Gson Workbook (The Workbook)
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Gson Workbook

About the Book

We’ve published a book on Gson, which is designed to give you an in-depth learning experience. We specifically tailored it for every Java application and not just Retrofit developers.

The idea of this workbook is three-fold:

  • Give the readers of the Gson book a specific playground to practice the learned theory

  • Let experienced Gson users test their knowledge

  • Offer a way to learn Gson for people who don’t like reading technical books and rather experiment on their own.

We cover a lot of aspect of Gson in this workbook. We’ve roughly 40 tasks for you. If you wish, you can use our project framework. Automated unit tests will tell you if your implementation for that particular task was correct. Of course, every task comes with a sample solution.

What Topics Are Covered in This Workbook?

The list below provides a comprehensive overview of covered topics within the book.

  • Introduction to JSON & JSON-Java mapping

  • Mapping of various Java data type

  • Dive into Gson’s configuration & customization options

  • Multiple tasks on Custom Serializer & Custom Deserializer

  • Four Advanced topics (Streaming, Low-Level-Parsing, …)

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    • Computers and Programming
    • Java
    • Android
    • JavaScript
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About the Author

Future Studio
Norman Peitek

Norman is passionate Android developer since 2011. He's developed multiple apps, which have been used by millions of users overall. Building high-quality products is always Norman's #1 focus. While working as an Android freelancer and consultant is his day job, he loves teaching and passing on knowledge on the side.

Since 2014, Norman started working on the API side as well. Developing node.js apps is a good alternative and provides some good insight into becoming a better programmer overall.

Norman has a Master's degree from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Feel free to get in touch on twitter @peitek or LinkedIn.

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About the Contributors

Christian Fellner
Christian Fellner

Christian is an experienced Software Engineer and consultant working with a wide variety of companies, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

His experiences range across a number of fields and technologies, including web and game development, virtual reality and machine learning.

Christian is an all-round nerd, passionate about outstanding design and creating innovational user experiences.

He has given training to many developers and students since 2011; explaining state of the art technologies and project management methodologies.

Christian has a BSc degree in Computer Systems in Engineering from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Find him on Twitter: @celsiusF.

Marcus Pöhls
Marcus Pöhls

Marcus is an enthusiastic Android & Java developer. He’s developed multiple production-ready client and server applications. While following the core principle of performance for client apps, he also builds REST+JSON APIs that focus on clear and consistent design.

Besides his day job, sharing knowledge and teaching others has become a characteristic he never wants to miss.

Marcus has a Master’s degree in computer science from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Feel free to get in touch on Twitter @marcuspoehls.

Table of Contents

  • About the Workbook
    • What Topics Are Covered in This Book?
  • Chapter 0 — Workbook Basics
    • Task Structure
  • Chapter 1 — Introduction to Java-JSON Mapping
    • A1: Basic Serialization
    • A2: Basic Deserialization
  • Chapter 2 — JSON Mapping with Gson
    • B1: Serialization of Nested Objects
    • B2: Deserialization of Nested Objects
    • B3: Serialization of Nested Java Arrays
    • B4: Deserialization of a Java Arrays
    • B5: Serialization of Java Lists
    • B6: Deserialization of Java Lists
    • B7: Serialization of Java Objects With Nested Lists
    • B8: Deserialization of Java Objects With Nested Lists
    • B9: Serialization of Java Maps
    • B10: Deserialization of Java Maps
    • B11: Serialization of Java Sets
    • B12: Deserialization of Java Sets
  • Chapter 3 — Gson Model Annotations
    • C1: Exclude Model Properties During Serialization
    • C2: Exclude Model Properties During Deserialization
    • C3: Configuration of Exclusion During Serialization & Deserialization
    • C4: Changing Property Name For Serialization
    • C5: Changing Property Name For Deserialization
    • C6: Changing Property Name For Serialization & Deserialization
  • Chapter 4 — Configuring Gson with GsonBuilder
    • D1: Mapping of null Values
    • D2: Exclude Model Properties By Modifier
    • D3: Special Values of Floats & Doubles
    • D4: Versioning of Java Models
    • D5: Customization of Java Date Mapping (1)
    • D6: Customization of Java Date Mapping (2)
    • D7: HTML Escaping
  • Chapter 5 — Advanced Gson Usage
    • E1: Serialization of Java Enums
    • E2: Deserialization & Customization of Java Enums
    • E3: Mapping of Circular References
    • E4: Custom Serialization (1)
    • E5: Custom Serialization (2)
    • E6: Custom Deserialization
    • E7: Custom Instance Creators
  • Chapter 6 — Complex Tasks
    • F1: Low-Level Parsing With Gson
    • F2: Mapping of Polymorphic Lists
    • F3: Serializing on Java Streams
    • F4: Deserializing on Java Streams
  • Outro
  • Future Studio Books
    • Gson
    • Retrofit
    • Picasso
    • Glide
    • Future Studio Bundle

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