What I learned by Creating Systems for Five Decades
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What I learned by Creating Systems for Five Decades

Principles to save you thousands of person-hours and a small fortune.

About the Book

As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

By using some of the principles of this book, you will leverage off of the author's 100,000 hours of experience creating systems.

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    • Systems Engineering
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About the Author

Jim Kitzmiller
Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller empowers joy, creativity, and productivity both in corporate settings and private retreats.

He is a systems architect, a software developer, and an author.

With decades of experience in the computer industry, Jim has repeatedly found simple solutions to complex problems.

Simple solutions save clients enormous amounts of time and money.

This ability to identify simple solutions also applies to the self-help / personal development area. Simple solutions, working at the essence of beingness, can save decades of struggle and vast sums of money.

Jim’s guided meditations on YouTube and his blog have had well over a million views and have brought countless heartfelt testimonials filled with gratitude.

Table of Contents

    • Foreword
  • I Welcome
    • 1 Welcome aboard!
    • 2 Welcome
    • 3 Release Cycles
      • 3.1 Waterfall Technique
      • 3.2 Spiral Technique
      • 3.3 Continuous Release
  • II Observing
    • 4 Essential Data
      • 4.1 Tableau
    • 5 Junk Data
    • 6 Presenting Data
    • 7 Perceptions
      • 7.1 Look Upstream
      • 7.2 Look to the Sides
  • III Basics
    • 8 Causes and Effects
    • 9 Simplify Systems
    • 10 Systems Include People
  • IV Estimates
    • 11 Estimates
    • 12 Sign-off phobia
    • 13 Feature creep
    • 14 The world economy is a system.
    • 15 Know What Game You’re Playing
      • 15.1 World Events
    • 16 Security and Privacy
      • 16.1 Computer Viruses
      • 16.2 Ransomware
      • 16.3 Virtual Private Networks
      • 16.4 Private and Secure Email
      • 16.5 Containers
      • 16.6 A Reasonably Secure OS
    • 17 Don’t Be a Pioneer
    • 18 Achilles Heels
      • 18.1 Infrequent backups
      • 18.2 Dependence on hosting company
      • 18.3 Dependence on Cloud Provider
      • 18.4 Dependence on a tool
      • 18.5 Bank Accounts Vulnerable
      • 18.6 Unencrypted Internet connection
      • 18.7 Unencrypted email
      • 18.8 Spying
      • 18.9 Politics
      • 18.10 Facebook spying
      • 18.11 High crime neighborhood
      • 18.12 Limited number of customers
      • 18.13 Cash reserves less than three months operating expenses
      • 18.14 Cash reserves in one place
      • 18.15 Breaking changes where an update pf your software tools causes your software to stop working
      • 18.16 Only one of a necessary item
      • 18.17 Reliance on a vendor. Consider Open Source,
      • 18.18 Intermingling systems. Consider Containers such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Qubes OS
    • 19 See the Value of What You Have
  • Appendix
    • About Jim Kitzmiller
    • Jim’s Software Systems
      • Business Management System
      • Money Status System
      • Report Blaster
      • HOTS (Hughes Online Tracking System)
      • Trucking Company System
      • Plating Company System
    • Jim’s Empowerment Systems
      • Intuitive Chi
      • MultiDimensional Chi
      • Two different meditation systems
      • Novel Writing Course
      • Bliss Exercises
      • Bliss Writing
      • Mozart Flow
    • Jim’s Consulting Services

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