn-#us55129 washington-al-#us01129 washington-ar-#us05143 washington-co-#us08121 washington-fl-#us12133 washington-ga-#us13303 washington-ia-#us19183 washington-id-#us16087 washington-il-#us17189 washington-in-#us18175 washington-ks-#us20201 washington-ky-#us21229 washington-md-#us24043 washington-me-#us23029 washington-mn-#us27163 washington-mo-#us29221 washington-ms-#us28151 washington-nc-#us37187 washington-ne-#us31177 washington-ny-#us36115 washington-oh-#us39167 washington-ok-#us40147 washington-or-#us41067 washington-pa-#us42125 washington-ri-#us44009 washington-tn-#us47179 washington-tx-#us48477 washington-#us22117 washington-ut-#us49053 washington-va-#us51191 washington-vt-#us50023 washington-wi-#us55131 washita-#us40149 washoe-#us32031 washtenaw-#us26161 watauga-#us37189 watonwan-#us27165 waukesha-#us55133 waupaca-#us55135 waushara-#us55137 wayne-ga-#us13305 wayne-ia-#us19185 wayne-il-#us17191 wayne-in-#us18177 wayne-ky-#us21231 wayne-mi-#us26163 wayne-mo-#us29223 wayne-ms-#us28153 wayne-nc-#us37191 wayne-ne-#us31179 wayne-ny-#us36117 wayne-oh-#us39169 wayne-pa-#us42127 waynesboro-city-#us51820 wayne-tn-#us47181 wayne-ut-#us49055 wayne-wv-#us54099
weakley-#us47183 webb-#us48479 weber-#us49057 webster-ga-#us13307 webster-ia-#us19187 webster-ky-#us21233 webster-mo-#us29225 webster-ms-#us28155 webster-ne-#us31181 webster-#us22119 webster-wv-#us54101 weld-#us08123 wells-nd-#us38103 wells-#us18179 west-baton-rouge-#us22121 west-carroll-#us22123 westchester-#us36119 west-feliciana-#us22125 westmoreland-pa-#us42129 westmoreland-va-#us51193 weston-#us56045 wetzel-#us54103 wexford-#us26165
wharton-#us48481 whatcom-#us53073 wheatland-#us30107 wheeler-ga-#us13309 wheeler-ne-#us31183 wheeler-or-#us41069 wheeler-tx-#us48483 white-ar-#us05145 white-ga-#us13311 white-il-#us17193 white-in-#us18181 white-pine-#us32033 whiteside-#us17195 white-tn-#us47185 whitfield-#us13313 whitley-in-#us18183 whitley-ky-#us21235 whitman-#us53075
wibaux-#us30109 wichita-ks-#us20203 wichita-tx-#us48485 wicomico-#us24045 wilbarger-#us48487 wilcox-al-#us01131 wilcox-ga-#us13315 wilkes-ga-#us13317 wilkes-nc-#us37193 wilkinson-ga-#us13319 wilkinson-ms-#us28157 wilkin-#us27167 willacy-#us48489 williamsburg-city-#us51830 williamsburg-sc-#us45089 williams-nd-#us38105 williams-oh-#us39171 williamson-il-#us17199 williamson-tn-#us47187 williamson-tx-#us48491 will-#us17197 wilson-ks-#us20205 wilson-nc-#us37195 wilson-tn-#us47189 wilson-tx-#us48493 winchester-city-#us51840 windham-ct-#us09015 windham-vt-#us50025 windsor-#us50027 winkler-#us48495 winnebago-ia-#us19189 winnebago-il-#us17201 winnebago-wi-#us55139 winneshiek-#us19191 winn-#us22127 winona-#us27169 winston-al-#us01133 winston-ms-#us28159 wirt-#us54105 wise-tx-#us48497 wise-va-#us51195
wolfe-#us21237 woodbury-#us19193 woodford-il-#us17203 woodford-ky-#us21239 wood-oh-#us39173 woodruff-#us05147 woods-ok-#us40151 woodson-#us20207 wood-tx-#us48499 woodward-#us40153 wood-wi-#us55141 wood-wv-#us54107 worcester-ma-#us25027 worcester-md-#us24047 worth-ga-#us13321 worth-ia-#us19195 worth-mo-#us29227
