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About the Book
These are the revised and illustrated notes of the BPM3 lecture of the Master in Management and Informatics held at the Faculty of Informatics and Economics at USI Lugano, Switzerland during the Spring of 2025.
The book includes all slides and the script for all lectures:
- Introduction
- Modeling
- Mining
- Improvement
- Simulation
- Automation
About the Author
Cesare Pautasso is full professor at the Software Institute at USI, Lugano, Switzerland. Previously he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Lab. His research group focuses on the Architecture, design and engineering of next-generation Web information systems. He is co-author of "SOA with REST" (2012), "Just Send an Email: Anti-Patterns for Email-Centric Organizations" (2015), the "BPMN Sketch Miner" (2019), "Software Architecture: visual lecture notes" (2020), "Business Process Modeling, Management and Mining: visual lecture notes" (2021), "Beautiful APIs" (2021), "Beautiful API Evolution" (2021), "Beautiful Big APIs" (2022), "RESTful Dictionary" (2022), "Web Atelier: visual lecture notes" (2023), "Patterns for API Design : Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges" (2023), "Unethical Software Engineering: Dark Patterns" (2024).