Build Native Java Apps with GraalVM
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Build Native Java Apps with GraalVM

Java Going Native in Cloud-native era

About the Book

Use GraalVM to build native Java apps

Based on GraalVM 23.1.1 (OpenJDK 21.0.1)

About the Author

Fu Cheng
Fu Cheng

Full-stack software developer and content creator.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Introduction to Native Java Apps
      • Traditional Java Apps
      • Cloud-Native Java Apps
        • Container Image Size
        • App Startup Time
        • Memory Consumption
    • GraalVM
      • JIT vs. AOT
        • JIT
        • AOT
      • Native Image
      • Limitations
      • GraalVM and OpenJDK
    • Installation
      • Local Installation
        • GraalVM Versioning
        • Install
          • Linux / macOS
          • Windows
        • Configure
        • Install Native Image
      • Run in Containers
  • Native Image
    • native-image
      • Basic Usage
      • Fallback Image
      • Build Output
    • Command Line Options
      • Basic Options
      • Non-standard Options
    • Reflection
      • Automatic Detection
        • With Constant Names
        • With Non-constant Names
      • Manual Configuration
      • Reflection at Image Build Time
    • Class Initialization
      • Class Initialization Strategy
      • Debug Class Initialization
      • Common Errors
        • Wrong Initialization Stage
    • Dynamic Proxy
      • Automatic Detection
      • Manual Configuration
    • Resources
      • Resource Files
        • Configuration
        • Debug Resource Registration
      • Locales
        • Default Locale
        • Include Locales
      • Resource Bundles
    • Memory Management
      • Garbage Collectors
        • Serial GC
        • Epsilon GC
        • G1 GC
      • Memory Configurations
      • GC Logs
    • Tracing Agent
      • Basic Usage
      • Build Configuration
      • Advanced Usage
        • Filters
          • Filter File
          • Caller-based Filters
          • Access Filters
        • Trace Files
    • Static and Mostly Static Images
      • Static Images
      • Mostly Static Images
      • Container Image
  • Developer Guide
    • GraalVM Integration
      • GraalVM SDK
      • Feature
        • Feature Interface
        • Write Custom Features
          • A Simple Feature
          • Enable with --features
          • Enable with @AutomaticFeature
        • Provide Runtime Configurations
          • Class Initialization
          • Reflection
          • Serialization
          • Resources
          • Dynamic Proxy
          • Summary
        • Example
        • Advanced Features
          • Feature Inclusion
          • Feature Dependencies
      • Substitution
        • Target Class
        • Alias
          • @Alias
          • @Delete
          • @Substitute
          • @AnnotateOriginal
        • Delete
        • Replace
        • Target Element
        • Recompute Field Value
          • Target Class
          • Kind
            • Reset
            • NewInstance
            • FromAlias
            • FieldOffset
            • ArrayBaseOffset and ArrayIndexShift
            • AtomicFieldUpdaterOffset
            • Manual
            • Custom
        • Inject Accessor
        • Inject
    • JDK Flight Recorder
      • Basic Usage
      • Custom Events
  • Frameworks
    • Quarkus
      • Build Container Images
      • Native Image
        • Configurations
        • Resources
        • Reflections
        • Class Initialization
        • Dynamic Proxy
      • Internals
  • Tools
    • GraalVM Dashboard
      • Dashboard Data Dump
        • Options
          • Dump Path
          • Scope of Dump Data
          • Dump Format
        • Usage
      • View Dashboard
        • Code Size Breakdown
        • Heap Size Breakdown
        • Points-to Exploration

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