wrangell-city-#us02275 wrangell-petersburg-#us02280 wright-ia-#us19197 wright-mn-#us27171 wright-mo-#us29229
wyandotte-#us20209 wyandot-#us39175 wyoming-ny-#us36121 wyoming-pa-#us42131 wyoming-wv-#us54109 wythe-#us51197
To the country - to the alphabet
Y - Z
yadkin-#us37197 yakima-#us53077 yakutat-city-#us02282 yalobusha-#us28161 yamhill-#us41071 yancey-#us37199 yankton-#us46135 yates-#us36123 yavapai-#us04025 yazoo-#us28163
yellow-medicine-#us27173 yellowstone-national-park-#us30113 yellowstone-#us30111 yell-#us05149
yoakum-#us48501 yolo-#us06113 york-me-#us23031 york-ne-#us31185 york-pa-#us42133 york-sc-#us45091 york-va-#us51199 young-#us48503
yuba-#us06115 yukon-koyukuk-#us02290 yuma-co-#us08125 yuma-#us04027
zapata-#us48505 zavala-#us48507
To the country - to the alphabet
Part VII - Annexes
Annex 1 - ISO 3166 Codes for all Countries
Annex 2 - Navigating features in this e-Book
To I-#Tagcoding - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
Annex 1 - ISO 3166 Codes for all Countries
This annex lists all countries and territories of the world, each with its ISO country code and their generic powertags. Over a hundred thousand topics for discourse are supported by combining the ISO code with the #isic and #cofog root tags in the previous chapters.
Most of these tags are listed in the Actor Atlas country pages. Those territories for which this is not the case are marked with *.
Country | ISO code | cofog tag | isic tag | lgu tag |
Afghanistan | AF | #cofogAG | #isicAG | #AGlgu |
Aland Islands* | AX | #cofogAX | #isicAX | #AXlgu |
Albania | AL | #cofogAL | #isicAL | #ALlgu |
Algeria | DZ | #cofogDZ | #isicDZ | #DZlgu |
American Samoa* | AS | #cofogAS | #isicAS | #ASlgu |
Andorra$ | AD | #cofogAD | #isicAD | #ADlgu |
Angola | AO | #cofogAO | #isicAO | #AOlgu |
Anguilla* | AI | #cofogAI | #isicAI | #AIlgu |
Antarctica* | AQ | #cofogAQ | #isicAQ | #AQlgu |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | #cofogAG | #isicAG | #AGlgu |
Argentina | AR | #cofogAR | #isicAR | #ARlgu |
Armenia | AM | #cofogAM | #isicAM | #AMlgu |
Aruba* | AW | #cofogAW | #isicAW | #AWlgu |
Australia | AU | #cofogAU | #isicAU | #AUlgu |
Austria | AT | #cofogAT | #isicAT | #ATlgu |
The Bahamas | BS | #cofogBS | #isicBS | #BSlgu |
Bahrain | BH | #cofogBH | #isicBH | #BHlgu |
Bangladesh | BD | #cofogBD | #isicBD | #BDlgu |
Barbados | BB | #cofogBB | #isicBB | #BBlgu |
Belarus | BY | #cofogBY | #isicBY | #BYlgu |
Belgium | BE | #cofogBE | #isicBE | #BElgu |
Belize | BZ | #cofogBZ | #isicBZ | #BZlgu |
Benin | BJ | #cofogBJ | #isicBJ | #BJlgu |
Bermuda | BM | #cofogBM | #isicBM | #BMlgu |
Bhutan | BT | #cofogBT | #isicBT | #BTlgu |
Bolivia | BO | #cofogBO | #isicBO | #BOlgu |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba* | BQ | #cofogBQ | #isicBQ | #BQlgu |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | #cofogBA | #isicBA | #BAlgu |
