Picasso: Easy Image Loading on Android (The Book + Demo App Code)
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Picasso: Easy Image Loading on Android

The Fast Approach to Build Image-Rich Apps

About the Book

Nowadays apps need to be polished to be successful. Picasso offers an easy way to add images to your app without much hassle. If your Android app uses images, this book will save you a ton of time researching and avoid long evenings of bug fixes. If you value your time, this is something for you.

We cover every functionality of the latest Picasso release. Of course, we'll update the book with future releases.

This book is for beginners and advanced readers as well. We’ll walk you through each topic with direct reference to code examples. Once you’ve worked through this book, you’ll have an extensive knowledge of image loading on Android with Picasso.

The content of this book is completely updated to Picasso 2.5.2! 

What Topics are Covered in this Book?

The list below provides a comprehensive overview of covered topics within the book.

  • Introduction to Picasso
  • Loading and Displaying Images
  • Placeholders, Resizing and Optimized Request Management
  • Image Rotation and Transformations
  • Caching Is Critical
  • Customizing Picasso
  • Practical Code Examples
  • App Release Preparations
  • Appendix: Use & Migrate to Picasso 3.0

Who Is This Book For?

This book is for Android developers who want to get an substantial overview and reference book of Picasso. You’ll benefit from the clearly recognizable code examples in regard to your daily work with Picasso.


If you’re just starting out with Picasso (or coming from any other image loading library like Glide) this book will show you all important parts on how to work with images. The provided code snippets let you jumpstart and create an image-rich app within minutes.


You already worked with Picasso before? You’ll profit from our extensive code snippets and can improve your existing code base. Additionally, the book illustrates various optimizations for an even better user experience.

Code Samples

Every code snippet in the book has been tested. The example project is provided as an extra download. We recommend to download it and check the full code base as you move through the book. We try to keep the code snippets in the book as short as possible. If more context is necessary, the example app's code provides it.

Free Lifetime Updates

We've released this book on Picasso in October 2015 and it's still getting updates. We've been updating the book with every minor Picasso release. We also added new chapters based on reader feedback. The price of the eBook went up along with its value. The first buyers of our products always get the best deal and the lowest price!

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About the Author

Future Studio
Norman Peitek

Norman is passionate Android developer since 2011. He's developed multiple apps, which have been used by millions of users overall. Building high-quality products is always Norman's #1 focus. While working as an Android freelancer and consultant is his day job, he loves teaching and passing on knowledge on the side.

Since 2014, Norman started working on the API side as well. Developing node.js apps is a good alternative and provides some good insight into becoming a better programmer overall.

Norman has a Master's degree from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Feel free to get in touch on twitter @peitek or LinkedIn.

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About the Contributors

Marcus Pöhls
Marcus Pöhls

Marcus is an enthusiastic Android & Java developer. He’s developed multiple production-ready client and server applications. While following the core principle of performance for client apps, he also builds REST+JSON APIs that focus on clear and consistent design.

Besides his day job, sharing knowledge and teaching others has become a characteristic he never wants to miss.

Marcus has a Master’s degree in computer science from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Feel free to get in touch on Twitter @marcuspoehls.

Table of Contents

  • About the Book
    • What Topics are Covered in this Book?
    • Who Is This Book For?
  • Chapter 1 — Image Loading
    • What is Picasso?
    • Basic Usage: Loading Image from a URL
    • Advanced Loading: Loading from Various Sources
  • Chapter 2 — Displaying Images
    • Adapter Usage
    • Placeholders, Errors and Fading
    • Image Resizing
  • Chapter 3 — Advanced Loading and Request Management
    • Callbacks, RemoteViews and Notifications
    • Ordering Requests
    • Request Management
  • Chapter 4 — Image Rotation and Transformations
    • Image Rotation
    • Introduction to Transformations
    • Additional Transformations with Transformation Library
  • Chapter 5 — Caches are Critical
    • Influencing Caching
    • Analyzing Cache Success Rates
  • Chapter 6 — Customizing Picasso
    • Customizing Picasso with Picasso.Builder
    • Influencing Picasso’s Behavior: Replacing the Downloader
    • Catching and Analyzing Errors
    • Analyzing Image Loading with Android Studio Profiler
    • Log Image Loading with Stetho and Chrome Developer Tools
    • Custom Request Handlers
  • Chapter 7 — Practical Use Cases
    • ListView Items with Integrated ImageView
    • Image Loading for RecyclerView and CardView
    • Integrate CardView
  • Chapter 8 — App Release Preparation
    • Enable ProGuard
    • Configure ProGuard Rules for Picasso
    • Obfuscated Stack Traces
  • Appendix — How to Use & Migrate to Picasso’s Upcoming 3.x Version
    • Gradle Dependencies
    • Use Picasso 3.0.0
    • Migrate from Picasso 2.5.2 to Picasso 3.0.0
  • Outro
  • Future Studio Books
    • Retrofit
    • Gson
    • Glide
    • Future Studio Bundle

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