Rocket Fuel for the Soul
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Rocket Fuel for the Soul

Blissercise Seminar Manual

About the Book

Let's Get Blissed

Blissercises™(bliss exercises) go beyond positive thinking. They take that final step of bypassing the logical mind.

Positive thinking operates from the false identity that we think we are. Blissercises are tremendously powerful because of the giant leverage of operating from the observer self.

The 400+ blissercises in this book invite you to look at things differently. When you do this you change. Your whole life changes.

Blissercises feel good. As you do them more and more, you feel better and better.

Enjoy the Joy

You don't have to expend effort to have a blissful life. All you have to do is view things from a different perspective. An experienced blisserciser does this by nature.

With continued blissercising, you get to a very high state of being.

You can do anything better when you feel good, when you feel God.

When you change the way you look at things you literally change yourself. You become a new person.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your blissercising.

What People Are Saying

Jim Kitzmiller has written a practical book aiding the evolution of the soul. It is called Rocket Fuel for the Soul: Blissercise Seminar Manual. I say evolution of the soul because, with the guidance of the questions in these blissercises, I was able to access new understandings that sped up in a most positive way, the way I understood and looked at my world. In a small group which he led, the questions were ones I would not ordinarily ask, nor would I write continually for twenty minutes, and the writings that I produced surprised and amazed me. And gave me food for thought. The blissercises are always completed with a short exercise on gratitude, a direct acknowledgment of the self. Thank you Jim....everyone's experiences in the group were unique.-- Marsha Burack, Author of Reiki: Healing Yourself and Others

Jim Kitzmiller's Rocket Fuel for the Soul provides us with a unique approach to accessing our own deep-seated wisdom through his "20 Minute Blissercises". His e-book is easily accessible online and is extremely easy to use. He gives us choices of hundreds of well-stated questions that only our super-conscious mind can answer. Through these blissercises, the intellect is relaxed, enabling the witness to comes forward with a specific insight that holds the key to the next step on the path with regards to the specific issue in question. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking access to his or her own higher knowledge and wisdom.-- Ron Thurlow, Ph.D.

Hi Jim: Great work on the amazing range of areas you address. I think anyone working on areas in the list that interest him will come away with some great wins. As you may recall, I'm a great advocate of keeping a Journal. With your exercises they can write up aspects of their life and get a new look at them. Great idea! -- Tom Franklin, Author of IQ/IX: Nine Ways to Expand Intelligence & Productivity and Problem Solving Power

I downloaded your ebook and tried some of the blissercises. What a simple, yet powerful process! You've created a fast, easy and profound way for people to their state from disempowered to charged and raring to go (or any other state they choose to experience). I look forward to exploring more of this powerful tool! Thank you!-- Manoj Vijayan, Book Cover Designer

About the Author

Jim Kitzmiller
Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller empowers joy, creativity, and productivity both in corporate settings and private retreats.

He is a systems architect, a software developer, and an author.

With decades of experience in the computer industry, Jim has repeatedly found simple solutions to complex problems.

Simple solutions save clients enormous amounts of time and money.

This ability to identify simple solutions also applies to the self-help / personal development area. Simple solutions, working at the essence of beingness, can save decades of struggle and vast sums of money.

Jim’s guided meditations on YouTube and his blog have had well over a million views and have brought countless heartfelt testimonials filled with gratitude.