Botswana | BW | #cofogBW | #isicBW | #BWlgu |
Bouvet Island* | BV | #cofogBV | #isicBV | #BVlgu |
Brazil | BR | #cofogBR | #isicBR | #BRlgu |
British Indian Ocean Territory* | IO | #cofogIO | #isicIO | #IOlgu |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | #cofogBN | #isicBN | #BNlgu |
Bulgaria | BG | #cofogBG | #isicBG | #BGlgu |
Burkina Faso | BF | #cofogBF | #isicBF | #BFlgu |
Burundi | BI | #cofogBI | #isicBI | #BIlgu |
Cambodia | KH | #cofogKH | #isicKH | #KHlgu |
Cameroon | CM | #cofogCM | #isicCM | #CMlgu |
Canada | CA | #cofogCA | #isicCA | #CAlgu |
Cape Verde | CV | #cofogCV | #isicCV | #CVlgu |
Cayman Islands* | KY | #cofogKY | #isicKY | #KYlgu |
Central African Republic | CF | #cofogCF | #isicCF | #CFlgu |
Chad | TD | #cofogTD | #isicTD | #TDlgu |
Chile | CL | #cofogCL | #isicCL | #CLlgu |
China | CN | #cofogCN | #isicCN | #CNlgu |
Christmas Island* | CX | #cofogCX | #isicCX | #CXlgu |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands* | CC | #cofogCC | #isicCC | #CClgu |
Colombia | CO | #cofogCO | #isicCO | #COlgu |
Comoros | KM | #cofogKM | #isicKM | #KMlgu |
Congo | CG | #cofogCG | #isicCG | #CGlgu |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | CD | #cofogCD | #isicCD | #CDlgu |
Cook Islands* | CK | #cofogCK | #isicCK | #CKlgu |
Costa Rica | CR | #cofogCR | #isicCR | #CRlgu |
Côte d’Ivoire | CI | #cofogCI | #isicCI | #CIlgu |
Croatia | HR | #cofogHR | #isicHR | #HRlgu |
Cuba | CU | #cofogCU | #isicCU | #CUlgu |
Curaçao* | CW | #cofogCW | #isicCW | #CWlgu |
Cyprus | CY | #cofogCY | #isicCY | #CYlgu |
Czech Republic | CZ | #cofogCZ | #isicCZ | #CZlgu |
Denmark | DK | #cofogDK | #isicDK | #DKlgu |
Djibouti | DJ | #cofogDJ | #isicDJ | #DJlgu |
Dominica | DM | #cofogDM | #isicDM | #DMlgu |
Dominican Republic | DO | #cofogDO | #isicDO | #DOlgu |
Ecuador | EC | #cofogEC | #isicEC | #EClgu |
Egypt | EG | #cofogEG | #isicEG | #EGlgu |
El Salvador | SV | #cofogSV | #isicSV | #SVlgu |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | #cofogGQ | #isicGQ | #GQlgu |
Eritrea | ER | #cofogER | #isicER | #ERlgu |
Estonia | EE | #cofogEE | #isicEE | #EElgu |
Ethiopia | ET | #cofogET | #isicET | #ETlgu |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)* | FK | #cofogFK | #isicFK | #FKlgu |
Faroe Islands* | FO | #cofogFO | #isicFO | #FOlgu |
Fiji | FJ | #cofogFJ | #isicFJ | #FJlgu |
Finland | FI | #cofogFI | #isicFI | #FIlgu |
France | FR | #cofogFR | #isicFR | #FRlgu |
French Guiana* | GF | #cofogGF | #isicGF | #GFlgu |
French Polynesia* | PF | #cofogPF | #isicPF | #PFlgu |
French Southern Territories* | TF | #cofogTF | #isicTF | #TFlgu |
Gabon | GA | #cofogGA | #isicGA | #GAlgu |
The Gambia | GM | #cofogGM | #isicGM | #GMlgu |
Georgia | GE | #cofogGE | #isicGE | #GElgu |
Germany | DE | #cofogDE | #isicDE | #DElgu |
Ghana | GH | #cofogGH | #isicGH | #GHlgu |
Gibraltar | GI | #cofogGI | #isicGI | #GIlgu |
Greece | GR | #cofogGR | #isicGR | #GRlgu |
