React Hooks
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React Hooks

A collection of React Hooks to use in your own Projects

About the Book

This pdf book contains in the first two parts extracts from the ReactJS documentation with some examples on what hooks are and how to use them. In the following parts the book contains a collection of Hooks for the reader to study, understand and play with them for learning purposes.

Each Hook comes with a short explanation and the codes to make them work or even create your own custom Hooks based on them.

Other books from the author:

Performance Optimized React Applications

ReactJS Documentation

Your First Tech Interview

Frontend Developer Interview Questions

React Redux Documentation

WebAssembly Documentation

Data Structures and Algorithms for Job Interviews

CoffeeScript The Smart Way


Some questions you might have in relation to React Hooks:

What is Hooks in React?

Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are backwards-compatible. This pdf book provides an overview of Hooks and a collection of react hooks to be implemented in your projects.

A Hook is a special function that lets you “hook into” React features. For example, useState is a Hook that lets you add React state to function components. We'll learn other Hooks later.

Why do we use Hooks in React?

If the React community embraces the Hooks proposal, it will reduce the number of concepts you need to juggle when writing React applications. Hooks let you always use functions instead of having to constantly switch between functions, classes, higher-order components, and render props.

How hooks work in React?

A Hook is a react function that lets you use state and react features from a function based component. Hooks let you use the functions instead of switching between HOCs, Classes, and functions. As Hooks are regular Javascript functions, thus you can use the built-in Hooks and create your own custom one.

What problems do React hooks solve?

If the React community embraces [hooks], it will reduce the number of concepts you need to juggle when writing React applications. Hooks let you always use functions instead of having to constantly switch between functions, classes, higher-order components, and render props.

Why React hooks are better than classes?

Easier to decouple logic from UI, making both more reusable. Using hooks, logic and UI are easier to separate. No need for HOC or render props. Hooks do it elegantly with less boilerplate and more intuitive compositions of UI and logic.

Should I learn React hooks or classes?

 You should definitely start with hooks. With the addition of hooksReact has improved in many ways. Generally, hooks are known to be easier to read, write and therefore easier to maintain.

How long does it take to learn React Hooks?

In short, becoming proficient with the basics of React will take you between one and six months. The exact time to master React depends on your prior software development experience and the time you are willing to dedicate toward learning.

Should I learn React Hooks or Redux?

React Hooks is an exciting, non-breaking addition to React js that enables better functional component decomposition and code reuse. You should feel free to use Redux but you should have a justification to do so when you do. Redux has always been more architecture than the library, and unenforced tradition.

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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

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Table of Contents

  • This Book
    • Recommended Resources
    • Recommended Books
  • What are React Hooks ?
    • State Hook
    • Effect Hook
    • Rules of Hooks
  • Building Your Own Hooks
  • useAnimation
  • useAsync
  • useAuth
  • useDarkMode
  • useDebounce
  • useEventListener
  • useFirestoreQuery
  • useHistory
  • useHover
  • useKeyPress
  • useLocalStorage
  • useLockBodyScroll
  • useMedia
  • useMemo
  • useMemoCompare
  • useOnClickOutside
  • useOnScreen
  • usePrevious
  • useRequireAuth
  • useRouter
  • useScript
  • useSpring
  • useTheme
  • useToggle
  • useWhyDidYouUpdate
  • useWindowSize

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