Table of Contents

  • Part 1 — About Blissercises™
    • Introduction
    • Benefits
    • Lead A Seminar or Retreat
    • Blissercises
    • Spoken Blissercises
    • Create Your Own Blissercises
    • Beyond Cause and Effect
      • The Nonlinear World
  • I Part 2 — Blissercises
    • 1. Abundance
      • 1.1 Abundance - Acceptance
      • 1.2 Abundance - Deserving
      • 1.3 Abundance - Opportunities
      • 1.4 Abundance - Sharing
      • 1.5 Abundance - Willingness
    • 2. Admiration
      • 2.1 Admiration - Listening
      • 2.2 Admiration - Silence
      • 2.3 Admiration - Speaking
    • 3. Adventure
      • 3.1 Adventure - Assertiveness
      • 3.2 Adventure - Attitude
      • 3.3 Adventure - Daring
      • 3.4 Adventure - New Things
    • 4. Appreciation
      • 4.1 Appreciation - Gifts
      • 4.2 Appreciation - Happy Talk
      • 4.3 Appreciation - Having
      • 4.4 Appreciation - One Day
      • 4.5 Appreciation - Unfolding
    • 5. Balance
      • 5.1 Balance - Allowing
      • 5.2 Balance - Breathing
      • 5.3 Balance - Quiet Mind
    • 6. Business
      • 6.1 Business - Clients
      • 6.2 Business - Getting Paid
      • 6.3 Business - Marketing
      • 6.4 Business - Presentation
    • 7. Certainty
      • 7.1 Certainty - Being
      • 7.2 Certainty - Faith
      • 7.3 Certainty - Love
      • 7.4 Certainty - Speaking
    • 8. Clarity
      • 8.1 Clarity - Agreements
      • 8.2 Clarity - Expression
      • 8.3 Clarity - Mission
      • 8.4 Clarity - Service
      • 8.5 Clarity - Vision
    • 9. Creativity
      • 9.1 Creativity - Acting
      • 9.2 Creativity - Being Creative
      • 9.3 Creativity - Blissercises
      • 9.4 Creativity - Combinations
      • 9.5 Creativity - Divine Inspiration
      • 9.6 Creativity - Grace
      • 9.7 Creativity - Great Writer
      • 9.8 Creativity - Ideas
      • 9.9 Creativity - Imagination
      • 9.10 Creativity - Inspiring
      • 9.11 Creativity - Interest
      • 9.12 Creativity - Loving Writing
      • 9.13 Creativity - Multidimensional
      • 9.14 Creativity - Organizing
      • 9.15 Creativity - Self
      • 9.16 Creativity - Step Back
      • 9.17 Creativity - Uses
    • 10. Decision
      • 10.1 Decision - Discernment
      • 10.2 Decision - Truth
    • 11. Desire
      • 11.1 Desire - Divine Will
      • 11.2 Desire - Freedom
      • 11.3 Desire - Having
      • 11.4 Desire - Surrender
    • 12. Divinity
      • 12.1 Divinity - Others
      • 12.2 Divinity - Seeing in Others
      • 12.3 Divinity - Self
      • 12.4 Divinity - Space
      • 12.5 Divinity - Surrender to God’s Will
    • 13. Empowerment
      • 13.1 Empowerment - Creating
      • 13.2 Empowerment - Ethics Presnece
      • 13.3 Empowerment - People 1
      • 13.4 Empowerment - People 2
      • 13.5 Empowerment - Situations 1
      • 13.6 Empowerment - Situations 2
      • 13.7 Empowerment - Skills
      • 13.8 Empowerment - Words
    • 14. Feeling Good
      • 14.1 Feeling Good - Action
      • 14.2 Feeling Good - Better
      • 14.3 Feeling Good - Choice
      • 14.4 Feeling Good - Lot Better
    • 15. Feelings
      • 15.1 Feelings - Acceptance
      • 15.2 Feelings - Acceptance
      • 15.3 Feelings - Openness
      • 15.4 Feelings - Others
    • 16. Flow
      • 16.1 Flow - Allowing
      • 16.2 Flow - Loving
      • 16.3 Flow - Perfection
    • 17. Forgiveness
      • 17.1 Forgiveness - Boss
      • 17.2 Forgiveness - Certain Person