Greenland* | GL | #cofogGL | #isicGL | #GLlgu |
Grenada | GD | #cofogGD | #isicGD | #GDlgu |
Guadeloupe* | GP | #cofogGP | #isicGP | #GPlgu |
Guam* | GU | #cofogGU | #isicGU | #GUlgu |
Guatemala | GT | #cofogGT | #isicGT | #GTlgu |
Guernsey* | GG | #cofogGG | #isicGG | #GGlgu |
Guinea | GN | #cofogGN | #isicGN | #GNlgu |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | #cofogGW | #isicGW | #GWlgu |
Guyana | GY | #cofogGY | #isicGY | #GYlgu |
Haiti | HT | #cofogHT | #isicHT | #HTlgu |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands* | HM | #cofogHM | #isicHM | #HMlgu |
Holy See (Vatican City State)* | VA | #cofogVA | #isicVA | #VAlgu |
Honduras | HN | #cofogHN | #isicHN | #HNlgu |
Hong Kong | HK | #cofogHK | #isicHK | #HKlgu |
Hungary | HU | #cofogHU | #isicHU | #HUlgu |
Iceland | IS | #cofogIS | #isicIS | #ISlgu |
India | IN | #cofogIN | #isicIN | #INlgu |
Indonesia | ID | #cofogID | #isicID | #IDlgu |
Iran, Islamic Rep. of | IR | #cofogIR | #isicIR | #IRlgu |
Iraq | IQ | #cofogIQ | #isicIQ | #IQlgu |
Ireland | IE | #cofogIE | #isicIE | #IElgu |
Isle of Man* | IM | #cofogIM | #isicIM | #IMlgu |
Israel | IL | #cofogIL | #isicIL | #ILlgu |
Italy | IT | #cofogIT | #isicIT | #ITlgu |
Jamaica | JM | #cofogJM | #isicJM | #JMlgu |
Japan | JP | #cofogJP | #isicJP | #JPlgu |
Jersey* | JE | #cofogJE | #isicJE | #JElgu |
Jordan | JO | #cofogJO | #isicJO | #JOlgu |
Kazakhstan | KZ | #cofogKZ | #isicKZ | #KZlgu |
Kenya | KE | #cofogKE | #isicKE | #KElgu |
Kiribati | KI | #cofogKI | #isicKI | #KIlgu |
Korea, DPR | KP | #cofogKP | #isicKP | #KPlgu |
Korea, Republic of | KR | #cofogKR | #isicKR | #KRlgu |
Kuwait | KW | #cofogKW | #isicKW | #KWlgu |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | #cofogKG | #isicKG | #KGlgu |
Lao, PDR | LA | #cofogLA | #isicLA | #LAlgu |
Latvia | LV | #cofogLV | #isicLV | #LVlgu |
Lebanon | LB | #cofogLB | #isicLB | #LBlgu |
Lesotho | LS | #cofogLS | #isicLS | #LSlgu |
Liberia | LR | #cofogLR | #isicLR | #LRlgu |
Libya | LY | #cofogLY | #isicLY | #LYlgu |
Liechtenstein* | LI | #cofogLI | #isicLI | #LIlgu |
Lithuania | LT | #cofogLT | #isicLT | #LTlgu |
Luxembourg | LU | #cofogLU | #isicLU | #LYlgu |
Macao* | MO | #cofogMO | #isicMO | #MOlgu |
Macedonia, FYR | MK | #cofogMK | #isicMK | #MKlgu |
Madagascar | MG | #cofogMG | #isicMG | #MGlgu |
Malawi | MW | #cofogMW | #isicMW | #MWlgu |
Malaysia | MY | #cofogMY | #isicMY | #MYlgu |
Maldives | MV | #cofogMV | #isicMV | #MVlgu |
Mali | ML | #cofogML | #isicML | #MLlgu |
Malta | MT | #cofogMT | #isicMT | #MTlgu |
Marshall Islands | MH | #cofogMH | #isicMH | #MHlgu |
Martinique | MQ | #cofogMQ | #isicMQ | #MQlgu |
Mauritania | MR | #cofogMR | #isicMR | #MRlgu |
Mauritius | MU | #cofogMU | #isicMU | #MUlgu |
Mayotte* | YT | #cofogYT | #isicYT | #YTlgu |
Mexico | MX | #cofogMX | #isicMX | #MXlgu |
Micronesia, Fed. States | FM | #cofogFM | #isicFM | #FMlgu |
Moldova, Republic of | MD | #cofogMD | #isicMD | #MDlgu |
