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Six Steps to Living Greener

About the Book

Living green used to be the thing that hippies and tree-huggers did. Then, all of a sudden, it moved all the way to what Tesla drivers and super-rich people did.

This little e-book helps you travel your own middle ground by suggesting six simple steps. You don't have to go all the way, and you are free to find your own way around them. Living greener should be a choice that you will make comfortably.

Each of the steps is explained and broken down into clear, manageable fragments that can make sense anywhere you live. The workbook pages help you make the learning personal and let you work out how to apply the green ideas around your home, work, and life.

25% of all profits from this book will go to benefit The Bicycle Relief each year.

About the Author

Wiktor Kostrzewski
Wiktor Kostrzewski

I am (or have been) a teacher, coach, translator, publisher.

I currently live in London, work with people who love books and learning, and spend all my free time cycling or drinking coffee.

To find out more about the ideas I publish about, visit my website.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Step One: Eat Less Meat
    • Eating less meat will save the planet
    • Eating less meat will save you money
    • Eating less meat may (but doesn’t have to) make you healthier
    • Use the workbook
  • Step Two: Drive Cars Less
    • Does it really help?
    • Alternative 1: Public transport
    • Alternative 2: Cycling or walking
    • Alternative 3: sharing cars
    • Use the workbook
  • Step Three: Live More Smart
    • Waste less energy
    • Waste Less Water
    • Waste less food
    • Use the workbook
  • Step Four: Shop More Local
    • Food miles
    • Local community
    • Local taxes
    • Is local food the only way?
    • Use your workbook
  • Step Five: Give More Fairly
    • How much should I give?
    • How to give most effectively?
    • Use your workbook
  • Step Six: Vote Less Evil
    • Use your workbook

Causes Supported

Endangered Language Fund

ELF supports endangered languages all over the world.

ELF is a 501(c)3 founded in 1996 with the goal of supporting endangered language preservation and documentation projects. Our main mechanism for supporting work on endangered languages has been funding grants to individuals, tribes, and museums. ELF’s grants have promoted work in over 30 countries and have seen a wide range of projects, from the development indigenous radio programs in South Dakota, to recording of the last living oral historian of the Shor language of western Siberia, to the establishment of orthographies and literacy materials to be used by endangered language teaching programs all over the world.

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