      • 17.3 Forgiveness - Everyone
      • 17.4 Forgiveness - Father
      • 17.5 Forgiveness - Mother
      • 17.6 Forgiveness - Myself
      • 17.7 Forgiveness - Significant Other
    • 18. Freedom
      • 18.1 Freedom - Doing
      • 18.2 Freedom - Faith
      • 18.3 Freedom - Outcomes
      • 18.4 Freedom - Smell the Roses
      • 18.5 Freedom - Time
      • 18.6 Freedom - Travel
      • 18.7 Freedom - Vacations
    • 19. Future
      • 19.1 Future - Abundant
      • 19.2 Future - Alignment
      • 19.3 Future - Now
      • 19.4 Future - Perfect
    • 20. God
      • 20.1 God - Accepting
      • 20.2 God - Aware of Love
      • 20.3 God - Connection
      • 20.4 God - Dedication
      • 20.5 God - Deserving
      • 20.6 God - Feeling the Space
      • 20.7 God - Focus
      • 20.8 God - Gratitude
      • 20.9 God - Guidance
      • 20.10 God - Let Go
      • 20.11 God - My Mind
      • 20.12 God - Power
      • 20.13 God - Sensing
      • 20.14 God - Standing Aside
      • 20.15 God - Support
      • 20.16 God - Surrender
      • 20.17 God - Trust
      • 20.18 God - Unfoldment
    • 21. Gratitude
      • 21.1 Gratitude - Daily
      • 21.2 Gratitude - Expression
      • 21.3 Gratitude - Practice
    • 22. Happiness
      • 22.1 Happiness - Abundant
      • 22.2 Happiness - Bliss for Everyone
      • 22.3 Happiness - Bliss
      • 22.4 Happiness - Blissercises
      • 22.5 Happiness - Daily Wonder
      • 22.6 Happiness - Feeling Great
      • 22.7 Happiness - Feeling
      • 22.8 Happiness - Finding Good
      • 22.9 Happiness - Flow of Bliss
      • 22.10 Happiness - Following Bliss
      • 22.11 Happiness - Friends
      • 22.12 Happiness - Increasing
      • 22.13 Happiness - Increasing
      • 22.14 Happiness - Life Energy
      • 22.15 Happiness - Living
      • 22.16 Happiness - Morning
      • 22.17 Happiness - Positive
      • 22.18 Happiness - Priority
      • 22.19 Happiness - Sense of Humor
      • 22.20 Happiness - Simplicity
      • 22.21 Happiness - Vibrations
      • 22.22 Happiness - Well Being
    • 23. Health
      • 23.1 Health - Breath
      • 23.2 Health - Care
      • 23.3 Health - Choice
      • 23.4 Health - Energy
      • 23.5 Health - Example
      • 23.6 Health - Exercise
      • 23.7 Health - Feeling God’s Love
      • 23.8 Health - Image
      • 23.9 Health - Loving My Body
      • 23.10 Health - Nutrition
      • 23.11 Health - Presence
      • 23.12 Health - Sensations
      • 23.13 Health - Sports
    • 24. Identity
      • 24.1 Identity - Approval
      • 24.2 Identity - Beliefs
      • 24.3 Identity - Body
      • 24.4 Identity - Doing
      • 24.5 Identity - Expectations
      • 24.6 Identity - Feelings
      • 24.7 Identity - Loving Space
      • 24.8 Identity - Mind
      • 24.9 Identity - Observing
      • 24.10 Identity - Possessions
      • 24.11 Identity - Self-Determination
      • 24.12 Identity - State of Being
      • 24.13 Identity - Values
      • 24.14 Identity - Witness
    • 25. Karma
      • 25.1 Karma - Forgiveness
      • 25.2 Karma - Help from God
      • 25.3 Karma - Own Value
      • 25.4 Karma - Service
    • 26. Kindness
      • 26.1 Kindness - All Life Forms
      • 26.2 Kindness - To Everyone
    • 27. Learning
      • 27.1 Learning - Daily
      • 27.2 Learning - Insights
      • 27.3 Learning - Languages
      • 27.4 Learning - Others Beliefs
      • 27.5 Learning - Perspectives
      • 27.6 Learning - Words
    • 28. Life