Monaco | MC | #cofogMC | #isicMC | #MClgu |
Mongolia | MN | #cofogMN | #isicMN | #MNlgu |
Montenegro | ME | #cofogME | #isicME | #MElgu |
Montserrat* | MS | #cofogMS | #isicMS | #MSlgu |
Morocco | MA | #cofogMA | #isicMA | #MAlgu |
Mozambique | MZ | #cofogMZ | #isicMZ | #MZlgu |
Myanmar | MM | #cofogMM | #isicMM | #MMlgu |
Namibia | NA | #cofogNA | #isicNA | #NAlgu |
Nauru | NR | #cofogNR | #isicNR | #NRlgu |
Nepal | NP | #cofogNP | #isicNP | #NPlgu |
Netherlands | NL | #cofogNL | #isicNL | #NLlgu |
New Caledonia* | NC | #cofogNC | #isicNC | #NClgu |
New Zealand | NZ | #cofogNZ | #isicNZ | #NZlgu |
Nicaragua | NI | #cofogNI | #isicNI | #NIlgu |
Niger | NE | #cofogNE | #isicNE | #NElgu |
Nigeria | NG | #cofogNG | #isicNG | #NGlgu |
Niue* | NU | #cofogNU | #isicNU | #NUlgu |
Norfolk Island* | NF | #cofogNF | #isicNF | #NFlgu |
Northern Mariana Islands* | MP | #cofogMP | #isicMP | #MPlgu |
Norway | NO | #cofogNO | #isicNO | #NOlgu |
Oman | OM | #cofogOM | #isicOM | #OMlgu |
Pakistan | PK | #cofogPK | #isicPK | #PKlgu |
Palau | PW | #cofogPW | #isicPW | #PWlgu |
Palestine, State of | PS | #cofogPS | #isicPS | #PSlgu |
Panama | PA | #cofogPA | #isicPA | #PAlgu |
Papua New Guinea | PG | #cofogPG | #isicPG | #PGlgu |
Paraguay | PY | #cofogPY | #isicPY | #PYlgu |
Peru | PE | #cofogPE | #isicPE | #PElgu |
Philippines | PH | #cofogPH | #isicPH | #PHlgu |
Pitcairn* | PN | #cofogPN | #isicPN | #PNlgu |
Poland | PL | #cofogPL | #isicPL | #PLlgu |
Portugal | PT | #cofogPT | #isicPT | #PTlgu |
Puerto Rico | PR | #cofogPR | #isicPR | #PRlgu |
Qatar | QA | #cofogQA | #isicQA | #QAlgu |
Réunion | RE | #cofogRE | #isicRE | #RElgu |
Romania | RO | #cofogRO | #isicRO | #ROlgu |
Russian Federation | RU | #cofogRU | #isicRU | #RUlgu |
Rwanda | RW | #cofogRW | #isicRW | #RWlgu |
St. Barthélemy* | BL | #cofogBL | #isicBL | #BLlgu |
St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha* | SH | #cofogSH | #isicSH | #SHlgu |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KN | #cofogKN | #isicKN | #KNlgu |
St. Lucia | LC | #cofogLC | #isicLC | #LClgu |
St. Maarten (French Part)* | MF | #cofogMF | #isicMF | #MFlgu |
St. Pierre and Miquelon* | PM | #cofogPM | #isicPM | #PMlgu |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | #cofogVC | #isicVC | #VClgu |
Samoa* | WS | #cofogWS | #isicWS | #WSlgu |
San Marino* | SM | #cofogSM | #isicSM | #SMlgu |
São Tomé and Principe | ST | #cofogST | #isicST | #STlgu |
Saudi Arabia | SA | #cofogSA | #isicSA | #SAlgu |
Senegal | SN | #cofogSN | #isicSN | #SNlgu |
Serbia | RS | #cofogRS | #isicRS | #RSlgu |
Seychelles | SC | #cofogSC | #isicSC | #SClgu |
Sierra Leone | SL | #cofogSL | #isicSL | #SLlgu |
Singapore | SG | #cofogSG | #isicSG | #SGlgu |
Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)* | SX | #cofogSX | #isicSX | #SXlgu |
Slovakia | SK | #cofogSK | #isicSK | #SKlgu |
Slovenia | SI | #cofogSI | #isicSI | #SIlgu |
Solomon Islands | SB | #cofogSB | #isicSB | #SBlgu |
Somalia | SO | #cofogSO | #isicSO | #SOlgu |
South Africa | ZA | #cofogZA | #isicZA | #ZAlgu |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands* | GS | #cofogGS | #isicGS | #GSlgu |
South Sudan | SS | #cofogSS | #isicSS | #SSlgu |
Spain | ES | #cofogES | #isicES | #ESlgu |
Sri Lanka | LK | #cofogLK | #isicLK | #LKlgu |
Sudan | SD | #cofogSD | #isicSD | #SDlgu |
Suriname | SR | #cofogSR | #isicSR | #SRlgu |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen* | SJ | #cofogSJ | #isicSJ | #SJlgu |
Swaziland | SZ | #cofogSZ | #isicSZ | #SZlgu |
Sweden | SE | #cofogSE | #isicSE | #SElgu |
Switzerland | CH | #cofogCH | #isicCH | #CHlgu |
Syrian Arab Republic | SY | #cofogSY | #isicSY | #SYlgu |
Taiwan | TW | #cofogTW | #isicTW | #TWlgu |
Tajikistan | TJ | #cofogTJ | #isicTJ | #TJlgu |
Tanzania | TZ | #cofogTZ | #isicTZ | #TZlgu |
Thailand | TH | #cofogTH | #isicTH | #THlgu |
Timor-Leste | TL | #cofogTL | #isicTL | #TLlgu |
Togo | TG | #cofogTG | #isicTG | #TGlgu |
Tokelau* | TK | #cofogTK | #isicTK | #TKlgu |
Tonga | TO | #cofogTO | #isicTO | #TOlgu |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | #cofogTT | #isicTT | #TTlgu |
Tunisia | TN | #cofogTN | #isicTN | #TNlgu |
Turkey | TR | #cofogTR | #isicTR | #TRlgu |
Turkmenistan | TM | #cofogTM | #isicTM | #TMlgu |
Turks and Caicos Islands* | TC | #cofogTC | #isicTC | #TClgu |
Tuvalu* | TV | #cofogTV | #isicTV | #TVlgu |
Uganda | UG | #cofogUG | #isicUG | #UGlgu |
Ukraine | UA | #cofogUA | #isicUA | #UAlgu |
United Arab Emirates | AE | #cofogAE | #isicAE | #AElgu |
United Kingdom | GB | #cofogGB | #isicGB | #GBlgu |
United States of America | US | #cofogUS | #isicUS | #USlgu |
United States of America Minor Outlying Islands | UM | #cofogUM | #isicUM | #UMlgu |
Uruguay | UY | #cofogUY | #isicUY | #UYlgu |
Uzbekistan | UZ | #cofogUZ | #isicUZ | #UZlgu |
Vanuatu | VU | #cofogVU | #isicVU | #VUlgu |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | VE | #cofogVE | #isicVE | #VElgu |
Vietnam | VN | #cofogVN | #isicVN | #VNlgu |
Virgin Islands, British* | VG | #cofogVG | #isicVG | #VGlgu |
Virgin Islands, U.S.* | VI | #cofogVI | #isicVI | #VIlgu |
Wallis and Futuna* | WF | #cofogWF | #isicWF | #WFlgu |
Western Sahara* | EH | #cofogEH | #isicEH | #EHlgu |
Yemen | YE | #cofogYE | #isicYE | #YElgu |
Zambia | ZM | #cofogZM | #isicZM | #ZMlgu |
Zimbabwe | ZW | #cofogZW | #isicZW | #ZWlgu |
Annex 2 - Navigating features in this e-Book
This e-book is not an ordinary e-book. It is explicitly designed to use hyperlinks to online and inline content.
Because of its size, and because it is, like a dictionary or encyclopedia, not intended for linear reading, it is recommended to use:
- the search function provided by both pdf and epub readers;
- the bookmarks for part and chapter headings, which show the overall structure of the e-book (See Figure A.1).
As long as the pdf and epub versions do not support bookmarks for sections below the chapters, use inline hyperlinks based on the TOCs of the sub-sections, with a backlink from the sub-section to the containing section where the TOC is located.