      • 28.1 Life - A Blast
      • 28.2 Life - Adventure
      • 28.3 Life - Allowing Energy
      • 28.4 Life - Amazement
      • 28.5 Life - Balance
      • 28.6 Life - Courage
      • 28.7 Life - Creative
      • 28.8 Life - Experiencing Good
      • 28.9 Life - Fairness
      • 28.10 Life - Flow
      • 28.11 Life - Grace
      • 28.12 Life - Gratitude
      • 28.13 Life - Honor Others’ Values
      • 28.14 Life - Lifestyles
      • 28.15 Life - Positive
      • 28.16 Life - Satisfaction
      • 28.17 Life - Sense of Humor
      • 28.18 Life - Simplicity
      • 28.19 Life - Spontaneous
      • 28.20 Life - Truth
    • 29. Life Purpose
      • 29.1 Life Purpose - A Bit Every Day
      • 29.2 Life Purpose - Doing What I Love
      • 29.3 Life Purpose - Loving the Task
    • 30. Love
      • 30.1 Love - Acceptance
      • 30.2 Love - All
      • 30.3 Love - Being Loving
      • 30.4 Love - Body Cells
      • 30.5 Love - Hostile People
    • 31. Manifestation
      • 31.1 Manifestation - Belief
      • 31.2 Manifestation - Deserving
      • 31.3 Manifestation - Empowerment
      • 31.4 Manifestation - Positive Vision
    • 32. Money
      • 32.1 Money - Acceptance
      • 32.2 Money - Any Amount
      • 32.3 Money - Appreciating Value
      • 32.4 Money - Belief
      • 32.5 Money - Creativity
      • 32.6 Money - Deserving the Best
      • 32.7 Money - Financial Creativity
      • 32.8 Money - Finding Wants
      • 32.9 Money - Hidden Resources
      • 32.10 Money - Multi-Billionaire
      • 32.11 Money - My Value
      • 32.12 Money - My Value
      • 32.13 Money - Opinion of Products
      • 32.14 Money - Opinion of Services
      • 32.15 Money - Opportunities Everywhere
      • 32.16 Money - Others’ Resources
      • 32.17 Money - Promoting Products
      • 32.18 Money - Promoting Self
      • 32.19 Money - Promoting Services
      • 32.20 Money - Receiving
      • 32.21 Money - Resources
      • 32.22 Money - Resources
      • 32.23 Money - Satisfaction
      • 32.24 Money - Seeing Resources
      • 32.25 Money - Seeing
      • 32.26 Money - Self Opinion
      • 32.27 Money - Sensing Resources
      • 32.28 Money - Unlimited Resources
      • 32.29 Money - Uses for Everything
      • 32.30 Money - Using Resources
    • 33. Morale
      • 33.1 Morale - Appreciation
      • 33.2 Morale - Contributions
      • 33.3 Morale - Progress
      • 33.4 Morale - Service
    • 34. Now
      • 34.1 Now - Alertness
      • 34.2 Now - Awareness
      • 34.3 Now - Breathing
      • 34.4 Now - Deliberateness
      • 34.5 Now - Divinity
      • 34.6 Now - Doingness With Power
      • 34.7 Now - Enjoyment
      • 34.8 Now - God
      • 34.9 Now - Goodness Everywhere
      • 34.10 Now - Illusion
      • 34.11 Now - Observer
      • 34.12 Now - Perfection
      • 34.13 Now - Quiet Mind
      • 34.14 Now - Silence
    • 35. Order
      • 35.1 Order - Cleaning
      • 35.2 Order - Environment
      • 35.3 Order - Organization
      • 35.4 Order - Sense
    • 36. Past
      • 36.1 Past - Creating Wonder
      • 36.2 Past - Perfect
    • 37. Peace
      • 37.1 Peace - Basic Survival
      • 37.2 Peace - Mind
      • 37.3 Peace - Quiet Mind
      • 37.4 Peace - Relaxation
    • 38. Perfection
      • 38.1 Perfection - Boss
      • 38.2 Perfection - Father
      • 38.3 Perfection - Fixing People
      • 38.4 Perfection - Focus
      • 38.5 Perfection - Hidden Beauty
      • 38.6 Perfection - In Self