- Hyperlinks to online content
- Inline Hyperlinks
- Other uses of hashtags
- Provide #tagcoding manuals in your language
Hyperlinks to online content
Hyperlinks to online content make it a media enhanced book.
In the pdf version of the e-book, such hyperlinks appear as footnotes.
A media enhanced book offers benefits to participants in the knowledge chain. These benefits are based on the use of hyperlinks and hashtags to extend the story of the book with content that is available on the web and with discourse on social platforms. Content that is in the public domain is called content commons and should, in principle, be available to all under the same access regime, free of charge and with no restrictions on re-use. Content that is protected by copyright is called proprietary content. It can be accessed for a fee or for free, and cannot be re-used without permission from the copyright holder. Access conditions should be comparable for all participants in the same market.
Using hyperlinks to online content commons and proprietary content has several advantages:
- The author can avoid rewriting and repackaging existing content, and can build on the work of others in a direct and transparent way;
- Content on the web can evolve and improve between the time the e-book is created and the time it is read using the hyperlink;
- If the hyperlinked content is in wikis or blogs that support discussion or commentary, readers can add comments to further improve the state of knowledge in the area covered.
Systematised content commons referenced by hyperlinks alert authors and readers to the possibility of contributing to the wider dissemination of content commons or using them in other situations where they can be of benefit. By using and expanding the systematised content commons, their quality and usefulness will gradually improve.
Inline Hyperlinks
While editing the #tagcoding manuals, which often amounted to putting wiki content into e-book format, I missed the convenience of wiki breadcrumbs to navigate from subsections higher up in the content hierarchy. Markdown and related editing formats support linking within a piece.
This e-book and the #tagcoding manuals make extensive use of inline hyperlinks for tables of contents of chapters, sections, and subsections, for links to return to the next level up in the content hierarchy, and for links between chapters and between sections.
In this way, a thousand-plus page #tagcoding eHandbook can be read with the convenience of a wiki without being online. Within the source text, #tagcoding hashtags are used to tag the sections that define them. And access to the source code for the classifications is (or will be) included in the purchase of the e-book on leanpub. This makes it easy to reuse the source text or parts of it in other electronic publications or websites.