      • 38.7 Perfection - Learning
      • 38.8 Perfection - Mother
      • 38.9 Perfection - Recognition
      • 38.10 Perfection - Saving World
      • 38.11 Perfection - Seeing
      • 38.12 Perfection - Significant Other
    • 39. Physical
      • 39.1 Physical - Being Graceful
      • 39.2 Physical - Dancing
      • 39.3 Physical - Graceful expression
    • 40. Power
      • 40.1 Power - Accepting Help
      • 40.2 Power - Accepting
      • 40.3 Power - Accepting
      • 40.4 Power - Attention to People
      • 40.5 Power - Boost
      • 40.6 Power - Choice
      • 40.7 Power - Decision
      • 40.8 Power - Empower Others
      • 40.9 Power - Empowerment 1
      • 40.10 Power - Empowerment 2
      • 40.11 Power - Encouragement
      • 40.12 Power - Energy
      • 40.13 Power - Focus
      • 40.14 Power - Honoring Others
      • 40.15 Power - Serve from Power
      • 40.16 Power - Service
    • 41. Productivity
      • 41.1 Productivity - Being It
      • 41.2 Productivity - Ease
      • 41.3 Productivity - Feeling It
      • 41.4 Productivity - Focus 1
      • 41.5 Productivity - Focus 2
      • 41.6 Productivity - Focus 3
      • 41.7 Productivity - Focus 4
      • 41.8 Productivity - Getting Things Done
      • 41.9 Productivity - Intelligence
      • 41.10 Productivity - Loving It
      • 41.11 Productivity - One Thing at a Time
      • 41.12 Productivity - Resources
      • 41.13 Productivity - Variety
    • 42. Relationships
      • 42.1 Relationships - Accepting an Individual
      • 42.2 Relationships - Accepting As Is
      • 42.3 Relationships - Being Considerate
      • 42.4 Relationships - Bliss
      • 42.5 Relationships - Bringing Out Best
      • 42.6 Relationships - Caring
      • 42.7 Relationships - Communication
      • 42.8 Relationships - Compassion
      • 42.9 Relationships - Connecting At Soul Level
      • 42.10 Relationships - Connecting
      • 42.11 Relationships - Divine Space
      • 42.12 Relationships - Expressing Feelings
      • 42.13 Relationships - Expressing Feelings
      • 42.14 Relationships - Feel Your Feelings
      • 42.15 Relationships - Friends
      • 42.16 Relationships - Gestures
      • 42.17 Relationships - Gratitude
      • 42.18 Relationships - Having Feelings
      • 42.19 Relationships - How Other People Live
      • 42.20 Relationships - How Others Do Things
      • 42.21 Relationships - Inspiring Others
      • 42.22 Relationships - Kindness
      • 42.23 Relationships - Listening
      • 42.24 Relationships - Loving Everyone
      • 42.25 Relationships - Loving How I Talk
      • 42.26 Relationships - Loving Others
      • 42.27 Relationships - New Friends
      • 42.28 Relationships - Noticing Good
      • 42.29 Relationships - Other Peoples’ Way of Organizing
      • 42.30 Relationships - Others’ Values
      • 42.31 Relationships - Real Answers
      • 42.32 Relationships - Really Caring
      • 42.33 Relationships - Respecting Beliefs
      • 42.34 Relationships - Respecting Others
      • 42.35 Relationships - See Divinity
      • 42.36 Relationships - Seeing the Best
      • 42.37 Relationships - Sensing Feelings
      • 42.38 Relationships - Silent Gratitude
      • 42.39 Relationships - Similarities
      • 42.40 Relationships - Smiling Eyes
    • 43. Respect
      • 43.1 Respect - Living Space
      • 43.2 Respect - My Body
      • 43.3 Respect - My Contributions
      • 43.4 Respect - My Feelings
      • 43.5 Respect - Others’ Beliefs