Other uses of hashtags
Using hashtags as a means of promoting and tracking a discussion topic also has several advantages, including:
- Anyone with a platform profile that allows tagged posts can contribute to the discussion (or better yet, the platform can allow non-members to read the discussion),
- When systematically defined hashtags are used, it becomes possible to discuss very specific topics, e.g. marine aquaculture in Indonesia via #isic0312ID.
- The use of hashtags by authors and readers supports collaborative scoping and avoids information overload,
- Each hashtag supports a “single-version-of-the-truth” search for the discourse on the platform(s) searched, at any point in time, and across languages.
Tagged discourse helps authors and readers update their knowledge about a particular topic.
If necessary, an author can update and republish an e-book, as supported by Leanpub, for example.
Realized as wikis, the systematized content commons can also be easily updated.
The expectation of improved quality provides a reason to return to specific “content commons” or hashtag searches later.
The systematized content commons in the #tagcoding guidelines are intentionally offered for free. Together we can demonstrate the feasibility of content commons and tagged discourse as pillars for development and low barrier access to knowledge that matters to people’s livelihoods.
Provide #tagcoding manuals in your language
While the #tagcoding handbook is already available in a few languages, providing systematized content commons in other languages will help reach a wider readership and user base for the Societal Architecture. In this way, we can overcome the digital and knowledge divide globally and achieve more poverty reduction and sustainable development impacts. Cooperatively, we can also make such provision [economically viable] (
A number of conditions mutually reinforce each other as enablers for the translation of this e-book:
- The 2030 Agenda hashtags defined in the Actor Atlas are language independent;
- Google Translate supports page-by-page translation of Content Commons;
- Translating models in modeling tools is efficient as only the elements (and comments) need to be translated to translate all views;
- Leanpub supports royalty sharing according to an agreed split between author and (co-)translator.
Part VIII - References
To I-#Tag - II-ISIC - III-COFOG - IV-SDGS - V-CPC - VI-USlgu - VII-Annexes - VIII-References
Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1, UN Statistics Division, 2015. Available from
Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG), UN Statistics Division, 2000 (p. 35-82 of Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose: Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG); Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP); Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (COPNI); Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose (COPP)). Available from
International Standard Industrial Classifications of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Rev.4. Available from
Goossenaerts J. (2024) Hashtags for economic activities and functions of government. LeanPub;
Goossenaerts J. (2024) Hashtags for products and services. LeanPub;
Goossenaerts J. (2022) #tagcoding handbook - Structured hashtags and wikis for an accelerated localization of knowledge. LeanPub;
Singh, J., Hansen, M. T., Podolny, J. M., September 2010. The world is not small for everyone: Inequity in searching for knowledge in organizations. MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 56 (9), 1415–1438. URL
Stiglitz, Joseph. “Scan Globally, Reinvent Locally: Knowledge Infrastructure and the Localization of Knowledge.” In Banking on Knowledge: The Genesis of the Global Development Network, 24-43. Ed. Diane Stone. London: Routledge, 2000.
UN General Assembly, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Sept. 25, 2015.
About the author
Jan Goossenaerts is a social media entrepreneur and a business and architecture consultant specialized in aligning ICT and communications solutions to organizational and societal needs. In 2012 he founded Wikinetix which became a finalist in the 2012 Social Media Leadership Awards. In order to catalyse further the instructive and productive use of the internet and social media he invented #tagcoding and launched the Actor Atlas and the #xy2wiki programme.
Twitter: @collaboratewiki and @ActorAtlas (Actor Atlas)
LinkedIn: Jan Goossenaerts
ORCID: Jan Goossenaerts
Part IV - Sustainable Development Goals - #SDGs
1Taking into account the ongoing World Trade Organization negotiations, the Doha Development Agenda and the mandate of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration.↩
2Taking into account the ongoing World Trade Organization negotiations, the Doha Development Agenda and the mandate of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration.↩