      • 43.6 Respect - Others’ Contributions
      • 43.7 Respect - Others’ Ideas
      • 43.8 Respect - Others’ Living Space
      • 43.9 Respect - Others’ Words
      • 43.10 Respect - Others’ Work
      • 43.11 Respect - Others
      • 43.12 Respect - Own Ideas
      • 43.13 Respect - Self
      • 43.14 Respect - Speaking
      • 43.15 Respect - Talking to Others
    • 44. Responsibility
      • 44.1 Responsibility - Being Responsible
      • 44.2 Responsibility - Doing More
      • 44.3 Responsibility - Own Condition
    • 45. Self-Confidence
      • 45.1 Self-Confidence - Feeling Capable
      • 45.2 Self-Confidence - Feeling Power
      • 45.3 Self-Confidence - Feeling Valuable
      • 45.4 Self-Confidence - Greatness
      • 45.5 Self-Confidence - Having It
      • 45.6 Self-Confidence - Helping Self and Others
      • 45.7 Self-Confidence - Helping
      • 45.8 Self-Confidence - Intelligence
      • 45.9 Self-Confidence - Memory
      • 45.10 Self-Confidence - Personal Value
      • 45.11 Self-Confidence - Playing My Game
      • 45.12 Self-Confidence - Power to Help
      • 45.13 Self-Confidence - Promoting Self
      • 45.14 Self-Confidence - Public Speaking
      • 45.15 Self-Confidence - Public Speaking
      • 45.16 Self-Confidence - Specific Area
      • 45.17 Self-Confidence - Writing
    • 46. Self-Esteem
      • 46.1 Self-Esteem - Accepting My Feelings
      • 46.2 Self-Esteem - Accepting My Thoughts
      • 46.3 Self-Esteem - Better Person
      • 46.4 Self-Esteem - Expressing Feelings
      • 46.5 Self-Esteem - Feeling Feelings
      • 46.6 Self-Esteem - Feeling Good About Me
      • 46.7 Self-Esteem - Forgiveness
      • 46.8 Self-Esteem - Happiness
      • 46.9 Self-Esteem - I Am Loving
      • 46.10 Self-Esteem - Keeping Word
      • 46.11 Self-Esteem - Love from Others
      • 46.12 Self-Esteem - Loving How I Look
      • 46.13 Self-Esteem - Loving How I Talk
      • 46.14 Self-Esteem - Loving My Body
      • 46.15 Self-Esteem - My Perfection
      • 46.16 Self-Esteem - Praise and Admiration
      • 46.17 Self-Esteem - Seeing My Own Perfection
      • 46.18 Self-Esteem - Self Compassion
      • 46.19 Self-Esteem - Self Love
      • 46.20 Self-Esteem - Values
    • 47. Self-Expression
      • 47.1 Self-Expression - Elevator Pitches
      • 47.2 Self-Expression - Identity
      • 47.3 Self-Expression - Interests
      • 47.4 Self-Expression - Journal
      • 47.5 Self-Expression - Profession
    • 48. Self-Image
      • 48.1 Self-Image - Appearance 2
      • 48.2 Self-Image - Appearance
      • 48.3 Self-Image - Competent
      • 48.4 Self-Image - Divine
      • 48.5 Self-Image - Honest
      • 48.6 Self-Image - Loving
    • 49. Service
      • 49.1 Service - Able to Contribute
      • 49.2 Service - Contributions
      • 49.3 Service - Devotional Service
      • 49.4 Service - Empowered to Serve
      • 49.5 Service - Power to Serve
    • 50. Work
      • 50.1 Work - Choice of Focus
      • 50.2 Work - Current Circumstances
      • 50.3 Work - Great Job
      • 50.4 Work - Interest
      • 50.5 Work - Loving My Profession
      • 50.6 Work - Memory
      • 50.7 Work - Organizing
      • 50.8 Work - Promises
  • Part 3 — Conclusion
    • Congratulations
    • Write a Testimonial
    • Tell a Friend
    • What lies ahead?
    • About the Author
    • Updates
      • August 3, 2013
      • July 14, 2013

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